Missionary Update: The Wacasers Stateside from Brazil [May 2016]

Bobby, Charlene, Jessie, and Brennen Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.

May 6, 2016

Dear Friends,

Charlene and I were blessed by our participation in the Spring Conference on behalf of Baptist Faith Missions missionaries which was graciously hosted by the Thompson Road Baptist Church. We were sumptuously fed both by spiritual and physical food. The meals were delicious and the Lord blessed our hearts through the gifted speakers. If you missed it, you really will want to make it to the next one.

I want to thank so many of you who continue to pray for my father and his health. Thankfully, he doesn’t suffer intense pain, but his strength does diminish visibly week by week. My siblings and I are glad that we have the privilege of spending time with him and sharing in his care.

Most of you have heard of Brazil’s political and economic woes due to corruption from the highest level. These issues are affecting our Christian brothers and sisters and partners in ministry greatly. Several of our close friends have lost their jobs and aren’t able to find new jobs in a shaky economy. Also, our churches are having to find creative ways to meet their financial obligations since the offerings have suffered due to unemployed church members.

Our evangelism and church-planting ministry partner, Projeto Vida, has been hit severely because of these economic challenges. The cost of fuel and mechanical parts has continued to rise while the revenue has dropped. The long-distance traveling aspect of our ministry has been very limited until we can obtain more efficient vehicles adapted for this purpose. We are seeking to raise funds sufficient to purchase at least two 18 passenger vans to replace the old expensive to operate buses. We have found that it takes 70% less money to use vans as it does to use the old motorhomes. We are hoping to sell a couple of the old buses and apply the revenue toward the cost of the vans along with any designated contributions to their purchase. We believe that the Lord is going to help them accomplish this goal for it will help them be more efficient with the limited resources available. Pray earnestly to this end, please.

Though not being able to travel great distances, the teams were able to get into a few towns not too distant from our home base and the Lord truly blessed. They were invited into 8 public schools where they shared the gospel with over 3000 students and faculty. Many of those who heard professed Jesus as their Savior publicly. We are humbled and encouraged by the opportunities that the Lord continues to give to make His name famous among the people. He is such a gracious God!

In Christ’s service,
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser

Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Furlough Address:
3912 Casaba Loop
Valrico, FL 33596

Field Address:
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Sobrado 1, Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR Brasil
Phone: (813) 481-7007
Cell Phone: (813) 727-6405
Email: bobbymichael_1@hotmail.com
Give: Click here to give.
