A Month of Quarantine with 4 Kids in Brazil

Raquel serves the Lord with her husband Jud and their family in São Paulo, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I hope this letter finds you well and joyful, despite the circumstances. As you can imagine, we also are facing the threat of this new virus. The city of São Paulo has been in quarantine since March 20th. All schools, public and private, were closed, as well as non-essential businesses. Those who can are staying at home as much as possible. Our kids transitioned from traditional schooling to online home schooling. That in itself has been a major challenge. I thank God for my husband, who has helped them adjust to distance learning, and daily assists our four children in their studies. We had two computers, now we are trying borrow two more in order to accommodate their needs. Overall, they are doing amazing. Laura had all A’s this past quarter, Sarah and Benjamin also had A’s and B’s. Melissa has more difficulties, as she was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and memory problems, although she was also placed in the superior range for IQ. We ask your prayers regarding this subject. We do our best to find strategies and didactic approaches to teach her, but we notice that, in many ways, it has affected her self-worth. But we are blessed. Sarah turned fifteen on May 30th and Ben turned twelve on May 24th. Laura will be fourteen on July 20th, and Melissa will be nine December 1st. During this time of social distance, they have not left the house, so we try to keep them busy with different fun family activities, tasty meals and treats. They also enjoy videoconferencing with friends and family.

Hatchers at Home

Regarding myself, I have been substituting for a missionary friend in his coordination position of a Christian Fostercare Project. He asked me to replace him temporary, as he needed to be with his family. He and his wife have five children and one of them, a 10-year-old boy, has battled leukemia for almost two years. A few weeks ago, he received a bone marrow transplant, but he is in critical condition. He has been hospitalized for the past seven weeks. There are hundreds of people interceding for his life and for his family. Please, pray for them also.

Our church, like most of them here in Brazil, has been meeting online to pray and encourage each other. One of the ladies who meets with us also has cancer and she does chemotherapy. Pray for her, and her husband and daughter.

I would also like to share about another friend of mine; we were neighbors during my graduate school, and since then we have been best friends. One year and six months ago, she was diagnosed with cancer in her pancreas. During this time, she did all the treatment she could at John Hopkins Hospital. For some months it was in remission, and it seemed to be fine. But now, she is sick again, and with little hope any treatment will help. I have been supporting her during this long journey, and I feel very sad. She adopted a little boy just five years ago. I ask you to please pray for my friend, her name is Vanessa Martiny. She lives in Pennsylvania, she is a believer in Jesus, she has a strong faith, and she holds on to the hope she has in Christ.

We sure live in difficult times. But we remember what the apostle Paul said in Romans 8:38-39 “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

We are the happiest people in the world because we know there is so much more ahead of us. Thank you for reading. Thank you for praying, thank you for supporting us with your finances, thank you for caring. May God give you peace and joy.

Much love,
Raquel Hatcher

Raquel teaching kids at church

Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Four Generations of Missionaries Together in Manaus

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

February 12, 2020

Dear Friends,

We are grateful for your prayers and generosity. Our family and ministries are blessed by you!

Our four children are in good health and doing well in school. Sarah is practicing softball, Laura is playing volleyball, Benjamin is engaged in soccer and basketball, and Melissa enjoys playing everything.

At the end of the year, we had a very special Christmas time at Maria Virginia Baptist Church. The neighborhoods near the building received a door-to-door Christmas cantata during the two weekends prior to Christmas.  Several guests visited us during services and attendance is increasing. Last week we received a couple that searched for us online and came to the main worship celebration.

Pastor Helder and family arrived in Sao Paulo on January 8th to assume leadership at Maria Virginia as the new senior pastor. Within the first month he visited most of the members at home and everyone is excited to have them in the fellowship and his encouraged by his leadership.

Our gatherings with Imagine are always full of laughter and filled enjoyable moments. People enjoy sharing life stories around our meals and prayer requests during small group meetings. We continue to gain momentum as more people arrive to do life together with us.

The children at Hope are always full of energy and excited to see us every time they see us. Contact with parents through the kids is ever increasing as the adults learn to trust us and seek our help in emotional and physical needs and on how to raise children.

For two weeks at the beginning of January, we traveled and stayed with my parents (Paul and Wanda Hatcher) in Manaus. (My parents were in Manaus for a short season to assist Tabernacle Baptist Church with transition.) We thoroughly enjoyed our time with them. This visit also gave us time with my grandfather John Hatcher (he is cared for by my parents).  We were also able to invest time with my uncles and aunts: David and Penny, and Odali and Kathy. We scheduled a photo op with a professional photographer to take our family portrait, with parents and Grandpa John. We took a great picture of four Hatcher generations in Brazil.

While in Manaus we visited several friends and churches. I had the privilege of preaching at Ativa Baptist Church in Manaus where Pastor Neto is pastor and at Pedras Vivas Baptist Church in Iranduba, where Odali Barros is pastor.

Please, continue to pray for us.

Grateful always,
Jud Hatcher

Judson & Raquel Hatcher
(859) 544-9040
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Click here to give now.

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Day Camp with Great Fellowship, Special Guest Speaker

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

December 6, 2019

Dear friends,

May the Lord bless you in 2020. We pray for you to have an incredible time during this Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of Christ with family and friends.

Melissa’s Birthday
This last month we celebrated Melissa’s 8th birthday. We are blessed to celebrate Melissa’s life in our family. She is so creative, funny, full of life and brings so much joy into our daily lives. She loves to read, to be read to, and to listen to bedtime stories. Something unique about Melissa is that she can dribble two basketballs simultaneously – one in each hand (since she was 6 ½ years old).

We enjoy celebrating our children’s birthdays for multiple reasons. 1. I love to see my children grow physically and spiritually. It is a special moment to celebrate the life that the Lord has given and keeps on giving them. 2. It gives us a reason to invite unsaved friends and family to our home and lead them one step closer to the Savior.

Day Camp
A few weeks ago, we had a one-day camp with our church folks. It was a great time of sharing laughter, meals and great conversations in the Lord. We spent over 12 hours together. I have attached a few pictures.

Special Guest
This last weekend we had Pastor Carlos Chaves as our special guest speaker. He is the senior pastor at the first church my grandfather John Hatcher started in the state of São Paulo in the early 1970’s (Center of Garça Baptist Church). It was a tremendous blessing to have Carlos and his wife (Linda) at our home for the weekend. They drove 6 hours to be with us and minister to our people. We had a couples meeting on Saturday evening and he preached on Sunday at Igreja Batista Maria Virginia.

Just this last week we had two ladies request for baptism. Hopefully, we will begin the New Year with several baptisms.

Thanks for your prayers and support. Continue to pray for the churches – Imagine, Hope and Maria Virginia. Continue to pray for our health and new ministry opportunities.

Grateful always,
Judson Hatcher

Judson & Raquel Hatcher
(859) 544-9040
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Click here to give now.

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Glimpses of God at Work in São Paulo

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

November 22, 2019

Dear friends,


All our children are doing well in school. Melissa (our youngest) is still working on catching up to her grade level. She has made great strides in comparison to where she was a year ago. Sarah and Laura just recently went on a trip to participate in the school’s junior varsity tournament camp with other schools. They returned home with the 2nd place trophy. A week later Sarah participated in the senior varsity tournament camp and her team returned with 1st place prize. Raquel and I are grateful and blessed by the academic, athletic and spiritual impact this school is having on our four children.


Several months ago, a friend asked if he could come to visit us in Brazil in October or November. We met Mike Secondino in 2000, during the time I served as youth minister at church in Norfolk, VA. Mike was in high school at the time. He was part of our ministry and twice traveled with us to Brazil in 2000 and 2002.

On this trip, Mike stayed with us for 5 weeks. Our children, Raquel, and I enjoyed his visit thoroughly. He ministered, sang and played the guitar at church and in our home, participated in ministry routines and activities. We were especially grateful for his time with us – as he ministered tremendously to our four children. Together, we have marvelous new memories for our family to cherish forever.


During this last month, two new families invited us for dinner in their homes. The first family prepared a marvelous Brazilian BBQ (churrasco). Over the course of the afternoon, we shared a meal; talked about life, Skyped with friends, sang karaoke, swam in the pool and shared the love of Jesus. The second family invited us for a day at their fish farm, we toured the fish nurseries and the multiple lakes, played ball, went four-wheeling, visited a gorgeous waterfall and shared Jesus. It is amazing to see the doors the Lord is opening through friends.

Several other short visits to families in their homes and discipleship gatherings have brought a lot of enthusiasm amongst our steadily growing church plant. I also had a chance to take Benjamin (my son) to watch a professional soccer game with one of the guys I am discipling. Our team did not win the game, but the evening was awesome.


Every week we get a chance to minister more deeply into the lives of the children and their parents. It is amazing to see how people love to come and participate in our Jesus gatherings. This weekend we have a guest ministry team coming to join us for some special memories, meals, and ministry. Everyone is excited.


This next Sunday, we have a day camp with 65 people. We are excited to see how the Lord is preparing this church as they prepare to receive a full-time pastor in January. I have served as an interim pastor since August 2019. I recommended a pastor (and friend) from Manaus for this church to consider as a candidate. After much prayer and getting to know him and his family, they called him as their pastor in September. This church has been without a pastor for 11 years and almost closed the doors twice. They have proven to be very generous as they prepare for him and his family’s arrival.


In December, I will be in the city of Garça, São Paulo at the church my grandfather John Hatcher started in the ’70s. There will be a gathering with several local church pastors from the region. Pastors mentored by John Hatcher and Odali Barros have asked for months for me to come and invest time with them so we can dream about the future together. I am delighted to be with them. During my weekend there, we will participate in the graduation ceremony for “Centro de Garça” Baptist Seminary and hold meetings regarding seminary training at each church in the region.

Thank you always for your support and prayers.

Jud Hatcher

Judson & Raquel Hatcher
(859) 544-9040
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Click here to give now.

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Evangelism, Discipleship, Sharing Life Together

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

September 21, 2019

Dear friends,

We have had a great month. Keep reading.

This week Sarah is participating with her school team in a Basketball Tournament in Brasilia (the nation’s capital). The teachers and students are staying in host homes of the organizing school. We were excited to hear of the news for Sarah to join the team in this trip – Sarah was elated. It is a great opportunity to connect with new people and for her to shine the light during the games. Sarah’s team won the game this morning and classified to participate in the finals this afternoon. They travel back to São Paulo tonight. I am sure to hear about all the details of the trip on our way back from the airport later on tonight.

All of our kids are doing extremely well in school – Report cards show mostly “A”s. Going to school is definitely a highlight for our kids and we are extremely grateful that our children are experiencing an incredible academic and athletic life at the Pan American Christian Academy in São Paulo City.

The Maria Virginia Baptist Church officially voted and approved a new pastor this month (I suggested his name as a candidate). I have enjoyed serving this beloved church as their interim pastor. I will continue in this capacity until the new pastor arrives in January 2020.

Imagine Baptist Church is doing well. We had a great dinner party last Thursday evening. Raquel decided to make tacos and taco salad. The majority of them had never eaten Mexican food before. Doing life together is an important part of this ministry. There is a lot of sharing about life’s difficulties, joys and how Christ guides us through each situation. It is a blessing to see how the Lord is working in the lives of all these people.

Hope Baptist Church is always fun, not that it does not have its challenges. Over the last few weeks, we were able to get a toilet bowl and a kitchen sink donated for a needy family. They were so grateful to receive the items.

Several evangelistic events occurred throughout the month with many decisions. We had a one-day women’s conference and next month we have a big youth gathering. We are currently in a teaching series in 1 John. It is interesting to see how so many people are engaging in talking and asking questions. There are 11 people currently being discipled with the book “Oneness with God” written by my uncle David Hatcher.

Our musical training is moving right along. Vocalists and instrument players are improving. Everyone loves the musical growth.

Tomorrow we have an all-day children’s ministry training seminar. Raquel is leading the sessions. She is ready and excited. We start with a hearty breakfast at 8am and dive into the content at 9am.

Grateful always,
Judson Hatcher

Judson & Raquel Hatcher
(859) 544-9040
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Click here to give now.

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Making New Friends, Introducing them to the Very Best Friend

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

August 21, 2019

Dear friends,

Here are a few key phrases to encourage you to keep reading and find out more: “Did she break her ankle?”, Darkness falls in the metropolis, Ministry explanation

I have been fighting a throat infection for the last few days. The strong antibiotic is taking a toll on my stomach. Sarah (8th grade) was invited to play in the Sr. Varsity basketball team this school year. She was surprised by the coach’s invitation. Even more surprised when he put her in to play twice during the first game of the season. Her coach is impressed by her development and drive. Unfortunately, she sprained her ankle this week. One of the coach’s first questions once we returned from the hospital was “Did she break her ankle?”. Thankfully, it was just the ligament. So, she may not get to play in the next game at the end of this week. We are thankful for no broken bones. Sarah & Laura adapted well with using braces. Melissa will be using special braces as some of her baby teeth fell out too early and the spaces for the teeth need to remain open until the new teeth drop. Benjamin is loving school and soccer – he is one happy dude. Raquel is doing well, whilst staying busy.

The last couple of weeks we’ve had very hot days followed by very cold days. The weather gets extremely melancholic during this time of the year. The day before yesterday was an even more bizarre day. Due to all the fires in another part of the country, the wind brought in a dark smog and by 4 pm it was dark as night.

Over the last month there was a lot of discipleship with new believers and planning with leadership. We had an evangelistic event this last Sunday. We had a “Friends Barbeque” at the church in Jardim Maria Virginia. We had an icebreaker before lunch began where people used a whole two minutes to talk about themselves to another person (some found it easier than others). Then, the person who listened had 30 seconds to introduce their new friend to another. It is interesting to see you people interact with having to talk about themselves and then listen to their introduction, yet they loved it. Making new friends is important, but meeting Jesus – hey, He is the best friend anyone can have. Almost 100 people turned out to the event. There were 6 decisions in all – 4 salvations, 1 reconciliation and 1 for baptism. I love interacting with the unchurched. They often don’t know what to expect and don’t know how to do the “church thing”. After we finished the altar call, one lady raised her hand and blurted out “Hey, I surrendered to Jesus several years ago but was never baptized. What do I need to do to get baptized?” I gave a brief explanation so that all could hear, and we scheduled a follow-up meeting to talk about baptism and what we believe.

This next Sunday we begin a new children’s ministry campaign to reach young children and their families. Raquel did the curriculum training and planning for the kick-off day (this coming Sunday). We are inviting families with children left and right, through social media and face-to-face. The team is excited, and the parents are encouraged that people want to invest in their children.
Grateful always,
Judson Hatcher

Judson & Raquel Hatcher
(859) 544-9040
Website | Twitter | Facebook
Click here to give now.

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Revitalizing Churches and Reaching “Paulistanos”

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

Dear friends,

Thank you for your faithful prayers, engagement and financial investment. Read about a pastor who travels 6 hours to preach, a Digital Magazine on YouTube channel and “don’t come in, we are too high”. Intrigued? Please, read on.

Church Revitalization
Four months ago, Pastor Fabiano from Lupercio Baptist Church (started by my grandfather – John Hatcher) contacted me asking for help. We meet at a coffee shop and spoke for 3 hours. He explained “two years ago a church (that is now 47 years old with and average attendance of 25 people) here in São Paulo asked me for assistance, they were without a pastor for 8 years and were considering closing the doors. I agreed to travel 6 hours into the city to minister to them once a month. The church really wants and needs a full-time pastor, but they don’t have enough funds to sustain one.” He went on to ask me to help them in revitalization, growth and eventually bring in candidates for a new senior pastor. I agreed. I do training there on Wednesday evenings. We’ve worked through several series “Letting the Philippian Joy become Yours”, “Taking an X-ray of this Church”, “How to Effectively Share Christ”, and now we are walking through “How to Disciple a New Believer”. The church is considering a pastoral candidate I indicated, Helder Castro. Helder accepted Christ through my father’s ministry. I served as his mentor for several years and officiated his wedding ceremony. He has pastored in Manaus for 12 years. He visited the church twice for interviews and preaching. They will vote in the end of August for him to start in January 2020. In the meantime, I will step up my role to serve them as an interim pastor until December 2019. Helder will move with his wife and two sons to serve in making disciples through “Igreja Batista em Jardim Maria Virginia.”

I am excited as this church has also agreed to participate in sending people for church planting with us and will also be a part of our “Life Together Network” of churches in São Paulo. Helder and Renatha will be a great contribution, as they are also church planters and we’ve worked together for many years. If the Lord lays on your heart to contribute in prayer and financially assisting Pastor Helder during his first year in this church revitalization, please do so by designating to “J.H. – Pastor Helder / Church Revitalization” through BFM.

Imagine, a Baptist Church
Church planting is intense, especially with multiple fronts. Over the last year, we are enjoying the most fun we’ve ever had as a family in doing what we have always loved doing. Imagine is focused on reaching out to the unsaved/unchurched urban São Paulo city dweller. “Paulistanos”, (as they are called in São Paulo city) are typically well informed, well-educated and cultured. If they are not “church going people” type, they don’t plan to go… Period. We have done a lot of strategy customizing to finally reach our target audience. “Paulistanos” are known in Brazil as “workaholics” and in their down-time they want to hangout with friends and family, not go to “some religious meeting”. So, we, the Church are going to where they are and doing what we know will gain credibility and trust in their hearts. We have our weekly evangelistic gatherings in parks, sports stores, malls, hospitals and through home dinners. As people surrender to Christ, we schedule basic discipleship in their home. We have a “Celebration Gathering” once a month. In addition to this, we are currently working on our “YouTube” Channel to produce a Digital Magazine with episodes of 5 to 8 minutes, with Biblical teaching, insights for living and music. A “Paulistano” won’t listen to a 40-minute sermon while in the subway but will listen to us for 5 to 8 minutes at a time. I have invited a spiritually solid team to help develop the content, including my father – Paul Hatcher. I’ve consulted with well-known Brazilian YouTubers on how to get it all started. Video production takes a lot of time, but the library of content with easy access for anyone and anywhere is priceless.

Hope, a Baptist Church
This church is situated in the middle of three ghettos, the families we minister to are very poor. My heart breaks every time I walk into people’s homes and see the precarious conditions they live with their children. People’s hearts are very hardened and without hope. Here we have weekly Bible teaching, evangelism and home visitation. When we first started here, I wasn’t sure how we would be received by the people, but as a rule (when the adults aren’t high or drunk) we get invited inside their homes to pray and we receive a listening ear. Adult women tend to be infantile, as most of them never had a real childhood, due to becoming mothers at a young age. Men are stern and often irresponsible with their families.  We do a lot of “Life Together” with people so they can see the light of grace. We’ve had pasta nights, pizza parties, hamburger meets. Kids attend well in the children’s ministry, adults are tougher, but we have made way in their hearts.

If you’d like to invest time in prayer for these and future church-plants, please do. Consider also in investing financially, you can do so by sending your contribution through Baptist Faith Missions, please designate “Jud Hatcher – Church planting”.

Sarah and Laura started their new school year on July 30th, Benjamin and Melissa started on the 31st. They had a 6-week break between school years and were excited to start back. Stateside, the school year beak is in the Summertime and is synonymous with “Fun in the Sun”. Well, in the Southern Hemisphere, July is the coldest month of the year and homes do not have central heating systems. Electricity is so expensive that space heaters are not commonly used. Hence, our school year break is synonymous with “Eat your soup before it gets too cold.”

We are truly grateful for the school the Lord provided for them. A year ago, Melissa (7 years) had not learned to read or write at the school in which the kids were enrolled. After a year (and much hard work) at this new school, Melissa know how to read and write in English and Portuguese. We are elated with joy as our kids are inspired by their teachers to study hard.

Recently, Baptist Faith Missions (through the leadership of the directors and Bro. Dave Parks’ administrational skills) changed the health insurance provider, and all to the better. The plan gives us access to the best hospital in Brazil, located in São Paulo. As a result, we will be able to get more efficient treatment for Laura’s left ear severe hearing loss, that was caused by a punctured ear drum.

As always, thank you for loving us and praying. We love you. Want to visit us in São Paulo? We’d love you host you. Come on down (Just let us know before you arrive at our door).

Grateful always,
Jud & Raquel Hatcher

Judson & Raquel Hatcher
(859) 544-9040
Website | Twitter | Facebook
Click here to give now.

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Challenges in São Paulo, God’s Faithfulness Through It All

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

São Paulo, 8 of April of 2019

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

It’s with joy I write to you. God has done great things in our lives and around us. Since we arrived in São Paulo, on July 20, 2016 (almost 3 years ago), we have faced difficult challenges. But God is faithful and has given us wisdom in every step of the way. We thank you for your prayers and love demonstrated towards us in so many ways. Without you supporting our ministry, it wouldn’t be possible.

I want to share, even if in a nutshell, a little bit of our routine. When we first arrived, we were involved in starting/ministering at an English-speaking church and a Spanish-speaking church. Both were connected to a Portuguese-speaking church. Both churches were growing fast, and we were happy to be serving in that capacity. But God had other plans for us. Frustrated efforts in church plants in homes were discouraging. Through a turn of events, He redirected us to the other side of town. In the beginning, it was not easy. It was an unexpected change for all of us. There were questions in my mind at that time but never doubts about God’s faithfulness and love for us. As a wife, I learned I need to be prepared to follow my husband’s lead, and trust God. I think, this attitude of readiness (like Sarah – who had to pick up everything she had and follow her husband Abraham to a place where she did not know) was for me, the most difficult challenge as a missionary.

In August, we complete one year since the move. With God’s grace, we started two new churches. One meets on Saturdays – Hope Church. We have children’s church at 4:30 pm (they live in a very poor community, and they come by themselves bringing along their baby siblings; their ages average from 1-year-old to 13), and at 6:30 pm we have an open service to reach mainly adults. Another church meets on Sundays – Imagine Baptist Church. We have an English service at 5:00 pm and a Portuguese service at 6:30 pm. This church is an urbanized, more middle-class neighborhood. Jud is also mentoring a team of leaders from another Baptist church during the week (it is part of the network of churches Jud has started in São Paulo). But I stay home during the week. It is a tremendous joy to have the privilege to tell the good news of Jesus Christ to little ones, young and old. It’s an honor to serve Him.

Our children are very involved in both ministries – Hope and Imagine. They help us with children’s ministry on Saturdays, and in different ways on Sundays. It is priceless to see our daughters and son involved in church planting. I know the seed will grow in their hearts and be fruitful. They are a blessing to us. Sarah just turned 14 years old. Laura will be 13 in July, Benjamin is 11, and Melissa is 7 years old. They are attending an American Christian School. We are very happy. When we came to São Paulo, we brought material for me to home school them. Well, it didn’t work. So, they went to a public secular school. It was a mistake. Finally, we took a huge step of faith, and we registered them at Pan American Christian Academy, a well-known school for its strong biblical foundation and Christian worldview. They follow the US school calendar. With so many school changes, our kids had to adjust to the new school, which follows both curriculums: American and Brazilian. In other words, they have more disciplines in order to get both diplomas when they graduate. And 90% of their classes are in English.

During the week, I volunteer a few hours a week at our kids’ school. I also help families as a psychologist during the week. Next month, I’ll be guest speaking at a meeting for people who are thinking about becoming foster care parents, and families that already have a child under their care. This event is led by a Christian organization which has several ministry fronts in São Paulo. I also participate in a weekly, small group Bible study. It’s a blessing to study the Word of God with sisters in Christ. We are doing True Woman 201 – Interior Design – Ten Elements of Biblical Womanhood. It’s fantastic. I highly recommend.

There are so many other things I could share, but I need to save it for another opportunity. So, I will end with prayer requests:

1. For our ministries – that people can be saved
2. For our children – spiritual growth and studies
3. Our health, but especially for Laura who had her left eardrum ruptured and lost 90% of her hearing (the doctor in Brazil declared it as permanent hearing loss).

We are so thankful for each one of you. May God bless you with His spiritual blessings.

In Christ’s love,
Raquel Hatcher

Judson & Raquel Hatcher
(859) 544-9040
Website | Twitter | Facebook
Click here to give now.

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