Missionary Update: Sheridan & Anita Stanton in Peru [December 2012]
Posted on 5Dec CATEGORIES: Mission Sheets Newsletters, Sheridan & Anita Stanton [Peru] Tags:Tags: Anita Stanton, Baptist Faith Missions, BFM, missionaries on furlough, missionaries to Peru, Sheridan Stanton
Dear friends,
November – the busiest and most exciting month yet, of our 2012 eight month furlough. We began the month in Atlanta, Georgia attending the annual conference of the National Christian Counselors Association. I made a lot of new friends and learned more about the legal and business considerations of a counseling ministry.
Anita and I traveled to Southern California to visit with her sister Hilda Bayhi (undergoing treatments for brain cancer). The doctors have determined that Hilda did not need the cyber-knife operation at this time; it is still a possibility at a later date. For now she continues to take another round of chemo therapy. Prayers are requested for Hilda and her husband, Charlie.
While in California, our son, Major Joshua Stanton USAF, came to visit with his family. He had returned from Afghanistan the week before and brought his family to spend some time with us. His two daughters, Caroline and Elizabeth have grown so much since we saw them last and we also got to see our newest grandson, Benjamin! Josh and his wife, Cheri, are both doing well and the entire family is in good health. Praise the Lord! Josh is waiting for his next assignment. Please keep him and the family in your prayers. Thanks.
Thanksgiving was spent with our daughter, Leah, and her family in Westerville, Ohio. Leah, with her husband, John, along with the children, Jack and Clara made Thanksgiving a most memorable holiday for Papaw and Nene!
Beside the busy month of traveling, we were able to visit many of our supporting churches on the weekends:
November – 4 in the morning with the Ella Grove Baptist Church, Glenville, Georgia. This church is looking for a pastor. Then with the Rye Patch Baptist Church, Ludowici, Georgia in the evening, Pastor Richard Holbrook.
November – 11 with the Berry Baptist Church, Berry, Kentucky, Pastor Carl Morton (am service). Grace Baptist Church, Georgetown, Kentucky, Pastor Bill Van Nunen (pm service).
November – 18 with the Twelve-Ryan Baptist Church in the evening service. This church is looking for a pastor.
November- 19-21 Anita and I attended the 58th Annual Thanksgiving Missions Conference of Baptist Faith Mission. This conference is hosted each year by the faithful saints of the New Hope Baptist Church of Dearborn Heights, Michigan. Special thanks also for the Grace Baptist Church of Wyandotte, Michigan for helping prepare and serve the meals each day. It was a great conference with great preaching. Thanks to all that had a part in making it all happen!
November – 25 found us sharing about the work in Peru at the High Point Baptist Church in Alexandria, Kentucky, Pastor Ron Duty. In the evening we had the joy of being with the Addyston Baptist Church of Addyston, Ohio.
We continue to be graciously received by each church. New friends have been made and a lot of old friendships have been strengthened. The amount of miles traveled on furloughs never changes but Anita and I feel this furlough has been a little less stressful due to your faithful prayers. Thank you all so much!
- Hilda Bayhi (Anita’s sister) continues to battle with brain cancer and has begun a new round of chemo-therapy. She lives in Southern California.
- Our son, Major Joshua Stanton, USAF, has returned from his second tour of service as a pilot in Afghanistan. He is waiting for his next assignment.
- God’s grace and protection as we continue our furlough travels.
- Anita had the toenail on her left big toe removed today. Pray for a quick recovery.
- For the Calvary Baptist Mission of Huánuco, Peru and all the churches and pastors of Peru.
- Our return to Peru in January will go smoothly and we will be able to adjust back into the work quickly.
In HIM by HIS grace,
Sheridan and Anita Stanton
Furlough Address:
1012 Balsam Drive
Lexington, KY 40504
(859) 277-3716 – mission house
(859) 490-5370 – cell in States
(614) 500-8823
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita