Missionary Update: Jud & Raquel Hatcher in Brazil [July 2015]

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in Manaus, Brazil. They are part of the "SeedFactory" church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in Manaus, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

July 9, 2015

Excitement is in the air! Our family is catching a flight to the States tonight. The kids are enthusiastic with the idea of living and studying in America. Personally, with all the packing, ministry responsibilities, farewells, meetings and cleaning (yes, in that random order) I am exhausted. I must admit though, I love every moment. Would not trade it for anything. Being in the center of the Lord’s will is delightful. Pardon my brevity, as I must return to wrapping things up before traveling.

The church’s leadership is fully transitioned – pastoral leadership, administrational and legal. The Lord has blessed the church with an incredible group of people. There is solid adult leadership and strategic outreach strategies in place to continue growing among all generations – children, youth, young adults and married couples. Last Sunday, July 5th, was our last worship service as their pastor. Man, did I enjoy preaching. We cried, laughed, sang, prayed, ate, fellowshipped and took “selfies”. It was a love overflow moment.Ativa

On Tuesday, July 7th, we had our last “Pastor’s Network Gathering” under my leadership. Let me tell you, it was a blast! The network’s leadership was transitioned to a solid local church pastor – a dedicated man and dear friend of mine. Again, I cried, laughed, sang, prayed, ate, fellowshipped and took “selfies” with pastors and their wives. It too, was a love overflow moment. I sure do enjoy preaching. Pastors Network Fellowship

Please, pray for us as we:
1) Travel and settle into our new home for the next year.
2) Purchase a car to use while in the States.
3) Get the kids’ immunizations and school enrollment.
4) Prepare our children to reenter into American culture and social readjustments.
5) Immerse our children into the English language – to acquire good listening, reading & writing skills.

I am so thankful for the pastors who have contacted me via email with words of encouragement. I look forward to connecting with you.

Grateful always,
Judson Hatcher

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Missionary Update: Jud & Raquel Hatcher in Brazil [June 2015]

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in Manaus, Brazil. They are part of the "SeedFactory" church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in Manaus, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

June 4, 2015

Dear friends,

Thank you for loving and praying for us. We sure are grateful. As you know, we will be in the States as of July 10th for Stateside assignment and are making final transition preparations for our ministry in Manaus.

The Church

The Lord has blessed the church tremendously in every aspect. We continue to hold all our ministry related activities at the private school. The worship services on Sundays continue to grow in attendance. The children’s club and the adolescents club on Saturday’s are always packed and the kids love it. We have gained the parents’ trust and already two couples have requested marriage/family counseling. Last Sunday we had more baptisms. The new pastor is transitioning successfully and the ministry team is following his leadership excitedly.

The Pastor’s Network Gathering

This last month the pastor’s network met twice. It is exciting to see how connectivity ignites new partnerships and ministry ideas. My brother-in-law, Michael Samples, spoke the first event and my Uncle David Hatcher spoke at the last meeting. We are always leave challenged to go out and work harder. There are always people who need Jesus.

Jud HatcherSharing and Training

The Lord has allowed me to speak at several churches this month. I have also preached at a leadership conference held by one of the churches in Manaus. This week I am in São Paulo speaking at a national conference with 800 people enrolled. I speak twice on the subject of church planting and will speak to a local church’s leadership team two days after the conference.

Please, pray for our family as we prepare to be in the US for a year. Specifically, for Sarah, Laura, Benjamin and Melissa as they adapt to studying in and American school. Thankful for all you do. Also, pray for us to sell our car in Brazil before we travel, so we may purchase one in the US.

Jud Hatcher

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Missionary Update: Jud & Raquel Hatcher in Brazil [May 2015]

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in Manaus, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

A few weeks ago, a family in the church (Dyego, Thamires and their 14 month old son) found out the she was 20 weeks (5 months) pregnant. The following week the mother had complications and the doctors suggested an abortion. The baby was expected to die before completing full term. While at the hospital, the mother went into labor and the baby was born prematurely at 21 weeks.  Baby Laura Victoria was born with 22oz. Twice, she had resuscitated procedures within the first 24 hours of life out of the womb. Uncertain if the baby’s vital organs were developed to survive without the breathing machine, the doctors gave no hope. One doctor stated, “At this point, we literally need a miracle for her to live. Her lungs are not developed”. Well, guess what, she is alive and well. She is now 3 weeks old, all of her organs are perfectly formed, is breathing on her own and is gaining weight. Praise the Lord! Please, pray for this little baby and the family.

Laura Vitoria

Laura Vitoria

Last Sunday, Dyego (baby Laura Vitoria’s father) invited all of his extended family to come to Mothers’ Day service to give thanks and celebrate the baby’s life. Four generations of the family were present and one of the uncles surrendered to the Savior. I believe there are still more to surrender as well. Pray for salvation decisions.

This month’s pastors’ network gathering was a great success. Each month we meet at a different church and this time we held it at “Life Seed Baptist Church”. My brother-in-law was the guest speaker. We discussed a church planting strategy used in China, India, Kenya and Honduras.

One of the churches in the network is in the process of relocating to a better location within their neighborhood. We took up an offering and began a fundraising campaign among the sister churches to come up with the $50,000 to purchase the property.

I am in the process of passing the leadership “baton” of the Pastors’ Network to another pastor. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, May 26. Pray with us regarding these matters.


Some of the folks at Ativa

Some of the folks at Ativa

The pastoral leadership at our church plant “Ativa: uma Igreja Batista” (Active: a Baptist Church) is well underway. The pastor and his wife were received with open arms by the church and are excited about the future. Everyone is enthusiastic with the Evangelism and discipleship strategies for reaching new people. This next Sunday’s baptisms will be under the new pastor’s leadership. In June, we will finalize the legal transition necessary with government offices. Pray for us as we work through this process.

In July, we return to the US for a one-year State-side assignment and plan to live in Lexington, KY. You can reach us at (859) 544-9040. Let us know how we can serve you and your church.

Grateful always,
Jud Hatcher

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Missionary Update: Jud & Raquel Hatcher in Brazil [April 2015]

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in Manaus, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

Dear friends,

Preaching at the State House of Representatives
I had the privilege of preaching twice at the Amazonas State House of Representatives. It is a rare opportunity to speak before these government officials and the Lord allowed me to speak two times just this year. The packed auditorium was full of energy and the Gospel. It is exciting to see how interested people were in listening to the plan of salvation.

Church Relocation
Five weeks ago the church plant moved from the restaurant to a private school. The new ministry location has a gym, a swimming pool (we now have a place for baptisms), an auditorium and air-conditioned classrooms. The church is riveting excitement. Every Sunday, we have first time visitors from the neighborhood. The Lord is moving mightily.

Church Ministries
We started a children’s club and a middle Ativa Middle School Ministryschool ministry on Saturday mornings. The kids love every moment when we are together and cannot wait for the following Saturday to arrive. Two of them call me on the phone every week just to tell me they plan to bring a friend. We share a Gospel story, a memory verse, scripture songs, activities and a snack for the kids.

Pastoral and Ministry Leadership
The Lord is preparing our leadership team thru some incredible twist of events. Up until just recently, the church plant struggled with ministerial leadership. We now have a great praise team leader, a youth pastor-in-training and a new senior pastor (My family and I are leaving for the US in July).

Stateside Assignment
Beginning in July, our family plans to be in the States for a year and reside in Lexington, KY. Pray for us as we make schooling arrangements for Sarah, Laura, Benjamin and Melissa. We are also praying for a good vehicle to use while in the US. Thank you for praying for us. I’ve attached several pictures for you to see. If you are on Facebook, friend me by using my email address judsonhatcher@gmail.com or search for Judson Hatcher. I post my thoughts, news updates and pictures on a regular basis.

Baptist Pastors’ Network & “CELEBRAI”Pastors in Manaus
Every month we have a Baptist Pastors’ Network fellowship. Last month we planned and organized a special service held at Tabernacle Baptist Church. We called it “Celebrai: Encontro de Igrejas Sementeiras” (Celebrate: A Gathering of Seed Factory Churches). It was a special service, as it was Dad’s (Paul Hatcher) last Sunday as senior pastor at Tabernacle Baptist Church. Churches came from all over town and a few pastors flew in from out of state. The main auditorium was packed, as were the overflow auditoriums equipped with projection screens containing images from the service. Michael Samples was introduced as the new senior pastor. All churches present are daughter, granddaughter or great granddaughter churches of Tabernacle Baptist Church under dad’s leadership as pastor.

These last few months were tough. Our three-year-old daughter, Melissa, caught malaria. We suffered greatly as we saw her agony in pain, lose weight and cry in delirium. It was not a fun experience. We posted several updates and photos on Facebook and many of you prayed for her. THANK YOU! We truly are grateful for every word of encouragement and intercession. Truth is, all of us were sick during these last few weeks, but nothing compares to what Melissa endured. God always protects and gives grace to those in need. Lord knows we needed much.

We love you and are grateful for you. Thank you.

Jud Hatcher

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Missionary Update: Jud & Raquel Hatcher in Brazil [November 2014]

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in Manaus, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

Dear friends,

Discover how the Lord has blessed our ministry and how you can better pray for us. Continue reading to learn about our special children’s Evangelist event, church health and growth, evangelist luncheon’s, breakfast mentoring, pastor’s gathering, our preaching festival and the romantic couple’s night.

Children’s Day
This month we had a big Evangelist blowout on Children’s Day (a national commemorative day) with over two hundred people in attendance. The church mobilized through planning and giving. We had lots of games, Bible stories, theater, puppets and a toy for every child.

Church Plant Health
As the church has grown, so has our outreach and discipleship. We have decisions almost every week. Discipleship is a regular necessity. On March 2015, our church plant celebrates its third anniversary. Next year we plan to start our Bible & Leadership Training Institute and our first full time pastor will come on staff.

Evangelistic Luncheons
The Lord has blessed me with many opportunities to personally share the Gospel to several folks. A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of witnessing to a couple. The wife is the muse to one of the famous local carnival schools. Both listened attentively and I believe will surrender to Jesus soon.

Breakfast Mentoring
On a regular basis, you will find me at a bakery for early morning breakfast with the men of our church. A lot of mentoring, coaching and counseling happens over a couple of coffee and hot bread.

Pastors’ Gathering
Our monthly pastor’s gathering is always a success. Since our church meets at a restaurant and we have a good partnership with the owner, we have delicious food for a great price. After dinner, we worship together in song and our night’s guest speaker preaches for 45 minutes. It is always hard to leave as everyone lingers around chatting. The fellowship is tremendous.

Preaching Festival
Over the last several weeks, we have had a preaching festival. Every Sunday, three or four of our men preach for 7 minutes. We are currently on a series titled “The Relationships of Jesus”, and the messages are about a person who lived during Jesus’ time and how the Savior interacted with them personally. In all, sixteen men have participated in this exciting preaching festival.

Couple’s Dinner
This month we had our first “Couples Only” gathering. The night had a Parisian theme, with a French dinner served in five courses, romantic French music, four love songs performed by some of our couples and a special message.

Thank you for loving, praying and supporting us. We are grateful.
Jud Hatcher

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Missionary Update: Jud & Raquel Hatcher in Brazil [January 2014]

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in Manaus, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

Dear friends,

The Lord has blessed us tremendously! I will be brief as I am typing on my cell phone and have limited internet access at this time.

For 5 years I prayed for my middle school class reunion for the sole purpose of sharing the Gospel with each one. This last month of December the Lord granted the desire of my heart and we’ve already met twice with 16 of my childhood friends. In all, 33 of my classmates have been contacted. The last time I saw most of them was 22 years ago. Several of my friends’ families have also come to visit us at church. Two of them have attended every Sunday with their families since we first met and are listening attentively in services. Please, pray for each one to surrender to Christ.

Our Sunday services at Ativa are packed out. The children love going to church and their parents. Please, continue to pray as we search for a new location.

Jud Hatcher

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Missionary Update: Jud & Raquel Hatcher in Brazil [November 2013]

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in Manaus, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

Dear friends,

We have great news about the church plant and some sad personal news. Please, pray for us as you read the remainder of this letter.


Our latest all-day evangelistic cookout was a great success with 240 people present and 6 salvation decisions. It was a day to remember. We wanted to impress our guests with the love of Christ. Upon arrival, everyone received a nametag, had their name entered into a drawing (this allows us to receive their contact info for follow-up), and an invitation to join us the next Sunday. We had three sport tournaments with trophies and medals, rappel, “rock wall” climbing, swimming pool, Brazilian barbeque, children’s games, puppets, children’s Bible story and I preached a 30 minute evangelistic message. We wanted our guests to have and unforgettable day, but most of all, an unforgettable, life altering, personal experience with the Lord. This type of event takes much planning and preparation work, but it is well worth it all. We have great responses from these type events, as the following weeks are full of personal contacts and home visits.


Two weeks after our “Unforgettable Cookout” we had an all-day children’s evangelistic event with 44 kids present and 2 salvations. The children absolutely loved the day. On days like this, I get a major boost of encouragement. Especially, when we play soccer – everyone wants to be on the “pastor’s team”. I now have 5 “best buds” as a result of our soccer games that day! I am so glad they feel the love of Jesus through us. It is amazing to see how connecting with children brings us to close proximity with their parents too. We will not give up on reaching children and their parents for Jesus.


As the church has grown, we have developed into some space challenges. Parking is an issue every Sunday, as are the children’s classrooms. Our auditorium also serves as our fellowship hall. Lord willing we plan to relocate by the end of December. We are at the end of our building’s lease agreement, so this allows us flexibility to move into a bigger location.


After worship services everyone stacks up their chairs against the wall to make room to eat and mingle with our friends and guests. We always serve finger foods to eat after our gatherings. This allows us to enjoy each other’s fellowship for an additional hour beyond the last worship song. Our fellowship has brought a unity amongst our people and our studies have rendered a spiritual awakening into Scripture with thirst for more. I am preaching a series entitled “Synopsis: A Bible Survey”. We have a lot of fun, I wish you were here to join in.


The Lord is working in the hearts of our men and already two of them have expressed a desire into pastoral leadership. The Lord is also working in the hearts of others within the church. I am passionate about pastoral mentoring and love every opportunity to develop new leadership.


A couple of months ago we discovered Raquel was pregnant with our fifth child. It was a complete surprise to us, as we had a surgical procedure done a year ago. We felt blessed the Lord had given us special gift according to His will. At 9 weeks, she flew to São Paulo to be with her father prior to his open-heart surgery. The kids and I remained in Manaus. On the day of her father’s surgery, she felt pain, went to emergency room, checked in, only to find out the equipment was broken. She rushed to the next nearest hospital and they too, had broken equipment. It was only at the fourth location and a few hours later, she received medical help. While her father was nearing the end of his 8-hour surgery, she received word of the miscarriage. Our hearts were heavy laden as we cried, but God’s grace comforted us.

Pray for church planting, evangelism opportunities, discipleship of new believers, pastoral mentoring and the search for a new location. We are grateful to you for the time and resources invested in our favor.


Jud & Raquel Hatcher
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Missionary Update: Jud & Raquel Hatcher in Brazil [June 2013]

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in Manaus, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

Dear friends,

I am grateful for every investment you make in missions, particularly as you pray to the Father on our behalf. In this letter, I want to share with you concerning our new cycling outreach, a challenge for you to participate in a successful church plant in America, our recent salvation decisions, the auditorium expansion, our children’s cookout and also want to share several pictures.

Cycling Evangelism
Since I was 16 years old, I always dreamed of cycling as an Evangelism strategy for making new friends and witnessing. I remember as if it were yesterday, writing in my prayer book what I imaged, including an artistic sketch of a big group of cyclers. Well, 20 years later, God decided it was time. A few weeks ago, two men in their late 20’s came to visit the main Sunday service. As we talked, they told me of how they cycle daily with groups of 20 to 30 people throughout the city. I told them I loved cycling and how I had been an avid cycler during my teens. They invited me to join them in cycling. I did not have a bike so they lent me one. God’s timing was perfect (always is), I was ready for this new challenge although I felt out of shape. I have met so many new people it is unbelievable! Raquel has since joined me in cycling as well. We do not have to invest energy in organizing cycling events; we just go along for the ride, meet new people and share Christ.

Church Planting
Church planting is such an uplifting opportunity and it is the best evangelism strategy developed by the Lord. Everyone should be a part of a successful church planting experience at least once in his or her lifetime. America is also in need of new solid churches. Consider following the Lord’s example in this way – we need more churches. I am grateful to have joined my grandfather, my father and uncles in church planting to during my formative years. Now, as I pass on to my children the experience in ministry through church planting I am grateful that they will have fond memories too. Every location has something unique. The Lord teaches us life-changing lessons through challenges in reaching people, lessons we might not learn otherwise.

Salvation Decisions and Expansion
Over the last month, 11 people have surrendered to the Lord. We continue with small group prayer meetings, home discipleship visits, breakfast, lunch and dinner meetings. Last week, the auditorium received a reorganization in its layout to accommodate more chairs. We now have room for 130 seats. Our main Sunday night service generally lasts 4 hours from start to finish. I generally preach for an hour, we sing, share and eat together. We have intense and sweep fellowship on Sundays.

Kid’s Club
Last month we reached 50 children, plus their parents through a children’s evangelism cookout and game day. It was a true success. As the children sang, heard a Bible lesson, played and competed, the adult members of the church plant made personal connections with the parents and witnessed. As a result, several families have visited during our Sunday services simply because the kids ask their parents to go to church. Most of the parents, who come from Catholic backgrounds, are not used to having a special focus on their children and they love it. One family has a 4 year old daughter who wakes up every day asking “Is today Sunday? Can I get dressed for church?”

Come and visit us anytime. If you want, give me a call. My phone number is (859) 544-9040. Yes, it is a Kentucky number and you can reach me in Brazil. Thanks again for all you do for the Gospel!


Jud & Raquel Hatcher
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