Missionary Update: Mike & Beverly Creiglow in Brazil [October 2013]
Posted on 8Oct CATEGORIES: Mike & Beverly Creiglow [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: Beverly Creiglow, BFM, church planting in Brazil, constructing a church building, Cruzeiro do Sul, Mike Creiglow, missionaries in Brazil
October 8, 2013
Dear Brethren,
Almost back to normal after the prolonged battle of 2 months with a flu. Besides all the regular duties, I have been back at construction jobs over the past 3 weeks.
We have been rebuilding the swimming hole at camp. Each of the last 3 weekends we have taken 30-40 people to work. We had three pieces of heavy equipment the first weekend draining and cleaning out the pond. Since then we have been rebuilding the walls and pouring concrete in the shallow side. We still have at least one more weekend before we can let it fill up again. All of us are beat at the end of Saturday. I usually get home around 9:00PM. Then early Sunday morning I am teaching 2 classes at church and preaching either the afternoon or evening service. Monday is supposed to be my day off, but this Monday I made 2 more trips to camp hauling building materials and getting the next step ready.
We started a new chapel across river at Miritizal. We have already finished the foundation and slab for a new building there. That construction has taken a little of my time, too. Bev and I went over to visit them on their first Sunday night service. They had about 50 present for this first service. Since then the folks in the neighborhood have gotten used to the idea and started showing up. They had close to 100 this last Sunday.
We have had really good services at First Baptist with a few saved. Over 40 were baptized 2 weeks ago. Several of these are from our congregations.
I have had some good reports from places like Gama, Porto Walter, Vitória, Guajará, Rodrigues Alves, Serra do Moa and Pé da Terra. Folks are being saved and baptized. Everyone is complaining about the economy though. The churches and congregations are having a hard time supporting their pastors and workers. Our state is broke. We also had a young judge in Rio Branco that interfered with a lot of people’s personal investments. She (the judge) said she stepped in to “protect” the innocent from being hurt. Well we all know what happens when the government says, “We’re just here to help.” Many of you there in the States are probably going through the same thing. So, pray for us and we will pray for you!
We also had a big activity for our married couples this month. They called it “ChocoNight”. More chocolate candy than should be permissible in one building. There were over 200 couples. Many of these were visitors. It was a great opportunity to witness to these and encourage the home folks.
Bev and I also gave our first ever 4 week, 16 class course for couples who are getting ready to marry and newly weds. We also invited a few other couples to audit the classes as we want to have more people ready to help us with this kind of counseling. We had 20 couples to complete the course.
Sometimes all the building, studying, teaching on side issues and events make me feel like I am spinning my wheels without much progress. I guess these things have to be done, too.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike and Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil 69980
mdcreig [at] hotmail.com