Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [September 2013]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

September 2, 2013

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Lord has blessed us with an encouraging month in our regular Sunday meetings and Bible studies. We have Bible studies that meet every day of the week except Saturday. God uses your regular giving to meet our physical needs and your prayers contribute to the fruitfulness of the our ministry in France. We thank God daily for you.

I am spending time individually each week with a couple of young single men who have trusted the Lord and been baptized here. One is a 30 year old software engineer and the other is 24 old who has no special training, no job at present and lives with his parents. Making disciples is more than just preaching and church meeting activities. It requires investing a lot of time helping believers put into practice what our Lord Jesus Christ has commanded. It involves teaching how to study God’s Word and applying it to daily life, challenging, encouraging and praying. Our Lord Jesus and the apostle Paul lived daily with those they were helping to become disciples of Christ.

One of the young men with whom John Mark meets for discipleship.

Even though we are 60 years old, we are still learning. I will give you one example of how this sometimes happens. Recently we were invited to a military ceremony by our neighbor across the street. He was turning over the command of the regional military logistical services and moving on to a different assignment. After the military pomp and circumstances, we were invited to share a meal with the others present. Most of these were military personnel and their families. Hughes, the commander and neighbor who invited us, introduced us to Nicholas, a fellow officer, with whom we spent a considerable amount of time in conversation. Because so many people here are atheist, I had tried to emphasize God’s power, love and grace by mentioning when appropriate that we are blessed in some specific way. About the third time I said something like that in this conversation, Nicholas interjected, “I like the fact that you say ‘blessed’. We usually say, ‘I was lucky’.” Happily, I thought, “He’s getting it.” Then he added, “Because it is not just luck, our hard work is rewarded.” I tried to explain, “No, I mean we receive many blessings we do not deserve.” But, he insisted, “No, you should not be ashamed to admit that your hard work is rewarded.” I am not sure that I ever did really get across to him the reality of God’s grace, but I did make a mental note about how this particular phrase does not mean the same thing to others around me here as it does to me.

So, Hughes and his family moved away and we are anticipating the arrival of the new owners of this house across the street from us hoping to share the gospel with them. Of the 5 houses immediately across the street from us, 4 are having a change of occupancy in the next couple of months. Our field is constantly changing and this gives us added opportunities to demonstrate and present the Good News of Jesus Christ.

One of the ladies who is moving from across the street to a neighboring city with her husband declared herself to be an atheist when they moved in 9 years ago. We have spent a lot of time with them and had innumerable opportunities to share the gospel. She has come to only one special service, if my memory serves me right. But, she now believes that God exists and that He has intervened personally in her life. Last week she volunteered to us that even after they move she is planning on coming over from the neighboring town to our Sunday meetings.

And, so, we keep sowing and you keep helping us. Thanks!

Blessed by God and realizing it in France,
John and Judy Hatcher

4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [June 2013]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

June 3, 2013

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Our desire is that this finds you enjoying the Lord’s blessings where you live and serve. We thank the Lord for His blessings and above all His presence in us. We are encouraged by what the Lord is doing on several fronts. The Bible study in Mazere, about 45 miles by car south of here is going well and during the past few months we have had several new participants. We would one day like to see a church in this growing city with a population of about 3,500. At present there are only two believers in the group that actually live in the city, though we average about 7 or 8 at the Bible studies.

The youth meetings are on the increase and those coming are showing interest.

Another area of activity that causes us to rejoice is the meetings with youth. The attendance at these is on the increase and those who come show an interest. Of those who now attend, only one has actually made a profession of faith and followed the Lord in baptism. We hope many others will follow.

I like to keep a positive note and share with you what God is doing, but there are bumps in the road here as there are everywhere. This past week I have been a little frustrated by the lack of commitment and selfishness of some believers. It is important, however, to remind myself of God’s patience with me and His forgiveness. We must continue to sow the seed and disciple those who believe as we look to Christ for strength and trust Him to work in hearts and lives.

Of the youth who now attend the meetings, only one has actually made a profession of faith and followed the Lord in baptism. Pray that many others will follow.

Judy and I pray together each morning after our personal time in the Word of God. Thank God for you. If you would like for us to pray about your area of ministry, we would love to do so. We know that you have family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors and even people who frustrate you that you would like to see trust Christ. We would be glad to pray with you for them. You contact us through the email or mail address below. We are not interested in forwards off the internet, so be please to not send us links and copies. We are interested in praying for you and your needs personally, so please do not hesitate to share these. We would like to be a blessing to you as you are to us.

May God’s blessings be evident to you during the month ahead.

Proclaiming the Good News in France,
John and Judy Hatcher

4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [April 2013]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

April 1, 2013

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you for your participation in the ministry here. Judy and I pray for you daily and thanking God for your faithfulness. Four weeks ago we celebrated 40 years of marriage. We enjoyed a quiet evening meal in a restaurant and reviewed God’s blessings on our lives. Little did we know, when we started our life together, what our Savior had in store for us. We are grateful for what He has done and is doing in the lives of children and grandchildren. Serving our Lord together has been a great joy as we have seen many come to new life in Christ. When Judy and I married, she had not been out of Kentucky too many times, but six weeks after committing ourselves to each other in the Lord we moved to Brazil. The Lord has enabled us to be witnesses on three different continents. The journey has truly been an adventure.

So, presently we are in France, a very different culture from Brazil or the United States of America. Our Creator and Redeemer, however, is “the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” God has chosen us, His redeemed children, to be His witnesses in the sea of humanity so desperately in need of the eternal life that He offers.

A view of John Mark & Judy’s neighborhood from their front window.

Here are a few tidbits from our adventure this month. Early in the month, we were invited to dinner in the home of a couple who live just around the corner from us. They have been our neighbors for about a year and wanted to show their appreciation to us because we watched their house and watered their plants while they were away on vacation. During the evening we talked to them and another neighbor couple about faith in God. Neither of these couples have any religious practice.

About the same time, I had a lengthy discussion with a neighbor just across the street about God, homosexual marriages and abortion. This family, with three children, drive some distance on Sundays to go to a church that has mass in Latin, because, according to him, “it is the Universal language.” To our knowledge this family is the only one in our large neighborhood that goes to church anywhere. We pray that they will understand that they need Christ instead of a religion.

Yesterday, as we were heading home on a typical Sunday afternoon walk with our family here, I had the chance to spend some time talking to a young couple who live on a street parallel to ours. She recently began singing in the choir in which I sing. Yesterday, I met her husband for the first time and had a lengthy conversation with them. He was born in Israel and is a non-practicing Jew. His grandparents moved from Poland to France after the second World War. They left France to establish themselves in Israel in 1951. His father was born in Israel just a few months later. A few weeks ago, as we were waiting for choir practice to start, this lady asked me why we were in France. As I began to tell her, another lady, to whom I have witnessed on several occasions said, “Be careful, or he will convert you!”

There are countless other stories that could be told. There are multitudes of individuals who are lost and in need of a Savior. We have the Good News. I wish they were all saved. We keep sowing the seed and waiting for the Harvest. Thanks again for your participation in this endeavor.

Sowing the Good seed in France,

John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [March 2013]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making,”

February 26, 2013

Dear Fellow Team Members,

We are grateful for the privilege God gives us to be bearers of the the Good News to folks that live in Southern France as well as in other parts of the world. The four weeks since we last wrote to you have gone by quickly, but we have seen God at work.

On February 9, we had “young people’s evening in our home”. It seems that the quality of these meetings has continued to improve and the young people who come are attentive and are always interested in the date for the next meeting. Of the young folks who come, only one, has made a public profession of faith and followed the Lord in baptism. The passage we considered two weeks ago included “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” This is certainly the invitation of the Gospel for those who are lost as well as a reminder for those of us who are God’s children.

One of the many towns near us that need the Gospel.

Our oldest granddaughter brought a neighbor friend who had not previously been to a youth night. One the way home, this friend was so excited about the evening that she could hardly wait to tell her brother about it and invite him for the next time.

This past Sunday, one of the teen age girls who attends with her family brought a friend. Last Tuesday in Mazere, a young man, father of three, came for the first time and was quite attentive. He was brought by a couple who have participated with us in this Bible study from the time it was first implemented. We are encouraged by the desire the believers have to share their faith and introduce others to Christ.

This past Saturday, we had a pot luck dinner to conclude a three week Bible reading adventure. The purpose of this adventure was to encourage believers to grow in knowledge of God through the study of His Word. We chose key passages (one to four chapters per day) to be read daily. These covered the historical periods from Abraham to Nehemiah. Fourteen people read together and we discussed what they had learned during the dinner. Those who were involved testified that it was a great blessing to them. We want to do something similar several times during the coming year. This should help emphasize how important it is for God’s children to “know the scriptures” and to “study to show themselves approved”. One lady, who, was not involved this time, asked me Sunday, “When are we going to do this again?”

The Lord has recently given several good openings with neighbors and acquaintances. We would like for all of these and many others to be saved. Thank you for your faithful support which enables us to be here to communicate the Good News.

City of Mazere – We have Bible study near upper right hand corner.

Your fellow servants in France,

John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [September 2012]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making,”

September 8, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you for your faithful support. God is using your investment in His Kingdom for the salvation of those who are in need of Christ and His glory. We hope that you will be encouraged as you read about what God is doing here in southern France.

Our world is constantly changing. This includes our lives, our churches and our opportunities. During the past month, two families that have attended regularly for several years moved with their jobs from here to to Northern Germany. Joachim Ilenberger, was the first person to be baptized here. His son, Theo, was the most recent. Out of this family of five, 3 were saved and baptized. Joachim’s father was a German fighter pilot during World War II. Isn’t it great how God works? His father is still living and advanced in age. Would you take time to pray for his salvation? Pray, also, that this family will be able to find a good church near them. Though this is not easy in Germany, humanly speaking, it is much easier than in France. Baptist churches in Germany have a total of about 300,000 members. Baptist churches in France have a total of about 3,000 members.

Joachim and his daughter,Carla, playing music before Theo’s baptism.

Our God does not cast dice; He is working out His plan. So, we are praying and have confidence that God will lead the Illenberger family to witness for Him and find a fellowship of believers where they can participate and continue to grow in the Lord. The other family of five who moved has one person that clearly indicated faith in Christ, but the others  came and showed an interest. They expressed great gratitude for the encouragement that they received in attending on Sundays and through the Bible studies. Pray that they will also will seek and find a congregation where Christ is exalted.

A part of our ministry here is staying in contact with and teaching those who have moved away. This unexpected opportunity has enlarged this “disciple making process” into 7 different countries. God has made it possible for us to do this relatively easily through electronic communication. God enables all people and uses even the products of their work for His glory. Man made boats transported Paul and man made technologies make it possible for us to stay in contact with those to whom we are ministering. But, it is people, like Paul, you and me through whom God displays the glory of Christ in a personal way. God has placed each one of us in the place where we can let the Light of Christ shine through us.

The Sunday services and Bible studies closer to us are going well. We rejoice in Christ and what He is doing in the lives of His children and how He is drawing others to Himself.

The Lord willing, we will be in the USA and at the 2012 Thanksgiving Conference sponsored by New Hope Baptist Church in Dearborn Heights, MI. We would love to see you there.

For God’s Glory in France,
John and Judy

John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [August 2012]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making,”

July 31, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am writing a little earlier than usual. We have more than enough news for our allotted space in the the Missions Sheets, so we will share it with you and save what comes later for next month.

The young man who trusted Christ last month was baptized a couple of weeks ago. We do not have a baptistry so we just use a place that has “much water.” Theo asked to be baptized near his “fishing hole,” a location on a river not far from his house where he had fished with his dad and friend. We had a special afternoon meeting in this beautiful setting and a good number of believers and interest folks were there to witness the baptism, This included a couple of people (not in the pictures) that were just in the area. One of our men remarked that it may have been God’s way to give them the gospel. Theo was in his mother’s womb when she and his father first began coming. His father was the first person to trust the Lord and follow the Lord in baptism here.

John Mark Hatcher baptizes young Theo, who trusted Christ last month. He was baptized in a “fishing hole” not far from his house.

Though our attendance is usually down in the summer, we have recently had a good number on Sundays with a number of visitors. If my memory serves me well, we have had visitors every Sunday during the past month. One of these, this past Sunday, was a man we met at the neighborhood picnic last month. He seems to be quite interested and said he would return with his three boys when they get back from visiting their grandparents.

The Lord has opened doors for us to have increasing interaction with several families in our neighborhood. As a matter of fact we are watching houses for several people while they are on vacation. When they give us their keys and ask us to take in their mail, it is evidence that they trust us. When people trust you, they are more likely to listen to what you say. It is an indication that one has an effective life witness to them.

One of the families, whose house we are watching, moved in across the street from us last year. As they were preparing to leave, Judy got the idea of giving a CD to them that is Bible verses set to music sung by children. They were very appreciative and said that they would listen to it during their trip. This family has three primary school aged children.

A crowd gathers for Theo’s baptism

Another blessing during the last couple of months is that some who have trusted the Lord in the past have returned to participate more faithfully.

Philip and Amanda, our son and beautiful daughter (French way of saying daughter-in-law) return along with their children this coming Friday, the Lord willing. They have been in the states for six weeks to visit family and friends there. What a blessing it is to have them here working with us. As we have mentioned in the past, Philip works as an engineer to support himself and their family as missionaries here. It has been really encouraging to have participants from the congregation stepping up to the plate while they are away. Our job is to make disciples to Christ.

I will close, since my letter is long enough, with the news that Judy’s annual exam showed that she is still cancer free and now has been for over 11 years. God has truly blessed us with the opportunity to serve Him together. Thanks for your faithful participation with us.

Joyfully in Christ,
John and Judy Hatcher

4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [July 2012]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making,”

July 3, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The month has gone by quickly. Yesterday, I realized that it was time to send you a letter telling how God has blessed here during the past month. Judy and I hope this finds you enjoying the Lord’s blessings.

The youth meeting we had shortly after I wrote the June letter went well. We did not have a large number, but sometimes more progress is made when there are less present. Young people, like older people, invest a lot of effort into appearances. As the size of the audience increases, the sincerity tends to decrease as an effort is made to impress others, especially those of the opposite sex. We discussed the parable of the rich fool who made great plans, but whose life ended the evening of the day when he made his seemingly important decisions. Included in this discussion was the nameless man’s request for Jesus to make his brother share the inheritance and Jesus’ refusal to do so. Reflecting on this text in God’s Word would do us all good. Please, pray that God will move in the hearts of these young people. None of them has made a profession of faith.

The ladies in our church also had a ladies day (afternoon). They do this two or three times each year to encourage one another to love and good works. Judy said that this was one of the best.

The young married man that I mentioned in my last letter continues to come regularly and shows great interest and understanding though he has not yet made a profession of faith. We are greatly encouraged by his interest and pray that he will soon trust the Lord.

Another young man who has been brought by his parents since he was an infant, trusted Christ at home and wants to be baptized. Two other grade school aged children have indicated privately that they have trusted Christ. We are thrilled that God has used the teaching of His Word in words and actions to touch the the lives of these youngsters. In both cases, the parents have taught the children and sought to obey the Lord in their daily walk. This reminds me of two important scriptural passages. “Let the children come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of God.” and “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”

We are greatly encouraged by another fifth grade aged girl who comes regularly, though no one else in her family comes. She is from a neighbor family. We pray that she will be saved and that God will use her life and words to lead her family to Him.

Our son Philip, his wife Amanda, and their children are in the USA for a few weeks to spend time with Amanda’s family, Philip’s siblings and aunt, and other family members. We are so grateful to have Philip and Amanda and their children serving together with us here. God has used them to multiply the outreach. As you pray for us, please pray for them. God has given Philip an engineering job here to meet their financial needs. They are an integral part of the missionary team here.

May God bless you and may your light shine for Christ where you are. Thanks for your faithful support and prayers.

In Christ in France,

John and Judy Hatcher

4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [June 2012]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making,”

Dear Co-Laborers,

We thank God for the blessings He has showered on us during the past month. You are among those blessings. Your faithful giving enables us to continue doing the work God has called us to do. Your prayers make us effective. The Sunday meetings in Tournefeuille have been well attended and there is evidence of growth in those who are believers. The Bible studies in various locations are also doing well with interested participants.

About half of the attendees in the Bible studies and Sunday meetings have not professed faith in Christ. It is encouraging when we notice their interest in spiritual matters, especially when they ask questions which indicate the Spirit of God is at work in their hearts and the Word of God is having an impact on their thinking. This has been the case this month with some of those who have not yet made professions of faith.

Attentive listeners in a children's class at Tournefeuille

We have also had a number of opportunities to present the Good News in contacts outside of regular meetings. This is very important and usually results from a long term commitment to the process that starts with making contact and continues with the training of disciples after they have publicly committed their lives to Christ. Activities involved take place in this sequence:

  1. Look for opportunities to make new acquaintances.
  2. Spend time with people with whom we become acquainted
  3. Listen to people in order to know them and build up credibility to get a valid hearing for the gospel.
  4. Converse with people about God, His Word, and the Good News in Jesus Christ.
  5. Pray continually during all of these steps since we can do nothing. It is Christ Who works through us.
  6. Read and study the Bible with those who show an interest. We usually begin studying through the Gospel according to John.
  7. Continue to study the Word of God with those who make a profession of faith helping them discover and put into practice the commands of Christ. This includes Baptism and participation in the assembly of believers using the abilities that God has given each one for the good of the body of believers and a witness to non-believers.

A number of important activities are on the books for the next couple of weeks. They will be history by the time many of you read this letter. Those who received the news electronically can pray for the upcoming Youth meeting, Ladies day, and Gospel concert. Please pray for Yoann, the husband of one of the believers. He attends regularly and needs Christ.

Your team mates for Christ in France,

John and Judy Hatcher

4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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