Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley [August 2015]
Posted on 10Aug CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist church in Caraguatatuba, Barb Hensley, Caraguatatuba, chief's wife, Indian Village, mission teams, mission trip

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
August 10, 2015
Dear Friends and Family,
The month of July has been one full of many things. This month we have had two groups: one from Georgia and one from South Carolina. With them we did Bible schools at the Church and with the Indian children.
While at the Indian village, we were able to deliver food boxes to each family. With one group we were asked by one of the children to pray with him as he felt that he was demon-possessed. So we all gathered ‘round and each one of us prayed for him. When we went back at the end of the month we talked with him again and he said that he was better.
Barbara also had the opportunity to witness to the wife of the Chief. This was the lady who was never receptive to our being there, let alone hearing the Gospel. She did not make a decision for the Lord but at least the seed was planted or watered.
We have been telling you in past letters about how much our Church is growing. Well, we have been looking for a way to accommodate this growth. We had made all the arrangements to cover the driveway beside our building so we could use it for Sunday School classes. The very day that we were getting ready to start the construction, the owner of the building appeared. He informed us that he did not want this construction done on his property. I asked him if he would like to sell his property and he said that he would not. He was with a friend and this friend owned the land behind so I asked if he would like to sell his land, but he did not. What I was not aware of was the owner of the building next door was close by and when these two men left, he approached me and said, “My building is for sale.” And through the AWESOME grace of God, we are now the owner of a new church building!
We have used the visitors to tear down walls, beat up concrete, smash down windows, and all the other demo jobs that you can imagine. We are looking forward to having church in our new building shortly. We may have to move in on concrete floors, unpainted walls, and many other things in the process of being finished, but God is so good – no, He is AWESOME! When you see where He is working, go join Him – you will be amazed at what He will do through you.
In the midst of all this, Barbara has had to go to the States. Her mother, Reba Baker, fell and broke her hip. She is now in a nursing home doing physical therapy and Barb will stay with her through September. Pray that all goes well with the therapy and Mrs. Reba can get back home to her house.
If you have not been to see what God can do with your mission dollars, well come on down. We will treat you so many different ways you will have to like at least one of them. Come see what God is doing in Caragua.
In His Service,
AJ & Barb Hensley
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [July 2015]
Posted on 6Jul CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barbara Hensley, buy chairs, Caraguatatuba, church planting in Brazil, Indian Village, mission team, mission trip to Brazil, remote school, running out of room

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
July 6, 2015
Dear friends and family,
What an AWESOME month we have had here in Caragua this month with our Church. Lots of work and ministry thanks to these groups: Pinehurst Baptist, Pinecrest Baptist, First Baptist in Centerville—all in Georgia—and Central Baptist in Paris, Kentucky.
These Churches did not get to know our Brazilian Pastor as he has been in the hospital with heart problems. The Doctors said that he had a heart attack, but when the dust settled, the problem was with his aortic valve. So let me cut through all the exams, problems, doctors, etc, and get to the bottom line. He had surgery in Sao Paulo on the last of June and today is in the Intensive Care Unit doing GREAT. He is expected to be in the hospital for about 7 to 10 days if all goes well. Please keep Pastor Rosevaldo and his family in your prayers.
About our month—we have been blessed with two groups from the States. Our first group of 39 was from Georgia and represented 3 Churches. They were able to do lots of work on the Church and the school property. Window replacement, put up 3 more fans and installed emergency lights in the Church building. In addition, they did 3 Bible Schools in our area—one in our Church and 2 in the public schools here in the city. They also traveled to the Indian Village and did another Bible School with them. The Indian village is about 2½ hours from our city. These Indians need lots of help—physical and especially spiritual. Pray with us that more will accept Christ as their personal Savior. They serve many gods and we serve only One!!! We have established a good relationship with them because of several work projects with many American groups. God is so AWESOME!
The second group helped with more of the maintenance needs and also did 3 Bible Schools. This group has adopted a remote school (up a holler) here in our city. It is a two-room school and, needless to say, it is a somewhat forgotten school when it comes to supplies and maintenance needs. We had two Bible Schools there and did some much needed painting on their walls around the school building. The principal was so excited to see us come. What a little work and a little elbow grease can accomplish! They are almost like the Indians—“out of sight, out of mind.”
God really knew what He was doing when He led us to this area. After the completion of the new subdivision about ½ mile down the road, just in Sunday School we have doubled our attendance. “How Great Thou Art!” I would like to give a suggestion to all the Pastors in the States—if you want to increase in your attendance, just buy more chairs. The past two months we have had gifts to purchase new chairs and what an AWESOME blessing this has been. Our attendance before the chairs was around 60-80. This month we have averaged 105. God is good all the time—all the time God is good! Well I thought I would mention the chairs—because now we need to purchase more chairs! How AWESOME! We now have 85 chairs and 25+ white plastic chairs in our Sunday School areas. We are making do with this number, but if anyone out there would like to help purchase more chairs!!!! (They cost 75 each.) What a sweet way to ask for more financial help with Church problems. And what a good problem to have. As you can tell by the numbers I have cited, we are not only out of seats but we are out of room to seat them. We are looking for a larger place for our Church. God is working in this area. Pray with us about this new building.
I am so glad that God is working where we are. There is much work and few laborers. Would you like to come and help? The doors are always open and the light is on out on the porch. Come on down and see your mission dollars at work.
Without B.F.M. and you helping us, we would not have the chance to see miracles happen every day.
In His Service,
Aj and Barbara Hensley
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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Missionary Update: AJ and Barbara Hensley in Brazil [June 2015]
Posted on 3Jun CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist Seminary in Brazil, Barbara Hensley, church planting in Brazil, seminary classes in Brazil, small groups, sound system, Sunday School growth, Sunday School in Brazil

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
June 3, 2015
Dear friends and family,
What an amazing (AWESOME) month, needless to say we have been busy with our mobile Seminary traveling to Garça São Paulo for a week—teaching, visiting, and making new friends and spending time with old ones. We were also able to present our Seminary to a group of pastors. There were around 500 local pastors and leaders. What a great week.
As we were leaving Garça, the rental car of Pr. Deeic had a problem with the radiator. It sprang a leak and we had to have it towed to São Paulo about 250 miles. Then we had to hire some transport for us to get to São Paulo with our luggage. This lost us a full day in our schedule. As a result of this, we lost the class in São Paulo til September. As a result, Dr. Derek and Dr. Edge were able to spend the weekend with us here in Caraguatatuba. Then we continued to Orlando where we spent the second week of Seminary classes. It was two weeks of great classes and much learning. We returned home elated by the results but really tired.
The dates for the fall semester will be announced soon. Our hopes, desires and plans are to have this seminary in 5 different cities: Garça, Sao Paulo, Orlandia, and next year also in Rio de Janeiro. All this can be accomplished by prayer. So here is a BIG prayer request: start praying for the seminary and all that God has in store for this upcoming semester. We feel that this Seminary will be one of the ways that Brasil can be reached with the gospel.
We no sooner got the Seminary classes finished than we began planning for the groups that are coming in June. We will be doing evangelism in the schools and catching up with some of our construction needs. What a blessing to have Churches coming down to assist with the ministries here in Brasil. AWESOME!!
The repairs and construction projects involve painting two homes on the school property, putting a roof on the front porch of one of the houses, and working on some more room for Sunday School. It is good to have space problems. Our Sunday School has doubled in the last months. So we are out of space, as you can see in the photo, and we don’t have enough seating either. By the way, we would like to give a shout out to Churches that have helped us with the purchase of new chairs. Thank you all so much.
Not only are we out of space, our sound system is old and giving us continual problems. Please pray for help in this area. What we really need is new speakers, but you know what? Problems are good—they keep us on our knees, and looking up. We serve an AWESOME God!!!
We have our small groups back up and running since our return. We are seeing many new faces that are not involved in our regular Church services. We are using our small groups to minister to people that would not normally come to the Church; however, we are praying that after some time attending the small groups they will want to come to the other services also.
We are planning many evangelistic and ministry projects in the coming months. Pray with us and for us as our goal is to win many souls for Christ.
We would love to have you all come and see what God is doing here in Caraguatatuba, Brasil. The light is on and the beans are on the stove. So come on down.
In His Service,
Aj and Barbara Hensley
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [May 2015]
Posted on 9May CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist Seminary in Brazil, Barbara Hensley, car problems, church planting in Brazil, seminary classes in Brazil

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
May 9, 2015
Friends and family,
It has been good visiting Churches and meeting new friends. We have been in Western Ky. with Pastor Foy and in the Perryville Baptist Church where we met new friends. We met with Pastor Dan Russell and the seniors at Immanuel Baptist Church and were able to tell them about Gods work here in Brasil. We also were at Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, this is where Barb’s mom is a member, and they gave a generous offering to buy more chairs for our mission Church. Thanks to them and First Baptist Church in Bastrop, Texas who also gave for the chairs, we will be able to purchase more than anticipated. It is good to have these kinds of problems–not having enough chairs for the people to sit.
On our return to Brasil, my car was a little sick. It did not want to start, oh well you know, a new battery. We then proceeded to go to the mall to pay some bills and after taking care of business, we returned to the car. Guess what, the car would not start. So the battery was not the problem. After an hour of trying to start the car, raising the hood and looking (oh by the way, that also did not help), I called a tow truck. Three days later the mechanic called and said that my car was ready. It was an electric problem, about the size of your thumb.
This would not have been to big of a problem except that Barbara’s car was also in the shop and had been for about 6 weeks. Oh well–all’s well that ends well. We got both cars back the same day. God is good—and all the time. Or as I say AWESOME!!!
While we were home we were able to remodel Barb’s mom, Mrs. Reba’s, bathroom and bedroom. This was accomplished with the help of my brother Ralph from Paris and John Greatbatch and Barb. A real family effort. THANKS friends and family.
While we were in the States our Sunday School almost doubled. Another reason why we are in need of chairs and tables. As you know, we feed the children on Sunday mornings and some of those children do not have a place to sit. I am not complaining just relaying the AWESOME blessing.
We were in Garca, Sao Paulo, two weeks ago with the Seminary and after the classes we were able to attend a pastor’s conference there. There were around 500 pastors in attendance. It was very encouraging to see so many people interested in God’s Word. We were able to tell them about our seminary, Caragua Baptist Seminary, and created a great deal of interest among those 500. Hopefully next semester some of them will attend there in Garca. This semester we had 15 students in attendance. We were planning to have classes in three different locations; however, things changed due to circumstances. You guessed it, car problems. We were in two cars because of all the luggage we had due to two weeks on the road. Also we had books for the three classes, about 125 books. We were using two cars, mine and a rental. As we were leaving Garca the rental car overheated. Cracked radiator. It was just a pin hole but it rendered the car unusable. You would think —rental car -no problems—but these things happen. We lost over a day and this caused us to not have enough time for our Sao Paulo classes. We had to reschedule these for August or September. Then we moved on to Orlandia where we had 43 students. It was a great class and good fellowship. Our thanks to Dr. Edge from 1st Baptist Church in Bastrop Texas for the wonderful instruction on the Old Testament Survey.
In closing we are asking for the prayer warriors to put our prayer requests on your daily prayer list. Sunday School, cars, church growth, seminary, and music leaders in the Church. And oh! by the way, my car tires have no more treed, so I guess I need new tires. Pray for our needs and the wonderful people we encounter here in Brasil.
In His Service,
Aj and Barbara Hensley
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [February 2015]
Posted on 19Feb CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist Seminary in Brazil, Barbara Hensley, Caraguatatuba, missionaries on furlough, Pastor Rosevaldo, prison ministry, seminary classes in Brazil

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
February 12, 2015
Dear friends and family,
As you read this letter we will be in the States for a little while. We will be traveling to various of our supporting Churches to renew old friends and going to new Churches to gain new support as we have lost several of our supporting Churches this year.
We had a wonderful Christmas this year in our Church thanks to many of you there in the States. Your generous gifts made it possible for our children to receive gifts on Christmas day. It was an AWESOME sight to see when they received their presents. THANKS again!!!!!!! Many things that we are able to do here in Brasil would not be possible if it were not for your generous hearts.
We also had a wonderful Christmas at our home here in Brasil as both of our children, their spouses and children were able to be in Brasil with us. That was the first time in our 19 years on the mission field that this was able to happen. God is so AWESOME!!!!! Even though it was for only one week we were able to cram lots of things into those days.
Before we came to the States, we had the end of year service at Church and had a wonderful time with our Church family. We also had our last Sunday School classes on the beach. Yes, we took all the children to the beach and had their Bible study there. We also had their breakfast on the beach. There were many people watching as our children sang children’s hymns, recited their Bible verses and sat to hear their Bible stories. We then allowed them to wet their feet in the ocean. As you probably guessed, feet were not the only thing that got wet. After this we went to the Vocational School Property and had a church-wide lunch that also served as a party for Barbara and I as we were coming to the States.
Church is going great in Caraguatatuba with our Brasilian pastor Rosevaldo carrying on while we are in the States. Pray for the Church and the other ministries: vocational school, small groups, rehab group, prison ministry, Indian group, and seminary. Speaking of the Seminary, pray for the Seminary because when we get back to Brasil we will be taking it to 3 cities. Dr. Derek Colman is bringing another Seminary professor and they will be teaching Old Testament Survey. This new professor is Dr. Raymond Edge of Bastrop, Texas. An AWESOME addition to the Seminary! He attended Hebrew University in Jerusalem and also lived there for many years. His specialty is in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Our schedule while here in the States is almost full. We start next week and will be on the road for 5 weeks. I have already gained almost 8 pounds, what will 5 weeks on the road and eating out with everyone that we get to know on the road do? The South is going to rise (grow) again.
One of the ministries that is blessing my heart at this time is the Small Groups Ministry. We have 6 Small Groups started in different neighborhoods surrounding our Church. We are experiencing a great excitement behind these groups. We have people coming who do not come to our Church. We are happy to say that now some of those same people are now visiting our Church. AWESOME!!!! The one thing that I did not want to do in preparation for our trip to the States was to give over the leadership of my small group. We are meeting on a front porch on Tuesday nights. This group started with just one family and has grown to 19 in attendance. God is good!!!
In the area of our Church building there is a lot of growth. The city has built 719 homes for low income families. This is going to be an awesome ministry field. Also right across the road in front of the Church is another construction project going on, it is an apartment building. It is turning out that we don’t have to go to the field, the field is coming to us. Looking back at our establishing our Church, people were asking why this area? Well now we know, 2 new schools 719 new homes and an apartment complex of 120 apartments. We oftentimes think we are in control———!
We will be trying to squeeze in some time to do some remodeling at Mrs. Reba’s home. We will be staying with her on our off times.
Pray for our travels while we are here in the States. Also pray for our ministries as we are away from then there in Brasil. We will be going back in April so if you have some vacation time think about coming on down to see what God is doing in Brasil.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [January 2015]
Posted on 16Jan CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barb Hensley, Caraguatatuba, church planting in Brazil, Indian Village, pastors conference, prison ministry, Vocational School

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
Well, Miss Barb and I have had a wonderful week and month here in Caragua. December has been very active, especially with the children at church. We have enjoyed a wonderful Christmas program with the children. The children completed some wonderful practices and the church was amazed at how well the program went. Not only that, but the children all received some wonderful Christmas gifts as a result of several people and churches in the States helping us with their presents. We are planning many things this coming year. We hope that with your prayers and your financial support all of these programs will be a success.
Let me review some of the things that we have accomplished this year. We have had some wonderful times at the Indian village. We have constructed a playground there and delivered over 50 food baskets to them. They received the food baskets with grateful hearts. This is a very poor tribe and they need a lot of help.
Some the other things that we have been able to accomplish this year, we have had four seminary classes. There were over 150 pastors from four different cities in attendance. This is helping reach more Brazilians for Christ. Because when you teach Pastors they go back and teach their congregation. In this manner we are able to spread God’s word faster and more efficiently.
Our evangelism this year with another Baptist Church and with our church has just been totally AWESOME. We had over 200 people accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. We have done a lot of discipleship this year and according to our records we have over 768 hours with one-on-one discipleship. I think this is just truly AWESOME.
We have also started small groups in different homes. We think this is going to be a great resource for our church. At this moment we have seven that have been started. One of these seven is having a hard time getting people to attend but we realize that you cannot be successful in all fronts at all times. We know that the Lord is in control and He’s going to make successful where He wants us to be.
We’ve also had another great opportunity, we’ve been certified as police military chaplain. This is really going to open up a lot of other areas for our ministry. Pray for us in this area as this will open up all the hospitals, the prisons, and other areas that are state-run in our area. Speaking about prisons, we have been able to minister with the youth prison and the warden at this particular prison is especially open to to our church visiting the prison. Evangelism there at the prison, which includes a basketball camp and some games that we have made for them, has been a great success and opened the door for our ministry there at the prison. We have had success in the evangelism part of our ministry there. At the prison, we have seen 54 of the young men accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. We have been able to give to the prison from our church 75 Bibles.
January 4, 2015 we celebrated our two year anniversary of Igreja Batista Caragua. We now have 44 members baptized with around 7 to 10 people moving their letters. In regular attendance in the big church service which is Sunday nights, we have around 60 to 70 people regularly.
We’re also here in our particular area able to minister and work in the public school system. This is really an AWESOME blessing as this gives our church exposure to many young people who might not otherwise hear about Christ. We are able to give an invitation at the end of each presentation in these.
Something we’re going to need a lot of prayer warriors for this year is going to be our pastors conference in November. As I have mentioned before we had 175 in their last pastors conference. We’re going to be praying for 300 in this years pastors conference, just another AWESOME way to reach Brasil for Christ. Pray for this ministry and if you would like to help a Pastor attend just send your donation to BFM marked “Pastor’s Conference”.
Well I’m going to shut up for now, but what I would love to really leave with everyone is a prayer request. Pray for our ministry here in Brazil and for more opportunities for us to present the gospel.
Hopefully were finalizing the legal paperwork for the operation of the vocational school. This is been an ongoing I would say problem but it’s really more than a problem. Here there is so much legalism involved in the paperwork that it is unreal. So it looks as though it’s going to happen this year for us to legalize our vocational school, pray for this to happen and for God to give us wisdom in the running of the School.
We’re going to be home the second week or third week of January. We are planning to be there until the 13th of April. We are planning to renew fellowships with different churches and to give reports on what has been going on here in Brazil. If you would like us to come to your Church you can contact us at our e-mail address and we will see where we can fit yo into our schedule. Thank you so much for your time, your prayers, and your financial help over this year and all the years that you have supported us. Your prayers and your concern for us as we minister to the people of Brazil are greatly appreciated.
As always, we would like to invite you to come down and see what is going on here in Caraguatatuba. The bed is made and the food is on the stove. So COME ON DOWN!!!
In His service,
Aj and Barbara
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [November 2014]
Posted on 12Nov CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist Seminary in Brazil, Barb Hensley, church planting in Brazil, obedience, seminary classes in Brazil

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
Dear friends and family,
What a wonderful month it has been— yes there are problems that need solutions; yes there are needs that have to be met, but in all, God is so —so AWESOME!
The past two months we had the awesome privilege of doing another wedding. This one, for Barb and I, was somewhat special. This couple has been attending Church from the beginning of this new work. They have two beautiful girls and I had the privilege of baptizing one of these girls several months ago. To cut the story short, behind many hours of discipleship, counseling, and praying -the couple decided to get their life right with the Lord. After years of living together they decided to get MARRIED. How AWESOME is the Lord we serve. This is not an easy decision for most couples here in Brasil. Their wedding was beautiful, and now the rest of the story- they have asked to be baptized. They will need to have much prayer for them as they have chosen to obey the Lord in the two things in their lives. Satan will not be happy and try to destroy their relationship.
Other events that are helping to mark our Churches ministry:
1. The youth prison in our area. They house young men of 13 to 17 years of age. In the past two months we have had 10 more youth accept Christ as their Savior. What a field that is ripe for harvest. Would you like to come and be a part of this ministry, taking the gospel to these young men? On our last visit we were able to take Bibles to each of these young men. They are not allowed to have personal items in their cells but the one thing that they can have is a Bible. And thanks to many of you, we were able to purchase and deliver these Bibles this week. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
2. The Seminary. This ministry is helping to lay good foundations for the Churches that are to come. As a new Church start, we know the need for a good foundation for our Churches. And we know that this foundation is laid with Bible truths, so for the last year we have had two semesters of Seminary training. With this we have seen good results in respect to the spiritual walk of the members of our Church and this is a result of the training in the Seminary. Thanks to Gardenside Baptist Church and Pastor Derick in Lexington, Kentucky, who are sponsoring the Seminary and doing the teaching .
We are ready now to expand. Not only have there been classes in Caraguatatuba, there also were classes in Garca, Sao Paulo and Orlanda, Sao Paulo this year. In the three areas of classes this year we have had around 150 students and more than half are pastors. We see this as a great tool to reach our State and our Country, Brasil for the Lord. So we are expanding our vision of reaching more people for Christ. So maybe your question is “How do we reach more people for Christ?” behind a seminary. The answer is —Training pastors from various regions and sending them back to their Churches to train others.
This coming year we are planning 2 more semesters of seminary in 4 regions of Sao Paulo. The last of April and the first Week of May are the planned months for the first part of the year and then a fall semester hopefully in September. There will be an added city, the city of Sao Paulo, one of the largest cities in the world. It is over 54 miles across. This will add many new students to the Seminary. And these new students will spread the gospel even further and this is our goal for the Seminary.
The two cities outside of our city are both around 8 hours away from Caragua. So this means many hours of travel and much wear and tear on our vehicles. As you have heard in other letters our vehicles are old and giving us much trouble in repair work. But thanks to several Churches there in the States, we are being able to keep our heads above water in the payment of the repairs. Thanks to all who are helping.
We have had to sell our oldest vehicle as it was costing more to keep it running than it was worth. We have managed to purchase a semi-new vehicle with a loan from the States and are hoping to get many years of use out of this one. The bus continues to have problems but that is to be expected because of the age. But we will hold firm as the bus is a large part of our ministry. We bring many children to Church with this bus. So pray for our vehicles as the roads are better than they used to be but they remain the worst enemy.
Through it all, God is AWESOME!! We may have problems but we know that we serve an AWESOME God. With your prayers and financial help we can be successful.
Keep us in your prayers and THANKS one more time for your continued financial help.
We are gearing up for the summer season here and are anxiously awaiting your visit next year. There are many things to do for the Lord here, so come on down and help us. Your bed is made and the light is on on the porch.
In His service,
Aj and Barb
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [September 2014]
Posted on 10Sep CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist church in Caraguatatuba, Baptist Seminary in Brazil, Barb Hensley, basketball camps, Caraguatatuba, English Class, seminary classes in Brazil

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
Dear friends and family,
This month has been a very busy one. Barb has been in the States, and this has been our Missionary Emphasis month, and we are adding more small group meetings to the schedule. Just AWESOME! Along with many blessings came more car troubles. But thanks to God, these were resolved with a head job on the motor – this cost only half what it would have cost to overhaul the entire motor. I am trying to look at the bright side. So now I do not have a pick up truck, I sold mine to lessen our transportation costs. I bought another used car with less age on it. It is just 4 years old. Please continue to pray for our vehicles as they are necessary to the mission work here.
Enough about cars, on to the next problem. On the Sunday night that the Missionary to the Jews here in Sao Paulo was to speak the entire sound system blew. But where there is a will, there is a way. We used the guitar equipment for sound. God blessed with two people rededicating their lives to Christ. AWESOME.
Speakers/sound equipment, with somewhat unstable energy, is hard to keep functioning. But with the help of some friends with lots of electrical experience and a background in small electronics and sound equipment, we now have a speaker working.
But all of our mics died! However, the blessing here is, Barbara was in the States and was able to talk to some of the Pastors there, and she brought back some used microphones to replace the blown ones. Thank you Churches that contributed.
As you can see we have a few needs not just wants. We need new speakers, the old ones are held together with bailing wire and chewing gum. Some Sundays they work well and some days they just buzz. The mics are working well, but we have a big worship group and we need more. Please pray with us about these needs. We are treading water with our old equipment until we can get new. I guess it sounds like we have been overwhelmed with problems these past few months, BUT we know that GOD is in control and we know the end of the story.
Wednesday prayer and Bible study has been absolutely AWESOME! We have been having more in attendance on Wednesday night than on Sunday night. We are seeing steady growth not only in Church but also in our small groups, (spiritual and in numbers).
This week we have been preparing for our 2nd semester of our Seminary. Dr. Derek Coleman of Gardenside Baptist Church in Lexington KY will be doing the lectures. We are expecting great things! This Seminary is to help our brother Pastors here in Brasil. This is an AWESOME outreach! What better way to reach Brasil for Christ than to train godly pastors. Pray for the weeks of August 8th through 18. We will be in Garca, Brasil for the first 5 days and then in Caraguatatuba for the last part. It will be 2 weeks of intense training.
Also during these two weeks we will have Dr. Cheryl Wolfinger of the International Sports Federation doing basketball camps in the schools. This is an AWESOME way to help evangelize our community. In addition to the schools, we will be in the youth prison (boys from 13-18 years old). So as you can see we will be very busy.
My Saturday English class has been growing by leaps and bounds. I have had up to 19 people in class. This is just another way I am trying to reach those that would not normally come to Church. We have gained one family for the Church from this class. Keep praying for this class.
Well I am going to shut up for now. But I cannot close this letter without thanking Baptist Faith Missions and everyone that helps financially and prayerfully with our mission here in Caraguatatuba, Brasil. It is Churches and individuals like y’all that make our ministry possible. One more time ‘THANKS’.
And as always, if you want to see your mission dollars at work “come on down, your bed is turned down and the porch light is on”.
In His service,
AJ and Barbara
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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