Missionary Update: Mike & Beverly Creiglow in Brazil [September 2014]
Posted on 13Sep CATEGORIES: Mike & Beverly Creiglow [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: Beverly Creiglow, church planting in Brazil, Mike Creiglow, Miritizal, Nova Cintra, Nova Igreja Batista, Porto Walter, Rivaldo
September 12, 2014
Dear Brethren,
Hello from the…….States! Right now Bev and I are on a short vacation in the States. So I am writing this from the mission house in Lexington, Kentucky. But before this could happen we had a lot to happen in Brazil.
The week before we left home I had several short mission trips to make.
The river is very low and the summer (dry season) is in full swing. Manuel and I headed 100 miles up river to Porto Walter to visit our congregation there and start the construction of their new building. It took us 9 hours in one of our aluminum canoes. Not bad for as low as the river is. We started laying out the position of the foundations and doing some digging the same day and worked into the night. The next day we managed to get a backhoe to do the biggest job on the lot. We managed to square up and level everything to begin the actual foundations. I just talked to Hudson and Manuel and they are up there, as I write, working on the footers.
The same week we went across river to Miritizal to build the first truss for that new work. We had plenty of help from the members so it went pretty quickly. Just yesterday they sent me a picture of what they have done. They have the building under roof. This is the way I like to see things happen. I gave them a little help, instructed them on how to proceed and the task is finished while I rest up here in the US!
The weekend before leaving Cruzeiro do Sul I was able to visit our missionary Rivaldo at Nova Cintra. Most of the year I would go there by river, but in the dry season it can be reached by a narrow dirt road. They are in a brand new building and had over 200 people inside and almost that many that couldn’t get in. They are doing really great. One woman made a profession of faith on Saturday night.
On Tuesday, August 26th, Bev and I went to Manaus for our conference at Nova Igreja Batista. David Hatcher is pastor and has done a super job with this training/fellowship conference that happens every 2 years. There were pastors and leaders from 13 states, 5 countries and 39 different cities. We had over 30 from our home town. Unfortunately for me I took the flu along for the ride. I was able to go to the opening banquet and the last service. By Saturday night I was able to preach. There were over 3000 present. Bev and I went from church straight to the airport to catch our flight to the States.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike and Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil 69980
mdcreig [at] hotmail.com