Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [May 2012]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

Dear Brethren and Friends,

Greetings once more from Brazil in the precious name of Jesus. On April 30th I had my 87th birthday. No celebration, just thanksgiving to God for His many blessings in my life.

In the month of December our immediate family spent ten days together in the home of David and Pennie in Manaus. Needless to say, every moment we had together were joyous and precious. We praise and thank God every day for our wonderful children, our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren.

Annual Family Camp
The first week in January was the family camp directed by Pastor Valdir dos Santos of the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Cornelio Procopio. Our son, Paul, was the special speaker for the week. His messages on rewards and crowns were very profitable and of course Alta and I were thankful to have Paul and Wanda for the camp and with us a few days at home.

Thankful for the Blessing of Serving in Brazil
We thank God many times for giving us the joy and privilege to serve as missionaries in Brazil. When we have camps and gatherings that sometimes have about 400 persons, we recognize that all have come from churches that God has used us to sow the first seed. During our almost sixty years here we have not started works from other churches’ members nor begun works in cities that had a Baptist Church.

Present Works
We are presently members of the Urai Baptist Church. Marcio Faria Moraes is the pastor. He was saved in the Duartina Baptist Church we started years ago. His wife Carol was baptized at nine years old in the Garca Baptist Church. The church has three missions and other evangelistic activities. Alta and I are still able to go each Sunday morning to Assai Mission. Praise the Lord I am still able to drive the forty miles. I am in the process of renewing my driver’s license this week.

Pray for us. We seem to be getting older and have some aches and pains. We are thankful to God, our Heavenly Father, for your faithfulness in praying and giving to supply our needs in His work in Brazil.

We love you,

John and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000

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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [March 2012]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

Dear Brethren and Friends,

The harvest is truly great and the reapers are not very abundant. We need laborers, urgently. People are needy, people are hurting and the only answer to their needs is Jesus. This past month Alta and I have gone to the city of Assai each Sunday and needless to say, we and the few who attend have been thrilled to have the new building that was graciously built by the Chapada Baptist Church in Manaus.

On February 20, about 45 persons came from the Duartina Baptist Church and spent two days in fellowship with the Urai and Cornelio Procopio churches. It was a great two days of Bible study and recreation. The Duartina Church was one we started in about 1976. Marcio Moraes, the pastor of Urai was saved there.

One morning the phone rang and a brother asked if he could come talk to me. He is a saved person, but his life is worse than that of the Samaritan woman. He has been married, separated and courted three others. God has been working in his life and he has come to realize his problem is: there has not been any emptying of self and surrendering to the Lord. He has made some serious commitments to the Lord and he seems to be growing in grace.

Another similar case was a medical doctor who asked me to sit down and listen to his case. He is a professing believer. This is a summary: “I have all that a man could desire. I have a great family, I have all the material things a man could want or need. I have money and I am not happy. I am very unhappy. When we leave our first love — Jesus — and confide in things the world offers, this is the result. The Manual for Joy is 1st John—that your joy may be complete.

There is a small circus here in town. Yesterday morning, I visited it to talk to the people about the Lord. They stopped and listened with attention and some were moved. I gave them some books of John and Romans. Pray with me that some of those families will be in Heaven. At eighty-six, life is not easy, but every day we seek to tell needy people about the Wonderful Savior who died on the cross, was buried and on the third day arose to save sinners.

Your servants for Jesus’ sake,
John and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000

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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [January 2012]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

January 17, 2012

Great News About the Building in Assai!

On January 4, fifteen men from the New Chapada Baptist Church in Manaus arrived in Assai to finish the new building. Manaus is about 3,000 air miles from Assai. The prefabricated basic structure and roof you saw in the last Mission Sheet. The men left Assai on Sunday, January 15. They worked almost around the clock. What they accomplished in ten days is a fabulous feat. The few pictures I am sending will tell you a little about their love and dedication to the Lord and to the work in Assai.

John & Alta Hatcher with the beloved brothers from Chapada who came to help build in Assai.

They built up the four block walls; they poured the floors, sidewalks and entrance; they installed lights, water system, and toilets with tiled floors and walls. The walls inside the building and the front of the building were plastered and painted.

Various views of the work.

The Chapada Church was the first church plant God gave us in Brazil fifty-six years ago. Our son David was the youngest founding member. He is now pastor of the church which has an attendance of about 3,000 persons each Sunday.

Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude to our Lord for what He has done and is dong in Brazil; and that He has permitted us as a family to have a part in this work. For you who have prayed and given as our supporters—this is your work.

Front view of the building almost finished.

Our hearts are filled with love and thanksgiving for the Chapada Baptist Church who sent these volunteers and, also, paid for the material used in the construction.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Chapada Church. Thank you, brothers that came and did such a great work of love.

Bro. Carlos Chaves from the Chapada Baptist Church in Manaus coordinated the mission team.

John and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000

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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher of Brazil [December 2011]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

December 1, 2011

Dear Brethren,
We thank the Lord for each of you for your prayers and support for the many years we have been in Brazil. We thank the Lord for the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren He has given to us. Every day is filled with His blessings. In spite of advanced age and some physical problems on my part, “Jesus is the sweetest Name we know, and He is just the same as His precious Name and that is why we love Him so.”

Building in Assai
Last week Brother Carlos Chaves and his wife, Linda, were guests at our home. They are from the Chapada Baptist Church in Manaus, the first church plant we made in Brazil. He came here to start the preliminary work on finishing the building in Assai. I went with him to Assai the first day to introduce him to certain persons and places where materials can be bought, room and board can be planned and the City Hall.

During the month of January a group of ten men are coming from the Chapada Church to finish the building. Praise God for the generosity of that church who is sending the men and paying the expense of materials and building. Praise God with us for their gift.

Personal News
Alta and I are rejoicing for the success of her cataract operations. She never stops. I have had some problems with dizziness. One morning I fell two times: One getting to the bathroom and another in the bathroom. The fall in the bathroom was bad and I hit my head on the tile wall, but, praise the Lord, no broken bones, just a few bruises.

Kathy was down to visit us for a few days and that is like a breath of sunshine. Her son, Jonatas, came with her. She came on our wedding anniversary and said she wanted to take us to McDonald’s for lunch. That is in the city of Londrina and I do not drive there, so that was a joy. My three earthly loves are: McIntosh, McDonalds and McKeehan (Alta’s maiden name). Alta and I were married sixty-four years on December 20th. God has blessed us beyond our faintest dreams. All glory and honor to Him!

Great News From Children
In France, God has shown special blessing in new contacts in the work there. We rejoice with John Mark and Judy in His blessings.

This end of the year the Tabernacle Baptist Church, where Paul is pastor, has established about fourteen new churches and ordained twelve new pastors. Paul and Wanda will be arriving December 29th. He will be the speaker at our annual camp in the first week of January.

The Chapada Baptist Church presented for twenty-two days a Special Drama starting with Creation and ending with the resurrection of Jesus. During the presentations over 50,000 persons attended the event and 2,523 persons made professions of faith in Christ. The largest TV in Brazil gave them a three minute coverage on national TV. There is a follow up on those who trusted Christ as Savior.

Rejoice with us as we begin the year of 2012.

Sincerely, in His Name,
John and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000


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