We received this message from Asa Mark Bratcher on Saturday, 5 February
Dear Loved Ones, Prayer Partners, and dear brothers and sisters in Our Savior:
Yesterday evening at 10:39 pm, my dear mother, Marie Moore Bratcher, went to meet her Savior. She took a turn for the worse yesterday morning. She was well cared for, and went to glory very peacefully. The funeral will be tomorrow, Sunday at 3pm. Pray for us, certainly our temporary loss is Heaven’s permanent gain. She was a faithful servant of her Lord, and her sufferings have ceased. What a Savior!
Asa Mark, Lucia, Harold and Stephen
You may correspond with Brother Bratcher through these means:
physical address: Rua Francisco Jose Furtado #2 | Bairro de Sao Francisco | 69.079-200 Manaus, Amazonas BRASIL
home phone number: 011 55 92 36112331
email [via Asa Mark]: harold_bratcher@yahoo.com
Any designated love offerings for Brother Bratcher will be deeply appreciated. There are considerable expenses from her extended hospitalization and medical services and funeral expenses. You may send them to BFM’s treasurer @ Baptist Faith Missions | c/o George Sledd | P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe FL 32771. Be sure to designate your offerings for HAROLD BRATCHER LOVE OFFERING
Dear All,
A wonderful New Year of 2011 to each of you. Please pray for Mom as last week she came down with bronchitis, and swelling of her legs. Finally convinced them yesterday to let us take her to the emergency room. She was there from 9:30pm to 4am, this morning. The doctor ran several tests, and said she had pneumonia in the beginning stages. She was medicated, put on an IV, inhalation, etc. and released. Picked up her medications, and she is better this morning, but still not out of the woods, and needs your prayers. They are celebrating their 56th wedding anniversary today. Thanks.
In His Service, Asa Mark and Lucia
Dear All Loved Ones, Friends and Family:
Today on my 55th Birthday, would like as a great gift my mother’s recovery from pneumonia. She had improved a bit, with the medication and doctor’s visit. The swelling of her legs had gone down. Then early Monday morning she took a turn for the worse. We had to call the ambulance to take her to the emergency room, and then she was admitted to the hospital. They tried 3 times to insert a feeding tube without success. I am on my way to the hospital now and will keep you informed. Please continue with your prayers.
In His Service, Asa Mark and Lucia
Dear Loved Ones, Family, Friends and Prayer Partners:
I just returned from the hospital where Dad and I were able to visit Mom. She is being treated very well. She looked and sounded better. It is hard for her to speak because of the feeding tube. The Doctor said she has to stay there for 7 days, and then by God’s grace she will be able to walk out. Continue to pray that his words may be truly prophetic. He also said she should have never been released 8 days ago when we took her to the emergency room. Thanks for all the prayers, and notes of encouragement that so many have sent.
Also, many thanks for the many birthday wishes.
In His Service, Asa Mark, Lucia and Harold Bratcher—
Dear Loved Ones, Family, Friends, Praying Partners and all who love Marie Bratcher:
I was waiting to return from the hospital to give you an update on Mom. I just returned from there, was the only visitor this pm, and was saddened by her condition. She may be a little bit better as to the coughing, but her body is full of those red sore spots. A couple broke out on her arm, started bleeding and had to be bandaged. She doesn’t want to eat hardly at all, and just wants to sleep. I finally aroused her enough to recognize me, asked how she was and she said, Sleepy, and went back to sleep. The lady from her church staying with her, said there were a couple of big sores, on her back. I had taken an egg shell mattress the Dr. had requested, so I hope it helps. The Dr. said these conditions are normal, but it is very disheartening. I know you are, but please continue to pray for her and for my Dad, who misses her tremendously. We had lunch today and it was not the same without Mom. The Bratchers in Brasil need your continued prayers. Thank you.
Asa Mark Bratcher
PS Forgive me for not writing all of you personally who have sent so many notes of encouragement, but I will do so soon. Thanks for all of these, I am passing them on to Dad, and he is so grateful.
Excerpted from Harold Bratcher’s January Mission Sheets newsletter
Dear Brothers of the Blessed and Sisters of the Savior:
Once again we greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ from the land of eternal summer. By God’s grace we are able to once again greet you. The city of Manaus and the whole state of the Amazonas are hot but wet! We are now in the rainy season and almost every day it pours! This MS month began December 5th and ends today, January 10th.
Since Sunday night the 26th of December, Marie has been suffering, weak with the flu, and then pneumonia. I of course, have been sad and lonely but amazed by God’s faithfulness with friends, or more friends than we realized we had. That night, Bro. Raimundo Braz, who drives us to church in his taxicab, after the evening service when I preached, took us to 28th of August hospital. There, Marie was admitted to the emergency room. She received emergency care, but was released at 4:30am, Monday. Asa Mark took her home, bought her medication, and an inhalation machine. She has not been alone since. On Thursday, we took her, (Asa Mark, Francisco Chagas, and I) to the Prontocord Hospital, where she was given a check up by one doctor, and I by another. Both doctors prescribed many exams, which we did there, at a cost of over $1,000. Marie temporarily improved but then started to get worse. So we took her to the 28th of August Hospital where she was admitted as a patient and is still there. Asa Mark took me this afternoon to visit her, and she seemed a bit improved, but still a long way from total recovery. At this time, there is no word on when she will be released. I hope by Thursday, but still believe in Romans 8:28.
Once again, we ask you to pray for Harold and Marie Bratcher. We thank each of you who sent us Christmas cards and are praying for us. Marie’s sickness has caused us to get behind in our letter writing, but Asa Mark is constantly sending you updates by e-mail.
18 January 2011 | Tuesday
Dear Loved ones:
I have been having internet connection problems. I had to come to an internet place to send this update. Needless to say, we have been running. I just returned from the hospital and talked to a Dr. that was there to evaluate Mom´s condition because the hospital Doctor is requesting a complete colon exam because of internal bleeding. She said right now Mom would not be able to have the exam because of her overall weakened condition, but maybe soon. They are suspecting, but this only a suspicion at this time, that the rectum cancer she had 25 years ago may have returned. So please continue to pray for her. Needless to say, we are scared, but know without a doubt that her days are in the Lord´s hands. Will send an update as soon as she is able to do the exam. Please continue to pray for us.
In His Service, Asa Mark and Harold Bratcher.
Monday | 24 January 2011
Dear Loved Ones in the Lord:
Just a quick update on Mom. She had a rough weekend, very tired and unable to expel the liquid that comes from her lungs. But Saturday night, improved quite a bit. She is alert, even able to eat a bit, and not coughing as much. I am on my way to the hospital now to take Dad for a visit. Continue to pray for her, as the Doctor told me on Friday that is a long process and will take time due to condition, age, medical history, etc. She as been in the hospital 3 weeks. The colon exam will not be able to be made now, but the bleeding has stopped for which we are thankful. Thanks for your prayers, e-mails, and concern. Also please pray for my mother in law, Lucilia, that has a serious exam of her legs in a few hours, to try to restore circulation. She is diabetic, and has been in another hospital since Thursday. I spent Saturday going from one hospital to the next, but pray both of these faithful Lord´s servants will improve greatly very soon. In Him, Asa Mark Bratcher
Monday, 31 January 2011 | from Stephen Bratcher
Dear family friends & loved ones,
I covet your prayers as I am scheduled to fly down to Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil on Wednesday of this week, the Lord willing. I plan to return on March 10, the Lord willing. Mom has been in the hospital for four weeks. I have just received word that she is able to move her arms, and has limited movement in her legs. The doctors have not yet released her because of the sores on her back. She continues to show fatigue, and at times she speaks out in both Portuguese and English, due to the various medications that she is on. I have been informed that Dad is counting down the days to my arrival. He appreciates your continued thoughts & prayers. May the Lord richly bless you & yours, Stephen |