Awaiting News on Kenyan Presidential Election; Preparing to Return
Posted on 1Aug CATEGORIES: Mission Sheets Newsletters, Nathan & Carrie Radford [Kenya] Tags:Tags: Carrie Radford, Kenya election, Nathan Radford, peace in Kenya Election

Nathan and Carrie Radford serve the Lord in Kitale, Kenya. Their main ministries include indigenous church planting, a prison ministry, and a hospital ministry for mothers with premature babies.
July 31, 2017
Dear praying friends,
As I type this, we are now a little over a week from the presidential election in Kenya. It is scheduled for August 8th, and we would ask prayer specifically for the country, for the response of the nation after the results are announced, and for peace and stability. We just simply don’t know how things will turn out. We trust God in all these matters and know He is in complete control of all things. What a mighty God we serve.
I (Nathan) have been working hard in translating materials on church planting from English into Swahili, the national language of Kenya. It has been a challenge, and definitely a good refresher to brush up on the words that I have learned. I still have some more translating to do, but am pleased with the progress so far. I have needed to refer to a dictionary as I have translated, as there are still many words that are used that I struggle to get the meaning. This is one of the main challenges on the mission field, using the language and trying to understand what others are saying. Many times the words are said so quickly that even if you do understand the meanings, it is still hard to follow. Please pray for me as I continue along, that I would get it all translated. It is a big project, but God has been helping me with it.
Please continue to pray for our family, especially for our health when we return. It has been good for our family to get a break from all the many health issues overseas and to give our bodies a time of refreshment and stability. Please also continue to pray that God would provide friends for our daughters, as this is a big need for them on the mission field. We are thankful for these prayers and God has been answering. He is so faithful.
I will give a much more in-depth update on the country of Kenya and how things are going once I know in more detail in the next few days. We definitely plan to return, but want to wait and ensure the country is safe and stable before returning. It is all in God’s hands. Not only is the election in His hands, but our times are in His hands. I am reminded of Psalm 31:15, which says, “My times are in thy hand: deliver me from the hands of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me.” Thanks so much for your faithfulness, prayers, and sacrificial giving. We appreciate you each so much.
Nathan and Carrie Radford
Furlough Address:
56 Lobo Lane
Culloden, WV 25510
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.