News & Reports – October 2023

The Online Edition of the October 2023 BFM News & Reports is available at the link below.
*Remember you can click on any headline to view the post/letter on our website.

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Reflections from Jonathan Turner

I am so thankful to our Heavenly Father and to Baptist Faith Missions for the wonderful privilege that I was given to travel to Brazil on the one-hundredth year anniversary of the Great Commission work of Baptist Faith Missions in that great nation. Accompanying me on this trip was my sister, Kimberly DePalma. She drove from Virginia to meet me. We left my home in Kentucky on Tuesday, September 5th to catch our first flight out of Saint Louis. My father-in-law, Ken Greenwell, who lives in Saint Peters, Missouri graciously allowed us to leave my sister’s car in his garage and then drove us to the airport.

We boarded our flight bound for Houston with much excitement and some trepidation. We were excited because I had not been able to visit Brazil for eighteen years and Kim had not been back for thirty-seven years when she left at the age of seventeen. We were filled with trepidation because I had not been able to renew my Brazilian passport. I have dual citizenship and we were not sure what to expect when we would arrive in São Paulo and would be required to go through immigration.

We left Houston in the evening hours and after an approximately 9-hour flight we arrived in the São Paulo metro area at the Guarulhos International Airport Wednesday morning, September 6th. We went through immigration, and I showed my American Passport. The Federal Police officer looked at my passport, typed some information into her computer, and then asked if I had any Brazilian paperwork. Kim and I had spoken to a Brazilian friend who advised me to take all my Brazilian paperwork with me including my Brazilian birth certificate. I am thankful that I listened to his advice. I showed the officer my birth certificate. She entered more information into her computer and gave me the okay to proceed through. What a relief that was and an answer to prayer! Thanks be to our God who put a friendly face in front of us and who opened the door for us to enter the country legally and without any problems.

From the airport we took an Uber ride across the great city of São Paulo where we saw miles and miles of skyscrapers many of them filled with people who need the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BFM has one missionary family, Judson and Raquel Hatcher and their four lovely children, who are trying to reach those folks. They are worthy of your support. The Uber ride took about two hours due to the distance and the traffic.

Upon arriving at the Hatcher’s Kim and I showered, changed our clothes, packed a few things into our overnight bags and drove with Raquel and her four Hatcher kids for six hours to the interior of São Paulo state. We arrived around 11:00 p.m. at the house of Pastor Sergio Balbo and wife, Cris. They were gracious hosts. We enjoyed our time with them, and I feel like we made some lifelong friends. He is the pastor of the Igreja Batista da Fe in the city of Garça. They will be building a new building soon, God willing. 

The next morning, we went with Pastor Sergio and Cris to the city of Lupércio to attend the one-day conference that Missionary Judson Hatcher had invited us to attend. It was well attended by several churches, their pastors, and pastors’ wives. I had the opportunity to preach that morning, Thursday, September 7th which happened to be Independence Day in Brazil. I was also privileged to sit on two different panels with Pastor David Pitman and several Brazilian pastors and answer questions from pastors and others in attendance. It was a very encouraging time with good music, good preaching, good fellowship, and good food. It was the first time this type of conference had been organized to bring the churches together. Many of these churches were started by faithful missionaries John and Alta Hatcher. The conference was organized to celebrate their shared heritage, to allow the pastors to network, and encourage each other. It was a well-organized event and they have already begun planning next year’s conference. I am so thankful to Missionary Judson Hatcher for the invitation to come and to participate. After a long day we returned with our hosts to their home where we spent the night again.

The next day, Friday, September the 8th, we were picked up by Raquel Hatcher and we made the drive back to São Paulo City. That night Kim and I were privileged to take the Hatchers out for a great meal and to enjoy some great fellowship. Saturday, September 9th, we left São Paulo and flew to Cuiabá. Cuiabá is the capital city of Mato Grosso, a state about the size of Oklahoma and Texas. Cuiabá is the place where Kim and I spent most of our childhood years. It is the place where in 1973 my dad, Missionary Richard Turner, traveled with Missionary John Hatcher to survey the city and to hold some evangelistic services. God blessed and land was bought, a church building was built, and God filled it with people. I would encourage you to visit the website and read the history of this Great Commission work under our Legacy Library where all the previous letters of faithful missionaries have been digitized. You can read the letters that Dad wrote from this time. That church, Igreja Batista Boa Esperança (Good Hope Baptist Church) is still in existence and several other works have been started out of this church in other locations in the city of Cuiabá and in the state of Mato Grosso. Kim and I had the privilege of spending five days with folks that were saved, baptized, and added to a New Testament church during the ministry years of my parents in Brazil. They shared their testimonies with us and their memories of our parents. This Great Commission work in Cuiabá and the surrounding areas was a great work of God through faithful missionaries, Richard and Wanda Turner, Bob and Betty Creiglow, George and June Bean, and Harold and Ursula Draper.  While we were in Cuiabá, we visited several churches. I preached Sunday morning, September 10th, at the Boa Esperança church. That was a real honor and privilege. It was also a very emotional time for Kim and me to return to the church where we grew up. I was baptized in that church after being saved at the age of seven during our furlough in Lexington. That Sunday night we visited the Igreja Batista Bereana (the Berean Baptist Church). I had the opportunity to speak for a few minutes and share a little of BFM’s history.

Tuesday, September 12th, our host in Cuiabá invited family and friends to his house for a fish fry.  There were approximately 30 people present. He asked me to speak, and I gladly accepted.  Then several others gave testimonies of what my parents meant to them and how God used them in their lives.  Mission dollars from churches and individuals in the United States were used to send my parents to Cuiabá, to buy land, to build a building, to financially support my parents so that the gospel could be given to people in that city.  Some of those people were at that fish fry recounting God’s blessings and their salvation in Christ. Those dollars were not wasted! Let’s be encouraged to support missions, to support missionaries in places like Cuiabá and São Paulo.  There is still a great work to do.  Christ has not yet returned which means that the Great Commission still needs to be the focus of churches. 

Wednesday night, September 13th, we visited the Igreja Batista Jardim do Pinheiros (Garden of the Pines Baptist Church). This was a church started by Missionaries Harold and Ursula Draper.  This church is without a pastor and has been for about two years now. Pray for them.

Thursday, September 14th we began the long journey back to the United States. Our time had flown by, and it was difficult to leave, but we also were missing our families back in the States. We arrived safely back in Saint Louis, Friday, September 15th. My hope is to return, God willing, in a year or two to visit Cuiabá again but also to visit some other works in Brazil. I would encourage everyone to make a trip to the mission field and visit one of our missionaries.

Finally, let me quickly share some other ways God used my sister and me while we were in Brazil. We had some God-ordained appointments to keep that we were not aware of when we got on that first plane in Saint Louis. On our flight from São Paulo to Cuiabá on Saturday, September 9th we sat in a row with a young man named Gladson. Kim was the first to strike up a conversation and he was more than willing to talk to us. After a while, the conversation turned to spiritual matters. He shared with us that he had been raised in some type of Assembly of God Church. However, he could not give us a good testimony of salvation. He also shared that he had been taught and still believed that one can lose their salvation. Kim and I both were able to share the gospel with him. We are now friends on social media, and I am planning on sending him some gospel material. Pray for God to bless those efforts.

Our second God-ordained appointment was with a young man from Sweden. This young man had never heard the gospel. He was staying in the house where we were staying. He was in Brazil doing some volunteer work with two brothers of our host. He went with us to the Sunday morning service at Boa Esperança where I was preaching, and the gospel was given. Imagine that! God brings an American/Brazilian to Cuiabá, Brazil to preach in a service where a Swede who has never heard the gospel will attend a Baptist church service for the first time. Who but God! 

Our third God-ordained appointment was with an Uber driver. He was a young man who also had been raised in some kind of evangelical church but was not currently attending. During our conversation he shared that his mom still attended church, and he tried to do good, and that he said his prayers every day. We were able to share a little bit of the gospel with him during our short ride. Only God knows how those interactions will be used.

I pray this recounting of our trip to Brazil will encourage you and be used of God in some way in your life to bless you and increase your love for missions particularly the work that God is doing through the missionaries of Baptist Faith Missions.

The young man, Gladson, we met on our flight to Cuiabá and were able to witness to.
A view of the church started by Missionary Richard Turner and that has been used to start other churches.
Just a few of our friends came to see us off from Cuiabá to return Stateside. These are folks that were saved years ago and are still serving the Lord.
One view of the attendees of the conference in Lupércio, São Paulo. It was a great event.
A view of the skyline of São Paulo City where Missionary Judson and family are serving. This place is immense. 

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Visiting Church in Rodrigues Alves 51 Years Later

Mike and Beverly Creiglow have served the Lord in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil together since 1971. In addition to pastoring First Baptist of Cruzeiro do Sul, Mike builds his own boats and frequently travels up and down rivers to share the Gospel with those who have never heard.

September 26, 2023

Dear Brethren,

Grace and peace to all from the Creiglow duo. Well my calloused and stained hands are back. One of my friends once said, “If you want to find Mike Creiglow in a crowd just call for a raising of hands.” Besides being back into all the preaching, teaching, meeting and counselling, I have accelerated the construction and repair part of my work. I have felt good and am recovering my strength to some degree. Most days I get back to the house around 7:00PM. I am so grateful to our Lord for being back into my home setting and routine.

A couple of weeks ago we held a baptism and Lord’s supper service. I performed the baptism of 7 new members. We have had folks saved most weekends. There have been folks coming for membership from other Baptist churches both here and other cities. We have had more requests for baptism, including several from other denominations. Our attendance continues to nudge upward. Our Sunday school attendance is now above pre pandemic levels. The evening services are still just shy of where they were before COVID.

Bev and I went to visit our church in the city of Rodrigues Alves. This town of 15 thousand people was just a village of a couple hundred when Dad first held services there in the 60’s. They now have paved streets, two paved roads from Cruzeiro do Sul, banks, stores, schools and many churches. When Dad held services there on our trips up the Juruá River, it would take the better part of a day to get there in our houseboat. When Bev and I started going there weekly in the early 70’s, we could only get there by boat. Bev mentioned the high river back that had to be climbed hauling our baby (Adam) and gear. We slept in a tent, used an outhouse, and took our dip baths by a shallow well. On our recent visit Bev and I left the house at 6:00PM in her little Chevy SUV and an hour later stepped out on a sidewalk and right into the big church building.

It took many years to establish the church there. It has now been 51 years since that small and slow beginning. They were celebrating 30 years of official church status. The building was full. The music was exceptional. The pastors are Edson Lopes and Raimundo. We sent Edson about 20 years ago. Raimundo is much younger and trained by Edson.

Next month Bev and I will be returning to the States for more medical procedures. I will be seeing my dermatologist, my surgeon and my oncologist for routine follow up visits that they required. Also, I have a retina repair surgery and cataract surgery on both eyes (3 separate procedures). We are scheduled to leave home on October 14 and return on December 6. Please continue to pray. Thanks to all who pray and give toward my health expenses.

I have one unusual request to make. Many of the places I have projects out in the bush, I need a portable generator. The local Honda dealer has a 1000W generator for just over $1,500.00. The same thing costs only $1,000.00 in the US, but I can’t bring one from there. The freight and taxes would more than double the price. So if you can help me out, please do!

Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.

In Christ,

Mike Creiglow


Mike & Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
69980 Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre
Brasil, SA

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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BFM Outreach—G3 2023

Update from Mark Pyles, BFM Director

The G3 Conference in Atlanta on September 21-23 was filled with amazing preaching on the sovereignty of God, and great worship from a crowd of over 8,400 people. And it was such a privilege to represent BFM at our booth and conversing with so many people. Our conversations varied from potential missionaries (one of which was a medical doctor missionary seeking a new agency), to pastors seeking new missions agencies to support, to members from various churches across the country, to friends and acquaintances.

The booth was manned by Sheridan Stanton and myself, joined by John Moore, who oversees the missions ministry at Grace Baptist in Fairborn.

It was such an honor to explain to so many people there what makes BFM so unique — particularly our doctrinal beliefs concerning the sovereignty of God in salvation and that we do not send missionaries but come alongside the local church as they send missionaries. So many people showed great interest in us when we shared those distinctives.

It was a humbling privilege to represent the wonderful missions ministry of BFM. We pray that the contacts made result in new relationships and that God would use them for the furtherance of the gospel across the world!

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The Pitmans – Ministry Trip to Brazil

David & Kym Pitman traveled to Brazil during the month of September to represent BFM.

By the Numbers

  • 2055 miles traveled in 3 states
  • 24 churches visited/influenced
  • 20 pastors & their families received personal visit / ministered/prayed with
  • 21 cities
  • 1 foster care center
  • 9 speaking engagements (David)
  • 2 debate panels
  • 4 speaking engagements (Kym Pitman)
  • 1 pastors & leaders breakfast with 43 participants
  • 5 Sunday services and 320 people total
  • Saturday Churches Gathering in Paraná with 130 present
  • Conference with 250 people present
  • 40 – 50 decisions (salvation, baptism, reconciliation, ministry)
The PItmans with Jud Hatcher’s Family & Friends

Kym Pitman’s Synopsis

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

It was my honor to speak to the ladies of Brazil several times during our visit, concluding with a devotion
on fruitfulness at the September 7th event using the deep-rooted tree of Psalm 1 as my text. The ladies
were very attentive and patient while my translator, Carol, and I did our best to communicate the same

Also, the homes that we visited were very hospitable. And the bond we have in Christ overcame many
language barriers. It was truly a foretaste of Heaven being there with brothers and sisters with whom
we will spend eternity worshiping our Lord.

It was also a trip full of wonder as we saw places that we had only heard about when missionaries were
on furlough, or that we had read about in the Mission Sheets. I am so thankful for the goodness of God
that allowed me to meet in person those ministering in Brazil who still faithfully honor their Lord and
their mentors, to see the places in which they now minister, and to have the opportunity to hear their
prayer requests so that I can understand better how to pray for their specific needs. These are
memories and friendships that I will always treasure. Many thanks to Jud and Raquel Hatcher for their
invitation and their hospitality.

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Sharing Christ at School + Another Baptismal Candidate in Portugal

Bobby and Charlene Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.

September 23, 2023

Almost immediately after our return from Brazil, I began teaching at a high school near Tampa, Florida. The school is operated out of a local Baptist church and is administrated by Christian faculty and staff. I found out very quickly, though, that that doesn’t mean that all the students are Christians. I am very grateful and thankful to the Lord for the privilege of being able to share the gospel and biblical precepts with the students in each of the 6 subjects that I teach. Almost every day I find a situation where I can share the gospel or apply the Word of God in practical ways to my students. I have come to love them, and I pray that the Lord will use me to win as many of them as will surrender to Christ this school year. 

Our missionary couple to Portugal, Yago and Manoela, report that their little group is growing weekly. There is another baptismal candidate, Beatriz, whom we are praying for. She professed faith in Christ some time back but was not baptized then. After she told Manoela and Yago that she was ready to be baptized, several issues arose that have caused her to waver. I ask you to pray with us for Beatriz, that she may be firm in her decision to follow Christ boldly in the waters of baptism. We know that she is enduring demonic attacks and our prayers will be used of the Lord for her victory. She and her sister, Bruna, had never gotten along well until Beatriz fully committed to Christ. Since then, they have both been serving joyfully in outreach ministries at the fledgling church. That’s when the attacks on Beatriz’s faith began. We know the enemy seeks to cause damage to anything that speaks of Christ’s love and forgiveness, but we also know that “greater is He who is in them than he who is in the world.”

Our mobile evangelistic team, Projeto Vida, had a very fruitful month of outreach. The Lord blessed and each of the 14 volunteers had the privilege of leading some to repent and surrender to Christ as Lord and Savior. Of course, where there is faithfulness, there is testing. Our van’s tires went as far as they could, but two of them wore out this month. We are grateful to some of you readers who, when you heard of the need, gave funds to help replace them. The team only had to stop long enough to purchase new ones, change them, and continue their mission journeys. They are already in another town this week sharing the gospel, thanks to your willingness to help. May the Lord bless your generosity.

In Christ’s love,

Bobby and Charlene Wacaser

Contact Info:
Bobby & Charlene Wacaser
Currently Stateside on Furlough from Brazil
Phone: (813) 501-9328

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online

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Special Events & Sharing About Our Savior

Odali and Kathy Barros served the Lord in Sao Paulo, Brazil together from 1987-2013. In late 2013, they transitioned to Manaus in Northern Brazil to start sharing the Gospel and planting churches in villages along the river.

September 21, 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Hope all are doing well. We are doing well thanks to our Lord. Things are going well with our building and remodeling. The work at the camp is coming along, and the remodeling of the church building at Cacau is coming along. We are taking advantage of the dry season.

The special day we had with the couples fishing was great. Everyone had a great time and we had safety on the river. The day we had a special dinner to bring lost friends or friends that needed to find a church to go to also went well. It was a great dinner. We had a short devotion about salvation before the dinner. It was great!

Now we are working on getting more people involved in the church with the children and teens. It has been great to see several getting interested. They are planning a special day for the teens. Pray that God will help them see how important it is to help these teens. The world offers so many things that turn them from God. We need to help them live in this world and focus on our Savior.

The work in Ubim is growing. The couple that works there with Kathy are teaching the kids different instruments and to sing. Soon we plan on starting regular services. The couple that is helping lives close to the village.

Thanks for your prayers and support. May God give each of us wisdom and strength to do His will!

Love in our Lord Jesus Christ,

Odali and Kathy Barros

Contact Info:
Odali & Kathy Barros
Iranduba, Amazonas
Brasil, SA

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Unexpected Gifts from the God Who Never Changes

September 17, 2023

Missionaries John and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are thankful for the many different ways God showers us with blessings. Some can be put in the category of “never changing” and others in the category of “surprise, surprise, surprise”. Don’t you like them both; the reliability of our eternal Father who never changes and the unexpected gifts of His amazing creativity?

About three days ago my phone rang and I was surprised to see the name of a pastor friend on the screen. We had not spoken to each directly by phone in a long time. That was a surprise, but the best was yet to come. He proceeded to tell me that he had been contacted by a couple who had seen his church’s service on the internet. They wanted to get involved in a Bible study. Vincent, the pastor friend, thought that they would profit from a Bible study with us. He knows several people who have grown in the Lord through the Bible studies we lead. He wanted to contact me before putting them in contact with us.

The couple, longtime “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, had recently concluded that the JW religion was not biblical. We got in contact with them and are beginning to have weekly interactive online Bible studies. Our first meeting lasted three hours. Over the years they had begun to have questions about the “Watch Tower Society” and its teachings. When they could not go to the meetings because of COVID, they began searching the Bible on their own and the Holy Spirit certainly used the Word of God to speak to their hearts. They live nearly two hours by car from us. We hope to be able to meet them face to face soon. Your prayers for this couple (S and T) and their two children would be greatly appreciated.

Here is a glimpse at our schedule this week. Sunday: weekly church service; Monday: internet Bible study of Jeremiah; Tuesday: Bible study with believers in the city of Mazere (about 1 ½ hours from our home); Wednesday: meeting to speak English with folks with whom we have been able to share the Gospel; Thursday: Judy and I meet with a disciple for family and spiritual growth counseling; Friday: Bible study with new couple mentioned about; Saturday: Bible study and children’s Bible class in Campagne sur Arize (about 1 ½ from our home); and Youth meeting back in our town. We are delighted for the opportunities the Lord gives us to serve Him and those who serve with us. Above all, we are grateful for the wisdom and strength He gives us to do so.

And, we are very thankful that you are “in the ship with us”!

May God’s richest blessings be evident to each of you,

John and Judy

Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
2 T Impasse de la Picardie
31830 Plaisance du Touch
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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