2017 Thanksgiving Missions Conference
November 13-14-15, 2017
New Hope Baptist Church | Dearborn Heights MI
Pastor Terry Adkins
“…how He had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles.” Acts 14:27
For directions to New Hope Baptist Church or information on lodging, please contact: Pastor Terry Adkins (313)562-5579 or pastorterrynewhope@yahoo.com
PLEASE NOTE AND PLAN TO ATTEND EACH SESSION: since this is a MISSIONS CONFERENCE in the interests of the Missionaries who are supported through Baptist Faith Missions, we are making every effort to present every one of our missionaries, especially those whom you have not seen or heard in-person over the past year. They will either be present and preaching in person or we are making arrangements to stream and project a personal visit with them via Skype.
MONDAY EVENING, November 13th
5:00 pm Dinner
6:30 pm Music
6:45 pm Singing
7:15 pm Message: Pastor George Sledd, Jordan Baptist Church, Sanford FL
8:00 pm Singing
8:25 pm Message: Missionary John Mark Hatcher, Tournefeuille, FRANCE
TUESDAY MORNING, November 14th
9:15 am Music
9:30 am Singing
9:45 am Meet Your Missionary via Skype: Missionary Judson Hatcher, Sao Paulo, BRAZIL
10:15 am Meet Your Missionary via Skype: Missionary Roger Tate, Kitale, KENYA
11:00 am Break
11:15 am Message: Missionary AJ Hensley, Caraguatatuba, BRAZIL
12:00 Noon LUNCH
1:30 pm BFM Advisory Meeting. Everyone is welcome. Please attend and feel free to ask any questions you might have about BFM or OUR MISSIONARIES.
TUESDAY EVENING, November 14th
5:00 pm Dinner
6:30 pm Music
7:00 pm Meet Your Missionary via Skype: Missionary Mike Creiglow, Cruzeiro do Sul, BRAZIL
7:30 pm Singing
7:45 pm Message: Missionary Bobby Wacaser, Curitiba, BRAZIL
8:30 pm Meet Your Missionary via Skype: Missionary Odali Barros, Iranduba, BRAZIL
9:45 am Music
10:00 am Singing
10:15 am Message: Pastor Sheridan Stanton, Berea Baptist Church, Hiddenite NC
11:00 am Singing
11:15 am Message: Pastor Mark Pyles, Grace Baptist Church of Fairborn, Fairborn OH
12:00 Noon LUNCH