Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [April 2012]
Posted on 13Apr CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist Churches in Caraguatatuba, Baptist Faith Missions, Barbara Hensley, missionaries in Brazil, need new church bus

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
Dear friends and family,
What a wonderful time we have had in the States. It has been so good that I have returned to Brasil 20 lbs. heavier. (Lol!) And guess what that means– I have had to increase the size of my clothes. And that means new clothes. Oh well, so goes life –next week I’ll start a diet (Lol!).
At Church Sunday we were welcomed back with a surprise party. Cake and the works. I guess this means more pounds. Not only did we receive a warm welcome from the Church people we also received a WARM welcome here in Brasil. The temperature has been in the high 90’s. How great it is to serve such and AWESOME God!! With the temperatures being so high that means that the Church building also is extremely hot. Something like 105 degrees So I picked out place in the Church where a fan was blowing completely on me—-(just a little selfish). But none of this high temperature keeps our people from coming to Church, Sunday morning we had 104 in attendance and 140 on Sunday night. Our Choir presented a piece for our Easter Sunday that was great.
Upon returning to Brasil we found that a very dear friend is moving back to the States. His name is John Norris and he is a retired fireman from Florida.He is having some health issues with his hearing–please put him on your prayer list.
While there we had a meeting with a young man in Georgia, Jason Hamlin, and set up for us to meet him in Atlanta for him to visit Brasil one more time to see where God would like for them to base their ministry. His ministry is to train youth pastors all over Brasil. To start with, they will be getting some basic language training here in Caraguatatuba. And no, I will not be doing their training because if I did they would definitely have my mountain accent (Hillbilly) This is another prayer request, please put this family on your personal and Church prayer list.They are making a big transition with 3 kids.
This has been a fast-moving week here and we have lots more to catch up on in our ministries. So pray for Barb and I as we re-connect and integrate ourselves here.
Sunday night again it was so obvious that we really need a bus. The van was so over-crowded and the people were so uncomfortable but they did not murmur or complain. We work with some very special people.
While we were in the States we were able to visit many Churches and meet many new people. If we were not able to get to your Church we would like to put you on the top of our list for our next time. We would like to give a Special Thanks to everyone where we presented our ministry and preached. Everyone was so gracious and loving. We were treated like royalty.
We would like to thank BFM and all of you who support us financially and prayerfully. Without this support we would not be able to stay here in Brasil doing what God called us to do. Don’t take our word for what is going on here and what God is doing, come on down and see for yourself. We have been here long enough to be able to turn the bed down and put a mint on the pillow, so come on down.
In His service,
Aj and Barb