Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [May 2012]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making,”

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We hope this finds you enjoying the Lord’s blessings. Thanks for your faithful support. We have had good church meetings during this month with a good attendance. Several of those who come are not believers. The believers seem to be growing in the Lord.

My brother Paul and his wife, Wanda were here for a 10 day visit. This was their first time to come to France. We enjoyed immensely the opportunity to converse about the things of the Lord. It had been many years since we had been able to do so. Paul spoke to our congregation one Sunday and also to the youth in the young peoples meeting. None of these young people have made a profession of faith but we see indications that the Lord is at work in the hearts of some of them. Once there are young people participating, if they feel loved, they will bring their friends. We are thankful for the open door that God is giving us with this age group.

We now have adult Bible studies on-going in the Book of the Revelation, Luke, I Timothy, John (3 different studies), Ephesians, and another which is topical. Our goal is to help believers grow up in Christ as they study God’s Word and put it into practice in their lives.

French people tend to spend a lot of time outdoors. Sunny weather and longer days give us many opportunities to visit with people and this opens doors to share the gospel. One of our neighbors organizes a neighborhood potluck dinner at the beginning of each summer and this will happen again this year. As we eat with folks, they are often inquisitive and open to hearing about our faith in Christ. We would be grateful for your prayers concerning these contacts.

Yesterday, the citizens of France elected a new president. In a few weeks we will have legislative elections. Presidential elections are approaching in the USA. This should remind us to pray for all men, especially for those who are in positions of leadership as we are instructed to do in I Timothy chapter 2.

Thanks again for your faithful support and prayers. God is using you to help us in the Cause of Christ and the spread of the Good News here.

Gratefully in Christ,

John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Missionary Update: The Tates in Kenya [May 2012]

The Tate Family has served the Lord in Kitale, Kenya since January 2008. Their main ministry is indigenous church planting.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I pray that this letter finds you all joyful in the Lord as “the joy of the Lord is our strength”.  Like you, I am not joyful in the Lord at all times.  Like you all back in the States, we missionaries in foreign fields struggle with that fruit of the Spirit sometimes.  However, just as Paul wished the following blessing upon the Roman believers, I say concerning you all “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

So, let me try and keep this joy in mind as I describe a couple of things concerning our ministries.  The first concerns one of the groups I described to you last month.  This group was the one that was expecting us to give them things, build buildings for them, support them financially in their ministries, etc.  After we had explained our model of ministry to them, there were some who questioned the wisdom and rightness of this approach.  From the outside, the next couple of weeks looked “OK” as we continued to teach and see how God would lead.  From the inside, however, certain things were happening.  Some of the members of this group started rumors and accusations that the owner of the house in which the group was meeting was receiving financial kickbacks and support from the missionaries so that we could meet in her house.  This was not true as we clearly explained to all those who attended the group meetings.  The accusations didn’t stop there, however.  We also found out that our small house group was being accused of witchcraft.  Yes, witchcraft!  Now, I know that our approach is different than what the Kenyans are used to, but anyone with an observant eye whatsoever would easily be able to discern that no witchcraft was going on within our group.  We get together, pray, sing, and study the Word of God.  Everybody that walks by knows that this is what we are doing.  But this did not stop the accusations, however.  This was the first time I have been accused of witchcraft.  I think somebody is trying to run us off and out of this village.  Nathan and I have talked and prayed about the situation and want, more than anything, to just have the wisdom and guidance of the Lord concerning this group.  We want to know and follow his will concerning this group, no matter what that will is.  The next day, as I was contemplating these events, a friend of mine approached me and said, “Congratulations, I hear you’ve been accused of witchcraft”.  I thought he might be out of his mind but he just stood there and smiled at me.  He said, “You should be joyful.  Satan is opposing you strongly.  He must not like what God is doing in that group.  That means God is doing something great”.  Upon further reflection I decided I had to agree with him, even though I told him I still thought he was off his rocker.  How would you take accusations of witchcraft?  Ought I not to be joyful in this situation knowing that God is on our side and that no weapon formed against us can prosper?  I guess the answer is “YES.”

Now, fortunately, there is something else that I can easily find joy in.  One of our group members, after hearing our teachings and encouragements, was empowered by the Lord to start another group in another village.  I have spoken of his group before.  He started with three people, then it grew to seven, last I heard it was ten, and this morning found out it was sixteen!  They filled the house where they were meeting!  He has taught them all the basic lessons we taught to him and has proceeded to the next step of teaching them inductive Bible study.  They are going passage-by-passage through the book of Matthew.  He told me that this is the first time any of these people had ever studied verse-by-verse through any book of the Bible and that they were learning so much from the Word of God.  This has all been done without missionary presence in the group.  As you can see, this was something I could easily find great joy in.

Until next month, beloved.

May God’s peace and joy be with you.

For the glory of God inEast Africa,
Roger & Julie Tate (and Emily, Amy, & Josiah)

P.O. Box 761
Kitale, Kenya 30200
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Missionary Update: Harold Bratcher in Brazil [April 2012]

April 10, 2012

Dear Brothers of the Blessed Lord and Sisters of the Savior:

Once again we (Asa Mark and I) greet you from the Amazon Valley of Brazil, South America.  The 2 million residents of Manaus, the capital of the state of Amazonas are enjoying the pleasant weather of not quite so hot, due to the frequent rains.  The rainy season continues, but we have had no more blackouts and floods, for which we are thankful.  Tuesday there was a city wide bus strike, and the city turned into chaos.  The mayor was conveniently (for him) traveling, and confusion reigned, but that is the present reality of Manaus.  Manaus and the Mayor desperately need our prayers.  During the month of March, each Sunday morning, evening, Wednesday evening,and some Saturdays, I have left my house and home and gone by the taxi of one of our members ,Bro. Raimundo, or the car of Bro. Mario Jorge, to the 24th of March Baptist Church, where I either preached or heard a sermon by another preacher.  My assistant pastor, Bro. Williams Mendes, 49 years old, and his family, have been a blessing to me and the church.  Continue to pray for them and for us.

This Mission Sheets month began March 5th and finishes today.  During this period I preached 10 sermons, all at the 24th of March Baptist Church where I serve as the pastor.   I have during this period heard a total of 5 sermons preached at 2 different places.   Also, I  was able to pray at Marie’s and Joel’s grave, on Thursday the 5th of April, which would have been Marie’s 85th Birthday.  It looks real nice, with a granite marker, pictures, and a bench in front.  Besides the names, dates of birth and death, it is engraved with the words God is Love in portuguese and english, and the word SAUDADES (Remembrances and precious memories).  We sure have a lot of those, and the pain of temporary separation is great, but as I prayed, we are thankful they are already safely home.

May we all continue to heed the pleas of Pastor Dave Parks for more offerings for Baptist Faith Missions. I am praying that during the remainder of this year of 2012, he will not have to reduce the benefits and salaries that the missionaries of Baptist Faith Missions receive.  The Bratchers in Brasil need the prayers of those we love, as well as those that love us. Until the 10th of May,at least, that includes Stephen who arrived last month, to continue his ministry here for 6 weeks. Please pray for him, that he may soon have his boat totally ready for the planned river trips.  He had to cancel the first one to Olinda, because of problems with the new motor.  He has already been a Big blessing to us personally and the work here, as he always is. Continue to pray also for Asa Mark, that his right eye may be completely healed, of the retina surgery.  He is about 50 percent better.  I am doing well, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  On the 24th of March, I turned 85 years of age on this old earth.  In August, the Lord willing, I hope to celebrate 65 years of ministry, 53 of those in Brasil and with BFM.  To God and Him only, Be the Glory, for what He has done, is doing, and will still do through his humble servants.  Until next month.

Yours in the Service of the Savior,
Harold Bratcher
Rua Francisco Jose Furtado No. 2
Bairro de Sao Francisco
69.079-200 Manaus, Amazonas
Brasil, S.A.

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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [April 2012]

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.

Dear friends and family,

What a wonderful time we have had in the States. It has been so good that I have returned to Brasil 20 lbs. heavier. (Lol!) And guess what that means– I have had to increase the size of my clothes. And that means new clothes. Oh well, so goes life –next week I’ll start a diet (Lol!).

At Church Sunday we were welcomed back with a surprise party. Cake and the works. I guess this means more pounds. Not only did we receive a warm welcome from the Church people we also received a WARM welcome here in Brasil. The temperature has been in the high 90’s. How great it is to serve such and AWESOME God!! With  the temperatures being so high that means that the Church building also is extremely hot. Something like 105 degrees So I picked out place in the Church where a fan was blowing completely on me—-(just a little selfish). But none of this high temperature keeps our people from coming to Church, Sunday morning we had 104 in attendance and 140 on Sunday night. Our Choir presented a piece for our Easter Sunday that was great.

Upon returning to Brasil we found that a very dear friend is moving back to the States. His name is John Norris and he is a retired fireman from Florida.He is having some health issues with his hearing–please put him on your prayer list.

While there we had a meeting with a young man in Georgia, Jason Hamlin, and set up for us to meet him in Atlanta for him to visit Brasil one more time to see where God would like for them to base their ministry. His ministry is to train youth pastors all over Brasil. To start with, they will be getting some basic language training here in Caraguatatuba. And no, I will not be doing their training because if I did they would definitely have my mountain accent (Hillbilly) This is another prayer request, please put this family on your personal and Church prayer list.They are making a big transition with 3 kids.

This has been a fast-moving week here and we have lots more to catch up on in our ministries. So pray for Barb and I as we re-connect and integrate ourselves here.

We need a new bus!

Sunday night again it was so obvious that we really need a bus. The van was so over-crowded and the people were so uncomfortable but they did not murmur or complain. We work with some very special people.

While we were in the States we were able to visit many Churches and meet many new people. If we were not able to get to your Church we would like to put you on the top of our list for our next time. We would like to give a Special Thanks to everyone where we presented our ministry and preached. Everyone was so gracious and loving. We were treated like royalty.

We would like to thank BFM and all of you who support us financially and prayerfully. Without this support we would not be able to stay here in Brasil doing what God called us to do. Don’t take our word for what is going on here and what God is doing, come on down and see for yourself. We have been here long enough to be able to turn the bed down and put a mint on the pillow, so come on down.

In His service,
Aj and Barb

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Future Goals and Objectives of BFM

We began announcing several ambitious long-term goals for the future increase of BFM’s
Gospel ministry to the nations of the world. Here are a few of the goals and objectives
we have laid before the Lord. We are committed and willing to lead in accomplishing
these ends.

We are asking the Lord to provide the necessary funds for us to achieve these goals.
Everything we are proposing and committing ourselves to reach for is subject to
God’s will and will depend upon God’s provision for the financial supplies. But,
God is able and faithful to do just that! [Matthew 6.8; 2 Corinthians 9.8-11;
Philippians 4.19

Goal #1: Eliminate the monthly General Fund deficits and increase our General
Fund giving by 25% over a three-year period. This will mean an annual increase of
approximately $125,000 over our present annual General Fund giving. Or, a $10,000
increase in our monthly offerings for the General Fund.

Goal #2: Increase the base salary of our missionaries by 20% over a three-year
period pending available funds. Our missionaries currently receive a monthly salary of
$1717.00 or $20,604.00 annually.
* 5% appreciation lump-sum bonus in December 2012 [$1030.00]
* 5% base salary increase beginning January 2013 [to $1802.00/mo]
* 5% base salary increase beginning January 2014 [to $1893.00/mo]
* 10% base salary increase beginning January 2015 [to $2082.00/mo]

This goal will require a significant immediate and sustained increase in our General Fund

Goal #3: Increase the number of missionaries pending available funds.
* one to be added in November 2013
* one to be added in November 2014
* one to be added in November 2015

Goal #4: Change the retirement plan for new missionaries to a 401K or 403B type
plan: BFM would match 6-10% of their base salary placed in an individual account.

Goal #5: Encourage the missionaries to promote the benefits and services they
receive through BFM’s General Fund.  Support for the BFM General Fund benefits not only them personally, but also all the missionaries supported through BFM.  They would encourage support for BFM in their monthly ministry reports and also during their furlough visits among the churches.

Goal #6: On a three-year cycle each missionary and his works shall be visited by a
Director(s) and a Representative from his sending church beginning in 2013.

Goal #7: We will eliminate the “Car Fund” benefit since it has been unfunded and
defunct for the past several years.

Goal #8: We will establish a repository and archive of BFM documents and
historical records, both past and present.

Goal #9: We will encourage visits by sending/sponsoring churches to the mission

Goal #10: We will establish a schedule of church visitation among our
fellowshipping and supporting churches: every supporting church shall be visited by
a Director of BFM at least once every three years for the purpose of thanking them and
cultivating continuing relationships.

Please help us reach these goals by partnering with us in giving offerings to our General
Fund! None of these goals will be reached merely by wanting them, announcing them,
or publicizing them. We are asking you to join us to help make them realities for our

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Missionary Update: The Wacasers in Brazil [April 2012]

Bobby, Charlene, Jessie, and Brennen Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.

April 5, 2012

Dear Friends,

The group of 53 youth with their adult leaders from Brandon, FL did arrive and we had a wonderful week of ministry together with them. Projeto Vida partners with them by providing several resources during their week here each year. The sound system, transportation, meeting hall and additional skits and music help to provide a more complete “package” for evangelizing in the public schools and parks. The cultural exchange between the Brazilian and American youth also serves to motivate both groups. Each year we see more teens from the US deciding to get involved in missions more completely and also we see many Brazilian young people energized by the passion and dedication the American youth exhibit.

This week we plan to begin pouring the concrete floor of the auditorium. We have practically finished the classrooms and bathrooms and hope to install the doors and windows, finally. I have had to strive not to get frustrated with this part of the project. The window company keeps telling me that they’ll be there “next week,” but “next week” has turned into “next month” twice. I have been to the company and they have shown me the glass already cut and waiting to be installed. They are custom cut windows, so I believe that there is no intent to rip us off. I hope that by my next letter to you I can include pictures of the windows installed. Keep us in your prayers, please.

One of the Wacasers' first works.

You may remember that I had to reassume the pastoral role at my former church due to some legal and moral issues the man we placed there caused. Anyway, we do have a man in whom we trust to take my place there now and soon we’ll be able to work fulltime at the new church and partner with him and that church on special projects of evangelism.  We are thankful to Bro. David Hatcher and the Nova Igreja Batista in Manaus for helping us fill this role.

The two churches are busy this week calling on the people who attended our public park rallies and made professions of faith. We are inviting them to attend intensive Bible studies and introduce them to a life of walking with Jesus Christ. We hope and pray that we will be baptizing many of these people in the upcoming weeks.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.

In Christ’s love,
Bobby, Charlene and Brennen Wacaser
Rua Manoel Valdomiro de Macedo, 2281
81170-150 Curitiba, PR Brasil

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Missionary Update: Sheridan & Anita Stanton in Peru [April 2012]

Sheridan and Anita Stanton have served the Lord in Peru for 28 years. Their main ministry is church planting and they have helped establish churches all over the country. Sheridan also works to train pastors and Anita works with the ladies' ministry and developing children's material.

April 6, 2012

Dear friends and family,

Matthew 28:5-8 [5] And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. [6] He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. [7] And go quickly, and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead; and, behold, He goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see Him: lo, I have told you. [8] And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring His disciples word.

Spanish speaking people of the world refer to “Easter” as “la Pascua.” There is much pomp and processions in the streets, all the banks, government offices and most of the stores are closed.  Here in Peru, both the Thursday and Friday before Easter Sunday are official holidays. In the small village of Churubamba, just twelve miles from Huánuco, they have a good enactment of the Passion of Christ each year.  People come from all over Peru to see it.  It is truly a different kind of cultural experience.

It has been my observation, in my twenty-nine years of living in Peru, that there is much more emphasis placed on the suffering and death of Christ and little on the resurrection.  This is not surprising, however, because the world in general has no problem with the death and burial of Christ; after all, everyone has to die someday.  Nevertheless, what the world cannot “swallow or buy into” is the resurrection because that part of the Gospel message is a declaration of miraculous power!  I have noticed in the past ten years or so, that Hollywood has cranked out numerous films either subtly or openly trying to debunk the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Besides the world’s denial of the resurrection, it seems every year “Easter Sunday” becomes more about Easter eggs and chocolate bunnies than the resurrection of our Lord Jesus.  I enjoy watching the American custom of our children hunting for the eggs (and the daddies helping eat the chocolate bunnies!!), but I pray we might all be reminded on this special Sunday to make sure we openly declare to all the world that “HE is risen from the dead!” We believe it and we declare it to all.  The Apostle Paul said, “And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:14.  Without the resurrection there is no gospel message, no Christianity.  This is why Anita and I are serving in Peru – to give the lost people of Peru the complete message of the Gospel, that includes – “He is risen from the dead.”  I pray God will bless each of you this Easter Sunday with many souls turning from their sins and trusting in the risen Jesus as their Lord and Savior!

Last month I asked you to pray for a young man named Hilter about his upcoming foot operation.  Well, the Lord answered your prayers, the operation was declared a success and young Hitler is recuperating while hobbling around on crutches we bought him.  Thank you for your prayers.  He is one of many that continues to fill the ranks here at the Calvary Baptist Mission Church.

I made a short trip to Lima in March to get our annual immigrant visas stamped.  The middle of the month I traveled to a small jungle town called Naranjillo, on the outskirts of Tingo Maria.  Carlos Gonzales, my friend and a Peruvian pastor, has started a new work there and asked me to come and preach.  We had a good meeting with a few saved.  It is always a joy to see these new mission churches get started and then to watch them grow and mature as the years go by.

Anita and I are looking forward to seeing you soon when we come to the States for furlough in May.  She has a doctor’s appointment a few days after we arrive to see about operating on her knees.  The meniscus in each of her knees is torn and must be repaired and she suffers with constant pain from this condition.  It is hard for me to make a furlough schedule until we know the “when and how” of her surgeries.  As soon as I can, I will be getting in touch with you pastors and setting up a date to come and visit.  Please send me the dates of your conferences if you would like me to participate.  I always try to work our schedule around the various conferences.  We will be in the States from May through the end of December.  God bless you all!  Until next month.

In HIM by HIS grace,

Sheridan and Anita Stanton
Apartado Postal 140
Huanuco, Perú
South América
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
Phone: 614-500-8823
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita
Phone: 615-562-0529

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Missionary Update: The Tates in Kenya [April 2012]

The Tate Family has served the Lord in Kitale, Kenya since January 2008. Their main ministry is indigenous church planting.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

What a great month we have had this past month. My parents, Norm and Mary Tate
from National City, Michigan visited us here in Kitale for the last four weeks. What a joy to have family here for a while. They were also able to visit the various groups we have started and experience what we are trying to do here in Kitale. My father was even invited to speak at one of the groups and he accepted, talking about the love of Christ in action. I think my mom and dad appreciated being a part of our ministry here for a short time. We miss them already as they left to return to the States two days ago.

Well, the time has come in our groups that I have been expecting ever since we started them. What time is that, do you ask? It’s the time when the group members begin
to ask us for things in the hopes of getting money, aid and “sponsors”. I knew all along
that it would happen. Of that I had no doubt. What I didn’t know was how long it would
take to happen and what would be the subsequent results. I now know how long it would
take but I still don’t know the results.

Group #2’s requests started a couple of weeks ago. It became clear that they were
hoping that we would be providing a church building, chairs, electricity, etc. Upon
learning this we immediately strayed from our intended lessons and began to teach them
and show them our model of ministry, a model we believe is the Biblical model of the
New Testament. We taught them that we want to start churches that are independent and
self-reliant (meaning not financially dependent on the missionary, not that they are
independent of the Holy Spirit). While they should already know these concepts, the
teaching almost seemed new and completely foreign to them. One lady gave me this
example: “When our children are born we care for and nurture them exclusively. We
feed them and make sure they are clothed. We take care of them. We give them
mattresses to sleep on and shoes on their feet. Later we pay for them to go to school and
we buy schoolbooks. We continue to care for them in this manner until they are adults.
Then, once they are grown and can take care of themselves we don’t need to help them as
much any more. At this point all they need is our advice.” The lady was obviously using
the illustration as a pattern to how I should be starting churches, i.e. helping them with
everything they need until they are well established. Then they can take care of
themselves. The problem with the example is two-fold. First, it’s paternalism and I don’t
really want to be their “daddy” and them my “children” that I have to take care of. They
are mature, smart people. They don’t need that kind of relationship. Second, her
example may work with children but it doesn’t work with churches. Her example would
build dependency into the churches from the beginning and I can tell you I have never
seen a Kenyan church weaned from such dependency. Never. Not even churches that
have been established for many years. They even told Nathan and I that our refusal to
help them showed a lack of faith on our part; that if we just had enough faith, the money
would come in. Somehow, he didn’t associate that with his own faith, just ours.

Group #3’s requests were stepped up this week. I was told that all the women sitting
on one side of the house were widows and all the children sitting on the other side of the
house were orphans. I was asked what I was going to do to help them. I was told they
had to work seven days a week to earn a living and since they were working on Sundays
they couldn’t come to church. I was told I should help them so that they wouldn’t have to
work and then they could come worship on Sundays. I was also asked how we would be
able to bring others into the group when they obviously had to work too. Do you hear the
implications here? The implications are that I should pay them to come to worship and
study the Bible, otherwise they will not be able to come. I obviously had much to say about this, much more than I can say in this short update. Bottom line is that I explained why this particular method was dead wrong and why I would never do it.

What will the results be of denying these requests? I don’t know. Many, I am sure, will not come to the groups anymore. Maybe these groups will die now that they know I have refused them. Maybe they will continue to ask me for things hoping I will give in (this is likely). Or, maybe the Holy Spirit will reach into these people’s hearts, change their lives, give them a heart to love and care for one another rather than waiting for the missionary to care for them, and put within their hearts a fire for serving and following Jesus that they never had before. I’m praying for this last option. I hope you are too.

Until next month, beloved.
May God’s peace and joy be with you.
For the glory of God in East Africa,
Roger & Julie Tate (and Emily, Amy, & Josiah)

P.O. Box 761
Kitale, Kenya 30200

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