Missionary Update: Odali & Kathy Barros in Brazil [September 2014]
Posted on 9Sep CATEGORIES: Mission Sheets Newsletters, Odali & Kathy Barros [Brazil] Tags:Tags: church planting in Brazil, Iranduba, Kathy Barros, Odali Barros, Ubim

Odali and Kathy Barros served the Lord in Sao Paulo, Brazil together from 1987-2013. In late 2013, they transitioned to Manaus in Northern Brazil to start sharing the Gospel and planting churches in villages along the river.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We praise God for all he has done in our life and ministry. We thank Him for His watch care and guidance each day.
The work is coming along and growing each day in the community of Ubim. The children are so receptive. The come every week and don’t miss and have been bringing their friends. My brother’s church was going with us to the services, but as of the beginning of the month, they started a mission point in another village. We praise God for this. We have plans to start in 2 other places. We are looking at the city of Iranduba. It has a population of around 70,000 and apparently only one Baptist church that looks closed. We saw a building this week that would be perfect. It has a nice size auditorium, 4 room and bathrooms. Pray that if this is the place that God will help us be able to rent it.
We have people working with us to learn how to start a new work and also learning how to work with the children.
The church my brother pastors moved in to the new church building the last Sunday of July. We pray that they will continue to be excited and will reach out to the people around them.
We thank God that He allowed Kathy to go see her parents in the US. She got to stay there 2 weeks. She had a great time and was also able to see our 3 children that live in the US.
Pray for us as we make plans for each community we work in. We are looking at possibly renting a place in Ubim so we can have services on Sunday. The family that has opened their house for us to use have been wonderful. But, needless to say, this limits us. Pray with us that God would show us just the right place.
We thank each of your for your prayers and your support. May God bless each of you tremendously!
Odali and Kathy
Titus, Jonas and Gabriel
Odali & Kathy Barros
Caixa Postal 1
Iranduba, Amazonas 69.415.000
Brasil, S.A.