Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher [May 2014]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

Dear Brethren and Friends,

Greetings to each in the Wonderful Name of our Savior.  We are enjoying our furlough time here in the States.  The Mission Conference sponsored by the Thompson Road Baptist Church blessed us this week.  (You who were not able to attend missed great blessings: the warm Christian hospitality of the TRBC, the fellowship of pastors and people from other churches, and edifying messages from God’s Word brought by missionaries and pastors.)  I would like to encourage each pastor and your people to plan to attend this conference next year, if at all possible.  It was a great joy to see friends and pastors who have been our constant fellow-workers for many or all of our sixty years in Brazil.  They are still going and pressing on with the missionaries.

Alta and I have been blessed to see some of our grandchildren and grandchildren.  God has blessed our family and we thank and praise Him.  All of our fifteen grandchildren are serving the Lord in very special ministries.  Eight of our great-grandchildren have trusted the Lord as Savior.

At the end of May we will be moving to Florida for the rest of our furlough, the Lord willing.  Work in Brazil continues and seems to be going well.  Pray for us.  I do not drive much any more so all of our travels will be with Paul and Wanda.

We hope to see many of you our dear friends while here in the States.  Thanks to each of you who have been our prayer and providing force for many years,

In the Name above all names, we thank you,
John and Alta Hatcher

1012 Balsam Drive
Lexington, KY 40504

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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher of Brazil [April 2014]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

March 31, 2014

Dear Brethren and Friends,

Alta and I greet you from the Mission House in Lexington, KY. We arrived in the States on the 28th of March. Paul and Wanda had made arrangements for us to come to Manaus to bring Alta and I home for furlough. David came to Urai and helped us on the trip to Manaus. We were in Manaus for eight days. On our last Sunday before leaving Urai, the Church in Urai had a special service for us with pastors and people from all their missions and churches we had begun. It was an emotional experience.

The next day we flew from Londrina to Manaus. On the 28th of March, we arrived in Nashville where Paul rented a van. We arrived in Lexington with all our baggage on the 28th. We are living in the Mission House that was prepared and waiting for us. We plan to be in the Mission House for at least two months and to attend the Spring Missions Conference at Thompson Road Baptist Church on April 28, 29, 30.

On our first Sunday home, we attended the Bible School and morning service at the Thompson Road Baptist Church where Brother Dave Parks is pastor. That night we attended the services at the New Life Baptist Church where Brother Steve Wainright is pastor. We were blessed to have fellowship with the dear people of these two faithful churches.

Paul, our son, and Wanda are on furlough, also. They are caring for us. We will probably be living in Florida part of this year also.

WORK IN BRAZIL – Praise the Lord, the work in Brazil continues to grow and reach out.

Alta and I thank you for your prayers and financial support through our sixty years as missionaries in Brazil. God bless you.

In the Name of our Lord Jesus,
John and Alta Hatcher

1012 Balsam Drive
Lexington, KY 40504

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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [March 2014]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

February 24, 2014

Dear Brothers, Sisters and Friends of Baptist Faith Missions,

It is a great blessing for an old man to be able to write another letter to dear Friends like you. Alta and I are eighty-eight years old and you have been our dear supporting and praying partners for over fifty-five years for our ministry here in Brazil. It is a very emotional moment for me.

As I was preparing to write, the phone rang. Sebastian Oliveira, a blind person from birth, was calling from two thousand miles away to greet Alta and me and to thank us for the blessing we had been to him. Sebastian was saved in the interior village of Mira Aua, about 1960, when we lived in Manaus and traveled to the interiors on the launch you dear friends helped to build. He has been a Baptist pastor for over thirty-five years.

Our first church plant was in an area called Chapada. It was in the boonies. It was begun through the Tabernacle Baptist Church where we were members. It was started with 24 members. Among the 24 were four future mothers of pastors; there were five future Baptist pastors, including Paul, John Mark, and David Hatcher. The mothers of Baptist preachers were Alta, Guilermina, our daughters, Lynn (now in heaven) and Kathy. We praise God for His promises and unfailing faithfulness.

God touched the Chapada plant in a special way with its pastors and work. On February 23, 2014, there were 5,000 persons in morning services and 6,300 persons in evening services. In the evening services there were over 300 decisions. Praise the Lord for the ministry of church planting!

Our praises to the Lord for His blessings to our family. Alta and I thank Him for our parents and homes who taught us the fear of the Lord and the power of His Word. God has blessed our dear children: three sons are Baptist pastors, two daughters are wives of pastors and mothers of pastors. We have fifteen grandchildren, all of whom are serving the Lord with their partners in definite church planting projects. We have 26 great grandchildren, and eight of those have trusted the Lord as Savior.

WORKS GOING WELL – The mission points are going well here. There are congregations in Assai, Urai, Sussumo, and Rancho Alegre. There are several faithful young pastors. Some are not married; please pray for God to give them the right partners.

The Lord willing,  we hope to be at the Spring Missionary Conference in Lexington. Our son, Paul, is planning our trip with him and Wanda. We may be in the States by the time this letter gets to you.

God bless you each one. We love you in the Lord,

John and Alta Hatcher

Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000

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Missionary Update: John and Alta Hatcher in Brazil [February 2014]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

February 7, 2014

Dear Friends and Brethren,

About two months ago our son David and his wife, Pennie, took Alta and I on a cruise of eight days on the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean Sea. I was there during the Second World War as a seaman and it was just as beautiful as the first time I saw it.

During the cruise I had asked the Lord to open opportunities to witness of the saving Grace of Jesus Christ. One morning we were up on deck and I asked a young man what were his thoughts about Jesus the Savior.

“I am an atheist,” was his answer.

“Sir, two minutes after you die, you will not be an atheist,” was my reply. Why? Because the Bible tells of one who was an atheist or lived as one. In the sixteenth chapter of Luke, verses 16-31, we have the story of a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. If the rich man was not an atheist, he lived like one. Lazarus died and was carried by the angels to Heaven (Abraham’s bosom). The rich man died and was buried; in hell he lifted up his eyes and saw Lazarus in Heaven. When it was not possible for Lazarus to bring a drop of water for his burning tongue, he asked him to be sent back to tell his five brothers about Jesus.

I quickly told the young man about Lazarus and the rich man. I pray for his salvation each time I remember him. If God brings him to your mind, pray for him, also.


  1. A person must hear the Gospel of Jesus to be able to believe.
  2. Each person who believes that Jesus died for them will be saved.
  3. After Death there is no second chance to be saved.
  4. He who dies in Christ will have eternal Joy.
  5. He who dies without the Lord will have eternal suffering.
  6. The most important task we have as Christians is to tell people that Jesus saves.
  7. With Jesus in our hearts, we should have at least as much zeal to tell the lost about Jesus as the rich man had as he suffered in Hell.
Lord, help us to be faithful in telling the lost about your death, burial and resurrection. 

Sincerely yours in Jesus’ Name,
John and Alta Hatcher

Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000

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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [January 2014]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

January 1, 2014

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Happy New Year to each of you. May God bless you this year and give you a blessed year for His honor and glory.

Alta and I have had some great blessings in the final month of 2013. Our son, David, and his wife, Pennie have made these days unforgettable. David came to Urai and took Alta and I for a trip to Florida to visit with my sister, Neree and my sister, Jessie, and her husband, Joe Sills. While there we enjoyed eight days on a cruise. This was a delightful time. I was able to relive some of my Merchant Seaman days.

Returning to Brazil, we went to Manaus to David’s and Pennies’s home. Paul and Wanda, Kathy and Odali live there so we were able to visit our children and grandchildren. It was a marvelous time.

During the month of December, the NOVA IGREJA BATISTA, where David, our son is Pastor, presented a beautiful drama, THE CHRISTMAS DREAM, a story that takes place in a toy factory. The presentation is one hour and a half duration, and uses nearly two thousand persons. It tells the wonderful story of Jesus, from the angel’s announcement to Mary until the resurrection of Jesus. The presentation is breathtaking.

The drama was presented thirty-one times. 92,000 attended the drama and 8,500 persons made decisions, the majority of these were trusting Jesus as Saviour. The story of this church, originally the CHAPADA BAPTIST CHURCH, is one of the greatest works of God’s Grace that I have seen.

Organized about fifty years ago with 24 members it now has an attendance of nearly 5,000 each Sunday. The work was started in the boonies; today the area is the main part of a city of two million inhabitants. This church has also started other congregations in other cities and States. Praise the Lord for His Blessings!

The Lord willing, we will be returning to Urai on January 7. Paul will be taking us back since we are not able to safely travel alone. The TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH where Paul is pastor has done many church plants in Manaus and several of the northeast States of Brazil. This Church has made over sixty church plants. Praise the Lord!

Odali and Kathy have moved north to Manaus to begin works on the rivers and in new villages that are being developed with the development of new roads.

Once more Alta and I wish you a New Year with God’s blessings, as together we continue to go preach, baptize and plant churches.

We love you in the Lord.
John A. and Alta Hatcher

John and Alta Hatcher

Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000

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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher [December 2013]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

November 27, 2013

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings from Brazil. Here we are having summer weather and today is one of the most beautiful days you could imagine. Our day temperature runs in the upper nineties but the night temperature runs in the seventies. Alta and I are well in spite of my having some minor health problems. Yesterday, I changed an old water faucet and I spent a little time on my back with a small flashlight in my mouth. When it was time to get up I did not think I would make it–but I did. I went and bought a new faucet and, thank the Lord, I was able to install it. When done, there were no leaks and it is working perfectly. I told Alta, “Jesus was the carpenter of Nazareth and He is the plumber of Urai.” Believe me, without His help I would never have gotten the job done. I praise Him for His goodness in every phase of our lives.

The church in URAI is doing well. The pastor, Marcio, is teaching a class in the Seminary on Tuesday nights. The young people are active and attendance is growing. SUSSUMO Mission is going well with a great group of primary and adolescents attending. RANCHO ALEGRE Mission is now being led by Wagner. He is married to a lovely lady and they have a beautiful family of three girls and a son.

Please continue to pray for this dear sister, whose body had been taken over by cancer. Praise the Lord, our prayers have been answered and she has completed the treatment and is doing well. She has a year to go to finish the final treatment. Please continue to pray for the dear Sister. Amanda, the daughter of Valdir and Sonia, is expecting her first child the first of December. She is married to Clayton, a young preacher who pastors a Mission of the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Cornelio Procopio.

Our youngest child, Kathy, and her husband are moving to the Amazon Valley to evangelize on the rivers. She flies out tonight with her three sons and the wife and baby of a couple who are going there to work with them. This takes our closest child to a distance of  3,000 miles from us. This is the most difficult aspect of being a missionary–to be so far from your children. However, we praise God that all are serving our wonderful Lord.

Our son, David, has planned a special trip for his mother and me. He is taking us to Manaus to spend the month of December and also, to fly to Florida to make a cruise of eight days and to visit our sisters. He knows how I love the sea and ships. I was a Merchant Marine in the Second World War. I have prepared material in three languages for evangelizing while on board.

May God’s Grace be on each of you,
John and Alta Hatcher

Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000

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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [November 2013]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

November 1, 2013

Proverbs 31:10-31
The Value of a Virtuous Woman

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

God has touched my  heart to write a little about the value of godly women. Their value is far above that of rubies (Prov. 31:10). Dear sisters in Christ, please read Proverbs 31:10-31. 

This is a tribute to a godly missionary mother and wife. I was blessed by the letters written by our missionaries’ wives. I cannot speak for all the husbands, but I can speak with confidence about the two important mothers in my life: My mother who gave birth to me on April 30, 1925; and my wife, Alta, the mother of our five wonderful children, and our baby boy who was born dead in the village of Faro, North Brazil.

The conclusion to all that I desire to say is: The most vital element to great missions and great missionaries are godly wives and mothers. This is the testimony that God has given me in my life and I want to share with you. Alta and I went to Brazil in 1955. We had four children. Our last child, Kathy, was born in Brazil.

Alta is a school teacher. The first two years of our marriage she taught. When our first child, Lynn, was born she quit teaching since her job took her out of the home. When we started the school in Manaus, she taught English because she could take the children with her. Her life was dedicated to Deus as a wife and mother. Her life, dedicated to the Lord, produced five faithful Christian servants. Lynn, dedicated her life to teaching children with deficiencies and helping churches to help families with needy children. Our three sons, Paul, John Mark, and David are missionaries in Brazil in France. Kathy, our last child, is married to Odali Barros, a Brazilian missionary. In their ministry they have cared for more than 150 needy children as their own children.

Alta, their dear mother was the person God used to prepare their lives to serve Jesus. Proverbs 22:6 ” Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” She taught them to read the Bible, to pray and to witness. Her Bible teaching through their youth was their Seminary training. 1 Timothy 2:15 “She shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.” Alta’s life, through our children, has 200 years of ministry; I have about 70.

I thank the Lord for the wonderful wife He gave me. Proverbs 12:4 “A virtous woman is a crown to her husband.” 

Our children praise God for the wonderful mother He gave them. Proverbs 31:28 “Her children shall arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.” 

The future of our Mission Work depends on how you mothers permit God to use your lives. God bless you!

Our thanksgiving to you and our praise to Jesus our Lord,

John A. Hatcher

Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000

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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [October 2013]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

September 26, 2013

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings in Jesus’ Name from Brazil. Alta and I are doing well for two oldies. Alta has so much energy that I have a difficult task to keep up with her. Our weather is still very changeable and if you do not like what you have, just wait about five minutes and what you like will be along. Here, when you are having winter in the States, we are having summer. At this time, you are having Fall and we are having Spring; changeable temperatures every two days. Oh well, variety is the spice of life.

URAI–The work in Urai is going well with services being maintained at Sussumo mission, and Rancho Alegre. Presently, plans are being made to begin a new work in Serra Morena and in Nova America da Colina. Seminary Classes continue on Tuesday and Thursday nights with seven or eight students.

CHAPADA BAPTIST CHURCH CELEBRATED 53 years of existence on the 25 of September. The Pastor of the church is David Hatcher who was five years old when the church was established. When the work was begun, it was out in the boonies. Today, that area is the most active center in Manaus. The church has an attendance of about 5,000 each week. Let me tell you of one marvelous work of the Lord that happened recently. The Church had two special days of an Evangelistic program. One young man invited his father to attend. He attended with his son. Two weeks later the man was returning home and had a car wreck. He broke his neck and died. What a wonderful joy filled the hearts of many when they discovered that the dead man had trusted the Lord as his Savior on the night he came to the special service!

ASSAI–The new family working in this large town is being a blessing to many. Daniel, his wife Leticia, and their nine year-old daughter Milena, are working hard and God is blessing. They have special services for children and young people and then regular services for all. Several have been baptized. Please continue to pray for this family and this city.

SPECIAL NEED–Please pray for Sonha dos Santos. She is starting her light treatment for cancer and Valdir, her husband, has to take her every day for thirty days to the city of Londrina. This is a trip of 100 miles every day. Pray that God will provide their needs and heal this dear sister.

Pray for Alta and me that God will be our strength, wisdom and peace as we at weakened old age try to serve Him in spreading the Gospel through personal witnessing and prayer. We thank you who have been faithful in praying for and supporting us these many years. We love you.

Sincerely in Jesus’ Name,
John and Alta Hatcher

Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000

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