Missionary Update: Sheridan & Anita Stanton in Peru [January 2013]
January 7, 2013
Dear friends,
Anita and I hope that everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. We had the opportunity to spend our first Christmas ever with some of our grandchildren, our daughter, Leah and her husband, John, in Columbus, Ohio. It was such a blessing to have that special time with her children, Jack and Clara. We enjoyed New Year’s Eve with my mother and sister in Dickson, Tennessee. Please remember my mom in your prayers, she is 84 now and refers often to how nice it would be to go home to heaven. I am very blessed to have her as my mother.
Our scheduled return to Peru has finally arrived and (Lord willing) we will be flying out of Lexington, in route to Lima, Peru on Wednesday morning the 9th of January. We are very much looking forward to going home! We would appreciate your prayers.
We strongly urge you to pray for Anita’s sister, Hilda Bayhi. As we have reported before she is dealing with a very aggressive type of brain cancer. More tumors have appeared and the reports are not encouraging. The doctors have done and continue to do all that modern medicine is capable of doing. But our faith and hope is in the Great Physician. He can still perform miracles and we trust in HIM. Hilda is a Christian, and we know that if the Lord chooses to call her to her heavenly home then we know she will be better off. Please remember her husband, Charlie, in your prayers also. He is a great guy and loves her very much, and devotes full time to being her caregiver.
As I reported last month, our son, Major Joshua Stanton USAF, returned from Afghanistan and was reunited with his family and newborn son, Benjamin. He is waiting for further orders as to his next assignment. Anita and I thank so many of the churches that have his name, continually, on your prayer lists.
December was not a hectic month of travel compared to the previous months; however, we were able to visit some of our supporting churches on the weekends:
December – 2 with the Rosedale Baptist Church of Rosedale, West Virginia, pastor Larry Fisher. It was our first time with this great church and we had the opportunity to enjoy their hospitality and also spend time with Pastor Larry and his dear wife Joyce.
December – 9 with the New Life Baptist Church, Lexington, Kentucky, pastor Steve Wainright (am service). In the evening we visited the Ashland Baptist Church, Lexington, Kentucky, and enjoyed their Christmas program very much.
December – 16 with the Heritage Baptist Church in the morning service, pastor Greg Waltermire and enjoyed their Christmas program in the evening.
December- 30 with the Cornerstone Baptist Mission, Salt Lick, Kentucky, pastor Jason Minix. Jason worked with us in Peru for a few years and is now doing a tremendous mission work here in the States. Jason and Andrea have two small children that were born in Peru, and they have grown so much since leaving Peru. Please pray for this young missionary and the work there.
January – 06 found us visiting with the Bryan Station Baptist Church here in Lexington, Kentucky, pastor Brent Spears.
Our next letter should be from Peru once again. Remember to pray for us as we travel back and get settled back into the routine.
- Hilda Bayhi (Anita’s sister) continues to battle with brain cancer and was placed in the intensive care unit this morning (Monday 7th January).
- Our son, Major Joshua Stanton, USAF, has returned from his second tour of service as a pilot in Afghanistan. He is waiting for his next assignment.
- God’s grace and protection as we travel back to Peru.
- For the Calvary Baptist Mission of Huánuco, Peru and all the churches and pastors of Peru.
- Anita’s health.
Until next month,
Apartado Postal 860
Huanuco, Peru
South America
(614) 500-8823 – Internet Number
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita
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Missionary Update: Sheridan & Anita Stanton in Peru [December 2012]
Dear friends,
November – the busiest and most exciting month yet, of our 2012 eight month furlough. We began the month in Atlanta, Georgia attending the annual conference of the National Christian Counselors Association. I made a lot of new friends and learned more about the legal and business considerations of a counseling ministry.
Anita and I traveled to Southern California to visit with her sister Hilda Bayhi (undergoing treatments for brain cancer). The doctors have determined that Hilda did not need the cyber-knife operation at this time; it is still a possibility at a later date. For now she continues to take another round of chemo therapy. Prayers are requested for Hilda and her husband, Charlie.
While in California, our son, Major Joshua Stanton USAF, came to visit with his family. He had returned from Afghanistan the week before and brought his family to spend some time with us. His two daughters, Caroline and Elizabeth have grown so much since we saw them last and we also got to see our newest grandson, Benjamin! Josh and his wife, Cheri, are both doing well and the entire family is in good health. Praise the Lord! Josh is waiting for his next assignment. Please keep him and the family in your prayers. Thanks.
Thanksgiving was spent with our daughter, Leah, and her family in Westerville, Ohio. Leah, with her husband, John, along with the children, Jack and Clara made Thanksgiving a most memorable holiday for Papaw and Nene!
Beside the busy month of traveling, we were able to visit many of our supporting churches on the weekends:
November – 4 in the morning with the Ella Grove Baptist Church, Glenville, Georgia. This church is looking for a pastor. Then with the Rye Patch Baptist Church, Ludowici, Georgia in the evening, Pastor Richard Holbrook.
November – 11 with the Berry Baptist Church, Berry, Kentucky, Pastor Carl Morton (am service). Grace Baptist Church, Georgetown, Kentucky, Pastor Bill Van Nunen (pm service).
November – 18 with the Twelve-Ryan Baptist Church in the evening service. This church is looking for a pastor.
November- 19-21 Anita and I attended the 58th Annual Thanksgiving Missions Conference of Baptist Faith Mission. This conference is hosted each year by the faithful saints of the New Hope Baptist Church of Dearborn Heights, Michigan. Special thanks also for the Grace Baptist Church of Wyandotte, Michigan for helping prepare and serve the meals each day. It was a great conference with great preaching. Thanks to all that had a part in making it all happen!
November – 25 found us sharing about the work in Peru at the High Point Baptist Church in Alexandria, Kentucky, Pastor Ron Duty. In the evening we had the joy of being with the Addyston Baptist Church of Addyston, Ohio.
We continue to be graciously received by each church. New friends have been made and a lot of old friendships have been strengthened. The amount of miles traveled on furloughs never changes but Anita and I feel this furlough has been a little less stressful due to your faithful prayers. Thank you all so much!
- Hilda Bayhi (Anita’s sister) continues to battle with brain cancer and has begun a new round of chemo-therapy. She lives in Southern California.
- Our son, Major Joshua Stanton, USAF, has returned from his second tour of service as a pilot in Afghanistan. He is waiting for his next assignment.
- God’s grace and protection as we continue our furlough travels.
- Anita had the toenail on her left big toe removed today. Pray for a quick recovery.
- For the Calvary Baptist Mission of Huánuco, Peru and all the churches and pastors of Peru.
- Our return to Peru in January will go smoothly and we will be able to adjust back into the work quickly.
In HIM by HIS grace,
Sheridan and Anita Stanton
Furlough Address:
1012 Balsam Drive
Lexington, KY 40504
(859) 277-3716 – mission house
(859) 490-5370 – cell in States
(614) 500-8823
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita
Click here to give now.
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Missionary Update: Sheridan & Anita Stanton on furlough from Peru [November 2012]
Dear friends,
The autumn mix of red, yellow, gold and orange has been amazing as Anita and I have traveled the interstates this past month. The first of the month we were in Michigan and had the opportunity to visit Niagara Falls for a few days on the Canadian side for Anita’s birthday. Then we came back to Michigan in time for the Annual Mission Conference sponsored by the Grace Baptist Church of Holly, Michigan –Pastor Bob Hopkins and the Lake Road Baptist Church of Clio, Michigan –Pastor Doug Armstrong.
October – 7 in the morning with the Grace Baptist Church, Holly, Michigan, and then with the Liberty Baptist Church, Burton, Michigan in the evening -Pastor Tim Works.
October – 14 with the Grace Baptist Church, Fairborn, Ohio, pastor Mark Pyle (am service). Emmanuel Baptist Church, Bellbrook, Ohio, pastor Darrell Messer (pm service), then back on Wednesday – 17 with Emmanuel Baptist for their Annual Missions Conference.
October – 19 we headed to Florida so we could be with our home/sending church, Jordan Missionary Baptist of Sanford, Florida on the 21st.
October- 18 we began a four day Revival Meeting with the Grace Baptist Church of Bradenton, Florida, Pastor Jim Burnham. The Lord blessed our meeting with power of the Spirit of God being gloriously manifested. We would have enjoyed attending the Annual Mission Conference of the Bryan Station Baptist Church of Lexington, Kentucky, but the dates conflicted with the meeting in Florida.
At this time Anita and I are in Atlanta, Georgia attending a conference sponsored by the NCCA – National Christian Counselors Association. We head for Glenville, Georgia tomorrow.
We continue to be graciously received by each church. New friends have been made and a lot of old friendships have been strengthened. The amount of miles travelled on furloughs never changes but Anita and I feel this furlough has been a little less stressful due to your faithful prayers. Thank you all so much!
- Hilda Bayhi (Anita’s sister) has finished taking chemotherapy and radiation treatments for brain cancer and will undergo cyber-knife surgery to remove the four brain tumors on November 5th.
- Our son, Major Joshua Stanton, USAF, for his safety as a pilot flying missions in Afghanistan. Hopefully he will return to the States soon and see his new born son, Benjamin for the first time.
- God’s grace and protection as we continue our furlough travels.
- Anita’s knees are doing a bit better but still hurting her.
- For the Calvary Baptist Mission of Huánuco, Peru and all the churches and pastors of Peru.
For the churches reading this letter please consider giving a special, generous, Thanksgiving Offering designated for the General Fund of Baptist Faith Mission.
Until next month,
In HIM by HIS grace,
Sheridan and Anita Stanton
Furlough Address:
1012 Balsam Drive
Lexington, KY 40504
(859) 277-3716 – mission house
(859) 490-5370 – cell in States
(614) 500-8823
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita
Click here to give now.
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Missionary Update: Sheridan & Anita Stanton on furlough from Peru [October 2012]
October 4, 2012
Dear friends,
Big news, our fifth grand-child, Benjamin Ryan Stanton was born 3:14 am, Sept. 24. He was 8 lbs and 5 oz and 20.5 inches long. Both the baby and our daughter-in-law are doing well. Anita and I plan to see them in November. Our son, Josh, was able to witness the birth by I-Pad internet connection from Afghanistan. Technology is amazing!
The challenging pace of furlough continues for Anita and me. Though the pace is a bit hectic at times it does somehow feel a bit easier than our furloughs of the past. Maybe because of the nice-riding mini-van Brother Bobby Creiglow has loaned us to use while in the States; maybe because of the comfortable house to live in provided by BFM; or maybe because we take more stops and side-trips than we used too (we just spent two days at Niagara Falls celebrating Anita’s birthday!). To me the fellowship with pastors and other Christian friends seems to be sweeter than ever. Most of our supporting churches have supported our work in Peru since 1983, when we first began, and Anita and I have made many close, lifelong friendships over these past thirty years. Extraordinary hospitality is the only way to describe the wonderful meals shared and the homes and hotels provided for our rest during our travels. Let me give you a rundown of where we have been since our last letter:
August – 12 with the 7th Street Baptist Church, Cannelton, Indiana, pastor Harold Draper (am service). Old Mount Zion Baptist Church, Bluford, Illinois, without a pastor (pm service).
August – 19 with the Richland Baptist Church, Livermore, Kentucky, pastor Larry Ellis (am service). Bible Baptist Church, Harrisburg, Illinois, pastor Art Donley (pm service).
August – 26 with Rocky Springs Baptist Church, Bristol, Tennessee, pastor Greg Lovelece (am service). Grace Baptist Church, Surgoinsville, Tennessee, pastor Donnie Anderson (pm service)
August 31-September 2 with Faith Baptist Church of Kirksville, Missouri, pastor Glenn Archer (three day meeting ending on Sunday am).
September 2-3 with East Keys Baptist Church, Springfield, Illinois, pastor Dr. Dan Hilliard (Sunday pm and Labor Day Conference).
September – 9 with Berea Baptist Church of Hiddenite, North Carolina, pastor Charles Cook (both services).
September – 16 with the Calvary Baptist Church of Richmond, Kentucky, pastor Bobby Greene (both services).
September – 23 with Concord Baptist Church of Leesville, South Carolina, pastor Dr. Elton Dunbar (both services).
September – 30 with Grace Baptist Church of Temperance, Michigan, pastor Matt Brook (am service). Grace Baptist Church of Wyandotte, Michigan pastor Gary Harrah (pm service).
Anita and I have been well received by all of the churches and hope we have been an encouragement to each one; that is our goal. During these preaching opportunities we have seen several of God’s saints make commitments to serve the Lord, and one young man trusting in Christ as his Savior. A few of the churches are now planning to visit us in Peru in the next few years. On occasion I have counseled with a few pastors and friends encouraging them in their ministry and walk with the Lord. We have every weekend scheduled through the middle of December, and are looking forward to being with each one!
- Hilda Bayhi (Anita’s sister) is taking chemotherapy and radiation treatments for brain cancer.
- Our son, Major Joshua Stanton, USAF, for his safety as a pilot flying missions in Afghanistan.
- God’s grace and protection as we continue our furlough travels and also for God to ease the pain in Anita’s knees.
- For the Calvary Baptist Mission of Huánuco, Peru and all the churches and pastors of Peru.
- For each family reading this letter to consider giving $1.00 a day through your church designated for the General fund of Baptist Faith Mission.
- For the churches reading this letter please consider giving a special, generous, Thanksgiving Offering designated for the General Fund of Baptist Faith Mission.
Anita and I continue to rejoice in the blessing of having shared warm fellowship with so many of you thus far, and we are looking forward to being with the rest of you in the months to come! Until next month.
In HIM by HIS grace,
Sheridan and Anita Stanton
Furlough Address:
1012 Balsam Drive
Lexington, KY 40504
(859) 277-3716 – mission house
(859) 490-5370 – cell in States
(614) 500-8823
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita
Click here to give now.
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Missionary Update: Sheridan & Anita Stanton on furlough from Peru [August 2012]
August 9, 2012
Dear friends,
Spending time with grand-kids, family and friends is the highlight of furlough, and visiting our supporting churches is also a joy. However, traveling to the churches is the hard part. The term “furlough” generally means “a leave of absence from work – to lay off from work,” but for missionaries “on furlough” usually means more work and travel.
The month of May was truly a month of rest for us, and June and July have been fairly busy for Anita and me, but starting with August, “the race is on.” We now have every Sunday booked up between now and December; most of those Sundays we will be in two churches. Several missions’ conferences are on the schedule also. We will be travelling to Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. We have already visited churches in Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Tennessee. We love to see everyone and renew old acquaintances and make new friends, but, like everyone else, we are getting older! Your prayers would be very much appreciated for our safe travels. Thanks.
Week days we have had medical check-ups and dental appointments. My blood pressure is up again and the doctors are working on that. Anita is having trouble with her knee again but is managing. We will both be having dental work done off and on between now and the time we leave in January. Please pray for our continued health.
I am studying to be licensed for administering a few types of personality profile tests and will be attending a three day conference of the National Association of Christian Counselors in November. I like to learn and I really enjoy teaching and preaching, but as I said, “it’s the travelling I could do without!”
The month of July we had the privilege of sharing with several churches about the Work of the Lord in Peru that HE has allowed us to be involved in. We were with the Calvary Baptist Church in Dickson, TN; the Elliot Baptist Church in Elliot, MS; the Victory Baptist Church in New Salisbury, IN, and last Sunday with the Immanuel Baptist Church of Cold Spring, KY. The Calvary Mission continues faithful as well as all the other works that have sent me reports. We look forward to having the opportunity to share with the rest of you when we get to your churches.
Anita and I thank all of you for your continued prayers and monthly support. We are looking forward to visiting with many of you in the next several months. Until next time.
In HIM by HIS grace,
Sheridan and Anita Stanton
Furlough Address:
1012 Balsam Drive
Lexington, KY 40504
(859) 277-3716 – mission house
(859) 490-5370 – cell in States
(614) 500-8823
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita
Click here to give now.
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Missionary Update: Sheridan & Anita Stanton in Peru [June 2012]
June 23, 2012
Dear friends,
One year ago today my father, Ralph Stanton, went to his homecoming in heaven. I’m sure he is singing in the choir and probably has a quartet going by now! He loved to sing! We miss him, but would not want him to leave where he is now. I will see him again one day, and what a great day that will be. I can still hear my dad singing, “what a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see, and I look upon His face, the One who saved me by His grace…” Your prayers for my Mom today would be appreciated. She is doing well, but today has been a little tough.
June is also Founder’s Month for Baptist Faith Missions. This year celebrates seventy years of BFM since it officially began. Many of our supporting churches have given some very generous special offerings during the month. If your church has not given this special offering in June you can still do so! I was with the Storms Creek Missionary Baptist Church of Ironton, Ohio on Sunday the 17th and they gave a substantial offering (over five figures). It has been suggested that every family of each church consider giving $70 dollars in honor of seventy years of missionary service of BFM. Baptist Faith Missions is blessed with a great legacy of faithful churches and Godly men and women dedicated to the cause of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and organizing New Testament Baptist Churches for the glory of our Lord.
SPEAKING OF GREAT LEGACIES – Marguerite Hallum, passed away in June; she was 94 years old. Marguerite was the daughter of Richard and Mary Hallum, the first missionaries to Peru for Baptist Faith Missions. Brother Hallum was fifty-two years of age when he went to Peru. He was cleared to go with the Amazon Valley Baptist Faith Mission (the original mission organization that became Baptist Faith Mission). However, in 1929 the Hallums lost all they had in the economic collapse of that year. After a few years Brother Hallum sold their small house and put the money in the bank in preparation once again for traveling to Peru. But in 1932, the banks collapsed again and once again they lost all they had. He was not daunted because he knew that God had called him to Peru to preach the gospel to the lost. Three years later in 1935 they finally arrived in Peru to live a life of service and left a legacy of what it means to live by faith in the promises of God. Today, there are over one hundred and sixty churches and mission works affiliated with Baptist Faith Missions in Peru.
He started the very first Baptist Church in all of Peru; the First Baptist Church of Iquitos, organized in 1937. Marguerite was sixteen years old when her father and mother arrived for the first time in Peru in 1935. She labored with them for twenty years on the mission field until 1955. They labored tirelessly as great soldiers of the Cross all during the difficult years of World War II. The United States was hard pressed with the war effort and churches did not have a lot to send to the missionaries in the foreign fields but the Hallums carried on by faith. Faith is the middle name of BFM and like Richard Hallum, all missionaries know that nothing is guaranteed except the promises of God.
Anita and I attended Marguerite Hallum’s funeral in Hammond, Louisiana on Monday the 11th of June. I was honored to speak on behalf of Baptist Faith Missions. Most of the folks that attended her funeral were not aware of the Hallum’s long years of service in Peru and we did not know much about her after they left Peru. We discovered that after Marguerite returned to Louisiana at age thirty-six; she joined the Woodland Park Baptist Church along with her parents. She never married but she loved children and gave her life to teaching Sunday School; she taught for fifty-two years. She never drove an automobile and she never owned a home. She had a keen mind, wonderful since of humor and was loved by all that knew her. Most of the crowd that attended her funeral was folks that had been in her Sunday School classes. I can imagine that thousands of Peruvians were lined up in heaven to meet her when she crossed the threshold of Glory to say, “Thank-you, Marguerite!” I hope she has had a chance to meet my Dad by now; how I would have enjoyed observing that encounter! June has been a month of remembrance. Until next month.
In HIM by HIS grace,
Sheridan and Anita Stanton
Furlough Address:
1012 Balsam Drive
Lexington, KY 40504
(859) 277-3716 – mission house
(859) 490-5370 – cell in States
(614) 500-8823
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita
Click here to give now.
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Missionary Update: Sheridan & Anita Stanton in Peru [May 2012]
May 11, 2012
Dear friends,
The month of April I had the opportunity to travel to Ecuador thanks to my good friend, Jim Miller. While in Ecuador I was privileged to visit the very spot where Jim Elliot, Nate Saint and three other missionaries were killed by Waodani Indians on January 8, 1956; I was two years old at the time. From Shell, Ecuador we flew to the village and then took a canoe to a spot on the river called “Palm Beach” where the missionaries were attacked. Most of the villagers are now followers of Jesus Christ. The oldest woman in the village was the first believer and also worked as the first translator for the mission team.
Back in the town of Shell, Ecuador I also enjoyed the blessing of leading the morning devotional for the Doctors, Nurses and staff of the Shell Missionary Hospital and visited an amazing missionary orphanage for mentally and physically handicapped children.
The country of Ecuador gets its name because the equator passes right through it. In the city of Quito, there is a place called the “middle of the world” where you can stand with one foot in the Northern Hemisphere and the other foot in the Southern Hemisphere; a unique experience to say the least!
On the 25th Anita and I began our trip back to the United States to begin our furlough. We arrived a week before my graduation from Louisiana Baptist University. After several long years of study and hard work I finally received my Doctorate in Christian Counseling. This past year I had several attempted suicide cases referred to me as well as some estranged couples seeking marital counseling. The Lord has given me the gift of a counselor’s heart. There is a great joy in giving hope to those that have reached their lowest point in their lives; that hope is Jesus Christ!
At the beginning or our last furlough a few years ago we discovered Anita had breast cancer and that of course changed all our plans. After three years since she finished her chemo and radiation treatments she continues to show NO signs of this dreaded disease! We rejoice in God’s manifest mercy shown to her.
We were not able to visit several of our supporting churches as a result of her treatment, so we are hoping that this time we can visit everyone. Pastors please contact me at the phone numbers listed below so we can set a date to come and share about the great work God had done in Peru and our vision for the next several years. Some exciting ministry opportunities have developed for us in Peru and we would love to share with you about them! Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.
In HIM by HIS grace,
Sheridan and Anita Stanton
Furlough Address:
1012 Balsam Drive
Lexington, KY 40504
(859) 277-3716 – mission house
(859) 490-5370 – cell in States
(614) 500-8823
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita
Click here to give now.
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