Appeal from Odali & Kathy Barros for Foz de Iguaçu Church Building
Posted on 2Feb CATEGORIES: General, John & Alta Hatcher [Brazil], Odali & Kathy Barros [Brazil] Tags:Tags: build church in Brazil, building, Foz de Iguaçu, Foz de Iguaçu Building, give to build church, John Hatcher, Kathy Barros, Odali Barros, Paraná, Pastor Edson, Pastor Gilberto0
We are asking for help for help for a ministry in Paraná where Pastor John Hatcher lived last. The ministry in the city of Foz de Iguaçu was started by us. Pastor Edson was saved under Brother John’s ministry. They have been in the city for over 10 years. Now the Pastor that is helping all the churches that Brother John and we started is Pastor Gilberto. The church in Foz de Iguaçu wants to build a church building. They are already paying for the lots, and they need help for the building. Any help will be appreciated. You can help by making designated offerings to us [Odali & Kathy Barros] and designating them for “Foz de Iguaçu Building.”