Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [March 2013]

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.

March 7, 2013

Dear friends and family,

Needless to say this has been a very busy month! The building we have rented is in need of a general makeover and we have started the work of repair. We have a concrete roof and it has about 3-4 areas where, when it rains, you can take a shower. We have re-done the roof and now will need to put a sealer down in a few weeks (giving a little time for the concrete to cure). We have also started installing additional electrical outlets and repairing the existing electricity. We also have installed 3 fans (need 2 more). It has been very hot and this additional circulation is very needed. I have been preaching and carrying a towel to keep the sweat wiped away. There is lots more work to be done.

The Sunday School group in the new church building. God is good!

Our attendance is steadily increasing. Sunday School is just an AWESOME blessing. The young children are just totally a blessing and are so open. We already have 2 mothers now coming with their children. We have increased so much now we are going to need to separate our classes. So already we are starting to need space. God is AWESOME!! Our Sunday night services have grown also and are on an average we have 30–plus or minus–adults in attendance.

When we get back to Brasil, we have at least 2 weddings to perform and several baptisms. We are looking forward to many more souls to be added to Gods kingdom through this new work.

We are working in the prison with our vocational training. We have a member who is teaching the young men a heating and air class. And I have been enjoying giving “English Classes” using the Bible as the manual. God sometimes uses unusual ways to get His work where it is needed, because here, our Church was not invited to come in, but our English classes were. Just another way we see our Lord getting things accomplished.

The road in front of our home has been worked on and is now a wonderful street. However the last 2-1/2 months in preparation has been terrible. They tore up the road in preparation and the rain started. We almost needed a four wheel drive to get in and out. We are planning 2 conferences this year. The first is to the Jewish community in Sao Paulo and the second is for the Pastors here in Brasil (September and October-November). These are two big prayer requests. The Pastors will be coming from different areas of Brasil and this will be a financial challenge for them.

We told you of the need for chairs for the new work last month–THANKS to the people who sent money to purchase 4 of our needed 50. As you can see, there is still an opportunity for you to be a part of this blessing to the new work.

We are in the States until March 25 for medical exams and to visit with Barbara’s mother. Pray for us as we return to Brasil. There is still much work to be done for God’s Kingdom and our desire is to be used in this work.

Well I know from personal experience that it is cold here in the States so if you want to get some sunshine just come on down to Caraguatatuba and enjoy the heat. We can offer you a great time in the Lord and some great fellowship with some great Brazilians. Your bed is ready and the beans and rice is on the stove.

In His service,

Aj and Barbara

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