Monthly General Fund Solvency Goal
We continue to appeal to you to help us maintain and increase our monthly General Fund offerings. So far this year [January-October], we have averaged $35,000.00 per month. Included in that average monthly amount, there were several months we received extraordinary gifts of a “one-time” kind. We call them “windfalls of grace”. But, sometimes God supplies our usual needs through very unusual means.
We are going to make it through the year, it appears, without having to make deductions from our missionaries’ monthly deposits to meet the expenses of their Essential Maintenance Transactions disbursements. These EMT [or ‘Tier 1”] disbursements must be supplied from the monthly General Fund offerings so we can use the remaining Thanksgiving Offering funds to finance all the other commitments and services we provide for our missionaries from the General Fund.
Here is how we have made it: [1] YOUR REGULAR MONTHLY OFFERINGS TO THE GENERAL FUND. You who give regularly to the General Fund keep our missionaries on the field. Every one of you doesn’t give the same dollar amount, but every one of you is an essential contributor to the cause. [2] SOME OF YOU HAVE INCREASED YOUR MONTHLY GENERAL FUND OFFERINGS. Some of you have emailed or called and notified me of what you have done. Others of you have just increased your regular giving to the General Fund. We have noticed, and so has the Lord. We bless God for each of you. [3] SOME OF YOU HAVE GIVEN EXTRAORDINARY OFFERINGS TO THE GENERAL FUND THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. We noted that above.
But, through all these means and by all of us giving together, God has supplied our missionaries’ needs. Even at that, what we commit to our missionaries as the Lord provides through your giving, is still so modest. We want to do more. So, HELP US MEET OUR MONTHLY $50,000.00 GENERAL FUND OFFERING GOAL BY GIVING A REGULAR MONTHLY PERSONAL GIFT.