News & Reports – August 2021
The Online Edition of the August 2021 BFM News & Reports is available at the link below. Read how God is working through the lives of our faithful missionaries and continue to pray for them.
*Remember you can click on any headline to view the post/story on our website.

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Your New BFM Logo
We continue to make new on-going commitments to reach every person in our present generation with the message of the Gospel and to promote the interests of the missionaries whose support is administered through Baptist Faith Missions.
Sometimes that may mean adapting our most primary means of communications to reach the widest audience possible and make the deepest immediate impact possible.
So, we have re-branded our logo. Here it is. We hope you have noticed it, and if you are reading this at all, we hope we have engaged your interest.
Logo Evaluation Team
Before I tell you about how this logo came about, I want to recognize just a few of those who were most instrumental in its inception. When we started this process, we selected a Logo Evaluation Team. These team members would collaborate together to come up with a new visual ID and representation of BFM. Here they are:
- Lauren Pyles // : graphic arts designer and composer-in-chief [she is a member of Grace Baptist Church, Fairborn OH]
- David Pitman: he is pastor of Addyston Baptist Church, Addyston OH, and a Director of BFM
- Phillip DuBarry: he is Associate Pastor of Addyston Baptist Church
- Doug Brook: he is a member of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Bellbrook OH
- Sarah Wainright: she is a member of New Life Baptist Church, Lexington KY – and has served for the recent several years as our Media Services coordinator [website, Facebook, Twitter, newsletter, et al]
- Then lastly [and leastly], Yours Truly, Dave Parks: I served as a corresponding liaison between Lauren Pyles who was doing the designing and composing and the other members of the Logo Evaluation Team who were doing the evaluation, critiquing, and selection of the logo development as it progressed through its various stages and came together in the form we are presenting to you now.
Each and all of these team members are gifted and experienced in visual graphics and imagery in their own vocations and fields of communications, and their input was invaluable. And each one is faithfully serving in their respective local churches. I am so grateful to God for making each of them available for this ministry and for their willingness to serve as they did. We all served in the spirit of the promise God made in Exodus 31.2-4a: “See, I have called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, to design artistic works…”
Here, then, is how we arrived at YOUR NEW BFM LOGO.
We wanted a logo/brand that would meet these criteria:
- it would identify BFM by name in the logo icon
- it would portray also BFM’s purpose and mission
- it would be bold
- it would be simple
- it would be easily interpreted
- it would be unique and distinctive, one of a kind
- it would be interesting and intriguing
- it would be instantaneously recognizable
- it would command curiosity and pique interest – make people go “hmmm…”
- we went back to our nickname and short-hand moniker: ‘bfm’ That’s what we all call our missionary fellowship. For all these years, we’ve been known as ‘bfm’
- then, we saw an opportunity for a graphic icon in the opening of the ‘b’ – to help us graphically portray our mission and activity: “What kind of ‘bfm’ are we?”
- so, we inserted the four points of a compass into the ‘b’ to emphasize our commitment to obey Jesus’ worldwide Great Commission mandate…
– And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature…” [Mark 16.15]
– “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” [Matthew 28.19]
– “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” [Acts 1.8]
– we are asking our Lord Jesus to fulfill that world-wide missionary outreach through the missionaries who partner with BFM - the arrow that is pointing East is actually breaking out of the ‘b’ to signify forward direction, motion, and dynamic activity – as does also the forward-leaning slash and “Baptist Faith Missions” – we are praying to Jesus Christ that He will use us to “send out laborers into His harvest…” [Matthew 9.38]
- even the form of the arrow we have chosen is the common icon for ‘send’ – you probably click or tap on this kind of arrow numerous times a day
- this is in keeping with BFM’s purpose: “Baptist Faith Missions assists Baptist churches to send God-called missionaries to fulfill ‘essential Great Commission church-planting missions’ in the nations of the world”
- even the primary colors we have chosen have significances – besides just being visually attractive
We have also changed our URL and website address to the simpler: The previous URL still works also: – but the shorter address will be easier to remember and to enter.
Re-vamped website soon to launch!
And, speaking of our website! We are beginning in earnest also to totally re-vamp and re-build our website. But, we wanted to roll out our re-branding first since our website will be built around the new logo’s visuals and graphics. Keep coming back to our website and we’ll be letting you know when we launch it also!
@bfmnow is the tag and handle for our Facebook and Twitter accounts. You will be seeing @bfmnow or BFMnow across our platforms. This is our commitment to you to keep you updated with frequency and immediacy with what we are doing and what is going on in BFM now! And, we also want to express the urgency of the Gospel message our missionaries are communicating in the fields of service where they are ministering. We are asking you – if you haven’t already – to ‘like’ our Facebook and Twitter posts, follow us on Twitter, and share/retweet freely what we are posting about our missionaries’ activities.
Whatever day it is, it is always a bfmnow day!
And, whatever time of the day it is – it is always bfmnow time!
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Mission Sheets: June 2014 [PDF]
Your June 2014 Mission Sheet is now available in PDF format. Follow the link below to view it!
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FaithWORKS [October 2013]
PRAY AND PRAISE in this issue…
- ODALI AND KATHY BARROS – PRAY that the Lord will give them wisdom and direction as they seek new places to evangelize and plant churches in the vicinities around Manaus, Brazil. PRAY for the Lord’s protection upon them as they move. PRAY for the continuing growth and outreach of the Lord’s churches in Garca. PRAY for the salvation of others in his family.
- MIKE AND BEVERLY CREIGLOW – PRAISE GOD for the good responses and participation in many family-oriented activities and outreaches. PRAISE GOD for good reports of people being saved in various churches and congregations. PRAY for struggling economies there, too. PRAY for strength for all their faithful workers.
- JOHN AND ALTA HATCHER – PRAY for the Lord to establish church starts and plants in several locations, especially from the Urai church. PRAY for healing for Sonha dos Santos. PRAISE GOD for new pastor and his family and the reports of God’s increase in the Assai church.
- PAUL AND WANDA HATCHER – PRAY for Brother Herman’s family. He was a faithful servant in the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus who has been called Home to Heaven. PRAISE GOD for another church plant in Japiim.
- JOHN AND JUDY HATCHER – PRAY for their upcoming new year of Sunday School classes and also Fall-Break VBS. PRAISE GOD for the steady increase of numbers of believers who learning to be disciples and servants in the church. PRAY that God will develop and grow them.
- NATHAN AND CARRIE RADFORD – PRAY for all their preparations to come to the States for furlough…and for their safe travel here. PRAY also that the Lord will open up housing for them here in the States.
- SHERIDAN AND ANITA STANTON – PRAISE GOD for the purchase of the property and beginning of the work to build a chapel for the Calvary Baptist Mission in Huanuco. PRAISE GOD also for the opportunities and prospects of expanding their teaching and training with new technologies. PRAY that God will supply all the funds they need for these new outreaches.
- ROGER AND JULIE TATE – PRAY that God will continue to give them spiritual and physical strength to embark on their Stateside travels. PRAY that God will refresh their physical and spiritual strength. PRAY for the family of their dear friend from Kitale who was murdered in the recent terrorist attacks at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi.
- BOBBY AND CHARLENE WACASER – PRAISE GOD for the faithful servants the Lord is raising up in the churches there to increase their outreach into other cities. PRAY for the repair of their Project Life bus that was damaged in the recent accident – and for the funds to put it back into service.
We heartily invite you to join us for the 59th Annual Thanksgiving Missions Conference in the interests of BAPTIST FAITH MISSIONS.
November 25-27, 2013
New Hope Baptist Church
Dearborn Heights, MI
Pastor Terry Adkins
Conference Theme: “Redeemed How I Love to Proclaim It” – Psalm 107:2-3
A full post with details can be found here.
For directions to New Hope Baptist Church and/or information on lodging please contact:
Pastor Terry Adkins | (313) 562-5579 | pastorterrynewhope[at]
Please be making your plans to give as generously as the LORD enables you to our upcoming Thanksgiving Offering. We encourage EVERY friend of our missionaries to be a GIVING FRIEND!
Pastors, will you be willing to announce and promote the Thanksgiving Offering in your church – and encourage your people to give to it? Our missionaries’ needs continue to be great and the Thanksgiving Offering is essential to providing those financial commitments we have made to them.
We continue to struggle every month just to maintain the commitments we have made to our missionaries – but we want to do so much more than just MAINTAIN. We want to INCREASE and ADD TO the provisions of their needs.
And, remember – you can give your Thanksgiving Offering either through your church’s offering, or by mailing your personal check to our Treasurer, or by giving online through our website ‘Donate/Support’ tab.
Click here to make a one-time donation.
Click here to set up a recurring donation.
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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [October 2013]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”
October 2, 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The beginning of the school year is always a time for changing gears. It is the beginning of a new year of Bible curriculum for our children’s Sunday School classes. We seek to give the children a good overview of the entire Bible during their primary years. Unfortunately, there is not available in French the large quantity of materials for visuals and reinforcing activities as there are in English and even Spanish and Portuguese. This is due to the fact that the number of French-speaking believers and churches there are is much smaller than those who speak English, Spanish and Portuguese. This means that we spend a lot of time preparing teaching materials. However, this is an activity that I enjoy.
I should say that preparation is much easier with computers, printers and internet than it was earlier in my life when the main tools were books in print, mimeograph (remember those beasts?) and similar tools. Sometimes, retrograde makes a good impression. Kids who are accustomed to television and videos love flannel graph.
Part of our preparation involves getting ready for Vacation Bible School. We have found through trial and error that it works better having this ministry oriented toward children during the first Fall school break (which is two weeks long) than during summer vacation. Among other reasons, our attendance is much better at this time of the year because few families leave town in the Fall as compared to Summer. This year are lessons focus on the Creation, Fall, Flood and Jesus Christ, the Savior.
The first of our monthly youth meetings for this school year will take place next week. There are now a number of young people who come to these who are children of our friends–people who do not (yet) attend church or Bible studies but who trust us with their children. They ask to contribute food and drinks for the break time. We are thrilled about this and for a similar situation with children who attend Vacation Bible School. Loving and faithful service toward peoples children usually opens the ears and hearts of the parents, as well.
Generally, children and young people are more open to God’s Word and the Bible than adults. They have built up less defenses against God. We love reaching out to adults, but the process is much longer term with most adults. Also, children and young people who trust the Lord generally are easier to disciple and are more likely to put in place habits which they need for spiritual growth.
We are happy that the number of workers is slowly increasing. Our goal is believers who are disciples functioning in all the essential parts of the church which is the Body of Christ.
Thank you for your investment of what God gives you in the ministry in France.
May God’s richest blessing be evident to you today.
In France serving God together with you,
John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
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September 2013 Mission Sheet [PDF & Flip-Through]
Your September 2013 Mission Sheet is now available in PDF format. Follow the link below to view it!
BFM Mission Sheet September 2013
You can also flip through the mission sheet at this link: Click to view the flip-through version. When flipping through, you can enlarge the pages by clicking the magnifying glass with the arrow in it. ( <–> ) Flip by clicking on the curled up page corner.
(Once you get there, click at the bottom of the page to flip through.)
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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [October 2013]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.
September 26, 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Greetings in Jesus’ Name from Brazil. Alta and I are doing well for two oldies. Alta has so much energy that I have a difficult task to keep up with her. Our weather is still very changeable and if you do not like what you have, just wait about five minutes and what you like will be along. Here, when you are having winter in the States, we are having summer. At this time, you are having Fall and we are having Spring; changeable temperatures every two days. Oh well, variety is the spice of life.
URAI–The work in Urai is going well with services being maintained at Sussumo mission, and Rancho Alegre. Presently, plans are being made to begin a new work in Serra Morena and in Nova America da Colina. Seminary Classes continue on Tuesday and Thursday nights with seven or eight students.
CHAPADA BAPTIST CHURCH CELEBRATED 53 years of existence on the 25 of September. The Pastor of the church is David Hatcher who was five years old when the church was established. When the work was begun, it was out in the boonies. Today, that area is the most active center in Manaus. The church has an attendance of about 5,000 each week. Let me tell you of one marvelous work of the Lord that happened recently. The Church had two special days of an Evangelistic program. One young man invited his father to attend. He attended with his son. Two weeks later the man was returning home and had a car wreck. He broke his neck and died. What a wonderful joy filled the hearts of many when they discovered that the dead man had trusted the Lord as his Savior on the night he came to the special service!
ASSAI–The new family working in this large town is being a blessing to many. Daniel, his wife Leticia, and their nine year-old daughter Milena, are working hard and God is blessing. They have special services for children and young people and then regular services for all. Several have been baptized. Please continue to pray for this family and this city.
SPECIAL NEED–Please pray for Sonha dos Santos. She is starting her light treatment for cancer and Valdir, her husband, has to take her every day for thirty days to the city of Londrina. This is a trip of 100 miles every day. Pray that God will provide their needs and heal this dear sister.
Pray for Alta and me that God will be our strength, wisdom and peace as we at weakened old age try to serve Him in spreading the Gospel through personal witnessing and prayer. We thank you who have been faithful in praying for and supporting us these many years. We love you.
Sincerely in Jesus’ Name,
John and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
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FaithWORKS Report [September 2013]
PRAY AND PRAISE in this issue…
- ODALI AND KATHY BARROS – PRAISE GOD for the ministries of past and present BFM missionaries in the lives of other BFM missionaries. Read how Bobby Creiglow and John and Alta Hatcher have been instrumental in these ministries that are still going on. PRAY that God will direct the steps and course of their future ministry.
- HAROLD BRATCHER – PRAY for God to give him strength to continue serving Him in his ministry here in the States. PRAISE GOD for providing the way for him to purchase and move into his new home.
- MIKE AND BEVERLY CREIGLOW – PRAY that God will give all of them full recovery from the sicknesses they have suffered. PRAY ALSO that God will provide the needed funds to make the payments on their new property purchase. PRAISE GOD for the new works that are flourishing and for increased fruitfulness in their established churches.
- JOHN AND ALTA HATCHER – PRAISE GOD for the encouragements they receive from conversations and visits from their faithful children…and for the continuing good reports, especially from Assai.
- PAUL AND WANDA HATCHER – PRAISE GOD for the fruitful response from their recent Men’s Camp. PRAY that God will raise up more men and women to be faithful servants of the Lord. PRAY also for Herman and his wife during this health crisis.
- JOHN AND JUDY HATCHER – PRAISE GOD for the work of God’s Grace in the hearts and lives of people they have witnessed to for years. PRAY always for the seeds they are sowing every day in every conversation. PRAY that God will give them strength and encouragement in their daily Bible Studies and witnessing opportunities.
- AJ AND BARBARA HENSLEY – PRAISE GOD for the continued growth of their church, and for the helpers the Lord has sent them from the States. PRAY for the pastoral assistant who is coming to help them in their church. PRAY also for their upcoming Pastors’ Conference.
- NATHAN AND CARRIE RADFORD – PRAISE GOD for the new churches that have been established. PRAY that God will protect them during their upcoming furlough travels to the States.
- ROGER AND JULIE TATE – PRAISE GOD for their safe arrival in the States. PRAY for all the transitions they will be experiencing here over the next few months, and especially for their children’s adjustments to all their changes. PRAY also for their spiritual strength and revival as they re-connect with their families and home church – and visit other churches.
- BOBBY AND CHARLENE WACASER – PRAISE GOD for the response God has given them in their Bible-reading encouragement. PRAY for Charlene and her family in the recent death of her brother. PRAISE GOD for saving their PROJECT LIFE ministry team from more severe injuries in their recent auto accident.
We heartily invite you to join us for the 59th Annual Thanksgiving Missions Conference in the interests of BAPTIST FAITH MISSIONS.
November 25-27, 2013
New Hope Baptist Church
Dearborn Heights, MI
Pastor Terry Adkins
Conference Theme: “Redeemed How I Love to Proclaim It” – Psalm 107:2-3
A full post with details can be found here.
Please be making your plans to give as generously as the LORD enables you to our upcoming Thanksgiving Offering. We encourage EVERY friend of our missionaries to be a GIVING FRIEND!
Pastors, will you be willing to announce and promote the Thanksgiving Offering in your church – and encourage your people to give to it? Our missionaries’ needs continue to be great and the Thanksgiving Offering is essential to providing those financial commitments we have made to them.
We continue to struggle every month just to maintain the commitments we have made to our missionaries – but we want to do so much more than just MAINTAIN. We want to INCREASE and ADD TO the provisions of their needs.
And, remember – you can give your Thanksgiving Offering either through your church’s offering, or by mailing your personal check to our Treasurer, or by giving online through our website.
Click here to make a one-time donation.
Click here to set up a recurring donation.
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