26 Search Results for: Portugal


BOBBY CREIGLOW | MISSION REPRESENTATIVE | FEBRUARY 2011 Dear Brethren, What I consider to be the main event of January 2011, was The Winter Missions Conference, hosted by Park Ridge Baptist Church. Brother Ben Glover is the present pastor of this church, that has had only five pastors since its organization in 1959. I and […]

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Mission Sheets | Newsletters.October 2010

JOHN AND ALTA HATCHER.OCTOBER 2010 John and Alta Hatcher  |  Caixa Postal 112  |  Urai, PR – BRASIL 86280-000 jhatcher@uol.com.br Dear Friends, This has been a great month spiritually, but not so great physically for me. Alta, also, has some dental and gum problems.  Praise the Lord, they have been solved and she is feeling […]

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