Missionary Update: Sheridan & Anita Stanton in Peru [April 2014]
![SAStanton Peru](https://baptistfaithmissions.org/BFM_Blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/SAStanton-Peru-300x229.jpg)
Sheridan and Anita Stanton have served the Lord in Peru since 1983. Their main ministry is church planting and they have helped establish churches all over the country. Sheridan also works to train pastors and Anita works with the ladies’ ministry and developing children’s material.
April 9, 2014
Dear friends,
Three dear brothers in Christ from Tri-Cities Baptist Church of Johnson City, TN came help us with our drywall project at the Calvary Baptist Mission here in Huánuco, Peru. Jim Miller, John Maxwell and Jose Mejia worked hard, got a lot done, and helped to train our folks in drywall construction.
Not only did they work here in Huánuco, but we also had time to help a Baptist church in the mountain town of Curahuasi, North East of Cusco, with their building. While in Cusco we had the opportunity to visit the work of Missionaries Jason and Rebecca Reinhardt and the twins, Natalie and Neomi.
A trip to Machu Picchu was possible while they visited in Cusco. These brothers where a tremendous blessing to the Lord’s work here in Peru and we hope they will have the opportunity to come back soon and participate in the blessings once again.
As always, Anita was busy taking care of everyone and cooking the meals. No one ever leaves hungry from the “Sheridan Inn” of Huánuco, Peru! She continues to be a blessing to the ladies here in her weekly Bible Study. Ministry is always easier with a wife that has a servant’s heart. We will be celebrating 40 years of marriage in June of this year. We hope to go somewhere special and celebrate this milestone in our lives.
We saw two saved this past month, construction on the Calvary Baptist property continues on schedule, my Monday Night Pastors Class is steady, and my counseling schedule is full. So many of you give sacrificially each month to make the Lord’s work possible here in Peru and we thank the Lord for you daily. Thank you and may God continue to richly bless you all. Until next month.
Being “in Christ” by God’s grace,
Apartado Postal 140
Huanuco, Peru
South America
(614) 500-8823 – Internet Number
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita
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