Scheduling Furlough Visits; Daughters Start School in the States

Nathan and Carrie Radford serve the Lord in Kitale, Kenya. Their main ministries include indigenous church planting, a prison ministry, and a hospital ministry for mothers with premature babies.

August 30, 2016

Dear praying friends,

We are now all safely back in America, for which I (Nathan) thank the Lord. Many of you have been interested to know what has been going on with our safety/security issues in Kitale, so I want to take some time on that in this update, as well as share current ministry opportunities.

Believe it or not, just a few days after I left Kenya to start our furlough, two thieves tried again to break in. I don’t know all the details, but from what I have been told, they were trying to cut the barb wire on the back of our compound. Our guard dogs were following the problem closely and barking loudly, which led our day guard to find the thieves. He somehow managed to restrain them and tie them up, and the police later apprehended them and they were taken in. I have been told that one thug was jailed seven years in prison.  It seems there was swift judgement, for which I am thankful.

We are really praying that this all stops soon and things will go back to normal. Since this incident around a month ago, nothing else has happened and all has been quiet. We have been informed that our third guard dog we recently acquired is excellent and very protective. We are trusting the Lord for all these matters and know He is in control. Psalm 9:9 says “The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.” We trust Him with all these things.

I am now back in the States and am in the process of scheduling churches for our furlough. Lord willing, we plan to be in America until at least around end of April next year. If you are interested in scheduling me for a meeting to share what God is doing in Kenya, you can reach me at: Please let me know and I will try to get back with you in a timely manner.

Our two daughters are now attending school at Calvary Baptist Academy, the school that I attended for 12 years (Kindergarten through high school). The school has come a long way and is a blessing to many students in the area. This is very different for our daughters as they are home schooled while in Kitale, but it is also very good for them. They need the socialization with other children their age and to learn some independence and skills such as time management. Socialization is one of the major challenges while on the mission field, as many families come and go, move around, etc. Please pray with us that some families with children their age will come and stay in the Kitale area, if it would be the Lord’s will. This would help greatly with the socialization issues while on the field.

Each of you are such a blessing to us and we appreciate you so much. We will be sure to keep you updated. Thanks so much for your heart for missions and servant spirit. Please note our new mailing address.

Serving Him,
Nathan and Carrie Radford
56 Lobo Lane
Culloden, WV 25510

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Safely Back in America on Furlough; More Break-in Attempts at Compound

Nathan and Carrie Radford serve the Lord in Kitale, Kenya. Their main ministries include indigenous church planting, a prison ministry, and a hospital ministry for mothers with premature babies.

August 1, 2016

Dear praying friends,

We hope this update finds each of you doing well. Thanks so much to each of you who sacrificially give, pray for us, or encourage us in any way. We truly appreciate each of you and thank you for your kindness.

I (Nathan) am now back in the United States. It was definitely an interesting few weeks at the end of this term. As I have said before, there were repeated break-in attempts at our compound over the past few weeks. This is very unusual for Kitale. After my family left for furlough, I stayed at a safe guest house in Kitale for a few weeks while closing down. I thank all the staff at the guest house where I stayed, as they were wonderful. While I was at the guest house, there were two attempts at our compound. One was during the morning hours at the compound next to us, and another was at night along the front road. We are thankful both attempts were unsuccessful for the thieves but we remain vigilant to keep our family safe. We have worked hard to increase our security on our compound and for the past several weeks it has been quiet. However, a couple days ago, we found out there was yet another attempt at our compound. It occurred during the day, which is unusual and shows the boldness of the thieves. There were at least 2 thieves, possibly more, who cut through the hedge and barbed wire (that we just installed) at the back of our compound.  Our day guard confronted the thieves and had his hand hurt by a machete (panga in Swahili) during the process.  Our day guard was successful, though, in capturing 2 thieves, tied them up and turned them over to the police.  We are hopeful that turning them over to the police, as well as planting new thornbushes all around the compound will deter more thieves from attempting to break in. We have also gotten a third guard dog to help keep the compound safe as Kenyans fear dogs almost more than other security measures.  Please pray for the police and all the security companies, that they would work hard to catch all these thugs. Our trust is in the Lord for all these matters. I love Proverbs 18:10 which says “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” We will keep you updated on these matters.

It was a difficult final few weeks, but I thank the Lord that I am now safely back in America with friends and family. Family is so important, and I am looking forward to spending quality time with them. After being out of the United States for two years, it was both overwhelming and wonderful to step foot on American soil. I am now in a stage known as “reverse culture shock,” where it will take time to adjust back to America. It was neat to fly over the Middle East (Iraq, Iran) on my way home, as this is part of the world I have never been to.

Please pray for all the ministries while we are on furlough, as well as our friends and partners, the Tate family. There is much to do over the next few weeks, such as finalizing the missions presentation, getting a missions DVD done, doing a family prayer card, etc. I will soon be scheduling churches for our furlough, so if you are interested, you can email me at: I will also send a DVD to those who are interested in the work that God is doing in Kitale, Kenya. I have learned that God doesn’t need us, but we certainly need Him. We can do nothing without Him. How we need to pray regularly, read the Bible, seek His will, and follow His leading. Weneed Him for everything. Psalm 86:11 says “Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name.” May this be the sincere prayer and desire of our hearts.

We will keep you updated.


Nathan and Carrie Radford
P.O. Box 4150
Kitale, Kenya
East Africa, 30200
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Wrapping Things Up in Kenya for Furlough

Nathan and Carrie Radford serve the Lord in Kitale, Kenya. Their main ministries include indigenous church planting, a prison ministry, and a hospital ministry for mothers with premature babies.

July 1, 2016

Dear praying friends,

Another month has come and gone and there is much to update. As I write this, I (Nathan) am in the process of closing down and coming home for furlough. As I wrote earlier, our furlough has been moved up a few months early given some unrest in Kitale. I will update more about this in the current prayer letter.

Shutting down to come for furlough is a huge process. I did not realize how big of a process until recently. My family returned to America early, as there was unrest on our compound. There was nothing we could do about it, and our mission leaders were all in agreement that they should come early to be out of any potential danger. Closing down has been a big process to go through. It seems like once I get one thing done, ten other things come up. It has taken me over four weeks, and I am still not finished. I have yet to work on government items in Nairobi before I leave. Things such as paying insurances while away, paying food for all the animals, repairs, storing things, and the list goes on and on. I have a newfound appreciation for each missionary who closes down, as it is a huge job.

Thanks to each one who has written to let us know that you are praying for us in regards to our safety. Kitale is usually a very safe, quiet town. What has been going on for the past two to three months is very unusual. Our compound where we stay has been targeted repeatedly. The thugs have not managed to get in, but they have tried several times. They have broken boards on the back fence, cut down part of the hedge in the front, stepped on wire, etc. Our day guard has done a great job of making the compound more secure, by putting several layers of barb wire, extra security lights, mabati (a form of iron sheeting that covers the fence in exposed areas), and so much more.

We have recently planted a thornbush that is called “ngoja ngoja.” This is Swahili for “wait, wait.” The thieves detest this thornbush, as when they try to break in, it not only cuts them with the thorns, but also holds/grabs them so they cannot escape. I was told by a wise person to plant this all over the compound, as this would be a huge deterrent to the thieves. We have now planted the seeds all over and some of them have started to come up. Please pray with us that it would rain hard in the next weeks, so they bushes will grow quickly. I understand they will grow over six feet high, covering the whole hedge so no one can be looking in from the road. It is a very thick bush that is very difficult to cut through. My neighbor has planted it, with good results. This is exactly what we want. The police are patrolling at night but have not been successful as of late to catch these groups of thieves. People are coming in early and staying on their compounds until morning. I personally try my best not to be out past 7 pm. God is in control of all these matters and we trust Him to take care of it and to watch over those who serve Him. It has been difficult as of late, but He uses even the trials to our benefit. I like Psalm 27:1, which says “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”

Please pray for our family and our upcoming needs for furlough. One of our big needs right now is transportation. If anyone has or knows of a minivan for sale at a reasonable price, we would be interested. You can contact me (Nathan) at We trust the Lord for all our needs.

Lord willing, next month will be an update from America. I am looking forward to rejoining my family soon. Please pray for me as I seek to finish with all I have to do and get to America for furlough. I am hopeful and confident that these security issues will subside while we are away. A good friend of mine who lives in Kitale called a big security meeting with the leaders of Kitale, informing them of what has been going on, as well as planning how to make Kitale safer in the future. This is much appreciated. Please pray for the Kitale police, the security companies, and all involved in the safety/security in Kitale. We will be keeping all these security issues in prayer while we are away. We are definitely planning to go back to Kenya to serve God next year after our furlough time is over, but looking forward to getting a much needed break, and spending time with family, friends, and supporters.

God bless you all and thanks to each of you for your prayers, sacrificial giving, and interest in what God is doing in Kitale, Kenya. You each are a big blessing and encouragement to us.

Until next month,
Nathan & Carrie Radford

Nathan and Carrie Radford
P.O. Box 4150
Kitale, Kenya
East Africa, 30200

Click here to donate to BFM.

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Unrest in Kitale; Returning to the States Early for Furlough

Nathan and Carrie Radford serve the Lord in Kitale, Kenya. Their main ministries include indigenous church planting, a prison ministry, and a hospital ministry for mothers with premature babies.

June 1, 2016
Dear praying friends,

We hope this update finds each of you doing well. Thanks again so much to each one who prays for us, gives sacrificially, or writes a note of encouragement. You are each such a blessing to us.

We’ve needed to make the sudden decision to return to the States early for our furlough. For the past many weeks there have been incidents of robberies/thefts, etc. in the Kitale area. This is not unusual for this time of year as food from the previous harvest becomes lacking and people lack income. Unfortunately, this causes many people to turn to stealing and other forms of crime. This usually lasts for a very short period of time and then things return to normal.  However, this year has been different. The thieves are now scheming and planning. For instance, they are stealing fuses out of electricity boxes so that people will be without power in the evenings so that they can break into homes and steal.  Also, we have been told that some are posing as employees of the power company to gain access to people’s homes.  So, as I said, this year is different and heightened than in previous years.

My wife and I knew this stuff was going on, but until recently it hadn’t really affected us. As I reported in a previous letter, a group of guys came in the morning a few weeks ago, armed with machete type weapons, threatened our day guard, and shook the gate so hard it nearly came off the hinges. This was obviously concerning, not the least of which was the fact that it occurred during the morning, which is extremely unusual. The thugs mentioned the name of a tenant who lived in our house about 8 years ago. The thugs said they were coming to collect their things from him. We contacted the previous tenant and he said he has no idea what these thugs were talking about as he had never worked with them before.

Now rumors are circulating that this tenant buried money on our compound and the thugs are trying to get it. Since the first attack on our compound, there have been multiple other attempts, such as breaking through the wood fence and hedges that surround our compound, using floodlights to shine light into our compound to see where things are located and what the security is, meeting in groups outside our gate and taking the fuse from our transformer multiple times so that our power would be out. We have 2 excellent guard dogs and we have obviously taken extra security measures so I feel we have done all we can to protect ourselves. We have been targeted over the past few weeks and we are struggling with the reason why. We have lived in our house for 3 years without any problems so we don’t understand what has happened recently to trigger all this unrest.

When we contacted our mission in America, we all agreed that my family is not safe at this time and that we need to begin closing down and come home earlier than planned for furlough. As such, my family has already left. I am now staying in a different, secure location for a few weeks to shut down. Closing down for furlough is a very big job and there is much to do. Please pray for me, that I would be able to close down quickly and rejoin my family. My wife and I believe this is very unusual for Kitale and that things will settle. Kitale is generally very quiet and peaceful. There are security companies in town that are very aware of the situation and police are patrolling in the night. I am sure the thugs’ luck will run out and they will be caught. There is a proverb in Swahili, “Siku za mwizi ni arobaini.” “The days of a thief are forty.” Meaning, their time will end and they will be caught.

We know the Lord has called us to Kenya, and we desire to serve Him faithfully in Kitale. Please pray that these thieves will be caught soon and things will go back to normal. I have every expectation that this will be so. I have a good Kenyan friend who also believes this will calm and things will go back to normal. I plan to return to the States later in June, Lord willing. Our current needs would be for housing in West Virginia. Anything in the Charleston/Saint Albans/Teays Valley area would be very helpful. We would need the housing starting from early September. Also, if anyone has a minivan they are interested in selling, or knows of one for sale, we would appreciate any leads. We truly need a minivan, considering our family and all that is needed to transport. These are all our needs that we are trusting God with at this time. He is so faithful and we know He will provide. Please email me if you are able to assist with any of these current needs we have.

Please pray for the country of Kenya, and also for Kitale, that things will settle soon. We trust God with all these things and by faith, we believe He will work out all things for His good and glory. Our God is sovereign, reigns above all, and nothing takes Him by surprise. Nothing is too hard for Him. We trust Him completely, and we know that He is working even in the situations that are going on now all around us. Jeremiah 32:27 “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for Me?”

Serving in Kenya,
Nathan & Carrie Radford


Nathan and Carrie Radford
P.O. Box 4150
Kitale, Kenya
East Africa, 30200

Click here to donate to BFM.

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Missionary Update: The Radfords in Kenya [May 2016]

Nathan and Carrie Radford serve the Lord in Kitale, Kenya. Their main ministries include indigenous church planting, a prison ministry, and a hospital ministry for mothers with premature babies.

May 1, 2016

We are now nearing halfway through the year 2016. Where has the time gone? It seems to pass faster and faster as the years go by. A quote I like in reference to time is “Better than counting the years is making the years count.” Time is truly a gift from God, and may we use it wisely, for His glory. Psalm 90:12 says “So teach us to number our days,  that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” This prayer letter will give current updates.

Thanks to those who have been praying about the security situation in Milimani, where we live. There have been several different groups going around robbing people. People are taking additional security measures. We have done our best, and now leave our safety and security in God’s hands. We know God has called us here, and He will watch over and protect us. We are also using common sense and not going into dangerous areas/situations, etc. Praise the Lord, around 4 of the thieves were caught by police recently. There is also a good security company that patrols faithfully during the night to try to catch the thieves. We are thankful for them and their efforts. Ultimately, our safety and security is from the Lord. Psalm 9:9 says “The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.” Psalm 46:1 says “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” We take comfort in verses such as these and trust in God and His protection. We appreciate your prayers, that all of the thieves would be caught soon.

The Annex prison ministry is continuing along well. There is a new chaplain there, as the previous chaplain was transferred to a different prison. I have met him and he seems very encouraging and welcoming. I am thankful for this. The Bible studies for the men have been going very well and I (Nathan) thank the Lord for the visitors who have been coming to hear the Word and God and are being reached with the Gospel. The results are God’s, as I desire to be faithful, trusting God for the harvest. I have recently shared the Gospel, and have just finished teaching some on Creation and the fall. Please pray for the men, that they would see the awful results of sin and see their need of a Savior. I will keep you updated on this ministry. Please also pray for the prison permit to be renewed without any problems.

Please continue to pray for Christopher, the man that my partner Roger and I are training. We recently modeled for him teachings from the Word of God, then asked him to teach us in our training center in town. He did very well and we were very pleased. Please continue to pray for him, that he would clearly understand our teachings, and Lord willing, be able to go to his home area of Kibomet to open a Bible study group in his home. Our ultimate goal is for a church to be planted in Kibomet, but we are still in the training phases. We appreciate Christopher and his faithfulness to come and be taught. I will keep you updated of this ministry. We are also staying faithful in the village of Robinson, meeting in the home of a national named Kefa. He has been very gracious to allow us to come and teach the people the Word of God. Our desire is also for a church to be planted in Robinson, and we are trusting in God’s plan and timing there.

In family news, It is hard to believe that McKenna is now 8 years old. She is such a sweet little girl, and we are so thankful to be her parents. Please pray for both her and Camille, and for us, as we desire to lead them in the ways of the Lord. A small school has opened recently in Kitale and the girls are enjoying going there in the middle of the week. Some of our missionary friends are also sending their children there, so we are very thankful for this. Please pray the school will stay open so other children will have good interaction and friendships.

God bless each of you so much. We will be sure to keep you updated. We appreciate each of you so much.

In Kenya,
Nathan & Carrie

Nathan and Carrie Radford
P.O. Box 4150
Kitale, Kenya
East Africa, 30200

Click here to donate to BFM.

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Missionary Update: The Radfords in Kenya [April 2016]

Nathan and Carrie Radford serve the Lord in Kitale, Kenya. Their main ministries include indigenous church planting, a prison ministry, and a hospital ministry for mothers with premature babies.

April 1, 2016

Dear praying friends,

We thank you all again so much for your prayers, sacrificial giving, and encouragement. Each of you are a blessing and we thank God for you. This prayer letter will give updates in regards to ministries, as well as some prayer requests.

Thanks so much to those who prayed for my work permit. (Nathan) I have been informed that it was renewed recently for two years, for which I thank the Lord. Now I do not have to apply again until it expires in two years. My contact in Nairobi was pleased and I am also. It is wonderful for God’s provision in this matter. The Lord is good to provide what we need as we serve Him.

Before a ministry update, I wanted to inform those at home of what has been going on in Milimani, where we stay. Last week around 10:30 or 11:00 am in the morning, two men approached our gate and tried to break in. They shook the gate so hard that it nearly came off the hinges. The security company was contacted, yet it took them 30 minutes to arrive, as they were on the other side of town dealing with another matter. Later that same day, thugs broke into a different compound in Milimani and stole various items. I have been told it is a group of 8 men who work together. Two men try to break in first – when they get in, they call another truck of about 6 men and take the items quickly, disappearing before the police can locate them. The police have been informed well and one of the top policemen came to our place to find out what is going on. Also, the security company is well informed and is beginning to patrol. Please pray that these people will be caught soon and for the safety of all those in Kitale. We have taken good security measures, but our ultimate trust is in the Lord. The safest place to be is in the will of God. Psalm 27:1 says “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” We place our protection in His hands, and trust Him with all these matters.

My partner Roger Tate and I are continuing along with the ministry in Robinson village. We are presently in the book of Matthew and learning many good teachings from the Word of God. In the house that we are meeting, the family has been faithful to come, and we are thankful for this. Please pray for the rest of the surrounding area and those that we have visited, sharing the Gospel and inviting them to come. We are faithful to sow the seed, and then we trust the Lord for the harvest in His plan and timing. Galatians 6:9 says “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” We trust the Lord with the results of ministry in Robinson.

Later this month, it is hard to believe that McKenna will be eight years old. The time and years have passed so fast and we are so thankful for her and her important part of our family. Camille turned five last month, so they are both growing up quickly. We are thankful for the friends that they have presently here in Kitale. Please pray that other families with children their age will come so they can have more social interactions with others their age. God bless you all thanks again for all you do. We will keep you updated.

Nathan and Carrie Radford
P.O. Box 4150
Kitale, Kenya
East Africa, 30200

Click here to donate to BFM.

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Missionary Update: The Radfords in Kenya [March 2016]

Nathan and Carrie Radford serve the Lord in Kitale, Kenya. Their main ministries include indigenous church planting, a prison ministry, and a hospital ministry for mothers with premature babies.

March 1, 2016

Dear praying friends,

Greetings from warm and sunny Kitale. As I (Nathan) see photos of parts of America with great levels of snow, here in Kitale, it is consistently around 85 degrees. It definitely makes me miss the snow and seasons in America. I always enjoy the snow and seasons while we are home on furlough. There is never snow here in Kitale, so it is an adjustment when we return to visit churches, friends, and family. We are now approaching rainy season in the next few weeks, so that will be a blessing as well.

This past month, we celebrated the birthday of our daughter Camille. She is such a blessing in our family and it was nice to have some friends over to celebrate. She is now five years old, which is hard to believe. McKenna will soon be eight years old, Lord willing. Please pray for us as we raise our daughters and for wisdom from God in our parenting. I love Proverbs 22:6, which says “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Please pray for the national that Roger and I are training. His name is Christopher, and he lives in a large village area called Kibomet. We train him in town and he has been coming faithfully to be taught the Word of God. We are now at a very important part of our training, where we are allowing him to teach us the Word of God. We are doing this so we can see how he will do before he would go to start a Bible study group. Lord willing, the ultimate goal would be for the group to become a church. He has shown much improvement in his teaching, for which we are thankful. Please pray for Roger and I as we continue to train him, model for him the teachings, and trust the Lord with the results. We are thankful for Christopher and his willingness to serve the Lord. He has shown a sincere desire to study and obey the Scriptures. Psalm 119:105 says “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

We are now nearing the end of the teachings at the Annex prison called Firm Foundations. We have been studying and learning about the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. We recently studied when the disciples and the Lord were caught in a fierce storm. The disciples feared, then the Lord arose, rebuked the wind and the waves, and there was a great calm. This proves the authority of our Lord and shows that we can trust Him during the storms of life as well. Mark 4:39 says “And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” Please pray for the prisoners as they faithfully study the Word of God. What a blessing it is to be able to teach them the Scriptures, by the grace of God. Please also pray for my prison permit to be renewed so I can continue with this ministry, Lord willing.

We are so thankful that our daughters have friends now. There is now a family that lives in Kitale on an internship with four daughters. They are from America and it is great for our daughters to have some friends to play with. This will help them to get along with other kids their age, develop social skills, and have some close friends. We are also praying for other children for our daughters to play with, as this is a much needed area of interaction on the mission field. We know the Lord is in control of this and we trust Him.

May the Lord bless each of you who give sacrificially, pray for us, or send emails or letters of encouragement. It means so much to us and we really appreciate it. Thank you for your faithfulness and encouragement to us. God bless each of you so much.

Nathan and Carrie Radford

P.O. Box 4150
Kitale, Kenya
East Africa, 30200

Click here to donate to BFM.

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Missionary Update: The Radfords in Kenya [February 2016]

Nathan and Carrie Radford serve the Lord in Kitale, Kenya. Their main ministries include indigenous church planting, a prison ministry, and a hospital ministry for mothers with premature babies.

February 1, 2016

Dear praying friends,

We hope this update finds each of you doing well. We are now in the year 2016. Hard to believe. Many times when I think that something is far away, before you know it, it is upon you, and then behind you. I cannot believe my daughter McKenna is already 7 and Camille will soon be 5 years old. And my age, well that is another matter. As the old saying goes “Age is mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” I like that. Hoping each of you had a great Christmas holiday and New Year celebration with family and friends. We had a small celebration here with some missionary friends, had some time of fun and fellowship, played games, etc. It is always nice to be able to do these things sometimes.

One of the hardest parts of missions is missing family and being separated from them while on the mission field. From time to time, family comes to visit, and we have had two of my wife’s sisters visit with us. My wife has three sisters, and we are thankful that two of them were able to get some time off and come to visit with us here in Kitale. This is much needed, for it gives them the opportunity to see how life is on the mission field, some of the challenges, and to know better how to pray for us. Also, it gives them much needed time to spend with us as a family. We are so thankful that both Jenna and Joelle came out to visit with us. What a blessing they have been. Lord willing, my wife’s parents will visit later with us in the year, so we are looking forward to this as well. Family time is so important and we are thankful for any visits we get from family.

Please pray for my (Nathan) work permit, which expires in April this year. I have to have a permit to be able to legally stay and minister in Kenya, and it expires in April of this year. I have gone to Nairobi to meet with my government agent who handles these permits for us. My wife already has hers, so we are thankful for this. Now, we are waiting and praying for mine to be processed. We pray it will proceed with no problems, and we know that God is in complete control and has a plan for us. Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” God has a purpose and plan for everything, thoughts of peace, not evil, to give us an expected end.

I also like Micah 7:7, which says “Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me.” We can look to the Lord in faith, waiting on Him, knowing He hears us. What great promises to cling and hold to.

My partner Roger Tate and I are still going faithfully to the village of Robinson to teach and preach the Word of God. We are currently in the book of Matthew, and there have been many good teachings. We have learned about not judging, how to give and pray in secret, being salt and light in a dark world, and other teachings. We are also continuing to visit people in the village and share the Gospel as God gives the opportunity. Many of those who were initially coming at the beginning have left, as they were searching for the loaves and fishes, and were not interested in the teachings and following Jesus. I am interested more in quality than quantity, and the Lord knows who will be there for the right reasons. God knows how it will all turn out in the end, and my partner Roger and I have been faithful. We need to continue to visit, share the Gospel, pray, and leave the results in God’s hands. Duties belong to us—results belong to God. In 1 Corinthians 3:6, Paul says “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” It is still the same today. God gives the increase. We trust Him for the results, and would ask prayer as we continue to go and teach faithfully in the Robinson village.  Our desire ultimately is to have a church there, but we will trust God with it, knowing He will lead and guide us.

In family news, my wife continues to go faithfully to the district hospital. She does her best to provide the women and babies there with much needed supplies, as well as sharing the Gospel with the mothers. This ministry has grown bigger, with more mothers and children than ever before. We are doing our best to assist them, and we thank each of you who faithfully give sacrificially or send supplies. Thanks for helping the poor and abandoned. God will richly bless you. McKenna and Camille continue to grow and develop. McKenna is learning to read well and quickly, and Camille will soon be starting kindergarten, which is hard to believe. My wife does a great job in teaching them faithfully here at home, so we are blessed to be able to help them with their education in this way.

Please keep us in your prayers, and we will remember you also. We appreciate so much each letter, email, family picture, or whatever you would like to send. Each act of kindness is highly regarded and appreciated. Thank you for your mindfulness of missions, your sacrificial spirit, and your faithful prayer support and sacrificial giving. You are each a great blessing to us. Happy 2016.

Nathan and Carrie Radford

P.O. Box 4150
Kitale, Kenya
East Africa, 30200

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