Pray for the Archers
Bobby Creiglow and Dave Parks visited with Glenn Archer on Monday, December 2. We so much enjoyed our time together. We re-visited many of our past fellowship experiences together. We rejoiced in the promises of God’s Grace, the Hope of the Gospel, the Glory of the Presence of God [both here and now and forever], and sang songs together. Brother Glenn is very weak from the progressing effects of his Pulmonary Fibrosis, which is both incurable and irreversible. He is on maximum-level oxygen-assist 24/7. The only way he can breathe with any degree of comfort now is laid back in a recliner with his feet elevated. Even if he tries to sit upright, he has to gasp and blow for breath. Any movement, activity, or exercise exhausts his supply of oxygen. He has to be wheeled in a wheelchair from one room and location to another in their apartment. He got up to go to worship this past Sunday morning, and couldn’t make it even to the door to step out to the car which Judy always pulls up for him right outside their door. I know you are praying for him – and also for Judy – and that you will continue to do so. You may correspond with them via email – but Glenn’s response to you will depend upon his daily strength. glennarcher0[at]
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1