BFM Spring Conference 2025
BFM Spring Conference at Grace Baptist Church of Fairborn, Ohio

Date: Friday-Saturday, April 4 & 5
Theme: “The General Call and Effectual Call of God”
Speakers: Pastor Steve Wainright, Dr. Hershael York, Dr. Matt Shamblin, & Pastor Chuck Hunt
Conference Times:
- Friday, April 4: 6:30 PM-9:00 PM
- Saturday, April 5: 9:00 AM – Lunch
Contact Info:
Grace Baptist Church [Visit Website]
2920 Beaver Valley Road
Fairborn, Ohio 45324 [Google Map]
Pastor Mark Pyles
Cell: (304) 545-0603
Church: (937) 878-9992
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News & Reports – March 2025
The Online Edition of the March 2025 BFM News & Reports is available at the link below.
*Remember you can click on any headline to view the post/letter on our website.

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A Note from David Pitman, President
Through the generosity of our donors we were able to send a $500 “bonus” at the end of 2024 to our missionaries and retirees. A small token but much appreciated. I was so blessed by Brother Asa Mark Bratcher’s response and I share it now with his permission:
“Dear Bro. David: Just a note to express my deepest appreciation to you and the directors of BFM, for the bonus I just received. It is so amazing how our Lord works sometimes. Exactly 2 minutes earlier I had transferred to a couple in Manaus, 500 dollars as a down payment for a piece of property, next to the building of the Bratcher Memorial Baptist Church in the middle of the rain forest. Thanks once again, and to our Faithful God, whom we try to serve, all the glory!”
We are very thankful for how our retirees continue to represent BFM so well. Please give to the Missionary Support Fund!
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GracExtended! Update

GracExtended is a new initiative where the BFM directors will identify other ministries to support in a strategic way, further extending our mission efforts. Some of this support will go to current BFM missionaries as they seek to train and encourage local pastors and engage in new opportunities. Additional support will go to selected ministries outside our normal outreach, as we seek to partner with like-minded church-planting organizations. Below is one of the projects our support assists.
Bethersden Baptist Church, England

From Grace Baptist Partnership:
“We are delighted to announce that Bethersden Baptist Church has issued an invitation to Gavin Peacock to become their Locum Pastor for a period of 12 months commencing in February 2025. Please pray for Gavin and his wife as they prepare to return to the United Kingdom early in the New Year. Please pray for Bethersden Baptist Church to be revitalised to Biblical health and enabled to appoint a new Pastor. Please pray for Grace Baptist Church in Bexleyheath and other churches in our Partnership as they seek to assist in various ways. Above all, pray that the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified through this endeavour.”

Ways to Pray:
>> Please pray for the churches in the United Kingdom that are part of Grace Baptist Partnership.
>> Pray specifically for Bethersden Baptist Church in Kent (Southeast England) to be revitalized to Biblical health and enabled to appoint a new pastor.
>> Pray for Pastor Gavin Peacock and his wife (pictured, left) as they return to the United Kingdom to assist at Bethersden Baptist Church for one year.
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Disciples in France Sharing the Gospel with Others!

February 17, 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Greetings from Southern France which is far north of where most of you live. Plaisance du Touch is about the same distance from the North Pole as Toronto, Canada. However, our winters are not extremely cold due to the Gulf Stream that warms western Europe.
God continues to touch lives around us. It is wonderful to be sharers of the Good News here and to be used by God to disciple those who have trusted Christ as Lord and Savior. Yesterday, Rose, a lady who was diagnosed with cancer a couple of years ago, told us excitedly about a door that God opened for her to share the Good News. She was waiting for minor surgery to remove the chemotherapy port that had been used for her treatment. A conversation with another lady awaiting the same procedure began and God guided her to be able to give her testimony and share about her faith as the other lady asked questions.
Roxane, a young lady who is a member of our congregation, studying to be an engineer, shared how God had given her the opportunity to share the Gospel with a friend for whom she had been praying. Roxane trusted the Lord and followed Him in baptism less than two years ago. She is the only believer in her family, but a flame of fire for the Lord in her gentle way of passionately seeking the lost and sharing the Good News.
We have regular Bible studies in six different locations in addition to the regular church meetings. Some of these are groups of saved people growing in the Lord and encouraging each other and some are groups of seekers meeting in the home of a believer with whom they are friends.
Several of those who were seekers have trusted Christ in the last year and are reading through their Bibles. It is exciting to receive phone calls or text messages from these new believers asking questions from their reading. Here are a couple of questions I received this past Saturday: “How come prophet Nahum proclaims condemnation of Nineveh when Jonah tells about their repentance and forgiveness?” “How were Pharaoh’s men able to do some of the same signs as Moses?” How would you answer these questions? If you need help, ask one of your spiritual leaders.
We are very grateful for your contribution to what God is doing here.
Your Fellow Servants in France,
John and Judy
Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
2 T Impasse de la Picardie
31830 Plaisance du Touch
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Remembering Joanne Felan

February 18, 1948 – February 4, 2025
We would like to acknowledge the passing of Joanne Felan, longtime member of New Hope Baptist Church and supporter of BFM. If you ever attended the annual BFM Thanksgiving Conference at New Hope Baptist Church in Michigan, you most likely experienced a warm welcome from Joanne, her husband Paul, and her sister Myrna.
Joanne’s sweet smile, generous hospitality, cheerful demeanor, and kind listening ear will be remembered fondly. She blessed many of us with her gift of music, playing the piano and singing in the choir. She and her husband Paul also frequently traveled to other BFM Conferences, encouraging our missionaries and other believers with their presence. It was evident that her love for the Lord fueled her love for missions and all things BFM.
May we all seek to serve the Lord with the same attitude as Joanne, radiating His love and encouraging others along the way! Pray that the Lord would wrap His arms of comfort around her family in their grief.
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Praying for the Persecuted in the Congo

February 10, 2025
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ,
How up are you on African current events? Probably not so much if you are anything like me. But because I live here and love Africa and the people of Africa, I may hear more about current events than y’all back in the States. So, what do you hear about the conflicts in Congo? Congo is “near” to Kenya, and although the conflict, fighting, and violence that is going on there does not affect us here in Kenya at all, we are still concerned about the people that live there and that are having to face the extreme hardships that surround them.
The conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, especially in the eastern region, has escalated significantly recently. I don’t know what they should be called, rebels or terrorists or what, but the group called M23, supported by the Rwandan government, has been on a rampage, causing widespread displacement of people and a severe humanitarian crisis. Over 700,000 thousand people have been displaced along with widespread reports of violence, executions and murders, sexual assault, and the burning of villages and crops. There are also concerns that the fighting will extend to surrounding countries like Burundi and Uganda (neighboring countries of Kenya).
I can’t pretend to say I understand any of the political, military, economic, or religious reasons behind the tragedies going on in Congo. Most assuredly they are fueled by decades of ethnic tensions, political rivalries, and probably corruption. But stripping all that stuff away, which I don’t understand, there are thousands, if not millions, of people and families that are being adversely and harmfully affected by the violence and viciousness of the uncaring and callous fighters/rebels/terrorists.
So, why am I telling you all of this? Well, first of all, because I want you to pray for the people and the country of Congo. Precious people and families are being destroyed, and we need to lift them up to our loving and powerful God. But, second, because I know people who are there in the midst of the suffering, doing the work of God and of the Kingdom, right in the center of the violence. You may recall that we had four students from Congo at our school who graduated just back in July of last year.
Our four students were Steven, David, Jiresse, and Asifiwe. After graduation back in July, Steven and David remained in Kenya to continue their education but Jiresse and Asifiwe returned to Congo to begin ministering to their beloved Congolese people. As I write this, Jiresse and Asifiwe find themselves right in the mist of these conflicts and directly in the line of fire of the violence and aggression. We have been able to hear from them when they get a chance to communicate. They are part of the displaced people who are struggling to obtain food and water for themselves and their people. They have no electricity or amenities and basically no shelter. But they have not abandoned their training or their calling, even in the midst of suffering and distress. They are determined to continue to proclaim and teach the gospel message of Jesus to the refugees and broken families of Congo. They are seeing people being saved and entering the Kingdom of Christ even in the midst of tragedy. They are trying to help desperate people find food, water, and shelter, all in the name of our Savior. They are being true ministers and servants of our precious Lord, doing the same thing Jesus did when he came to minister to hurting people: “Proclaiming good news to the poor; Proclaiming liberty to the captives; Setting at liberty those who are oppressed; and Proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favor.”
It is impossible to know how you might touch someone’s life who will then go on to touch someone else’s life, and so on and so on. I know that we have been able to touch the lives of Jiresse and Asifiwe in significant ways, for which we are thankful and blessed. Now, they are touching others with the love of Jesus in a place where we cannot reach. Please be in prayer for Jiresse and Asifiwe. Pray that God would watch over them and protect them from harm. Pray that they would have effective ministries to their beloved Congolese people. Pray that many Congolese people would know and experience the love of Jesus through their lives and service.
Thank you, beloved, for your prayers.
Blessings to all,
Roger, Julie, & Chloe
Roger & Julie Tate
Moffat Bible College
P.O. Box 70
Kijabe, Kenya 00220
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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