FaithWORKS Report [September 2013]

PRAY AND PRAISE in this issue…

  • ODALI AND KATHY BARROSPRAISE GOD for the ministries of past and present BFM missionaries in the lives of other BFM missionaries. Read how Bobby Creiglow and John and Alta Hatcher have been instrumental in these ministries that are still going on. PRAY that God will direct the steps and course of their future ministry.
  • HAROLD BRATCHERPRAY for God to give him strength to continue serving Him in his ministry here in the States. PRAISE GOD for providing the way for him to purchase and move into his new home.
  • MIKE AND BEVERLY CREIGLOWPRAY that God will give all of them full recovery from the sicknesses they have suffered. PRAY ALSO that God will provide the needed funds to make the payments on their new property purchase. PRAISE GOD for the new works that are flourishing and for increased fruitfulness in their established churches.
  • JOHN AND ALTA HATCHERPRAISE GOD for the encouragements they receive from conversations and visits from their faithful children…and for the continuing good reports, especially from Assai.
  • PAUL AND WANDA HATCHERPRAISE GOD for the fruitful response from their recent Men’s Camp. PRAY that God will raise up more men and women to be faithful servants of the Lord. PRAY also for Herman and his wife during this health crisis.
  • JOHN AND JUDY HATCHERPRAISE GOD for the work of God’s Grace in the hearts and lives of people they have witnessed to for years. PRAY always for the seeds they are sowing every day in every conversation. PRAY that God will give them strength and encouragement in their daily Bible Studies and witnessing opportunities.
  • AJ AND BARBARA HENSLEYPRAISE GOD for the continued growth of their church, and for the helpers the Lord has sent them from the States. PRAY for the pastoral assistant who is coming to help them in their church. PRAY also for their upcoming Pastors’ Conference.
  • NATHAN AND CARRIE RADFORDPRAISE GOD for the new churches that have been established. PRAY that God will protect them during their upcoming furlough travels to the States.
  • ROGER AND JULIE TATEPRAISE GOD for their safe arrival in the States. PRAY for all the transitions they will be experiencing here over the next few months, and especially for their children’s adjustments to all their changes. PRAY also for their spiritual strength and revival as they re-connect with their families and home church – and visit other churches.
  • BOBBY AND CHARLENE WACASERPRAISE GOD for the response God has given them in their Bible-reading encouragement. PRAY for Charlene and her family in the recent death of her brother. PRAISE GOD for saving their PROJECT LIFE ministry team from more severe injuries in their recent auto accident.

We heartily invite you to join us for the 59th Annual Thanksgiving Missions Conference in the interests of BAPTIST FAITH MISSIONS.

November 25-27, 2013
New Hope Baptist Church
Dearborn Heights, MI
Pastor Terry Adkins

Conference Theme: “Redeemed How I Love to Proclaim It” – Psalm 107:2-3

A full post with details can be found here.


Please be making your plans to give as generously as the LORD enables you to our upcoming Thanksgiving Offering. We encourage EVERY friend of our missionaries to be a GIVING FRIEND!

Pastors, will you be willing to announce and promote the Thanksgiving Offering in your church – and encourage your people to give to it? Our missionaries’ needs continue to be great and the Thanksgiving Offering is essential to providing those financial commitments we have made to them.

We continue to struggle every month just to maintain the commitments we have made to our missionaries – but we want to do so much more than just MAINTAIN. We want to INCREASE and ADD TO the provisions of their needs.

And, remember – you can give your Thanksgiving Offering either through your church’s offering, or by mailing your personal check to our Treasurer, or by giving online through our website.

Click here to make a one-time donation.
Click here to set up a recurring donation.
