Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [September 2013]
August 28, 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Good COLD morning to you all. Two days ago the temperature was in the nineties. Today, we are shivering with the temperature in low forties. God’s system of air conditioning is unequaled in its ability to change the weather rapidly. During the night, I woke up and Alta was putting another blanket on us. She said, “I am freezing.” While I write this note, the sun is shining brightly and the temperature is rising. I went to the store about 8:30 and Alta is busy cooking some of the things I bought because we are expecting our son Paul to arrive tomorrow in a surprise visit for a few days. What a joy fills our hearts when they come.
WORK IN ASSAI—Brother Daniel is the missionary pastor in Assai. He just called to greet us and to say that two persons with whom we worked and prayed for had been baptized. They are mother, Jirlene, and daughter, Mirela. We praise the Lord and thank Him for His work of Grace in these two lives. Please make the city of Assai a special item on your prayer list. A city of 20,000 population, it is the most difficult place we have ever worked in our entire ministry.
About 15 minutes ago, John Mark called us from France. Our hearts throb with joy when we receive calls from our children. Their work is going well and last Sunday they had wonderful services.
SPECIAL VISIT—While John Mark was on the telephone, Paul was trying to call us. He had just left Sao Paulo and was advising us that he would be here in about five hours. He will visit with us for about five days; what a special treat that will be!
URAI—The work here is going well. Pastor Marcio is doing a good job with the church and the mission points. The Congregation in Sussumo is going very well with a great group of adolescents. The three young people who work there are fine dedicated Christians—Wiler, Jeferson, and Odete. Marcio also pastors the Congregation in the little city of Rancho Alegre. They have services twice weekly. Presently, there is another dedicated brother in the ministry. He is married and they have four children. This week, he and the pastor are visiting two cities to decide where we will begin another Congregation. Praise the Lord for Pastors and people that pray and work for the spreading of the Gospel.
HEALTH—Kathy took me to see the doctor in Marilia. He is a great friend. My heart exam gave everything good. A complete blood exam, also, gave everything as very good. Praise the Lord for His benefits.
Sincerely, by the Grace of God,
John and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [August 2013]
August 1, 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We thank you and praise the Lord for your faithfulness in prayers and financial support for many years. Things have certainly changed since our arrival in Brazil in 1955. Today, there are more cars on our short street here in Urai than there were in the entire city of Manaus when we arrived. Praise the Lord, the spread of the Gospel has been widespread, also.
During the month of July we had a few days of very chilly weather; that has passed and now we are enjoying beautiful sunny weather with temperatures between 70 and 90 degrees. Alta and I are well with just a few physical and mental reminders that we are human and reaching an advanced age. We praise the Lord for His goodness to us and for the joy of serving Him here.
PRAISE THE LORD! The small mission in the suburb of Urai, Sussuma, has seven persons to be baptized at the next baptismal service. There are three young people from the Urai Church who work in this Mission: Wiler, Odete, and Jefferson. They are wonderful young people and have been faithful in this work. I am asking you to try to remember their names and bring them before the Throne of God in your prayers.
ANOTHER PRAYER REQUEST–In the Urai Church there is a large group of young people who are in the time of their lives to select a partner for life. This choice is vital for the continuation of their spiritual welfare. Please pray for them in this choice.
OUR PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING TO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER–Alta and I are eternally grateful for His blessings on our family: We have two in heaven, awaiting our coming: a baby boy born dead in Faro, and Lynn, our oldest. She left her bereaved husband, Ross, and five children. All are serving the Lord faithfully in special ministries. Paul and family faithfully serving the Lord and planting churches in many States of Brazil. John Mark and family serving Him in France with many doors recently being opened. David, who is pastor, and his wife, Pennie, work in the Chapada Baptist Church in Manaus. Kathy, our youngest, and Odali serve the Lord in Garca, Sao Paulo. We have 15 grandchildren, all of whom serve the Lord in special ministries. We have 26 great-grandchildren, seven of whom have been saved and some of these baptized.
EVANGELISTIC WALKING–Three or four days a week as weather permits I walk a few blocks for the purpose of talking to people about the Lord. The past week I was able to evangelize nine persons; Alta teaches a Bible Class for pastor’s wives the first Monday each month.
Pray for us. Thanks for your prayers and support.
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher [July 2013]
Dear Brethren and Friends,
First of all, let me say a word to our wonderful missionary wives. I have read or am reading your wonderful letters of testimony as faithful partners with your husbands on the mission field. I am so touched by each one that I cannot read more than one at a time. Your dedication to your husbands and families cannot be fully understood except by those who have gone through a similar experience.
Dear Missionary friends and fellow-helpers, please pray faithfully for these missionary wives. On them depends the faithfulness of their missionary husbands, the spiritual development of their children, and the acceptance of the family among the people with whom they work to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God bless you, dear missionary wives.
MONTHLY MEETING OF PASTORS AND WIVES – Several years ago Valdir dos Santos, pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Cornelio Procopio began having a meeting of all the pastors of our churches and missions on the first Monday of each Month. The pastors met in the church auditorium and the wives met in his home that was on the second floor of the building. He asked Alta to bring a Bible Study for the ladies. She continues to prepare and bring this study each month.
For the Pastors, it was and continues to be an informal and profitable meeting. Each tell about their services, blessings and disappointments, what they have tried that worked and what did not work. Each Bible texts are discussed as well as subjects where there are doubts or truths discovered. Finally, the meeting is closed with Prayers by each for the works, special needs and new outreach. It is a time that each looks forward to and benefits in their spiritual fellowship with our brethren.
Pray for these dear servants and their wives.
Sincerely, in the Name above every Name,
John A. and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [June 2013]
Dear Brethren and Friends,
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! We know you will rejoice with us–The Lord has given a break through in Assai. More than seventy persons attended the special service on Mother’s Day in the city of Assai. Praise the Lord for His blessing on the new family who is working there.
The new pastor is Daniel. His wife is Leticia and their ten year-old daughter is Milena. This family came from the Chapada Baptist Church in Manaus, where our son, David, is pastor. This family is hard-working and dedicated to do God’s will. Pray for God to bless this family and have mercy on Assai. The Chapada Church paid their moving expenses and continue monthly support. Thank the Lord, with Alta and I, for this great blessing in Assai. In this city with a population of 20,000 there is only one baptized believer in our work.
The week after Mother’s Day there were thirty children present in the Saturday Bible Hour and twenty adults and children attended the Sunday service. God has heard and is answering your prayers concerning this city. Please praise Him and thank Him for His blessings.
PERSONAL EVANGELISM–As you know, I try to walk three times each week with the purpose of physical care and to do personal evangelism. We have had two weeks of rain, almost day and night so my walking has been slowed down. Two days that I did walk the Lord gave me opportunity to witness to five persons: A young couple with two small children and three working men.
URAI CHURCH–Since we do not have a specific work to care for since giving up Assai, we are attending the services at Urai church. The mission in Sussumo, on the other side of town, is going well. Three young people of the church teach Sunday School there and they have a preaching service every Friday night. The other mission and visitation program is going well and new persons are coming to services. Please pray for us. Alta is doing fine and I have some physical needs.
In His Wonderful Name,
John A. and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher [May 2013]
It was a joy to see each of you that were present at the Spring Missionary Conference at Thompson Road Baptist Church. We enjoyed the preaching and also enjoyed the wonderful meals the dear women prepared. Thank you Bro. Dave Parks and your church.
Since we were only going to be in the States a week we informed our eleven grandchildren who live in the States and other close friends and relatives to meet us at the conference or in Alexandria, Ky., where John’s invalid brother lives, or in Florida where John’s sister lives. All but two were able to be at one of the locations. What a joy to see them!
John had his 88th birthday April 30th while we were at the conference. Also I enjoyed the special hour I had speaking to the women who were present at the conference. (You can read a recap of her session here.)
We rejoice that God has given us 58 wonderful years as missionaries with BFM in many places in Brazil. We are in Brazil because you have supported us and our three children, Paul and Wanda, John Mark and Judy and Odali and Kathy, also our grandson Judson and Raquel. Thank you.
Pray God will give us health and spiritual guidance to serve Him until we go to be with Him in Heaven or He comes for all of us who have trusted Jesus as our Savior.
Thanks again for your support and prayers. May God bless each of you.
Alta Hatcher
John and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
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Spring Conference 2013 [Ladies’ Seminar with Alta Hatcher]
The ladies at the Spring Conference had a special treat this morning by getting to hear Sis. Alta Hatcher share many stories from her life, all of which pointed us back to the sovereignty of God. {Romans 8:28}After serving in Brazil for 58 of the 87 years of her life, she is full of wisdom and still loves sharing the Gospel.
“My biggest interest is to see people saved so they can go to Heaven,” she began. “And it’s not just for missionaries to tell people how to be saved. It’s up to all Christians.”
One of her favorite verses that has been especially dear to her over the past few years comes from Matthew 21:22- “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Be sure that what you’re asking as you pray is God’s will because He knows what’s good for us and we don’t.
Sis. Hatcher exhorted us to “Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). “Do you pray all the time?” she asked. She prays when she’s cooking. She prays when she’s hooking the clasp on her necklace when she is getting ready, a task that has been a challenge in her older age.
She then shared several of her life experiences with us, all of which were used to point to the sovereignty of God. She was saved at the age of 7 years old after coming under conviction in her Elizabethtown church and begging her mother for several days to read all of John 3 to her. One evening, her mother finally read the chapter right before they went to bed. When they read verses 14-16, that is when Alta realized that Jesus died for her. She was familiar with the Numbers 21 story of the Israelites in the wilderness where they were dying after being bitten by serpents and how when they looked to the serpant on the pole they lived. The next day, she wanted to tell her 6 year old friend that she was saved!
Though saved, her mother thought she was too young and did not allow her to be baptized, telling her that she could be baptized the following Sunday if she obeyed all week long. When the Sunday came, she was not allowed to go forward for baptism because she had disobeyed one time. Therefore, she struggled with doubts because for a long time she thought that Christians didn’t sin. She encouraged all in the room to be careful what you say to children.
At 8 years old, she was trembling wanting to go forward, but she was scared her mother would spank her. She was saved four years before she was baptized and joined the church at the age of 11. At 9 years old, she was called to be a missionary while hearing her mother tell a friend about a single lady missionary in Africa whom they thought had died. She knew she wanted to be a missionary and knew that meant she needed to marry a missionary. She started to pray for a missionary husband at the age of 10 and strongly encourages children to start praying for their spouse at the ages of 7, 8, and 9.
God answers prayers in ways you don’t expect! She was a student at Georgetown College, where the students were all girls with the exception of 9 preachers. When World War II had just ended, she was invited to teach 3rd grade back in E-town. She walked 3 miles two times a week to study music and learn how to play piano. (She sees the sovereignty of God at work here because in all their years of planting churches, she has played the piano and taught children.)
The year she had left to teach, thousands of soldiers returned and enrolled at Georgetown, one of which was John Hatcher. A missionary from Rio came and preached and John was called to missions in Brazil. The missionary started a club for those interested in missions and one of the ministries they decided to do was pick up new students who needed a ride when they were returning for the new school year. They went through a list of new students and John asked if his friends knew of any students on there who wanted to be a missionary. All of Alta’s classmates screamed her name! John wrote her a letter to let her know he’d pick her up at the train station when she was coming back to school. And…he didn’t show. He was called to preach a revival that evening, but he met her the following morning. They courted two months and married six months later.
In 1955, they moved to Brazil. 70% of the people there did not know how to read or write so they started a school so they could learn how to read their Bibles. They started Chapada Baptist Church and left there with 23 members in 1961. Now the church has grown to 4000+ with their son David as pastor.
When they bought a house in Urai, children started to come visit them, so she started to teach them using flannelgraph. On teaching children: Always tell them HOW to be saved! “During every class, I always taught the Bible, but every class I should have also taught them HOW to be saved,” she said.
The Hatchers have always been good stewards. They received a $23,000 inheritance from her parents and after leaving it in the bank for about 10 years, they used it to build 4 churches. They are also still driving the same truck they’ve had for the last 43 years, which was bought by Bro. Fox’s 9-12 year old Sunday School class at Ashland Avenue Baptist Church.
This is only a snippet of what she shared with the ladies and by no means even an abridged biography of her extraordinary life, but her stories reminded us that God has a purpose in every little detail of our lives for His glory and our good.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” -Romans 8:28
Aren’t you thankful for Alta Hatcher?
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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [April 2013]
Dear Brethren and Friends,
It is a joy to greet you once more from Brazil. In spite of the changes that take place in old age, Alta and I have had a good month. We praise the Lord for all of His goodness and benefits.
ASSAI—Sunday was our last Sunday for the work in Assai. Praise the Lord for providing a wonderful family from the city of Manaus who was sent to Assai by the Chapada Baptist Church. Daniel, his wife, Leticia, and their nine year-old daughter, Milena, arrived in Assai on March 18. They have worked successfully in other congregations and came with a desire to see the work develop. Please make their ministry in Assai a constant matter of prayer, and that God will have mercy on that city of twenty thousand.
PHYSICAL NEEDS—There are two prayer requests for two of God’s servants. The first is Sonia dos Santos, the wife of Valdir, the pastor in Cornelio Procopio. She had her left breast removed because of cancer and she is having a difficult experience with the chemical treatments. Secondly, we ask you to pray for Silvio Pfhal, pastor of two churches and father of four children. He was painting and the ladder he was on slipped and one vertebra was cracked in his lower back. He is recovering well, but will be practically stopped for about three months. Pray for Kelly, his wife, as she cares for him and the children.
Maria, our daughter by adoption, is needing cataract surgery on both eyes. Please pray for this marvelous servant of God. Her sister, Helena, had this surgery on both eyes a month ago and is perfectly recovered.
URAI—The work of Urai church is doing well. The mission congregations at Rancho Alegre, Sussumo, and other mission activities are doing well under the leadership of Marco Moraes.
We feel a certain emotion in leaving Assai, but we praise the Lord for His provision. Our work in visitation and evangelizing will continue, as well as our financial help to pastors, seminary teachers and students. Our job is not finished, just adjusting to our abilities. We are grateful to all who have been our constant partners through our many years in Brazil. God bless you. We love you.
In the Name of our Lord Jesus,
John A. and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher [March 2013]
February 25, 2013
Dear Brethren and Fellow-Workers:
Here in Urai the sun is shining brightly and it is a beautiful summer day. You may remember that when it is winter in the States it is summer for us here. It has been a hot summer with sufficient rain for the crops. The fields are very beautiful and harvest of the soy bean crop has begun.
PERSONAL–Alta and I are doing well for two oldies. Her eyes continue in perfect condition after the two cataract surgeries. My physical condition is going down slowly. We have been able to go to the city of Assai each Sunday.
ASSAI–Praise the Lord for His blessing for the work in Assai. This month a family from the Chapada Church is being sent to take care of the work here. The family is a young couple with two children. Please pray for them.
URAI–The church in Urai, under the leadership of Marcio Moraes, is doing well in the home church and in the three congregations. There is a wonderful group of young people, both men and women, who are dedicated to serving the Lord. The Seminary Classes begin again this month. Please pray for the teachers and eight to ten students.
PHYSICAL NEED–Sonha dos Santos, wife of Valdir dos Santos, pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Cornelio Procopio, had her left breast removed because of cancer. She is going through much suffering with the chemical treatment. Please remember to pray for this wonderful saint of the Lord.
WORK IN BRAZIL–Remember, the country of Brazil is larger in territory than the 48 continental United States. The works that have been started by missionaries of BFM or that are being started are going very well and some have grown to thousands in attendance. You who have given for this mission work can be proud of the families you have supported and the result that God has given. Alta and I count it a great privilege to have served the Lord in this country for over 58 years.
Your servants in Christ,
John A. and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
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