Through the generosity of our donors we were able to send a $500 “bonus” at the end of 2024 to our missionaries and retirees. A small token but much appreciated. I was so blessed by Brother Asa Mark Bratcher’s response and I share it now with his permission:
“Dear Bro. David: Just a note to express my deepest appreciation to you and the directors of BFM, for the bonus I just received. It is so amazing how our Lord works sometimes. Exactly 2 minutes earlier I had transferred to a couple in Manaus, 500 dollars as a down payment for a piece of property, next to the building of the Bratcher Memorial Baptist Church in the middle of the rain forest. Thanks once again, and to our Faithful God, whom we try to serve, all the glory!”
We are very thankful for how our retirees continue to represent BFM so well. Please give to the Missionary Support Fund!
Odali and Kathy Barros served the Lord in Sao Paulo, Brazil together from 1987-2013. In late 2013, they transitioned to Manaus in Northern Brazil to start sharing the Gospel and planting churches in villages along the river.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We pray and hope that all of you are doing well. We thank God for each of you for your prayers and support. Our ministry is greatly blessed through your encouragement.
Things here are getting back to normal but at this moment they are giving alerts of new cases of the virus, so we do our ministry being careful and taking the care necessary.
One problem that we are having in some places is flooding. The Amazon and the Negro River have risen higher than it has for over 50 years. The community of Cacao where we have a church, the water has reached part of the building. At the village of Ubim, the water has not reached the church, but to get to the church we have to walk over a temporary bridge made to get into the village. The water still is coming up. Many places are really flooded.
Kathy wants to thank those who gave donations for the t-shirts for the kids of Ubim. The t-shirts are ready. The kids will be happy to get new ones.
The ministry at the mother church, Pedras Vivas Baptist church is back to normal. We have started back the music classes on Sunday morning. We plan on starting back the Friday night services in homes soon. Kathy and I are doing visitation to see people that might want services in their homes. One thing that we did in our church was to sing only songs from the hymnal song book. Seems like everyone has enjoyed the month. We also mentioned about some of the authors.
I have been working this month on encouraging the church and showing them the mission God gave each of us: to tell people about God’s love and what He did for man to be saved. Telling them the importance of evangelism. It is easy to get caught up in our busy life and forget to tell others about God’s Love.
We are fervently beseeching God to call and raise up A New Generation of Missionaries from our churches. We are appealing to all our partnering churches to join with us in this ministry of supplication. We have prepared this written appeal to express our “heart’s desire and prayer to God.”
However, at the same time, we also recognize that we cannot commit to and assume administering financial support funds for additional missionaries under the current support plan we have implemented since our inception in 1942 – that is, disbursing all our financial commitments to our missionaries from our General Fund contributions. We are currently maxed out with our levels of monthly General Fund ‘in-come’ and our committed support disbursements, or ‘out-go.’
Therefore, we have adopted a new, more mutually-shared, support plan for “A New Generation of Missionaries” the Lord will allow us to partner with going forward. We are calling it our “Missionary Support Partnership” plan. Read here for a fuller, more detailed explanation of why this plan is needed and how it will work: “Missionary Support Partnership – Feasibility and Viability”. And here is a table itemizing how the support responsibilities will be more mutually-shared among the partners in this endeavor: “Missionary Support Partnership – Document of Understanding.” Please read these papers and pray with us that God will multiply and increase our effectiveness and impact among the nations of the world for the Glory of Jesus Christ!