FaithWORKS Report [February 2013]
April 22-24
Hosted by Thompson Road Baptist Church | Lexington, KY | Dave Parks, Pastor
Block these dates and plan to attend.
The theme for our Conference is “O LORD, REVIVE YOUR WORK!” based on Habakkuk’s prayer in Habakkuk 3.2.
Be checking our website’s FaithWorks Blog and Events pages for the complete Conference program. One of the prominent features of this Spring Conference will be the presence of two of our most veteran missionaries: Harold Bratcher and John and Alta Hatcher. Brother Bratcher is retiring from 52½ years of active and faithful overseas service and is relocating here in the States. John and Alta Hatcher are marking 58 years of missionary service in Brasil. We will be blessed to have these faithful servants of the Lord in our Conference services – and we want to take this opportunity to recognize them and express our love and gratitude to God and to them for their exemplary service.
You will note in the Contributions Record in The Mission Sheets that an additional $5,883.00 was given for our current Thanksgiving Offering. We bless God for each one of you who has given to this offering. We are still running significantly behind on what we will need to complete the commitments for our missionaries through the current year. But, we know that you who have given have done so faithfully, generously, and faithfully.
The offering is still open for your contributions – or re-contributions as God supplies you with the ability to give.
These offerings are essential to fulfilling the financial benefits and commitments we have made to provide for their needs and to support all the activities required to keep their ministries going.
PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY TO GOD – AND ASK HIM TO GIVE YOU A GENEROUS OFFERING TO CONTRIBUTE! ‘THANK YOU!’ to every one who has contributed this year to make this offering what it is!
Our General Fund supplies the essential disbursements we make to our missionaries each month for their salary, standard expense funds, hospitalization premiums, and their correspondences with you through the Mission Sheets.
The total disbursement each month just for these Essential Maintenance Transactions is $46,039.61. That amount must be supplied each month from the General Fund to supply these commitments. If we don’t receive sufficient offerings to meet these commitments, then we will necessarily have to REDUCE the deposits we make to your missionaries’ accounts.
Please do this right now – note the amount given each month to the General Fund [click here to view the January 2013 Mission Sheet in PDF format] and compare it with the above amount of standing committed disbursements. Please give all you can to the General Fund to help us NOT have to reduce the disbursements we make to them.
If every one of us increases our contributions to the monthly General Fund by even a few dollars, we can more than supply these essential needs for our missionaries.
Our love, praises to God, and repeated ‘THANK YOU!’ to each one of you who gives to the General Fund each month!
“For the administration of this service not only supplieth the want of the saints, but is abundant also by many thanksgivings to God!” 2 Corinthians 9.12
Harold Bratcher is retiring from 52½ years of active and faithful missionary service in Manaus, Brazil, and is relocating to live here in the States. He is selling his home in Manaus and is seeking to purchase a home here. If you wish to contact him before he establishes a permanent address, you may contact him at: 859.277.3716 / 1012 Balsam Drive, Lexington KY 40504 / or through his email address:
- ODALI AND KATHY BARROS – PRAISE GOD for increases in their church’s outreach and God’s work in transforming lives.
- MIKE AND BEV CREIGLOW – PRAISE GOD for God’s work especially in interior mission works – and how about that 9-year-old protégé, Carlos! PRAY that we will be calling ‘Timothy’ in coming years!
- JOHN AND ALTA HATCHER – PRAY that God will give them a good and safe trip to the States for our Spring Conference. Continue to PRAY also and always for God’s hand to work in Assai. PRAISE GOD also for these faithful and fruitful evangelists and church-planting warriors – 58 years and still going!
- JOHN AND JUDY HATCHER – PRAISE GOD for continuing ‘providential encounters’ God gives them to witness the Gospel to unbelievers. God is at work even when they walk the dog!
- A.J. AND BARB HENSLEY – PRAY for their new church plant, Caragua Baptist Church. PRAISE GOD for the people He is bringing and for the life-changes the Holy Spirit is working.
- NATHAN AND CARRIE RADFORD – PRAY always for the struggling church plant in Shangalamwe. PRAY also for their move out of their current home into a new one.
- ROGER AND JULIE TATE – PRAY for God to cover them and shield them with His Spirit from the discouragements of ministry and many adversities – and also that the Lord will establish the infant church at Shangalamwe. PRAY also that the Lord will direct their works going forward.
- SHERIDAN AND ANITA STANTON – PRAISE GOD for a safe return to Peru and for delivering them through many obstacles. PRAISE GOD also for increases in their missions and new converts to Christ.
- BOBBY AND CHARLENE WACASER – PRAY for them and their church as they seek to reach other neighborhoods, especially Corbelia. PRAISE GOD for progress and growth in their church.
- JUD AND RAQUEL HATCHER – PRAY for God’s direction in a possible new church plant [already!] in another state, Goias. PRAY and PRAISE God for growth in Active Baptist Church – and for growing problems and pains.
- HAROLD BRATCHER – PRAY for his continuing health and strength and for the sale of his house in Manaus.
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Missionary Update: Harold Bratcher [February 2013]
February 10, 2013
Dear Brothers of the Blessed Lord and Sisters of the Savior:
Once again I greet you not from the Amazon Valley of Brazil, South America, but from my cold Kentucky home where the sun is shining bright!
This Mission Sheets month began January 6th and finishes today. During this period I heard 12 sermons, or Bible studies. On Wednesday night, January 9th, we had the privilege of attending at the New Life Baptist Church here in Lexington. We heard an excellent Bible study on Isaiah 7, by Pastor Steve Wainright. On Friday the 11th, we moved into the Mission house on 1012 Balsam Drive. We are enjoying the house, while we await the sale of my house in Manaus. We also appreciate the excellent condition it was left in by Anita and Sheridan.
The second Sunday of January found us at the Clarksville Baptist Church of Richmond, Ky where we participated in the lesson taught by dear pastor Bradley Johns, and then I heard Asa Mark preach in the AM service. We then had the privilege of having lunch with Deane Cruise. The next Wednesday night, we had the privilege of hearing dear pastor Mickey Hyder at the 212 year old Historic David’s Fork Baptist Church. We are attending Wednesday nights there for the Bible Studies, the Story, studying the Bible, book by book during the year.
On Sunday morning the 20th, we attended the also 212 year old Glen’s Creek Baptist Church in Versailles, Ky and heard the Pastor Justin Rader. We then participated in a Chili dinner to raise money for a Mission trip to Central America. The next Sunday we attended the am service at the Ashland Ave. Baptist Church here in Lexington, hearing the sermon by Pastor David Prince. That pm, we heard Dr. Greg Waltermire at the Heritage Baptist Church, in Lexington.
During the month of February, we have attended services at the Clays Mills Road Baptist Church here in Lexington where my niece, Carolyn Sue Bratcher is a member. Dr. Jeff Fugate is the pastor. We also have attended the service at Lexington Baptist Temple, at the invitation of our dear family friend, Sister Ann Burris. Appreciated the music and message by the pastor, Derek Holmes.
I hope to be a blessing to many of you, during this first year of my permanent furlough. I would like to report and thank each of you that have supported us during these past years. We appreciate the invitations to come during the Spring. Until next month.
Yours in the Service of the Savior,
Harold Bratcher
1012 Balsam Drive
Lexington, KY 40504
(859) 277-3716
(859) 806-9827 cell
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Missionary Update: Jud & Raquel Hatcher in Brazil [February 2013]
Dear friends,
The Lord is blessing us everyday and we are thankful. The church is growing and as a result, we are encountering several growing pains. When people are reached by the Gospel of Christ, the enemy will do everything within his reach to create havoc. Nonetheless, the Lord gives us wisdom to help people and find ways to share the Gospel.
Here are three special prayer requests:
Please, pray for a couple in their late twenties (I am not able to mention names) that they may surrender to Christ and for the Lord to save their marriage. This is a couple we’ve been working with for a few months now. A couple of weeks ago they had a physical altercation. They have a son who is 5 years old and witnessed everything. Unfortunately, this is not the first time the child had seen this behavior from his parents. Pray for the Lord to transform their lives.
Also, pray for a 17 year old man (again, no names). He impregnated his 19 year old girlfriend. The girl’s mother is a widow and they boy’s parents have a rocky marriage. This young couple does not know the Savior and have been living together for the last 3 months (with their parents’ endorsement). Now that she is pregnant, both parents are furious. A few weeks ago the young couple had a severe fight and the neighbors called the police. She had him gasping for air in a headlock when he bit her arm, amongst other aggressions. I was informed that the young lady was dedicated to the “spirits” as a baby by her mother in a “Candomble” ritual. She struggles with frequent demon possession and is fearful of what the demons may do if she surrenders to Christ. Pray that the young couple and their parents may heed to the Gospel.
Pray for an opportunity to open a new church in another state. Rogério, Dani, and their son Matteus moved last week to Goiania (capital city of Goiás) due to his work. We believe the Lord is opening doors to start a church in this city. We are exchanging ideas and praying for the Lord’s will in this matter. We plan to start a home prayer group once they are settled in at their new house. I’d like to visit them soon for a city survey and planning. Please, pray for inroads within the community and for the family to develop new lasting relationships.
Thank you for your prayers and support. Continue to pray and give to the BFM General Fund. It is crucial for the work of our ministry and all of our other beloved missionaries supported through Baptist Faith Missions. Do you know of other churches or individuals in other states who currently do not support missions thru BFM? Do think they may to consider partnering with us too? Could you speak to them on our behalf? I pray that you will.
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
Website | Twitter
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Missionary Update: The Wacasers in Brazil [February 2013]
Dear Friends,
I hope you got to see the picture of our new church building after we finished painting it. We are sure happy that part is finished. We had been having services in it all during the construction process, but several people have asked us when we are going to begin holding services.
There seems to always be “one more thing” to do when building, but there are basically only two that we are focusing on: 1) buying and installing our sound system, and 2) putting in a ceiling in the auditorium. We are almost there!
My foot and leg have nearly completely healed. I will have the opportunity to really test them out next Saturday when we take a group mountain hiking. I have run a few times and did a short mountain hike a couple of weeks ago and didn’t feel too much pain or swelling afterward. It has been 3 months since I broke them, but I’m very grateful for how well and quickly they are healing.
Our outreach ministry through American Football is developing very well. One of the 5 teams in our city has recently hired a former NFL player to be their head coach and his brother, a former Arena football player, to be the defensive coach. I have met and spoke with both of them and they have shown interest in working with me to evangelize and minister to the players, leaders and fans. Once again, I want to encourage any football coaches or players to contact me if you are interested in participating in an evangelistic mini-camp in June of this year. Also, we are in great need of football equipment: pads, helmets, cleats, pants and practice jerseys. This equipment can be used, of course, if it is in good condition.
I am praying for guidance about the leader to put over our new work in Corbelia, a neighborhood nearby. There are several thousand residents in this area, but not one single church. We are visiting the folks who live there, but we strongly believe that the most effective way to reach them and impact their lives is to plant a church in their community. I have trained a man for several years who, I believe, would be the right person for the job, but he is also the right-hand man of my former church’s pastor and his leaving would be a great loss to him. Pray with me to act wisely and to truly discern God’s will concerning this decision.
The Lord has blessed us so much with great health, a growing ministry and met needs. We are truly thankful. We also thank Him for you who have felt led to give toward our ministries so that we can continue to share the gospel and minister to those whom the Lord has put in our sphere of impact. We trust that you will be greatly rewarded, both now and forever.
In Christ’s love,
Bobby, Charlene and Brennen Wacaser
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR Brasil
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Missionary Update: The Tates in Kenya [February 2013]
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Hello, Beloved, and greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ our Savior. A friend of
mine often ends her Facebook posts with the acronym GIGATT. It means “God is good, all the time.” For years at my home church in Bellbrook, Ohio, my pastor would say from the pulpit, “God is good” and the congregation would spontaneously respond, “All the time.” And one of our beloved deacons would even add “Rain or shine.” You know, this statement is true even though sometimes you and I don’t always realize it or recognize it. God is good to His people in America. And he is good to His missionaries in Kenya. This paragraph is an aside and a freebie. No extra charge.
Now, unfortunately, because of extenuating circumstances, I don’t really have anything very interesting to report this month (Hopefully that last statement didn’t cause you to stop reading this update right here). Why is that, do you ask? Well, it’s because I have spent most of the last month in Nairobi, 350 kilometers away from home and ministry [Editor’s Note: about 218 miles]. In fact, even as I write this I am again at a guest house in Nairobi. The first reason I’ve spent so much time in Nairobi is, strangely enough, because of my dog. Back in December I ran over his leg and broke it clean through up near his hip. Since there were no vets in Kitale or even in Eldoret who could take care of such a major break, I had to take him to Nairobi to be fixed up. Since that initial trip to the vet I think I have come to Nairobi five more times just for the dog. Each trip takes at least 2-3 days.
The other thing that happened was that Julie was ill. We came to Nairobi for a few days so that she could see a good doctor and get some real tests done. We ended up staying for 14 days. While here in Nairobi we went from one doctor to the next, from one hospital to the next and from one test to the next. I think we were about to give up hope of finding the problem until one doctor actually discovered something. Julie was finally able to get some care. She had an outpatient surgical procedure at the Aga Khan hospital here in Nairobi and a few days later we were finally cleared to go back home. She is feeling some better now and hopefully will continue to feel better for a long time.
Now, let me look forward a few weeks. By the time you get my next newsletter update Kenya will have held it’s presidential and local elections. After the last elections Kenya was a blood bath and thousands of people were killed in rioting and tribal conflicts. We pray that the situation will be different this time, however, no one really knows what will happen. To prepare for these elections we have been stocking up on some necessary items: I bought 60 extra liters of diesel for the car, bought two extra bottles of cooking propane for the stove, stocked up on rice, beans, pasta, flour, etc, got some extra malaria medicine and have basically prepared for what the US embassy calls a “zombie apocalypse”. We will stay in Kitale through the elections and try and ride out any storm and violence that may arise. Please be in prayer for God’s protection in our lives, in the lives of other missionaries here in Kenya and for the Kenyan people and their country.
So, if you didn’t stop reading after my earlier statement above, I congratulate you by
saying that I do have some interesting thoughts and perspectives on my current and
future ministry direction here in Kenya that I would like to share. I haven’t formulated
them all or worked them all out in my head yet, however. My aim is to start sharing
them with you next month.
Until next month, beloved.
May God’s peace and joy be with you.
For the glory of God in East Africa,
Roger & Julie Tate (and Emily, Amy, & Josiah)
P.O. Box 96
Kitale, Kenya 30200
Visit their blog!
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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [January 2013]
January 3, 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We are back home in Tournefeuille, France. We left Chicago early on the first day of 2013. The Lord has continued to bless the church here while we were gone. The faithfulness of those who are a part of the congregation encourages us. Our goal is to establish congregations that are independent and self-supporting with local leadership. Thank you for your faithful support which enables us to continue working toward this God-given goal.
The month of December was spent enjoying the fellowship of our family and friends in the Chicago and Evansville area. The time with our three children and their families who live in the United States was priceless. What a blessing it is to have children who are serving the Lord. Making the most of these rare moments with our grandchildren was a source of great joy.
Judy and I were able to spend several delightful hours with Erna and Joe Stibi who are now members of First Baptist Church, Niles, Illinois. About the time we came to France, Erna worked as a crossing guard on the corner next to East Maine Baptist Church’s building in Niles, IL. Judy was entertaining some of the Ruth and Bob Rossman’s children while we met in the church and introduced herself to Erna. Since I was spending some time with the church there, Judy suggested that I might like talk to Erna some more. I followed her advice. Speaking to Erna, I learned that she had immigrated to the US with her family from the former Yugoslavia when she was just a girl. She was open to the Good News of Jesus Christ. I mentioned this to Emily Keys, a member of East Maine Church. She picked up the baton and was soon having Bible studies with Erna. Soon, Erna trusted Christ. Not long afterward, Joe, her husband trusted Christ and they were both baptized in fellowship with the East Maine Church. In December they took us out for lunch and we were thrilled to hear the story of how God moved both of them from Eastern Europe to the United States where they came to know and trust Christ personally. There are a lot of people who need to hear about Christ living around us. May God help each of us to “reach out and touch someone”.
While with Judy’s sister, Peggy, in Evansville we were able to see many of our loved ones in Christ. It had been quite a while since we had seen many of these brothers and sisters in the family of God and it warmed our heart. Separation is part of our earthly life, but we look forward to eternity when we shall be forever with the Lord and each other!
The six week sabbatical spent away was good for Judy and me. It is always good to have time to reflect on what the Lord has done, is doing and wants us to do. We have returned encouraged.
Please, ask God to give us wisdom to serve Him faithfully making the most of every opportunity. There are 60 million in the this country who need Christ and our efforts are like dust on the scale, but we have a wonderful Savior who “is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.”
Thanking God for your partnership with us in Christ,
John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
Click here to donate to BFM.
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December 2012 Mission Sheets [PDF & Flip-through]
Your December 2012 Mission Sheet is now available in PDF format. Follow the link below to view it!
BFM Mission Sheet December 2012
You can also flip through the mission sheet at the link below:
(Once you get there, click at the bottom of the page to flip through.)
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Missionary Update: The Radfords in Kenya [January 2013]
Dear praying friends,
Lord willing, by the time you receive this prayer letter, it will be the year 2013. I know at this time that many people make “New Year’s resolutions” for the upcoming year. My prayer is that we would make resolutions to follow the Lord closely this year, be committed to serving Him, and reaching the lost with the Gospel message. Would these be good resolutions for us to follow this upcoming year? I think so, and I hope and pray that these would be some of the goals for this year. May we have more zeal to serve the Lord this year that is ahead. Romans 12:10-11 says “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord.” This update will share ministry progress as well as prayer requests.
Before discussing ministry, I would ask prayer for two specific things. The first is our work permit. To legally continue in the ministries here in Kenya, a work permit from the government is needed. These usually expire every two to three years. Our permit expires in April of this year. Please pray that if it would be the Lord’s will, that the renewal of the permit would be granted with no issues or problems. We have heard of other permits having problems, so this is why I ask prayer for this specifically. We know the Lord is in complete control, and we trust Him with it. What a comfort it is to know that God is sovereign, nothing takes Him by surprise, and we can trust Him with everything in our lives. Psalm 115:3 says “But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.” Thanks for prayers for this.
Also, the election of Kenya is drawing near. As you may recall from the previous election, the country had unrest and certain areas were dangerous. We praise the Lord that during the last election Kitale was calm and peaceful. I believe the election is scheduled for March, so please pray for the whole election process, that it would be done fairly and that it would remain peaceful. During our recent missionary community meeting we discussed the election and it was recommended to have additional supplies at home to last one to two months. This way, in case of any unrest or problems, we would have our necessary supplies. Even while Kitale is usually peaceful, other communities on the route from Nairobi to Kitale aren’t and this causes problems for the delivery trucks, thus a shortage of supplies. How thankful we are to have a close missionary community who takes care of each other. We are truly blessed. John 14:27 says “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” What a great verse for us to know and claim, wherever we are or whatever situation we are in.
The church plant in the village of Shangalamwe is continuing along. There have been definite challenges along the way such as high dependence on the missionary, and I am so thankful for my good friend Roger Tate and our co-laboring in this village. I thank the Lord for his family’s willingness to live and serve here in Kenya. Life here is difficult as we are often homesick, lonely and experiencing culture fatigue but what a blessing they are not only to us, but so many others.
Please pray for this church in Shangalamwe, that they would follow the Scriptures in their faith and practice. There are many requests such as that they would recognize the authority of the Word of God and follow it wholeheartedly. Also that they would have a heart to serve others and that they would seek to be independent of us and rely on the Lord. Please pray also for us as missionaries, that we would faithfully teach the Scriptures in love and that we would be an encouragement to this church. Please pray that we would be a good example before others and be the “salt and light” that the Bible calls us to be. There are so many things to pray about, and these are just some of the current prayer requests. A quote I like is “There is much to pray about and nothing to worry about.” We will keep you updated of this ministry.
The Annex prison is continuing along well. We are now near the end of the “Firm Foundations” course. It has been exciting to watch the growth spiritually in these men. The next plan is to teach the men how to study the Word of God inductively, verse by verse, chapter by chapter. In this way, Lord willing, when they are released, they can go and teach others in their areas and villages. These men come from all over the country, and when I discussed this option with the men, they were very excited about it. I thank the Lord for the cooperation of the main office and the chaplains. We will keep you updated of this also.
In family prayer requests, one of our current requests is for playmates for our two daughters. Unfortunately, it has not been very easy for our children to have other children their age to play with. Most of the missionary children here are older. So, a big family prayer request is that our daughters will have children their age to play with. There has been a recent opportunity for them to go weekly to a nearby children’s home to play with the Kenyan children, and this has greatly helped. However, it would still be good for them to have American children to play with also that are their age. We would appreciate prayers for this, as this is specifically for our children.
In closing, may we all be zealous for the Lord this year. We do not know the day the Lord will return. It could be anytime. If the Lord were to come today, would He find us faithfully serving Him? I hope and pray so. There is no better time to serve the Lord than right now. I pray that we would be the living sacrifice the Bible calls us to be. I will close with Romans 12:1-2, which says “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
God’s blessings to each of you.
Nathan and Carrie Radford
P.O. Box 4150
Kitale, Kenya
East Africa 30200
Click here to donate to BFM.
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