Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [November 2015]
Posted on 11Nov CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist church in Caraguatatuba, Barbara Hensley, church planting in Brazil, Pastors Conference in Brazil

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
November 9, 2015
Dear friends and family,
Well another AWESOME month has become history here in Caraguatatuba, Brasil! It is just AWESOME what God is doing. Lots of physical labor being done on our new Church building. Just think, what used to be a soccer club building has been converted into an AWESOME sanctuary for the Church and the upstairs that will be used for Sunday School rooms and a kitchen.
We have had a wonderful time this month with our children’s ministry. Here we celebrate a holiday that we do not have in the States. It is called Children’s Day. It is a day bigger than Christmas for the children here in Brasil. Our attendance was 119, we had a special breakfast for the children and then each of them received a present. This was accomplished by the generosity of many Churches and individuals there in the States. The boys got soccer balls and the girls got Barbie dolls along with various other things. We include things like toothpaste toothbrushes and other hygiene articles. There were a bunch of HAPPY children on that day.
Back to the Church—we have sealed the walls where the roof has been installed and began the drop ceiling downstairs—this is to cover up the places in the ceiling where we removed 3 walls to make the room bigger for our Church services. We had to put in a steel beam as the walls that we removed were load-bearing walls. Overcoming many obstacles, these areas are now one big room. And this big room will soon be our sanctuary. The drop ceiling that is being installed is making an AWESOME difference in the interior appearance. Just beautiful if I may say so!
This construction and remodeling has at times been very trying. But through it all God is and has been supplying our many needs. How AWESOME is the God we serve. Here we get to see miracles almost daily. It helps one to see how the Apostles were in Bible times. When they would meet they would ask “How has your day been?” the other would answer like this, “Just one miracle after another.” Our God is AWESOME and He is still in the miracle business. We just have to have our eyes open to see what He is doing all around us. This could not happen without the prayer support of many praying saints back home. THANKS.
Another prayer request: pray for our “Pastors Conference” Nov. 10-13. We are planning for 200 to 250 Pastors and wives. This Conference is planned in conjunction with several Pastors in the States. They come down and do the classes for the Pastors. It is just heartwarming that these Pastors and their Churches are giving of their time and money to help train our Brasilian brothers. A big THANK YOU to Dr. Ji Perdue, Pr. Mike Durough, Dr. David Grantham, Pr. Jason Hamblin, Pastor Tim Price and Dr. Louann Purcell (she will be bringing studies to the Pastors’ wives) and their Churches. We see this Conference as one more way of reaching Brasil with the gospel. How AWESOME!!!!
Pray for Barb and I as when this Pastors Conference is over we will be coming back to the States for more Dr. appointments and possibly some treatment. Thanks in advance for your prayers. Thanks for your financial help and thanks for your encouragement. We need all three of these things to do God’s work here in Caraguatatuba, Brasil.
If you would like to see your mission dollars at work, come to Caraguatatuba and we will introduce you to the work that God is doing here. Come on down!!!!
In His service,
AJ and Barbara
Aj and Barbara Hensley