Missionary Update: Sheridan & Anita Stanton in Peru [January 2013]
Posted on 8Jan CATEGORIES: Mission Sheets Newsletters, Sheridan & Anita Stanton [Peru] Tags:Tags: Anita Stanton, Baptist churches in Peru, Baptist Faith Missions, BFM, missionaries to Peru, prayer requests, Sheridan Stanton

Sheridan and Anita Stanton have served the Lord in Peru for 28 years. Their main ministry is church planting and they have helped establish churches all over the country. Sheridan also works to train pastors and Anita works with the ladies’ ministry and developing children’s material.
January 7, 2013
Dear friends,
Anita and I hope that everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. We had the opportunity to spend our first Christmas ever with some of our grandchildren, our daughter, Leah and her husband, John, in Columbus, Ohio. It was such a blessing to have that special time with her children, Jack and Clara. We enjoyed New Year’s Eve with my mother and sister in Dickson, Tennessee. Please remember my mom in your prayers, she is 84 now and refers often to how nice it would be to go home to heaven. I am very blessed to have her as my mother.
Our scheduled return to Peru has finally arrived and (Lord willing) we will be flying out of Lexington, in route to Lima, Peru on Wednesday morning the 9th of January. We are very much looking forward to going home! We would appreciate your prayers.
We strongly urge you to pray for Anita’s sister, Hilda Bayhi. As we have reported before she is dealing with a very aggressive type of brain cancer. More tumors have appeared and the reports are not encouraging. The doctors have done and continue to do all that modern medicine is capable of doing. But our faith and hope is in the Great Physician. He can still perform miracles and we trust in HIM. Hilda is a Christian, and we know that if the Lord chooses to call her to her heavenly home then we know she will be better off. Please remember her husband, Charlie, in your prayers also. He is a great guy and loves her very much, and devotes full time to being her caregiver.
As I reported last month, our son, Major Joshua Stanton USAF, returned from Afghanistan and was reunited with his family and newborn son, Benjamin. He is waiting for further orders as to his next assignment. Anita and I thank so many of the churches that have his name, continually, on your prayer lists.
December was not a hectic month of travel compared to the previous months; however, we were able to visit some of our supporting churches on the weekends:
December – 2 with the Rosedale Baptist Church of Rosedale, West Virginia, pastor Larry Fisher. It was our first time with this great church and we had the opportunity to enjoy their hospitality and also spend time with Pastor Larry and his dear wife Joyce.
December – 9 with the New Life Baptist Church, Lexington, Kentucky, pastor Steve Wainright (am service). In the evening we visited the Ashland Baptist Church, Lexington, Kentucky, and enjoyed their Christmas program very much.
December – 16 with the Heritage Baptist Church in the morning service, pastor Greg Waltermire and enjoyed their Christmas program in the evening.
December- 30 with the Cornerstone Baptist Mission, Salt Lick, Kentucky, pastor Jason Minix. Jason worked with us in Peru for a few years and is now doing a tremendous mission work here in the States. Jason and Andrea have two small children that were born in Peru, and they have grown so much since leaving Peru. Please pray for this young missionary and the work there.
January – 06 found us visiting with the Bryan Station Baptist Church here in Lexington, Kentucky, pastor Brent Spears.
Our next letter should be from Peru once again. Remember to pray for us as we travel back and get settled back into the routine.
- Hilda Bayhi (Anita’s sister) continues to battle with brain cancer and was placed in the intensive care unit this morning (Monday 7th January).
- Our son, Major Joshua Stanton, USAF, has returned from his second tour of service as a pilot in Afghanistan. He is waiting for his next assignment.
- God’s grace and protection as we travel back to Peru.
- For the Calvary Baptist Mission of Huánuco, Peru and all the churches and pastors of Peru.
- Anita’s health.
Until next month,
Apartado Postal 860
Huanuco, Peru
South America
(614) 500-8823 – Internet Number
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita