Spring Conference Recap [Monday Evening]
The 2012 BFM Spring Conference kicked off Monday evening, April 2 with an encouraging and challenging night of worship at Thompson Road Baptist Church in Lexington, Ky.
The choir opened the conference by singing “Send Me” as a slideshow with pictures of our missionary families played behind them.
Bro. Dave Parks introduced the theme of the conference and reminded us of the purpose. It’s not for the sake of tradition, but for the glory of God. This conference is much like what Paul and Barnabas did in Acts 14 by gathering believers together to report what the Lord had done through them.
Bro. Donnie Hamilton led the congregation in “To God Be the Glory” before we learned about the great things He has done through BFM over the years, as presented in a captivating media presentation by Bro. Randy Jones.
Bro. Joe Collins, Pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Versailles, Ky. delivered the 8:20 sermon from Romans 1:1-7, emphasizing that our mission is still missions.
“Our mission is still missions,” Collins said. “The command is not for them to come in—it’s for us to go out.” Following is a brief recap of his message:
“…By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for His Name…” [Romans 1:5]
We have been commissioned. We ought to be committed. All of us should be evangelistic, which is winning others to Christ. But all of us should also be mission-minded, which is baptizing them and teaching them after they’re won.
Attitude: “For obedience to the faith”
-We want to contend for the faith and guard the faith.
-Out of love, not fear. The love of Christ is what sustains you. His love should be your motive.
-“The thing that makes a missionary is the sight of what Jesus did on the cross and to have heard Him say, ‘Go.'” -Oswald Chambers
Assignment: “Among all nations”
-No matter how big or how small you are, you still have the same assignment: go into all nations.
-Love home missions, but don’t do home missions at the expense of foreign missions.
–“Declare His glory among the heathen, His wonders among all people.” –Psalm 96:3
-Press in my heart the woe and put in my feet the go.
Authority: “For His Name”
-There is no greater authority.
-All power was given to Jesus. –Matthew 28:18
-It is according to His will and His purpose.
The evening concluded with an invitation hymn: “I Gave My Life for Thee.”
“My Father’s house of light, My glory circled throne I left for earthly night, for wanderings sad and lone; I left, I left it all for thee, hast thou left aught for Me?”