Missionary Update: Harold Bratcher on Permanent Furlough from Brazil [November 2013]
Posted on 11Nov CATEGORIES: Harold Bratcher [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: Harold Bratcher, Missionaries to Brazil, permanent furlough, retired missionary

Harold Bratcher served the Lord in the Amazon Valley for 52 years from July 15, 1959 through December 29, 2012. His dear wife, Marie, faithfully served with him for 51 years until her death in February 2011. The Bratchers organized over 20 Baptist churches and many other missions in Brazil. He is now on permanent furlough in Kentucky, still in the service of the Savior.
November 8, 2013
Dear Brothers of the Blessed Lord and Sisters of the Savior:
Once again we (Asa Mark and I) greet you not from the Amazon Valley of Brazil, South America, but from our permanent cool 48 degrees and cloudy Kentucky home where the sun is not shining bright right now. We thank The Lord that we were able to move to our new home in Lexington, Kentucky, in the Hamburg area, off Polo Club Blvd, close to the new Costco, on September 23rd. Notice our new address below. We praise The Lord from whom all Blessings Flow. We appreciate the 8 months we were able to live at the Mission House on 1012 Balsam. It was a blessing to us. Thank you, BFM.
This Mission Sheets month began September 10 and finishes today. During this period I heard 12 sermons, or Bible studies. Besides attending services at our home church, David Forks Baptist Church in Lexington, Bro. Mickey Hyder, pastor, we attended the 223rd anniversary service of the Historic Pleasant Green Missionary Baptist Church, also here in Lexington. We also attended the Linden Street Baptist Church in Richmond, Ky where my sister in law, Deane Cruise, is a member and Bro. Michael Barnes is pastor. We also had the privilege of visiting with Bro. Doug King, Bro. Bobby Greene, Bro. Greg Doss, and Sis. Ann Burris in our new home. We have also each Saturday been able to visit and have brunch with my brother Charlie and his family in Frankfort, Ky.
Tomorrow we will be traveling to Owensboro, Ky to have lunch with my sister in law, Jodie Bratcher, on our way to Morganfield where we will preach at the Northside Baptist Church, dear Bro. Jim Adams, pastor. Please pray for his wife, Linda, who has terminal cancer. Then Monday The Lord willing, we will drive to Paducah, to attend the Pastor’s Conference and Session of the Kentucky Baptist Convention. Then two weeks later, we are looking forward to the Thanksgiving Conference, I am scheduled to be the second speaker on Tuesday morning, the 26th of November. Looking forward to speaking and seeing many of you there.
I hope to continue to be a blessing to and see many of you during this final month of the first year of my permanent furlough. I would like to report and thank each of you who have supported us during these past 55 years. The Lord permitting, until next month, when I will write my final letter to the Missions Sheets, before January 1st, when I will be officially retired after 55 years of service in Brazil, through Baptist Faith Missions. To God be the Glory, for these glorious years, and the over 40 churches that we have started and helped during those years.
Yours in the Service of the Savior,
1950 Falling Leaves Lane
Lexington, KY 40509
(859) 806-9827 cell