Greetings Dear folk!   It is hard when you get used to using a computer for everything.  Not having one to use without being broken more than working.  We finally decided we better get a new one before we lost all that we had on the old one. We should be set for a good while.

We are doing great.  We took some time off and went on vacation.  We had not had a vacation for some four years.  Since our boys like the beach, we went down to Caraguatatuba where my brother Epitacio is pastor.  Even though I was on vacation I preached 3 times at the church that he pastors.

We are making new plans for our church here in Garça. We will be working with Pastor Gilberto who is pastor is Marilia.  There are several mission points that are going through some difficult situations, mostly in need for pastors.  Also pastor Gilberto and I have visited several cites in a one hour radius that still do not have Baptist churches.

We have bought a lot in Marilia and have already built a house for a pastor to live in. We will be starting a building there next.  Also one of the plans there is to open a Bible institute.  This lot only 1.5 miles from the 4 universities in Marilia.  We are praying that God will prepare some that would love to work with the college students.  There are over 30.000 students that attend these colleges.  This is a tremendous opportunity.

We will be moving our services to the building where we used to have the school.  Since we have so many kids on Sunday morning and we will be working with Sunday school classes where we can move the kids into the classrooms more easily. We will be fixing some things like painting, changing some doors and things like that.  We have been working on getting the library ready to open.  But we will have to make a change and move it to a smaller room and leave the bigger room for the auditorium for the services.  We hope that we can have all this ready in the next 2 weeks.

Pray for us, and all our new plans. Thanks for your prayers and support.

Odali and Kathy


August 2, 2011

Dear Friends and Fellow Workers,

Alta and I are doing well.  The cataract surgeries on Alta’s eyes have healed perfectly and she is doing fine and seeing well.

Alta and I go to Assai every Sunday morning and finally, the man has started the prefabricated structure.  He has erected the eight steel uprights and trusses which will form the outside skeleton and support for the building. We hope he will soon have the cross beams and roof on so we can start the walls.  Pray for the city of Assai.

Please continue to pray for us.  We thank the Lord for each of you who have been our stay and support for all our years here in Brazil.

In His Name, John and Alta Hatcher


August 9, 2011

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Last month I did not get a letter to you.  We were on our way over the mountains to Barcelona when I realized that I had not written before leaving home.  I didn’t have the opportunity to get online to send a letter while in this part of Spain.  However, this trip was blessed by the Lord.  The primary purpose of going to Barcelona was to visit Amelia and her husband.  She was the first person to make a profession of faith here.  Her husband claimed to be an atheist.
We wanted to encourage her and have a chance to witness to him again.  They moved to Barcelona last year to start a business.  When members move from here, it is often God’s way of planting the seed of Gospel somewhere else.  If we do well our God given task of making disciples, they will be prepared to also make disciples.  We can not be every where, but God is everywhere He plants His children. Besides being able to encourage Amelia, we were also able to talk to Thierry, her husband about spiritual matters. He was much more receptive than he had been previously.
Just a few days before going to Barcelona we received an email from Leila, a lady who had been saved through the ministry of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. This is the church where my brother, Paul Hatcher serves.  It is a very missionary minded church.  Paul is supported through Baptist Faith Missions.  He serves on the team with you as we do.  Seven years ago, Leila moved to Spain.  She witnessed to a young man who trusted Christ.  He asked her to marry him.  They have two daughters and through the witness of this family a couple of other young men have been saved.  She contacted us because she wanted to know what they could do to help us in the Lord’s work.  They live in a town just north of Barcelona.
We told Leila and Jose that we would stop by to meet them on our way back from Barcelona.  They insisted that we spend the night.  What a blessing it was to hear them tell about their desire to reach others and what they are doing.  We met one of the young men besides Jose to who has trusted Christ.  They want us to return shortly to baptize them.  We were also able to help Leila get materials for sharing the Gospel with children.  God’s children grow where they are planted. If they have been discipled, they reproduce. This is God’s plan as revealed in the New Testament.  It is our job.
We have also had many other opportunities.  One of them has been contact with a young man who is Muslim.  He is the father of a child in the same class as Camille, one of our granddaughters.  Amanda, our daughter-in-law, has befriended the mother of this child. In conversation with Amanda this lady asked if Amanda knew anyone who could help her husband, and engineer, with his English.  She suggested that he contact me.  This young man is a devout follower of Islam, but has been open to talk about spiritual matters.
Our regular meetings and Bible studies our going well.  A lady from the choir I sing in has attended some on Sundays and this has been an encouragement.  She is the first of several from the choir who have said they would come to have actually done so.  We hope that she will trust the Lord and will be the first of many to do so.
Thank you for your faith support and keep growing and bearing fruit where God has planted you.  Let us know if there is something that we can do to encourage you.
In France for Christ,
John and Judy


Hi friends and family,
This month has been very exciting and busy one for us. We have had groups from two Churches and they came two days apart. The group from Warner Robbins Ga. did a vacation Bible School at the home of our member Gloria. The exciting thing about this is that some of these teenagers had helped in the construction of Gloria’s house. They also participated in the Tuesday night meeting that is held in Gloria’s home. In preparation for the Bible School we canvassed the neighborhood door to door to let the children know when we were going to be there. During this door to door visiting we were able to present the Gospel to various people. We were invited to do some work in one of the public schools and were fed by the kitchen workers and ate with the teachers and the principal. This group scraped the walls, sanded the walls and then painted in two classrooms.  From there we went to the Vocational School where tile was laid and other jobs were done.  The next group from Gardenside Baptist Church in Lexington Ky. was able to do a Bible School in the same public school where the others had painted. So one opened the doors for the other.  Even though the students were on winter break the principal invited them back to participate and also their parents. The Principal is new to this school and she wanted to get the parents involved and get to know them and she used us as a tool. It worked for her and for us too.  She also brought her twin boys.  A great time was had by all!!!  This group also painted in this public school.  We went from the public school to the Vocational School where tile was laid and walls painted along with planning for a electrical class in the future. Opportunities are unlimited when you come to do whatever God has for you to do.
We made many new friends at the school and I have been invited to start an English class for the teachers and workers. Among the new friends we have made are the principals twin boys that are teenagers. The family is catholic and we were surprised when the boys began to attend our youth meetings on Saturday night. And then even more excited when they started to come the Church every Sunday.  AWESOME what God does and lets you be apart of. This is a small miracle but it is a miracle.
To top off the month we had a baptism last Sunday and two were baptized. There are several attending new converts class and soon we will enter into the waters of baptism again. Praise be to God who gives the harvest.  We are still deep in the planning for the Pastors conference here in November. Our Church in conjunction with Second Baptist Church in Warner Robbins Ga. will be sponsoring our first Pastors Conference. We will be inviting pastors from across Brasil to attend so that we can encourage them in their ministry.  Pray for this conference with us as we desire to reach Brasil for Christ. And what better way than to encourage Brasillian pastors in the work.
As we are writing this letter our son Bryan called to tell us that our long time friend and brother in Christ, Fred Hearn, has gone to be with the Lord.  I remembered that when we were just coming to Brasil to help other missionaries Fred and Pat made the trip with us. Pray for this family in their loss.
Our vehicles are giving us good service but at the same time are costing much in the mechanic shop.  It is imperative to keep the van running because it is our churches only means of transporting the people that don’t have cars nor money to come by public transport.  I have begun to have to make two trips on Sunday morning and on Sunday night as we are having many people coming. Praise the Lord for this. That brings me say that we need a buss. Please put this on your prayer list and if you can help with an offering to purchase a bus that would be AWESOME.
We have had many visitors this month but that does not mean that we are not looking for you. The bed is turned down and I can get new mints for the pillow as the other groups have eaten the last ones.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara


315 College Street  |  Youngsville, PA 16371

For ministry donations:

Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM  |  P.O. Box 471280  |  Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280

Dear praying friends,

August 2, 2011
Another month has come and passed so quickly, and Lord willing, it will be time soon to be getting ready to depart for Kenya, East Africa to return to the work of the Lord there. It seems like we just left the country to return to the United States, and now we are just a few weeks from leaving to return to Kenya. It has been a busy furlough, and we are thankful for each opportunity we have had to meet people, visit supporters, and spend time with friends and family. This update will share the current prayer requests that we have, and we would covet your prayers.
What a privilege we have to be able to pray. We can pray, asking the Lord for wisdom, guidance, and direction for our lives. We can pray and praise the Lord for Who He is. We can also pray to the Lord and leave our burdens with Him. I read a statement recently that I really thought applicable.  It said “Prayer is the place where burdens change shoulders.” This reminds me of well known passages of Scripture, such as 1 Peter 5:7, which says “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” Also, Psalm 55:22, which says “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee:  he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” What a great God we serve, and what a privilege it is to pray.
Please pray for us as a family, that the Lord would keep us healthy for the remainder of our time in the United States. It is always a struggle to keep two little children healthy, and we thank the Lord that so far, they have done very well in regards to health. Please pray that we would get everything done before leaving for Kenya, as many details arise before leaving. Please also pray for us as we  say goodbye to friends and family, as this is one of the most difficult aspects of missionary life.   Pray that we would adjust well back to the culture in Kenya, as there will definitely be adjustments there as well. Please also pray that we would follow the Lord’s leading and guidance through this upcoming term and the challenges of missionary life. One of my favorite verses is Psalm 48:14, which states “For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death.”   Pray that the Lord would take care of us mentally, physically, financially, relationally, etc. Each day serving in Kenya is a step of faith, and there are many challenges in day to day living. Please also pray for the ministries, that the Lord would provide those who desire to be independent and to trust the Lord and His provisions for them.
Faith and trusting the Lord is necessary for each of us, wherever God calls us to serve Him. Many times it is difficult to walk by faith, as so often we like to have the answers in our time, rather than trusting the Lord for His plan and timing.  Hebrews 11:6 says “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” We will give more details of the ministries once we return and get updated, and we ask you to pray for us as we plan to leave  for Kenya September 13th, Lord willing. May God bless each of you for your prayers, interest, encouragement,  and sacrificial giving. You are each such a blessing to us and we thank God for you.
Until next month, Nathan and Carrie Radford


Mailing Address:  Apartado Postal 140 |Huanuco, Perú | South América

Vonage phone: 859-514-0929

August 10, 2011

Dear friends and family,  In my last letter I reported spending some time with my ailing father, Ralph Stanton.  On the 21st of June, Anita and I kissed dad goodbye and headed back to Peru.  Two days later on Thursday morning, 23rd of June, Dad went home to glory; four weeks shy of his eighty-fourth birthday.  Anita and I were at the Lima, Peru airport waiting for our flight back to Huánuco when we received the call about his death.  After receiving the news about dad we immediately made plans to return to the States for his funeral.  I spoke for the family at the memorial service and it truly was a “celebration of life”; a good long life of love, laughter and singing for the Lord.  Dad will be missed by all who knew him.  We thank those that were present at the memorial service, those that sent flowers and cards and those that sent financial gifts to help defer our traveling expenses.  We spent a few weeks with Mom to help her get adjusted to this new phase of her life; a life without Dad.  Predictably she has “good days and bad days”; please pray for her as the Lord brings her to mind

We arrived back home to Huánuco on the 15th of July, and immediately occupied ourselves once again in the Lord’s work here; a work in which we are privileged to participate.  The Calvary Baptist Mission is doing very well; attendance remains high (four were added to the church while we were gone), and a healthy spirit of cooperation continues to prevail as we are in the “waiting” period of construction; waiting for the plans and permits to be approved.  I have built numerous church buildings in Peru over the past twenty-eight years but I have never been more enthusiastic about a building project than this one.  Innovative design allowing for easy, future expansion, combined with cost effective construction and a lot of donated but organized labor are just a few of the reasons why I am excited about this project.  Pictures will be forthcoming as we move forward in the first phase of this undertaking.  Prayers for safety, good progress, and prudent use of resources will be appreciated.

The Monday night bible class for pastors was postponed while Anita and I were in the States.  I will be starting it back up in a few weeks.  In addition to this, many of the dear folks from our five churches here in Huánuco have been asking me to start a basic bible class for the lay people of our churches.   Hopefully this will be a reality before too long.  I would really appreciate your prayers that I will be a good steward of the time God has given me.  With, construction, sermon preparation, Bible classes to prepare, writing a doctoral thesis, counseling, and traveling, the time just seems to disappear before each day is done.  It seems the older I am the more work there is to do!  Please pray! Thanks.

I conducted a Seminar on Administration of a Baptist Church the 27th thru the 30th of July for the Faith Baptist Church in the coastal town of Huaral, north of Lima.  Alberto Ramirez is the young pastor of this church that we helped start several years ago while living in Lima.  The church is growing and busy in their own construction project; new and larger Sunday school rooms. Even while teaching a seminar we had one young man give his life to Christ, a lady asking for baptism (after an understanding of the importance of the Lord’s church), and several repenting of their neglect of their responsibilities to the church.  It was a good meeting and hopefully the teaching will bear abundant fruit in the future of this faithful young congregation.

All of the fourteen, Peruvian national missionaries that Anita and I support have sent good reports for the month.  Collectively about eighteen souls were saved during the past month as a result of these ministries.  Donations given to “new work” or “as needed” funds go to help these fourteen missionary families and the works God has given them to do.  Thank you for enabling us to support them.

As usual, my monthly report is getting too long so let me close it by saying once again how thankful Anita and I are for you love, prayers and support.  We pray God might shower HIS richest blessings on each of you.  Until next month.

In HIM by HIS grace, Sheridan and Anita Stanton


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We are finally back in Kitale and so, of course, that is what the majority of this update will be about.  It is good to be back in the town where we have already been ministering and where we will continue to minister this term.  Although we have been gone many months we returned to find Kitale just the same.  It takes a while for anything to change in Kitale.  About the only thing that has changed is that the prices of things have gone up.  The prices of staple foods for Kenyans like corn, rice and sugar have really skyrocketed which causes much struggle for the Kenyans who were already struggling to live in the first place (OK, I just lost my train of thought as my 16 year old daughter just walked into my office and we talked for an hour.  I need to take advantage of those moments as often as they happen as in three weeks she will return to boarding school at Rift Valley Academy and I will miss her terribly).  Anyway, many Kenyans are struggling.   The area to the north of us is especially struggling.  That area is usually dry and they are always facing famine.  This year might be worse than usual and considering 1) the roads are bad getting there 2) gangs and thugs patrol the roads and steal relief food and 3) the Kenyan government is doing little to help alleviate the situation it means that there are people who are starving to death just a couple hundred miles of where we live.  Other people are coming into Kenya from surrounding countries like Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia also trying to find help and finding none available.  It’s quite sad actually.  Fortunately, the situation in Kitale is not that bad and the people are able to cope with the higher prices.  Other things affect us, though.  Julie had a tire blow out a couple of days ago and it when I replaced it today it cost $244.  That’s for just ONE tire!

This past month has been spent mostly trying to settle back in.  We lived in our current house for only three weeks before we left for furlough and so it was difficult trying to remember how this particular house works.  I had to buy a new refrigerator, get the car working, renew the insurance, and get numerous other problems worked out.  I also had to get the internet working again.  If any of you remember an update I wrote about a year and a half ago you will remember why I was dreading this task.  It took three months of begging, pleading and threatening the internet company to do their job before they succeeded in getting the internet working at my house.  I was anticipating similar resistance this time as well.  However, I went in to the office, walked out fifteen minutes later, drove home and tested my internet.  IT WAS ALREADY WORKING!  I was truly amazed. Mixed into all this I have tried to study a little Swahili, communicate again with the Kenyan people, get used to power outages, and pray for God to continue to lead and guide in how he wants us to conduct future ministry.  I still look forward to what I think he will do this term as we plan to start churches that are independent, self-reliant, self-governing and reproductive.  May God bless his children in Kenya.

Until next month, beloved, May God’s peace and joy be with you.

For the glory of God in East Africa, Roger & Julie Tate (and Emily, Amy, & Josiah)



Manoel Valdomiro de Macedo, 2281  |  81170-150 Curitiba, PR  Brasil
Ph: (813) 436-9980

August 10, 2011
Dear Friends,
I’m certain that God accomplished an innumerable amount of His plans through the latest financial meltdown (the week after the debt ceiling debacle), but we were thrilled with how clearly He showed us His providential reign over all things, even world markets. When I accessed the internet to check my e-mail messages, I was confronted with a flood of international headlines of financial chaos. Every major market that day had dropped severely, the US Dow/Jones being one of the worst. And it was precisely on this day that we got a message that God had wonderfully blessed a couple of believers in Christ and they felt led to contribute generously to our new church plant. It was no coincidence that this message came at just such a time. I had been teaching and preaching to our people how that, as God’s children, we do not look to circumstances to gauge our faith, but we look to God’s promises regardless of circumstances. With the aforementioned funds, we will be able to purchase our windows and doors and even begin the finish work on our building. We are extremely grateful to the Lord for both supplying the funds through this dear couple and for laying it upon their hearts to do so.
Last month I shared that we were hosting over 30 prospective missionary volunteers in our missions school. Shortly after their classroom teaching and training, most of them set out with Projeto Vida, our bus/motorhome teams into the interior to minister in several cities and towns. During the month they were able to share the gospel in public schools and squares to over 8000 people. There were many who responded to the gospel invitation given at each public meeting. We are thankful for those who came to Christ as Savior and Lord and also for the zeal that these missionary trainees have gained from their experience of being used of the Lord.
A few weeks back, one of our ministry team members (Valter is his name), my son, Brennen, and I took a man and his son on a mountain hike nearby. We live less than an hour away from some of the most beautiful mountains in the country. We use these hiking experiences to accomplish at least two purposes: 1) stay in shape, 2) provide a setting to invite un-churched families on outings where we will spend several hours together getting to know them and opening opportunities to share the gospel with them. This strategy has proved very helpful and we usually have other opportunities develop as a result of the friendship that is begun on the hikes.  I will ask you to pray for Marco and his son, Guilherme, who accompanied us on our latest hike. Marco has already asked me what days and at what time we have church services without my even mentioning an invitation to come. I’m praying that he will soon become my brother in Christ.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support this past month. God has certainly heard and has blessed. We are grateful.
In Christ’s love, Bobby, Charlene and Brennen Wacaser
