Teaching Students to Be Better Ministers of Jesus
September 9, 2023
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ,
If you are reading this report, thank you. Thank you for taking an interest in what we are doing for the Lord in Kenya and for partnering with us for the glory of Jesus and for the spread of His kingdom. I really do appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and support and do not take it for granted, especially today as I not only am struggling with what to write in my report but I’m also struggling in my spirit. There is an anxiousness and strain in my spirit that I cannot explain and a very heavy spiritual and emotional weight that I am carrying today. Because of the inexplicable heaviness in my spirit today, I will remind myself what I am teaching my students in my Pentateuch class and see if it helps me. (An aside here: I had a number of students come to me before classes opened and told me that they were very excited to be in my Pentateuch class. Then they said, “What is the Pentateuch, anyway?” I had to laugh). I have been teaching my students that the Old Testament is the foundation of the New Testament and that it is difficult to comprehend what the New Testament is teaching without the revelation of the Old Testament. The Pentateuch is the foundation of the Old Testament and without it you would have a hard time understanding the rest of the Old Testament. Genesis is the foundation of the Pentateuch and gives us the origins and beginnings of the world, humanity, and God’s relations with humanity. Without Genesis you would have a hard time making sense of the Bible. The Abrahamic Covenant is the engine that drives the book of Genesis and thus, in turn, the Pentateuch, the Old Testament, and the New Testament. And the Abrahamic Covenant reveals the beginning of God’s plan to redeem the nations, to fix the universal problem of sin and rebellion, and to bring eternal blessings to his people. God has a plan – to redeem the nations. God has inaugurated his plan – in the Abrahamic Covenant. God has brought his plan to fruition – through his Messiah and Son, Jesus Christ. God has made his plan effectual in the lives of His people – you, me, and my beloved Kenyan students. Now, I have finished reviewing my initial lessons that I taught my students in my Pentateuch class, but I still am carrying the heavy spiritual weight in my soul. I must now try and have a spirit of thankfulness and gratitude today, in spite of the weight and struggle in my spirit. I know I must not be the only one with such a weight today and so I encourage each of you to also strive for a spirit of thankfulness and gratitude in all the struggles you also are facing today.
The new school year opened last week, and it was good to have all our returning students back on campus. It was also good to see a large batch of fresh, new faces on the brand-new students. Some were fearful, being so young and away from home for the first time in their lives. Others were older, experienced and married, and not as anxious and nervous about their new surroundings. But all are eager to learn the Bible and to love Jesus. In my orientation session for new students, I stressed that while academics is important, gaining knowledge is vital, and they all want good grades, that the real reason they are at our school is to grow in their love and service of Jesus and to learn to become better ministers for God’s people. I told them that our goal at Moffat was that at the end of their tenure at our school that they would be better ministers of Jesus: better at ministering God’s Word, better at serving and loving God’s people, better at pointing people to Jesus, and better at ministering to people’s souls through the Word of God and love of Jesus.
Please be in prayer for the Kenyan people. I don’t really know what the economic situation for all the nations around the world is, but I do know that in Kenya the situation is not good right now. Many people are striving financially, and many families are struggling. I know this is a common and repeated prayer request that I include in my newsletters, and you may be tired of hearing it. But the situation is still one of constant struggle for many families, and I wish that you would fervently pray for the people of Kenya, not just that economic struggles would be relieved but especially that they would know and love Jesus as their Savior.
Blessings to all,
Roger, Julie & Chloe
Roger & Julie Tate
Moffat Bible College
P.O. Box 70
Kijabe, Kenya 00220
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Encouraging Pastors & Seizing Opportunities for Gospel Connections
August 22, 2023
Dear friends and partners in the Gospel,
Greetings from sunny Brazil! As we draw closer to the end of summer, we reflect upon the multifaceted experiences we’ve had and the many blessings we’ve seen. Here are some highlights:
1. An Italian Cuisine Evangelist Sunday
We were delighted to receive friends and neighbors for a Sunday gathering where the flavors of Italy met the fervor of Brazilian connectivity. The fusion of Italian flavors served with the Gospel message (that not even Ancient Romans could contain), pointed people to a relationship with Jesus.
2. Pastors and Soup
Our monthly pastors’ gathering in São Paulo state happened in Alvaro de Carvalho on a Friday night with delicious soups, great conversations, and the boldness of the Gospel to keep us on track in leading our teams to stay focused on the cross. It started at 7:00 pm and finished at midnight. Intense, deep, spontaneous, funny, and inspiring.
3. Uraí, PR Pastors’ Meetup
The next morning, we drove three hours for our monthly pastors’ meeting in Uraí, SP. Our journey continued to a meetup of pastors & leaders gathered to share, learn, and pray together. I was humbled by the stories of resilience and commitment these pastors have in leading their local churches.
4. Community Event for Men
On a Thursday night some of our church leaders in São Paulo City attended a special event for men, centered on eating ribs. This was a locally organized community event. We went to establish new connections and make new friends. It was inspiring to see men come together to eat ribs, our team of guys prayed throughout the whole night as we laughed and talked with the guys. We met a ton of men!
5. Foster Care Awareness Day at the Park
An event coming up is one organized by Raquel and her foster care leadership team. We expect several families to join us at a local public park to raise awareness for at-risk children, orphans and to share the Gospel. In bringing together families, children, and the community, emphasizing the importance of foster care. Pray for us as we set up the games, face paint the kids, serve popcorn and cotton candy, and jump rope, that each child will find the Father.
6. Celebrating Joseph Brandon’s Legacy
A century ago, Joseph Brandon stepped onto Brazilian soil through “Amazon Valley Baptist Faith Missions, carrying with him the message of the Gospel. This month, we celebrate his legacy with a grand conference. Our guest speakers for this centennial celebration include Pastor’s David Pitman and Jonathan Turner, both directors of Baptist Faith Missions and faithful local church pastors.
7. Family Time and Back to School
As the school break simmered down, Sarah, Laura, Benjamin, and Melissa geared up for the new school year. I have never seen them so enthusiastic, disciplined, and focused as I am seeing them now. All four of them are part of the after-school athletics and the tournament between schools is in full throttle.
8. Kayaking Adventures
I recently took Melissa on a kayaking adventure. We had an incredible time exploring the island we went to visit, and it was a refreshing experience amidst nature, reminding us of God’s majestic creation.
9. A Birthday Celebration
Raquel’s aunt turned a graceful 78 this month, and it was a joyous occasion filled with stories, laughter, and memories with her extended family – some drove six hours to celebrate this moment.
10. David & Kym Pitman’s & Jonathan Turner’s Trip to Brazil
In just a few days we will receive David and Kym Pitman. They will be with us from August 26 through September 8. What an honor of hosting David & Kym Pitman. Their trip is filled with meaningful visits with pastors and their families, leadership gatherings, discussions, prayer, and culminating at the September 7 conference in Lupercio City. Jonathan Turner will join us on September 6 until the 8th. We look forward to every ministry opportunity with them.
11. One-on-One Evangelism Opportunities
We’ve been blessed with numerous opportunities for one-on-one evangelism, where personal stories and testimonies have paved the way for deeper connections and spiritual growth.
12. Gospel Partnerships
For two months I have prayed for the Lord to open an opportunity for us to partner with a soccer school. Just last week, the Lord opened the doors wide open. This week I had the privilege of meeting most of the young athletes. We will now have access to minister to 80 new families on a weekly basis!
13. Fundraising & Prayer Requests
We humbly reach out to you, our faithful supporters, with two pressing fundraising needs:
a) Sound System, Stage, and Tent:
To enhance our church planting and network gatherings, we require a sound system, stage, and tent. The estimated cost for this essential equipment is 10,000 US dollars, considering the higher expenses for such equipment in Brazil.
b) Second Car Purchase:
Due to the increasing demand and rising expenditure on transportation, we urgently need to acquire a second vehicle. The estimated cost for this much-needed resource is also 10,000 US dollars.
As we step into the new month, we ask for your continued prayers and support. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Let’s continue partnering in this Kingdom work.
Grateful always,
Judson Hatcher
Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
(872) 400-6522
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Field Representative Report – August 2023
An update from Pastor David Pitman, Field Representative
2023 began with George Sledd and Sheridan Stanton presenting BFM to the Founders Conference in Florida.
In March, Darrell Messer and David Pitman were with Pastor Mark Campbell at Emmanuel Baptist, Salyersville, Kentucky.
Our team made its second visit to CBTS in March.
In March BFM also displayed at the Addyston Baptist Church’s Men’s Retreat (Ohio) and the Spring Conference at Grace Baptist Church of Fairborn, Ohio.
Darrell Messer and Mark Pyles will lead our team’s return to G3, Atlanta in September.
David & Kym Pitman and Jonathan Turner are representing BFM in Brazil.
October 19-20, David & Kym Pitman and Dan Hillard will represent at DBTS in Detroit.
Pray for us!
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New Boat for Itinerant Missionary
August 15, 2023
Dear Brethren,
Hello from perfect weather Cruzeiro do Sul. We just had a cold front come through. There were 3 days of rain and temperatures in the low 70’s. We had just come off a 30-day drought. Now the grass is green again and clear blue skies. So good to be home. Speaking of being home: Bev and I have been back for exactly one month.
The church has been taking advantage of my return and put me to work big time. I have been preaching or teaching at least 3 times a week. Sometimes more. Besides these messages in our regular services, I have also been in the studio recording videos and have visited one of our chapels, too. This month they asked me to prepare a series of lessons about some of the “One to another” texts. I singled out 8 in the book of Romans. Sunday morning, I taught about having the “same mind” from Romans 12:16. Each lesson is supposed to be 1 hour. Mine took an hour and a half. When I closed, they broke into applause. My hope is that they enjoyed the lesson. Of course, there is always the possibility that they were just glad I shut up!
Bev and I visited Cruzeirinho last Sunday night to help them celebrate the Brazilian Father’s Day. Although it was raining, they had a really good crowd, and one lady came back into fellowship after being away for 3 years.
This is church camp season. The preteens went to Camp Salém (our own 400 acre camp) three weekends ago. They had 55 kids. The next week was the men’s retreat. They had over 170. This past weekend was the youth group. Don’t know exactly how many went. I was up there yesterday, and I am sure they had well over 100.
The church bought a brand new aluminum boat and 23HP motor for our itinerant missionary Geverton. The boat and motor were unveiled in the church parking lot 2 Sundays ago. The boat will carry 12 people. He has been taking care of all the congregations and mission points between here and Porto Walter. His last trip covered Valparaiso, Nova Cintra, Valquiria, Profeta and Luzeiro.
Since my last letter our evangelists have been back to Gama and Ramal 7, plus Generoso on the Boa Fé River.
Besides all the meetings and work at church, I have been trying to squeeze in as much repair work as possible. It is unreal how many things broke down while I was away for 6 months. It seems like every day I find something else that needs to be fixed. I have started up some new building projects, too. Nothing major yet, but things are starting to get back into a rhythm.
My health has improved. I have lost 13lbs so far and am getting my exercise pretty regularly. The medical bills are still trickling in, but nothing big of late. Thanks to all who have prayed and given. Thanks for all your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike Creiglow
Mike & Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
69980 Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre
Brasil, SA
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Professions of Faith in Public Schools
August 11, 2023
Dear Friends,
Charlene and I returned from Brazil this week after 3 weeks of hosting two groups from 3 different churches from the USA, one from Florida and two from Virginia. The Lord blessed tremendously, and we shared the gospel in 8 public schools to 4,260 students and staff. There were over 200 people who professed Christ as their Lord and Savior. We are still rejoicing in the privilege of being used to make Christ known and to be a part in many coming to salvation.
I spoke with our missionaries to Portugal, Yago and Manoela, and they are excited about the second baptism they have been privileged to perform since arriving there last November. They still haven’t been able to move to the capital, Lisbon, but they did find a meeting place there that they can rent for a very reasonable price just for the time they are using it. It is a community center that puts no limitations on the types of activities they have, which is very important in Portugal. Very few public places are that gracious, especially concerning evangelical outreach and worship. They plan to meet there with those new converts that are already coming to their meetings and with the new contacts they’ll meet in their outreach efforts.
Charlene and I have scheduled to visit with them in January of the new year to encourage and to assist them in this new work. Please pray for this new church plant in Portugal.
The newly established pastor of our former church in Curitiba, Brazil is doing an excellent job. I met with several charter members who all said that he is doing great. We were already confident that he would, but it was reassuring to hear that from the longtime members. The church has continued to see growth under his leadership. This month they are engaged in WordFest, which is a 3-week challenge to read several books of the Bible, memorized over 45 Bible verses and spend at least 45 minutes in guided Bible study. Last year over 90 percent of the congregation completed the challenge and I expect similar results this year as well.
While on furlough, I will be teaching high school students at a Christian school, during the weekdays. On weekends, Charlene and I are available to accept invitations to come and present our ministries. If you or your church would be interested in having us, feel free to contact me at (813) 501-9328, or at my e-mail: bobbymichael_1@hotmail.com.
We are so thankful for your faithful prayers and support.
In Christ’s love,
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Contact Info:
Bobby & Charlene Wacaser
Currently Stateside on Furlough from Brazil
Phone: (813) 501-9328
E-mail: bobbymichael_1@hotmail.com
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online
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