Heading Back to Brazil; Seminary Starting New Classes
Posted on 12Nov CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barbara Hensley, Caraguatatuba

The Hensleys have spent nearly 20 years serving in Brazil. They have established a church in Caraguatatuba and mission points throughout the city. They have also recently started a seminary to train pastors.
November 10, 2016
Friends and family,
Time has been a little slow this month as I have been in the “count down” to the last radiation treatment. I can now say “all done” with that radiation. God is so good. “AWESOME!!!!!” This word is better but still is not sufficient to describe our Lord and Savior! After it’s all over, it does not seem so bad. AWESOME is the God we serve!
I still have some more doctor stuff to do. We have to be back in February for doctor’s appointments and my last shot. Then we will return in August for my major exams and final check-up that will determine if all is well. For this I ask your continual prayers.
The work in Brazil is going well. Our reports from Pr. Walmir are very encouraging. They have been planning a missions conference there at Caragua Baptist. This will include a week end of preaching and then a promise faith offering. This will be given for the year to help national missionaries.
It is really humbling to me as I think about the members as they consider what they can contribute to the Lord’s work. And this is what it is all about. Pray…Give…Go…Send!
Lots of work still to be done on the Church—upstairs. This is where the kitchen and Sunday School rooms are located, although we also use the downstairs and a business across the street for class space. This is a good problem to have. We have just finished the sanctuary and we still need more space.
Ministry here is a pleasure, helping our members with personal needs, i.e., food, clothing, and other basics—it is a challenge!
So here is where I want to thank everyone for all the help: prayerfully, financially, materially. We cannot do this without YOU! So, a big THANKS to all.
We are looking forward to the return trip since we have been gone for a little more than 3 months. We are especially anxious to see our 2 Brazilian grandchildren.
Our Seminary will have another class in January and March. We will be having our first graduation in the fall. How AWESOME is our God. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary has come along side with us and now we are able to give a Pastoral degree (an official diploma with accreditation). In this seminary, Caragua Baptist Seminary, our goal is to provide saints in Brazil with a solid understanding of God’s truth in the scripture, equipping them to effectively evangelize, disciple, and build God’s Kingdom through the local truth.
We have had a total of 154 students enrolled: 34 pastors and 120 church leaders exposed to God’s truth. The seminary impacted 58 churches with approximately 6,104 members located in in 19 cities in 3 Brazilian locations. What is the word? AWESOME!!!!
We have some partners in Brazil that provide direct support and benefits to the Seminary and our students:
- VIDA NOVA: a Brazilian publisher that provides the seminary a 50% discount on textbooks that is passed to our students.
- CENTRO DE STUDIOS THELOGICOSDO VALE DO PARAIBA: A Brazilian Seminary that recognizes Caragua Baptist Seminary and accepts our courses for credit in their Bachelor of Theology program.
- FIEL MINISTRIES: Provides ministry resources throughout the world. Our students have access to their online educational information and their e-books.
Our plans are to open more Seminary sites this coming year, to continue our work with the rehabilitation sites, and we will be looking for other ministry starts.
Please continue to pray for our ministries, travel and health. And come on down to see what God is doing here in Caraguatatuba.
In His service,
Aj and Barb
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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