26 Search Results for: Portugal

Intensive Outreach

March 15, 2023 Dear Friends, In my last correspondence I shared the marvelous news with you that Yago and Manoela, our missionaries to Portugal, were privileged to lead their first convert to Christ. Since then, they have kept up weekly Bible studies with Emanuel, the new disciple. This past Saturday, Emanuel braved the cold Atlantic […]

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God is Still Marvelously Saving Sinners!

January 31, 2023 Dear Friends, “A blast from the past,” I think is an expression that seems to pop up occasionally. That is what I got a few days ago. And it was a good “blast.” She is a lady now, but was a nine-year-old girl when we met Tabitha in 1987. In our first […]

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Welcoming 2023

December 31, 2022 Dear Friends, I’m writing letter this on the last day of 2022. Throughout the past year I was baffled at how often I heard people, even some professing to be Christians, murmuring about how bad 2020, 2021, and 2022 were. For two main reasons I could not and would not join in […]

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Thanksgiving & Commissioning Service

November 19, 2022 Dear Friends, This past week, our church celebrated our thanks to the Lord for this year’s provisions as well as His calling from our midst, Yago and Manoela Guedes, to go to Portugal as missionaries. We had a commissioning service for them and a Thanksgiving banquet at the same event. It was […]

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New Neighbor, Youth Meetings, & More

May 10, 2019 Dear Brothers and Sisters, I just finished reading the letters written by the missionary wives and thoroughly enjoyed them. Maybe the ladies should write our letters more often! Yesterday, I was enjoying a great “down home” lunch of butter beans and corn bread and my thoughts turned to the excited way God […]

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God Connects Believers in Unique Ways

August 6, 2016 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Yesterday evening about 9pm, as I was lying back in a garden chair enjoying the sunset and talking to the Lord, I realized that I had not yet written my August newsletter. So, here it is a bit late. Judy and I have been back home in France […]

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Missionary Update: The Wacasers [October 2012]

October 2, 2012 Dear Friends, About 6 years ago a 16 year old boy came to visit our former church. His visit was based on the interest he had in a tall blonde 16 year old girl who was a member there. His name is Guilherme. He and and his friend had met the girl […]

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May 2011 Missionaries’ Newsletters

JOHN AND ALTA HATCHER | MAY 2011 John & Alta Hatcher Caixa Postal 112 Urai, PR – Brazil 86280-000 E-mail: jhatcher@uol.com.br April 1, 2011 Dear Friends and Fellow Workers, This month has passed quickly and our fall and winter is arriving. This past week, we had to take the heavy covers out of the mothballs. […]

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