Missionary Update: Mike & Beverly Creiglow in Brazil [July 2015]
Posted on 2Jul CATEGORIES: Mike & Beverly Creiglow [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: Beverly Creiglow, church planting in Brazil, Guajara, Jose Maia, Mike Creiglow, Peru, Rodrigues Alves, sick on the mission field, Tipisca

Mike and Beverly Creiglow have served the Lord in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil together since 1971. In addition to pastoring First Baptist of Cruzeiro do Sul, Mike builds his own boats and frequently travels up and down rivers to share the Gospel with those who have never heard.
July 2, 2015
Dear Brethren,
As soon as I arrived from my trip up the Juruá River in May I caught a flu that was going around. It started on a Tuesday night while recording the TV program. On Wednesday morning the lady from the health department came by to give us our flu shots. Bev took hers, but I was not able. It has now been over a month and it looks like I will be going to the doctor this afternoon. That is what the boss says. I had improved last week, but since Monday it has gotten much worse.
Even though I have been very weak I have been able to get a few things done.
One of the jobs that was urgent was build a trailer for missionary José Maia for the work in Tipisca, Peru. The river is going down fast and we needed to get the trailer and some building supplies to him while there is still a little water in the river. The trailer was finished last week and early this week I bought the last of the materials and got it all on a boat. I wasn’t much help getting the stuff on the boat, so Pastor Ezi helped and we still had to hire some guys. Those 100lb bags of cement now weigh about a ton!
Also I was able to visit our works at Rodrigues Alves (up river) and Guajará, Amazonas (down stream). Bev went with me on the visit to Guajará. We held a baptism service there, too.
The materials that I produce for the church and the work got behind, also. There were a few days when my fever was so high I couldn’t think straight. Much of that is caught up, but still have a way to go.
I managed to preach Friday night, Sunday night and Wednesday night at church. We had a huge crowd on Sunday and 2 more people were saved. There have been several more saved in other services, too. There were several more baptized on the 21st of June.
Well I hope that by time you read this I will be well again. Pray for me anyway.
Pray and give also for our next big medical mission trip. On October 23-31 we will be going to the Huacapisteia River (a tributary of the Juruá River way up in Peru). There are 4 Ashaninka indian villages that we will visit. Besides all the fuel, food and medicine we will have to buy one more aluminum canoe and motor to add to our fleet. Next month I will give you some numbers. Please pray and get ready to give to make this exciting mission trip happen.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike Creiglow
Mike and Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil 69980
mdcreig [at] hotmail.com