Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [August 2012]
Posted on 10Aug CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist Churches in Brazil, Baptist Faith Missions, Barbara Hensley, church planting in Brazil, give to missions, Guarani Indians, Missionaries to Brazil

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
Dear friends and family,
These last 6 weeks have been totally AWESOME. We have had Americans visiting with us from July 28th til August 2nd. They were a great help in the work. We have lots to tell you about. First we got three young men from different Baptist Churches and they came to spend 6 weeks to experience the mission field. With them, we began to prepare for the month of July. The second group arrived and we began the work that we had been planning. Our first Bible School of the month was in a very poor neighborhood.These children had never had contact with a group of Americans (North Americans) before so this created a stir in the neighborhood. I am sure that helped with the attendance. The children loved to hear English spoken. While one group was doing the Bible School another group was helping construct dividers for the office in the Social Center. Also they built an area where medicine could be stored waiting to be distributed at a later date. Lots of doors were opened for future ministry.This work lasted two days.
We then took the group to the state of Rio de Janeiro where we had heard of an Indian tribe that we could take the gospel to. This tribe is the Guarani Indians. We arrived at their village by driving about 10 miles on a dirt road (that day it was mud). We did not have trouble getting there because being from Owsley County, Kentucky, we had experience on these kinds of roads. This tribe has been placed on this mountainside by the Federal Government and told to survive the best way they can. Needless to say, they have many, many needs. So knowing some of these needs beforehand we asked the Americans to bring warm clothes to distribute to the children as we are in our cold season. We united in the community Church and made bags of these clothes and hygiene supplies (soap, toothpaste, brushes, etc.). We then went to the village where we met with the Chief of the tribe, we gave him blankets for the cold and a special gift for him. We gave him a leather man knife with all the bells and whistles. This sealed our friendship. He then gave his permission for us to enter the village and work with the children. But now to add another twist–lots of the children did not read nor write in their language (Guarani) nor in Portuguese. And just some of the adults speak Portuguese. Their language is Guarani. This was a challenge to say the least.
Well we were able to get past all these problems and the Bible School was AWESOME with the help of the group from Porter Memorial Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky, and the help of the three young men that had been with us since June. One of the young men is from First Baptist Church in Centerville, Georgia, another is from Second Baptist Church in Warner Robbins, Georgia, and the other is from Garça, Brazil. God put an AWESOME group together to do this special project. While part of the group was doing a Bible School, the others were able to help in the construction of a widow’s home. They were able to build two major walls on the home and left some materials for another group to continue the work. We have heard that another Baptist Church from Rio has come this weekend to finish the house. While there, we discovered that there are at least 2 believing Christians. What an opportunity to tell people that do not know about our Lord and Savior about what He has done for them. I also found out that there is a Bible printed in their native language. One of the young men that was here called his Sunday School class and they received an offering on the spot for about 10 Bibles for this Indian tribe. I think we need to start a “drive” for Bibles for this tribe. What about 100 Bibles? That would cost about $1,000.00 dollars. Are you in for this? These Indians need lots of prayer–for personal health and housing just to start with–and all of but 2 of them for their personal salvation.
When the Porter group left, the parents of Ross, the young man from Centerville, came to spend a week before taking their son back home. They were able to finish some drywall in the office/school room at the School. While here, they purchased food baskets and were honored to deliver these baskets with them to the needy families in our Church.
Well, we have said “Good bye” to our three young men . They have made an AWESOME impact on our youth here in Caraguatatuba at Igreja Batista Novo Tempo. They are already missing them.
So we have an empty nest again. So if you want to come see us, the beds have been changed and everything is clean with a mint on the pillow. “So come on down!”
In His service,
Aj and Barb
Give to Baptist Faith Missions.
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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [July 2012]
Posted on 9Jul CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist church in Caraguatatuba, Baptist Faith Missions, Barbara Hensley, Caraguatatuba, give, missionaries in Brazil

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
Friends and family,
Well, let me tell you about my grandchildren….. You know it is a little bit heartbreaking when you only get to see your grandchildren once every year or two. But God gave us two down here in Brasil so we could see them with more frequency. Then He moved them 9 hours away too. But this past week Barbara went to spend some time with our daughter in Sales Olivera. The reason for this trip was that Mary’s oldest was having surgery. She had her tonsils and adenoids removed. Well, during that time Papaw had to stay home and house keep and keep our work going. Saying this for you men because you know that house keeping skills—what is that??? Well Miss Chelsea is doing well in recovery and Barb is back at home and rescuing the house.
We have had the Blessing of helping a new missionary to Brasil get established in their new home and their new surroundings. They sold out in the States and moved here with 18 bags and started setting up their new home. They have 3 young children ages 4 years, 2 years and 3 months. How BRAVE they are. Their home was in Georgia. So to get them “Broke in” to Brasil we met them at the air port with our van and our truck. Did I mention 18 bags? Well those were not ordinary bags they were “body bags” in other words “BIG” So the road back to our city is being made bigger and they are blasting so it is closed from 10 to 4. This means that we only have a small window of time to get them at the airport and get back past the closed road. Well needless to say we did not get everything done on time so we had to take a LONG short cut. On this long short cut our van broke down so our 3 hour trip turned into an all day journey. This was their welcome to Brasil greeting. We spent the biggest part of the day in a van on an unknown part of the country with a baby crying, hungry children, tired passengers, no water—and the list goes on.
Along with this couple and their family we have 2 young men from Georgia that is going to spend 6 weeks with us here helping with the work. What an honor it is to be a part of these young men’s lives. Ross is from First Baptist Church in Centerville, Georgia and is going to Seminary and Luke is from Second Baptist Church in Warner Robbins Georgia and has a love for missions.
As we minister here we always have our eyes open for the opportunities God has for us. We have discovered an Indian tribe within 2 hours drive from our home and are looking into the possibilities of doing some Bible Schools there. We have learned that there are many needs in this tribe so we are excited to see what we can do for them. Hopefully we can tell you more in the next newsletter.
Speaking of ministry our church has had many visitors this past 2 weeks. I think it is because of the vacation from school. So we are having a problem here at Church—we are running out of chairs. But I should not be complaining, What a great problem to have!!!How AWESOME is the God we serve.
So as I am looking around at our problem it registers; we are renting this building and we are at 80 to 90% capacity, no more space for Sunday School, no parking and no money– what are we to do—simple, PRAY more.
So with this list of problems we are asking you to pray with us for us and we know that our God is an AWESOME God and He will supply.
The work at the Vocational School is progressing slowly. We are working on laying tile on the floors, the walls and getting the electrical work finished and looking at the color selection for the walls. If you think you heard these same things last month it is because things go a bit slower here than in the States. We have learned to go with the flow.
Thanks to everyone for your prayers, financial support, and encouragement.
Well, you did not let us know if you wanted to come down so the rooms are full and the mints are gone off of the pillows, but there is always next month. So let us hear from you. Come on down!!!
In His service,
Aj and Barb
Give to Baptist Faith Missions.
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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [May 2012]
Posted on 10May CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist church in Caraguatatuba, Barbara Hensley, church planting in Brazil, Missionaries to Brazil

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
Hello to friends and family,
Sometimes you are so busy that you look back and say “What did I do or accomplish?” This month has been one of those. I will start with the van…we had to put it in the body shop because of its roof. It started rusting and the rust became holes and the rain came into the inside. So much for the ceiling upholstery! Oh well, that is what you get when you live at the beach. So when we repaired the roof we also had to put new seals around all of the doors. Now we are just about to put it back into use but there is still some mechanical work to do. While we are without our van we are borrowing or renting others to fulfill our church transporting. Pray with us that we could receive the financing for a bus to fulfill these transportation needs.
Lots of physical work is going on around the Church building. We have been painting, doing masonry work and various repairs. But the biggest of the projects is the pouring the sidewalk in front of the Church. We could have put off some of these projects but we are going to organize our Church and we would love for it to look good. The organization will be the 13th of May at 7:00 in the evening service. Pray that all goes as planned and that the Church continues to grow spiritually. We will have 81 members at this organization. Praise be to God for the growth in these 2 years.
We are having to do some construction around our home. Several years ago, we finished the area around the house but this year the city put in trunk lines for the sewer system. When we connected to these lines, we found out that all our lines had been put in wrong. So this week we are tearing up all the tile (because we bought the close out line to save money and there is none of that tile left at the construction stores) and the plumbing to redo everything.
We are starting to start work at the vocational school next week. The next step that has to be done is the electrical work. We have the conduit in the walls and next week we start installing the wire and the electrical panel. The next step is to tile the floors. There is a lot of paperwork to be done so we are starting to plot the buildings and the lots. For this we need an engineer. So today we began the measurements. The completed paperwork could take months to process. So pray with us about this also.
We have gotten back into our family discipleship and it is going very well. We are working with one family with 2 girls. They are 5 and 8 years old. These 2 young girls are memorizing verses and learning how to be children that God will be proud of. The government here does not cooperate with raising Godly children. As a matter of fact they promote anti-biblical things in the raising of children. So we are trying to help these parents to use the Bible in the raising of their children. In this process the parents are also growing spiritually. So our days and some nights are being dedicated to the helping of parents and children.
We had another baptism this month. There were 5 baptized and we (like good Baptists) had a cookout afterwards. We also have 4 more awaiting baptism so they will be our first candidates for baptism into our newly organized Church. God is AWESOME!!!!!!
I have given you an idea of what we will be doing for the next 2 or 3 months so read it over and decide which you would love to participate in and then go and buy your ticket and COME ON DOWN. We will treat you so many different ways that you will have to like one of them. Come see what God is doing with your mission dollars!!!!!
In His service,
Aj and Barbara
Give to Baptist Faith Missions.
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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [April 2012]
Posted on 13Apr CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist Churches in Caraguatatuba, Baptist Faith Missions, Barbara Hensley, missionaries in Brazil, need new church bus

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
Dear friends and family,
What a wonderful time we have had in the States. It has been so good that I have returned to Brasil 20 lbs. heavier. (Lol!) And guess what that means– I have had to increase the size of my clothes. And that means new clothes. Oh well, so goes life –next week I’ll start a diet (Lol!).
At Church Sunday we were welcomed back with a surprise party. Cake and the works. I guess this means more pounds. Not only did we receive a warm welcome from the Church people we also received a WARM welcome here in Brasil. The temperature has been in the high 90’s. How great it is to serve such and AWESOME God!! With the temperatures being so high that means that the Church building also is extremely hot. Something like 105 degrees So I picked out place in the Church where a fan was blowing completely on me—-(just a little selfish). But none of this high temperature keeps our people from coming to Church, Sunday morning we had 104 in attendance and 140 on Sunday night. Our Choir presented a piece for our Easter Sunday that was great.
Upon returning to Brasil we found that a very dear friend is moving back to the States. His name is John Norris and he is a retired fireman from Florida.He is having some health issues with his hearing–please put him on your prayer list.
While there we had a meeting with a young man in Georgia, Jason Hamlin, and set up for us to meet him in Atlanta for him to visit Brasil one more time to see where God would like for them to base their ministry. His ministry is to train youth pastors all over Brasil. To start with, they will be getting some basic language training here in Caraguatatuba. And no, I will not be doing their training because if I did they would definitely have my mountain accent (Hillbilly) This is another prayer request, please put this family on your personal and Church prayer list.They are making a big transition with 3 kids.
This has been a fast-moving week here and we have lots more to catch up on in our ministries. So pray for Barb and I as we re-connect and integrate ourselves here.
Sunday night again it was so obvious that we really need a bus. The van was so over-crowded and the people were so uncomfortable but they did not murmur or complain. We work with some very special people.
While we were in the States we were able to visit many Churches and meet many new people. If we were not able to get to your Church we would like to put you on the top of our list for our next time. We would like to give a Special Thanks to everyone where we presented our ministry and preached. Everyone was so gracious and loving. We were treated like royalty.
We would like to thank BFM and all of you who support us financially and prayerfully. Without this support we would not be able to stay here in Brasil doing what God called us to do. Don’t take our word for what is going on here and what God is doing, come on down and see for yourself. We have been here long enough to be able to turn the bed down and put a mint on the pillow, so come on down.
In His service,
Aj and Barb
Give to Baptist Faith Missions.
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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [January 2012]
Posted on 16Jan CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist Churches in Brazil, Barbara Hensley, Brazilian Vocational School, Missionaries to Brazil, Orphanages in Brazil

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
Well, we had an awesome Christmas here in the States. We spent it with Barb’s mom and our son Bryan and his famil, and our Brasilian daughter and her family. We were anticipating a white Christmas but we got fall-like weather. Oh well, things and times are changing.
We traveled some in December visiting two churches in Virginia Beach. We stayed with dear friends Lonnie and Barbara there in Virginia Beach. We also got to spend some time with Jerry Flug, one of the first youth pastors that visited us in Brasil. He has been a big help for us printing our prayer cards and banners for us to use at some of the conferences we will be attending while here in the States.
We also spent time with Pastor Thomas and the folks at Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church where Barb’s mother is a member. There I had the privilege of preaching the morning and evening services on the first day of the year.
While here, Barbara and I have been getting some exams done. They have found a cyst in my kidney. Pray for me as the Doctors work to decide what action to take in treating my problem.
In our absence the Church is going and growing. As we were leaving Brasil, there was plans for another baptism. And we are praying about starting another mission work on the other side of the city. One of the couples who regularly attend our services has offered us access to a hotel that they own as the building for us to begin the meetings. Pray for this project that God would supply the person to preach there and the persons that need to hear the gospel.
It has been an AWESOME year in ministry in Brasil for us. Lots of construction on the Church and plans being made for the up-coming year. The vocational school has progressed very well and we are hoping this year we will complete the dorm house.
As we have told you in other letters the most pressing need for us there in Brasil is transportation. As we were leaving, we had to put the van back in the garage for more repairs. This time it was the power steering and it took over 3 plus weeks and $1,800 reais to get it back. The Church in western Kentucky had just sent us an offering and it covered the cost. Isn’t God great? He knows your needs and He provides. While we are here in the States, our pick-up is being worked on. Hopefully a lot of maintenance will be done—wheel bearings, minor body repair, oil change, filters, tire alignment and balancing and some suspension repair. This sounds like a lot but with the age of the truck and the mileage, that is not really much work. I told you all this just for you to see that we really do need help with transportation here in our work.
As we enter this New Year we are totally thankful for everyone that has been involved in our mission work both financially and prayerfully. We ask that you continue praying for us in the coming year.
I hope that you are planning to come down to see what your mission dollars are doing in Caraguatatuba, Brasil.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara Hensley
Caixa Postal 1511
11672-300 Caraguatatuba, Sao Paulo, Brasil
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