Announcing New Directors and President

We are thankful to God that over the course of the past year, two faithful servants of Christ and of His churches have agreed to serve with us on our Council of Directors. They are David Pitman, pastor of Addyston Baptist Church of Addyston, Ohio, and Darrell Messer, pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church of Bellbrook, Ohio. Both of these brethren are well known in our fellowship and will multiply our gifts and passion to increase Christ’s Kingdom in the world’s mission fields.

Also, in our November Thanksgiving Conference Business Meeting, we unanimously asked one of our present Directors to serve as our President. He is Randy Jones who serves the Lord in the Storms Creek Missionary Baptist Church, Ironton OH. Randy was the first Director to be asked to serve with us who was not an ordained preacher of the Gospel or a church pastor. But, Randy has been personally, actively, and passionately involved in missionary support for the past 20 years while serving in his church under the pastorate of Jim Orrick. He and his wife, Barb, have organized, promoted, and led groups from our churches to visit and help our missionaries with building and evangelistic projects for the past several years through Baptist Faith Missions Mission Adventures. They have done so on their own initiative and at their own expense. Randy’s background and vocation has been in academics, and he is currently concluding his tenured professorship with Marshall University in Huntington WV. After his transition from that position, he wants to devote the next active years of his life to helping cultivate interest and participation in our missionaries’ support among the churches.

Randy’s long-time pastor, Jim Orrick [who has also served as a past President] recommended Randy with this statement: “I was Randy’s pastor for about 20 years, and I never worked with anyone that had a more cooperative spirit or who had more of an interest in missions.” Our out-going President, Glenn Archer, said to us: “In my prayerful judgment, I am convinced that Brother Randy Jones would serve well as the President of our Mission. If that should be your choice, my joy will be full.”

You will be hearing much more from us about our hopes, plans, and prayers to God for BFM’s future ministry. We beg you to pray for us all as we labor together to serve our Lord, His missionaries – and you, His churches.

Current Board of Directors
Randy Jones, President
Dave Parks, Executive Secretary
George Sledd, Treasurer
Terry Adkins – Glenn Archer – Doug Armstrong
Bobby Creiglow – Bobby Greene – Darrell Messer
Millard Mitchell – Jim Orrick – David Pitman – Steve Wainright


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