Preparing for Seminary Graduation

The Hensleys have served the Lord in Brazil, South America since 1996. They have worked with orphanages, started mission points, established churches, and are presently conducting a seminary to train Brazilian pastors.

June 3, 2024

Dear friends and family,

Many Brazilian pastors and church leaders have limited theological instruction. Pastoral education has been identified as one of the most critical needs in spreading the gospel in Brazil. Bluegrass Baptist Seminary is diligently working to ensure an efficient, effective and economical resource in support of evangelical training for the evangelical churches of Brazil. Here is the testimony of one of our Brazilian students’ best friends: “These courses will provide me with knowledge of incomparable quality that l would never have access to under normal conditions.” What an opportunity! Praise God!!!

With that being said, these pastors encourage me to keep on keeping on! It is just amazing how our Lord and Savior can help equip His saints! That I can be a small part of this training—AWESOME!!!!

Our spring semester has just concluded, and I am already thinking about the next semester, classes, schedules, professors, translators and so forth. Then there is the upcoming graduation!
Our second graduation will be on July the 20th and there are nine pastors in this group. They chose to delay the graduation so some pastors could complete some courses that they had missed in the year. The degree to be completed is a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministries, which is a degree for Pastors “Only”. The previous graduation was for a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies. Eleven received this degree which included church workers and pastors. Below is a picture of one of our classes before Covid 19. We had great success until we could not join together, but God provided a path for us to continue teaching via Zoom and we are gradually getting back to the numbers. When the devil closes the door God opens a window. What an AWESOME God we serve!!!!

One of the seminary classes before Covid 19

One of the Pastors in this group, a lawyer, was in the make-up class and someone asked him why he was making up this class. His response was “I don’t only want a degree, but I also want all the information they are offering so I can use it for my betterment”.

Just before this graduation in São Paulo, we will be traveling to Manaus to attend a Pastors Conference. There we will encounter many new Pastors and tell them about Bluegrass Baptist Seminary. We will be there for five days getting to know many pastors and church workers. It is our prayer that God will present the opportunities for Bluegrass Baptist Seminary to be included into those seeking more knowledge of the Word and the way to make it clearer to their people. We will be available to those who want to talk to us about Bluegrass Baptist Seminary and we will have a table full of information for them to take home and also read about us. We are invited to speak in the conference also. So, there will be many opportunities to spread the word about the opportunity to study more about God. Pray that we can be a blessing to the pastors in that area as this will be the first time for us to reach that area, and pray that we can be a blessing for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in our conduct and our presentation.
We need your prayers as this trip will be a very tight travel agenda dealing with plane connections as we travel to Manaus then to São Paulo. Each location has its own agenda and each is important to various people.

Barbara will not go to Manaus because of finances but she will spend some time with Mary, Walmir, and the family. It is so necessary to stay connected with the girls as you just turn around and they are grown. The oldest will be 16 in October and the youngest turned 13 in March.

All this is made possible by your generosity and your prayers, and also by the support of all the people who donate to Baptist Faith Missions. We are we mindful of those who love God and want more people to know Him also. We are a part of those who take Him and His word to the foreign fields and you are a part of that by your prayers and generosity.

In His service,
AJ and Barbara


AJ & Barbara Hensley
30524 Mimi St
Sebring, FL 33870-0530
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Special Pizza Day for Unchurched Friends

Odali and Kathy Barros served the Lord in Sao Paulo, Brazil together from 1987-2013. In late 2013, they transitioned to Manaus in Northern Brazil to start sharing the Gospel and planting churches in villages along the river.

May 21, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We pray and hope that you have had a wonderful, blessed month. We have had a great month with lots of activity at the church.

We had a special friends’ pizza day at the main church. The goal was to bring friends that were not church people to the special day. What was wonderful was that several people got involved in putting things together and helping serve the pizza. The youth help make the pizzas and help serve pizza and drinks. We had lots of people that came. There were around 200 people there. Then we also had Mother’s Day supper. That special day is put together by the fathers and the kids. That was also great. We had mothers who came from the Ubim mission. We had a sermon first then worship while the food was being served. It was fantastic.

This month, the Lord willing, we will start back working on the church building of Cacau and the camp. We have had lots of rain which makes it difficult to work outdoors. Now the rainy season is slowing down which helps.

We are also in process of training some new people to take over the mission at the village of Multirão. Kathy started there, and after a year, a group from Manaus took over the ministry. They were there for 9 years. They informed us that they are moving so they are turning over the mission back to us. So, for the next month while they get ready to move, we are taking different adults and youth to see who will take over the mission. Pray that God will place the people that will take over with a passion for God and ministry.

We want to thank each one of you for your prayers and support. You are an important part in our ministry. May God bless each one of you.

Love in our Lord and Savior,
Odali and Kathy Barros

Pizza Day

Mission of the Village of Multirão

Contact Info:
Odali & Kathy Barros
Iranduba, Amazonas
Brasil, SA

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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The Best Job

The Hensleys have served the Lord in Brazil, South America since 1996. They have worked with orphanages, started mission points, established churches, and are presently conducting a seminary to train Brazilian pastors.

May 12, 2024

Dear friends and family,

In one month, we will be looking back to the month of June when we stepped off the plane in Brazil to begin the journey of a lifetime. I will be the first one to admit that I was the reluctant part of this couple. We started our service for Christ in the town of Garça and are serving out of Caraguatatuba now. There have been 28 years and they have been the most fulfilling years of my life. We started helping Odali and Kathy Barros with an orphanage and I fit in there because all my young life I always had more children around me than was normal. So, working in the orphanage made me just at home.

I think I can say I have received more Happy Mother’s Day greetings on this Mother’s Day than the normal mother. Not only from the orphanage children, but from each church where we have served. The children adopted us as mother and dad.

I have continued for these years to gather children like a piped piper. Not only caring for them like a mother but nurturing them in the Lord which has more lasting effect.

I want to thank my blood children for being willing to share me with these children around the world. I have often heard AJ say that if he were choosing people to be missionaries, he would not have chosen him. I am here to confess that I would not have chosen me either. But He has been able to use us in spite of ourselves.

As this is the month of Mother’s Day, I can say that being a mother has been my best job and I am glad that He chose me for this job, not only for my children, but for all my Brazilian children.

Here are some pictures from our time in Brazil with some of the Brazilian children.

Thank each of you all for trusting us to do the job God called us to do.

In His service,
Barbara Hensley (Missionary Wife of AJ Hensley)


AJ & Barbara Hensley
30524 Mimi St
Sebring, FL 33870-0530
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Is this Place Cursed?

The Tates have served the Lord in Kitale, Kenya since January 2008. Their main ministry is church planting.

May 10, 2024

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ,

Is this place cursed?

Yes, I have actually been asking myself that question this month. You may recall that just last year around this time I was asking for prayers because the area was plagued by drought, we had no water, and all the crops were drying and dying. We even had forest fires that I saw from my kitchen window and wondered how long before I would have to evacuate. We prayed to God for months for rain and it finally came, but not in time to save all the crops. Once the rain started last year, it hasn’t really stopped raining. And now? Well, now we have so much everyday, heavy rain that the country is flooding. And I don’t mean just a little flooding here and there. I mean so much flooding that it has reached international news (you may have seen it). If you have watched any international news in the last few weeks, you may have heard of a place called Mai Mahiu. Mai Mahiu is a town down in the Rift Valley. I see this town down in the valley every time I look out my back porch. Early last week, in the middle of the night, a temporary dam caused by downed trees and debris broke and the backed-up water rushed like a torrent down the escarpment. This dam was only about one mile north of our house and a few hundred meters up the escarpment. I say this because it did not miss us by very much. It was very close. Anyway, the escaped water tore down the escarpment, wiping out everything in its path. It hit the valley floor, almost like a bomb, and the water continued to pour into the valley floor all night long. It destroyed everything – EVERYTHING – in its path and wiped out an entire square kilometer of land on the valley floor before it ran across the valley and disappeared somewhere on the other side. All the trees were uprooted, all the houses it hit were destroyed, and hundreds of sleeping people were buried in mud before they even knew what hit them. Over a hundred people were killed and many more were and are still missing. Now, when I look out over the valley from my back porch, I am no longer seeing forest fires, but I see the wiped-out area where the flood hit and the ugly brown path of mud the water traversed after it hit the valley floor. I can look through binoculars and see destroyed houses, half-buried and overturned cars and buses, and rescue workers looking for survivors. It is a terrible tragedy and most everybody from up here in Kijabe knows somebody who was affected, including Julie and me. And, the rain still didn’t stop. Water is running down all the streets, the ground is saturated to the point where crops cannot be planted, and the water in our tank is muddy-brown and not drinkable. Now we are pleading with God that the rain would stop before more devastation occurs. The following scenario is very strange it is difficult to accept: Pray to God for rain; pray for rain; pray for rain; pray for rain; pray for rain; finally get some rain; thank God for the rain; get more rain; get more rain; get more rain; flooding; flooding; flooding; pray to God to stop giving us rain. Are you getting the idea of why I’m asking myself if this place is cursed?

So, this place is NOT cursed. However, the people of Kenya DO live lives that are much more difficult than I can imagine. If it is frustrating for me to see and experience, I cannot begin to imagine how frustrating it must be for them. Despite tragedy, the faith of the believers here remains strong, though, and I am encouraged that the Christians here are leading the way by sharing and showing the love of Jesus. On the morning of the flood and mudslide in the valley, I was in a prayer meeting with some of my students at the college. We were praying for the victims of the mudslide in the valley when one of my students was overcome with grief and said: “I’ve prayed enough. I need to go down there and help those people. Why am I still up here when I can look down there and see that area covered in mud?” His comment left us all speechless. In a couple of days, these beloved students, these pastors and church leaders in training DID mobilize themselves into action. They got up early on their weekend day off, prepared food and clothing for flood victims, and hiked down into the valley to pray and help. I have provided a picture of a group of my students. They are gathered in a circle praying, kneeling in the mud, with downed trees and devastation all around them. Thank you, God, for this great group of people who love Jesus, love their fellow humans and neighbors, and want to show the love of Jesus to them. May they be an inspiration to all of us to do the same: love and trust You, love our neighbor, and share the love of Jesus with them in word and action.

Blessings to all,
Roger, Julie & Chloe

Roger Tate’s beloved students praying as they ministered to those affected by the mudslide in the valley.


Roger & Julie Tate
Moffat Bible College
P.O. Box 70
Kijabe, Kenya 00220

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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An Encouraging Retreat & Disciples Making Disciples

Missionaries John and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

May 8, 2024

Dear Fellow Servants of Christ,

Today is a Nationwide Holiday in France celebrating the end of World War II in Europe. So, things are pretty quiet. We are very grateful for the blessings of God during the past month , among them your faithful support.

On the last weekend of April, the church that normally meets in Plaisance du Touch spent a blessed three-day weekend together in a country holiday rental. Holiday rentals are usually old farmhouses and buildings that have been modified to be rented to extended families and groups that want to be together for a few days.

Two years ago, at the end of the Covid pandemic the church decided to meet for a weekend of fellowship and mutual encouragement. The time spent together was such an encouragement that the suggestion was made to do this yearly. We eat together, study the Bible together and sing. The rest of the time is spent talking, walking and playing games together. Many of the members of our church and congregations in various places are the only believer in their family. The entire family of each member is invited. This gives those who are not believers the opportunity to see the fellowship among church members.

This past Saturday as Judy and I were driving to the town of Campagne sur Arize to the regularly scheduled adult and children’s Bible studies held in the home of Henri and Laure, Judy received a text from the hostess letting us know that her two brothers and a nephew would be there. This was delightful news to us. One brother lives about an hour away and the other one about two hours away. Laure has been very concerned about the spiritual needs of her brothers and has been praying for them. God brought them!

The first Sunday of May was a delight. Several members of the Plaisance church were sick and could not attend for other reasons. However, we had more in attendance than we expected.  The special treat was Dennis, a man who we had never seen before. He is a longtime friend of Samuel, a fellow who trusted the Lord about 8 years ago after about a year of weekly Bible studies in our home. His friend, a very smart guy, went to jail. Samuel prayed for him and witnessed to him, and he trusted Christ. He is now out of jail and on fire for the Lord. He testifies that Samuel was the greatest human influence leading to his faith in Jesus Christ. Disciples making disciples! Thank you for your prayers.

Your sister and brother,
Judy and John Hatcher

Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
2 T Impasse de la Picardie
31830 Plaisance du Touch
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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News & Reports – May 2024

The Online Edition of the May 2024 BFM News & Reports is available at the link below.
*Remember you can click on any headline to view the post/letter on our website.

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Prepared in Advance for What God Would Have Her Do

The Hensleys have served the Lord in Brazil, South America since 1996. They have worked with orphanages, started mission points, established churches, and are presently conducting a seminary to train Brazilian pastors.

[Re-printed from May 2019 issue]

This month we missionary wives have been asked to write the letters for the mission sheets, so here I go with the many memories.

This year we will be completing 22 years in Brasil. It seems as though it was just yesterday that AJ started his campaign to convince me to go with him to be missionaries to Brasil. As many of you all have heard, in the beginning I was hard to convince, but God is faithful, and He worked on my heart. So, when AJ told me that he was going before the Church on Sunday night to tell the Church he was surrendering to be a missionary, God put these words in my mouth, “I am ready”.

I have not regretted—not once—that response. Our first place of service was in Garça, Brasil, with Odali and Kathy Barros. I helped Kathy with the children and AJ worked with Odali. There I used all the various skills that I had learned in Owsley County, Kentucky, as the daughter of Pastor H. W. Baker, who was a mission pastor. We stayed in Garça for 6 years being parents to up to 21 boys. There are many stories that could be told of those years. Needless to say, we have many children who call us Mom and Dad there in Brasil. We share that honor with their biological parents and with Odali and Kathy. Of all the boys that went through our care, some have their own businesses, some are lawyers, others are in the business world, and another is finishing his studies to become a veterinarian.

Have you ever washed clothes on a wash board? I did as a teenager and again in Garça. Have you ever had to heat your water on a stove or in a big tub outside? I did as a teenager and again in Garça. Have you ever had to walk to Church? I did as a child and again in Garça. As I said before, God prepared me early for what He would be having me do later. In the words of AJ, “God is AWESOME!”

After Garça, we moved to Jacarei, Sao Paulo, where we had plans to open another orphanage. As we worked through the paperwork, we started a mission church and there I continued to work with children. We had several families in the neighborhood who did not have transportation to get to a Church. They also had children, so I worked with them on Saturday and Sunday in Bible schools and Sunday schools. But after two years we realized that we were not going to be able to get the approval from the mayor for the orphanage, so AJ began to pray for a sign to stay or move on.

Maybe you have heard this story, but God answered these prayers with a sequester. You see, we were living on a farm way out in the country and were a target for theft. This gave AJ his answer, so we moved to Caraguatatuba. There we worked with Pastors in two churches and then we opened a new work there.

My service for the Lord continued to be with children. With the help of one of the boys from the orphanage in Garça who came to help us in Caraguatuba, we had Saturday Bible school in the homes of various members.

As we began to look for a place to open a new work, one of the children from these Saturday Bible schools, who started as a babe in arms in these Bible schools, stopped us on the streets. He stopped us on the street and said, “Mrs. Barb, when are you coming back to our neighborhood to teach us?”  So, guess what that sealed our decision as to where to start our new church.

Caragua Baptist Church came to life in this young man’s neighborhood. There again my job was with children. God sent many, many children to our location and we love them all.

So my time in Brasil has been an adventure where I have sat up all night rocking a sick boy, planned a wedding for one of the boys in our care, taken in people who are down on their luck, women who have been abandoned by their husbands and grandmothers whose homes are being flooded, and counseled women in their day-to-day problems…to name a few of the things that God has let me do.

I just want to say, “Thank You, God,” for working in my heart to make me willing to go on this adventure with AJ Hensley. We serve an AWESOME God. Thank you for all these memories and we look forward to many more.

In His Service,
Barbara Hensley


AJ & Barbara Hensley
30524 Mimi St
Sebring, FL 33870-0530
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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A Marriage & Ministry Ordained by the Lord

Bobby and Charlene Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.

April 29, 2024

Hello our dear praying friends,

Charlene here, taking advantage of the opportunity to share with you a little of our ministry world from this missionary wife’s perspective. Above and before all else, I want to say that it is a privilege to serve the Lord alongside my husband, Bobby, and also say that I have always been thankful for this calling. There are unique challenges I face serving in Brazil, but I also know that everyone has their own set of challenges just because we, as God’s children, are not of this world. The Lord told us in advance in His Word that, if we wanted to be His followers, then we would face trials, obstacles and opposition in this world.

The Lord definitely ordained mine and Bobby’s marriage and ministry. We are so different from each other in personality and skills, but He uses those differences to complement and complete us as a team. Bobby is a more visionary and big-picture sort of person, and I am a more detailed and “give me the plan” type of person. Does this cause problems? Sometimes, of course, but more often it helps us accomplish more as our differences work together to fill in the gaps that normally come up when trying to pull off a ministry or event.

My role provides me with a wide variety of experiences. For example, recently I accompanied Bobby on an evangelistic trip to several native indigenous tribes in the jungles of Argentina. We shared God’s love with 6 different villages all in one day. Their material poverty was apparent, but thankfully, the riches of God’s grace were shared with them and many of them became heirs with Jesus through the word that was shared. We also evangelized in neighboring Paraguay in 120-degree temperatures. I have to be honest and admit that I was very uncomfortable, but I do count it a privilege to have done that for God’s glory.

One of my favorite roles is to be an encourager to our team leaders’ wives. I know what it feels like to move to a new place, leaving friends and family and starting a ministry from scratch alongside my spouse. I am able to share that experience with them and how God always comes through to supply everything we need to be faithful and pleasing to Him. I also realize that it is my role and privilege from the Lord to support and encourage Bobby in what the Lord has called him to do. We really are a team and I’m glad to be on it.

Let me close by telling you how grateful and thankful I am for your prayers, love, and faithful support on our behalf. May the Lord richly reward and bless you as well.

Yours in Christ,
Charlene Wacaser

Contact Info:
Bobby & Charlene Wacaser
Currently Stateside on Furlough from Brazil
Phone: (813) 501-9328

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online

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