News & Reports – February 2025

The Online Edition of the February 2025 BFM News & Reports is available at the link below.
*Remember you can click on any headline to view the post/letter on our website.

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Visiting Church Plants + 8 Saved at Christmas Musical

Mike and Beverly Creiglow have served the Lord in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil together since 1971. In addition to pastoring First Baptist of Cruzeiro do Sul, Mike builds his own boats and frequently travels up and down rivers to share the Gospel with those who have never heard.

January 23, 2025

Dear Brethren,

Well it’s about time! That slacker missionary of yours hasn’t reported to you since some time last
year. Here is a little bit of what has happened though, even if not in much detail.

In November, Bev and I went to Rio Branco (the state capital) to hold a meeting with our church there. The building was packed and folks were standing for every service. It had been quite a while
since we last visited them. Frankly, we were very concerned about their well-being. They have
turned the corner though and are growing again. They are still VERY slow at missions, but on
Sunday morning they got an ear full. Pray that they will get back on track. Great visit.

In December, I held a meeting with Faith Baptist Church. Also an incredible reception. They asked
me to refresh them on Baptist heritage and doctrine. Did I have fun, or what? It has now been over
a month and the buzz is still happening all over town. Pray for Pastor Carlinhos. His wife is in very
poor health. Also, we had a long talk a few months ago about his future and the future of the
church. He has not prepared anyone to take over. He is ready to retire, but hasn’t done his
“homework”. The church is in good shape, but has suffered a number of splits in the past few
years. The church has several problematic members. Put them on your prayer list.

I also held a meeting for our chapel at Cruzeirinho. They are doing well and we had good crowds
and results from that meeting.

Thanksgiving was a huge success. We have had our Thanksgiving celebration in our small groups
for several years now. The last one that we held with the church all together on the third floor of
our annex we had 930 present. Since then, we had to go to smaller meetings in homes. Although
not all of our groups reported back, we still have well over one thousand members participating.
The group that Bev and I are part of had 14 couples.

You didn’t notice, but I had to stop to talk to the pastor of our church in the city of Thaumaturgo.
He wants me for a meeting in July. Talk about a missionary machine: First Baptist Church of
Thamauturgo is just that. We organized that church in 2008. They have started new works all
around and send out missionaries in a steady stream. Now back to the report.

Here at home we have had 2 more baptism services. I Baptized 31 in November and Pastor
Benjamim baptized 23 in December. We continue to have a constant flow of people being saved,
baptized and new members coming from other places. Also, newborns are being introduced to our
family almost weekly.

Our missionaries have been very active. We have been very busy on the Boa Fé River. Pastor Ezi
baptized several for our congregations at Gama and Generoso. We have 2 teams working to
share the gospel with every person along the river. One team is working from Gama downstream
to the where it flows into the Juruá river. The other team is working upstream from Gama to the
last house near the mountains in the far west of Brazil.

The Christmas Musical was just wonderful. My daughter Crissy, who writes the script and directs
the whole production, went way beyond the call of duty again. The theme was “Christmas: As told
by Jesus”. She even included the ascension of Jesus and the second coming. We had well over
1000 present every night, but one. At least 8 people were saved. I will include a picture of the cast,
217 people. This doesn’t include all the folks who work as ushers, parking lot, etc. Over 350 church
members participate directly. If you look closely at the lower left hand corner you might see the old
guy who preached 4 of the 6 nights.

Let me add a couple of things before I close. First, my health has been much better for the past
several months. I had surgery in the US in July to remove 2 squamous cell cancers from my head.
Two months ago, I had a non-malignant removed from my right arm. I finally found a cancer specialist in Rio Branco in November and he is a Baptist and ready to follow my case.

Then a word of thanks to those who have given toward the new canoe. Some have designated
funds and others gave to be used as needed. This has made it possible to purchase the motor and
the aluminum for the boat. We start the build next week! Thank you so much.

This report is way too long, but it had been so long since I wrote. I have been working long hours
and have not been in my office much at all for months, but no excuse. I must report more
regularly. My fault. Please forgive me.

Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.

In Christ,
Mike Creiglow


Mike & Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
69980 Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre
Brasil, SA

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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God at Work in Your Work with Us

Missionaries John and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

January 14, 2025

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you for your prayers and generous support. Judy and I are doing fine and are thrilled to see God at work.

Yesterday afternoon we left Galen, Tammy and Holly Gerig at the Toulouse airport to begin their return to Ohio after having spent a wonderful five days together. They have supported us for years and we enjoyed their company as we were able to introduce them to some of those whose life God has touched.

Your work with us enables us to have regular Bible studies in six different locations as well as the regular Sunday meetings here in Plaisance du Touch. Judy and I also spend time counseling believers to help them learn and apply God’s principles to their personal and family lives. There is also regular pastoral work such as visiting the sick. Our Savior often uses human difficulties to lead individuals to understand their need of Him.

We are delighted with those that the Lord has added to our congregation this past year. Among them is a couple who are believers with a two-year-old son and another child on the way. The husband started Bible study with Judy and me about 12 years ago. After studying the Bible together for about a year, he trusted Christ as Savior and followed the Lord in baptism. He later moved to Germany and met a girl there from El Salvador. She started going to church with him and trusted the Lord as Savior. They were married in 2018 and lived in Paris until last year. When they moved back to our area last year, they began participating in the church here.

A young lady about 20 years old was saved and baptized about a year and a half ago. She is active in church, youth meetings, ladies’ prayer meetings and Bible study with our granddaughters Camille and Emily. She also meets regularly with two friends who are interested in Christ for Bible study. She does all of this while going to Engineering school and working.

It is a delight to see what God is doing! We are glad to have you as part of our team.

Your brother and sister,
John and Judy Hatcher

Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
2 T Impasse de la Picardie
31830 Plaisance du Touch
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Opportunities to Present BGB Seminary at Brazilian Conferences

The Hensleys have served the Lord in Brazil, South America since 1996. They have worked with orphanages, started mission points, established churches, and are presently conducting a seminary to train Brazilian pastors.

January 10, 2025

Dear friends and family,

I hope all is well with our families and friends and that a wonderful time was had by all during the Christmas season. Now, we’re looking forward to the new year of 2025. We were blessed this year to have our family all together for the first time in two years, both from Kentucky and from Brazil. God is so good and AWESOME.

So, to all: I hope your New Year’s resolutions come to the conclusion you have wished, dreamed, and prayed for this New Year!

With these celebrations and holidays behind us we can say this has been a wonderful year for the B.G.B. Seminary also. We have been in Brazil 3 or 4 times this year with Mission Conferences in São Paulo, Brazil and in Manaus, Amazonas, with the Bible Baptist Fellowship. In those two conferences we had over 300 in attendance at each conference. We were able to present the B.G.B. Seminary to those who were present. And through them, we have been able to increase the number of students interested in our seminary.
Now for January 2025, we are invited to participate with perhaps the largest convention of Baptists in all of Brazil. There will be more than 2,500 (YES, 2,500) pastors in attendance, many of whom are interested and desperate for affordable theological education. As of now, we have been invited to set up a kiosk with literature about Bluegrass Baptist Seminary. At some time during the conference, we will have a slot to speak to the group about our goals and objectives for the seminary. This will be the 104th assembly of the Brazilian Convention in Fortaleza, Brazil. The dates are January 29 to February 2. I will be traveling on the 28th of January with Dr. Derek Coleman, one of our principal professors, and we covet your prayers.

While there, we will be interviewed by 3 different Brazilian seminaries about our seminary. These seminaries are interested in our Masters Programs to help them with advanced degrees they do not have. Please pray for this trip, as with the other conferences, we have seen an increase in the numbers of students in our seminary. So with this being the largest conference we have participated with, we are in high expectations! GOD IS AWESOME!!!!

This year we have 37 students for our March semester. This is our rebuilding after COVID. Keep the seminary in your prayers. With this conference there is great potential for more students for B.G.B. Seminary. GOD IS GOOD.

Remember in our last graduations we had 9 students (pastors) who received the Masters of Arts in Pastoral Ministries and 13 others received Masters of Arts in Biblical Studies—AWESOME!!! And we have 6 students in the PhD program. Within these 6, we have one student who is two years into the program. He is a missionary to the Jews in São Paulo, Brazil, so keep him in your prayers along with myself and Barbara, our professors (there are 5 of them, all of which are volunteers), and the students. Pray also for the traveling we will be doing this year, and for our health and finances.

In His service,
Aj and Barbara


AJ & Barbara Hensley
30524 Mimi St
Sebring, FL 33870-0530
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Recovering from Surgery; New Term Started

The Tates have served the Lord in Kitale, Kenya since January 2008. Their main ministry is church planting.

January 10, 2025

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ,

First, let me give you all an update on Julie and her health. If you remember, Julie had to be rushed to the emergency room last month and, after being admitted to the hospital, ended up having surgery to remove her gall bladder. She came home a couple days later and spent the majority of December recovering from her surgery and from having an organ removed. She is recovering nicely, although with Chloe around she wasn’t able to rest as much as we would have liked (Chloe can be a little demanding). Anyway, Julie is mostly recovered from her surgery. I don’t think she is experiencing any more pain, but she still is getting tired quickly so she’s not quite at 100%. But we thank God for watching over her and that she is almost back to full strength. Thank you all for your prayers.

In other news, we have started a new term at the school. I am still the Finance Manager of the school. I find this position challenging because most students constantly struggle to pay their fees. To a westerner, their fees are small, but to them, their fees are large and overwhelming. As Finance Manager I have to balance helping these beloved students stay in school and continue their Bible education with also ensuring that they pay their fees. It is definitely stressful for both them and me. To date, I have never made a student leave the school because they couldn’t pay their fees. God has always helped us to together come up with a plan to cover their fees. This term has been a bit different, though.

Way too many students are not able to pay and it is causing me a lot of grief and heartache. I stress over and over to them that my goal for them is to mightily serve the Kingdom of Christ and God’s people. How can they do that if they drop out of school because of finances? God, please help us.

In Class news, I am teaching Pauline Epistles and Basic Theology 1. Pauline Epistles is a new class for me to teach but what a joy and privilege to teach these beloved students the things that Paul taught his first century churches and believers. Basic Theology is a course I have taught before. Why teach these students theology? It is not just to fill their young minds with information even though Peter did say to “grow in the grace and KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18) and Paul instructed Titus to “teach sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1).

Blessings to all,
Roger, Julie, & Chloe


Roger & Julie Tate
Moffat Bible College
P.O. Box 70
Kijabe, Kenya 00220

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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News & Reports – January 2025

The Online Edition of the January 2025 BFM News & Reports is available at the link below.
*Remember you can click on any headline to view the post/letter on our website.

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Scenes of Christmas in São Paulo

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Jud and Raquel Hatcher are third generation missionaries serving the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

Our “Um Sonho de Natal” had 406 in attendance, 89 cast & crew, and 16 decisions.

Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
(872) 400-6522

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Day Camp for Kids & Teens from the Mission in the Multirão Village

Odali and Kathy Barros served the Lord in Sao Paulo, Brazil together from 1987-2013. In late 2013, they transitioned to Manaus in Northern Brazil to start sharing the Gospel and planting churches in villages along the river.

December 17, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This year is coming to an end and it is hard to believe. We praise the Lord that we are closing the year with wonderful things happening in our ministry.

We started the bus ministry again. At the mother church, “Pedras Vivas”, a group volunteered to help in visitation and picking them up on Sunday morning. Also, one of the ladies of the church who is a teacher took the responsibility of the Sunday School Class. She is training others to help her. One of our teenaged girls helped Sunday for the first time. She loved it. The teacher put together an

presentation for the kids to do in the church. This was the first time and they did well. The teacher wants to do more things with them. This teacher has a great passion for working with kids. Please pray that God will keep these people encouraged and bring others to help as the ministry grows.

The mission at the Multirão village is also doing well. This last Saturday we brought the kids, teens, and some adults to our house to spend the day. There were 45 who came. They had a great time.

We are fixing an area at our house where we can have more activities with the kids and teens from the different villages we work with.

We are excited about the beginning of next year. May God continue blessing the ministries and encouraging more to get involved.

We thank each one of you for your prayers and support. This is an important part of our ministry. May God bless one of you.

Love in Christ,
Odali and Kathy Barros

Contact Info:
Odali & Kathy Barros
Iranduba, Amazonas
Brasil, SA

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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