Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher in Brazil [December 2012]
Dear friends,
We send you greetings from the north and northeast of Brazil. Brazilian school begins mid-January and ends the first of December. Seminary and Bible classes had finals and end-of-year parties the last week of November. The Christian school also finished the year. Preparation for the upcoming year and enrollment is at full throttle. This is most important for the success of the coming year. Teacher and staff recruiting and training are also underway.
Leigh Samples, our daughter, is principal of the Christian day school and Pastor Michael Samples, our son-in-law, is Dean of the Bible Institute and Leadership Training. We had a good year and are very thankful for the impact the Word of God is having on all the student body. Pray that many laborers be prepared and sent out to harvest ready fields.
The new churches are doing very well, and the Lord is adding the saved to the churches. The paper work necessary to incorporate with the government and the transfer of facilities is taking about one year to complete. The everyday business and running time seems to fly; often it’s so easy to get caught up in the details and problem solving that we forget the great things God is doing. It was refreshing to be reminded by one of the pastors that twenty-three churches were organized, incorporated to meet government requirements, and properties transferred over the last twelve months.
This caused a swelling emotion of joy and gratitude to Our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father in heaven. The Lord has done great things. It’s precious to know Him, to trust Him, and to be filled with His love for Jesus Christ and His children.
We ask that you pray for us that God will encourage and embolden us in the coming year. All the family, Wanda, the children and grandchildren are doing well.
Thanks for your prayers and faithful support,
Paul and Wanda Hatcher
Avenida J. Carlos Antony, 172
65063-150 Manaus
Amazonas, Brasil SA
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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [December 2012]
December 1, 2012
Dear Brethren and Fellow-Workers,
At the age of eighty-seven a person talks a lot, usually about things that most do not want to hear. It is a little more difficult to write. I will do my best. Alta and I are doing well. Her vision is perfect after the cataract surgeries. We are thankful and praise the Lord. My health has suffered some in a weaker body and some mental anguish. I am still able to drive and tie my shoe strings. Alta does her own cooking and has a great appetite.
THE LORD’S WORK – Alta and I go every Sunday morning to Assai. The work is still at zero with only one lady who is saved and baptized. We meet each Sunday for Bible study and Alta’s class. It is wonderful to have the promise that where two or three are gathered in His Name He is with us. With joy and thanksgiving we make the trip and worship together. The city of Assai has 20,000+ inhabitants. Many false churches. In our years in Brazil it is the most difficult place we have worked. This city was founded by Japanese 104 years ago. Ours is the first Baptist work in this city. We continue because we know it is God’s will to do so and one day He will bless the seed to His honor and glory.
URAI – This work is doing well and there is a group of great dedicated young people who are serving the Lord. Three of them work in two Congregations. Five study in the Seminary. We are encouraged for the future with this group.
One of the Seminary teachers, Sonia dos Santos, had cancer of the breast. She had surgery last week, removing the breast. Her husband, Valdir dos Santos, is pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Cornelio Procopio. Please pray for Sonia and the family in this trying experience.
FAMILY – We are expecting the births of three new great grandchildren: One from Kriston and John Victor McGary, one from Lydia and Adam Reese, and the other from Amelia and Ivo Oliveira. We praise God for His work of grace in the lives of our grandchildren. All are serving the Lord; some in the States, some in France, and some in Brazil. Our hearts a filled with gratitude that our great grandchildren are being saved and baptized. How rich we are in His eternal blessings.
VISITS – David and Pennie plan to visit us for a few days the last of December. Paul and Wanda will be with us the first of January when he comes to be the main speaker in the annual Family Camp that Valdir dos Santos and Tabernacle Church sponsor.
Pray for our health and ability to continue active in His Work until He comes or until He takes us. Thank you for your many years of financial support and prayers. We love you and realize that what we do depends on your help and love.
In His Name,
John and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
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Missionary Update: Sheridan & Anita Stanton in Peru [December 2012]
Dear friends,
November – the busiest and most exciting month yet, of our 2012 eight month furlough. We began the month in Atlanta, Georgia attending the annual conference of the National Christian Counselors Association. I made a lot of new friends and learned more about the legal and business considerations of a counseling ministry.
Anita and I traveled to Southern California to visit with her sister Hilda Bayhi (undergoing treatments for brain cancer). The doctors have determined that Hilda did not need the cyber-knife operation at this time; it is still a possibility at a later date. For now she continues to take another round of chemo therapy. Prayers are requested for Hilda and her husband, Charlie.
While in California, our son, Major Joshua Stanton USAF, came to visit with his family. He had returned from Afghanistan the week before and brought his family to spend some time with us. His two daughters, Caroline and Elizabeth have grown so much since we saw them last and we also got to see our newest grandson, Benjamin! Josh and his wife, Cheri, are both doing well and the entire family is in good health. Praise the Lord! Josh is waiting for his next assignment. Please keep him and the family in your prayers. Thanks.
Thanksgiving was spent with our daughter, Leah, and her family in Westerville, Ohio. Leah, with her husband, John, along with the children, Jack and Clara made Thanksgiving a most memorable holiday for Papaw and Nene!
Beside the busy month of traveling, we were able to visit many of our supporting churches on the weekends:
November – 4 in the morning with the Ella Grove Baptist Church, Glenville, Georgia. This church is looking for a pastor. Then with the Rye Patch Baptist Church, Ludowici, Georgia in the evening, Pastor Richard Holbrook.
November – 11 with the Berry Baptist Church, Berry, Kentucky, Pastor Carl Morton (am service). Grace Baptist Church, Georgetown, Kentucky, Pastor Bill Van Nunen (pm service).
November – 18 with the Twelve-Ryan Baptist Church in the evening service. This church is looking for a pastor.
November- 19-21 Anita and I attended the 58th Annual Thanksgiving Missions Conference of Baptist Faith Mission. This conference is hosted each year by the faithful saints of the New Hope Baptist Church of Dearborn Heights, Michigan. Special thanks also for the Grace Baptist Church of Wyandotte, Michigan for helping prepare and serve the meals each day. It was a great conference with great preaching. Thanks to all that had a part in making it all happen!
November – 25 found us sharing about the work in Peru at the High Point Baptist Church in Alexandria, Kentucky, Pastor Ron Duty. In the evening we had the joy of being with the Addyston Baptist Church of Addyston, Ohio.
We continue to be graciously received by each church. New friends have been made and a lot of old friendships have been strengthened. The amount of miles traveled on furloughs never changes but Anita and I feel this furlough has been a little less stressful due to your faithful prayers. Thank you all so much!
- Hilda Bayhi (Anita’s sister) continues to battle with brain cancer and has begun a new round of chemo-therapy. She lives in Southern California.
- Our son, Major Joshua Stanton, USAF, has returned from his second tour of service as a pilot in Afghanistan. He is waiting for his next assignment.
- God’s grace and protection as we continue our furlough travels.
- Anita had the toenail on her left big toe removed today. Pray for a quick recovery.
- For the Calvary Baptist Mission of Huánuco, Peru and all the churches and pastors of Peru.
- Our return to Peru in January will go smoothly and we will be able to adjust back into the work quickly.
In HIM by HIS grace,
Sheridan and Anita Stanton
Furlough Address:
1012 Balsam Drive
Lexington, KY 40504
(859) 277-3716 – mission house
(859) 490-5370 – cell in States
(614) 500-8823
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita
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Missionary Update: Mike & Beverly Creiglow in Brazil [December 2012]
December 4, 2012
Dear Brethren,
The problem is: What news to include and what to leave out?
The church at Assis Brasil celebrated her 50th anniversary with a conference mid November. They wanted Dad, the founder, to be the speaker, but he couldn’t be here. They had to settle for a second choice and second rate speaker: ME. The house was packed with over 400 present every night, but one.
The next night I preached at a meeting at our Cruzeirinho chapel.
I have been working day and night to get the steel structure and roof on the third floor of our annex. On the 15th, which was the same day as the anniversary at Assis Brasil, I had over 30 guys helping me put up the trusses. We wanted to have the roof on for our Thanksgiving dinner. On Thanksgiving day we had over 200 people setting up for the dinner while my crew was finishing up the roofing. I finished up the electrical at 7:00PM. I finished up my work, ran home to shave and shower and arrived back at church a half hour late. When I came up the last flight of stairs onto the terrace there were over 900 people sitting and standing around 200 tables. They were patiently waiting for me for Thanksgiving dinner to be served. This was the greatest Thanksgiving ever. It was a very emotional time. I spoke to the church for about 15 minutes then dinner was served. There was plenty to go around. Many of us were still there at 2:00 in the morning. I was the last person to leave and didn’t get to bed until after 3:00AM.
One weekend last month was visiting the church at Thaumaturgo, 300 KM up river. We dedicated a new work they started in a new location at the edge of town. They have a couple that they trained to take care of this new chapel. This trip was a real vacation for me. I preached 5 services in 3 days. There was time to prepare 2 lessons for here at my home church, too. That light of a schedule is a real vacation compared to the hours I have been putting in here in Cruzeiro do Sul. The church at Thaumaturgo continues to do very well though. The attendance is great, souls are being saved and their small groups are starting to take off.
We have had an extraordinary month here at First Baptist. There have been at least 13 professions of faith and about that many requests for baptism. Many who were out of fellowship have come back and several others have come confessing sin. I preached last Sunday night to an overflow crowd. There were 5 more saved in that service.
Andrew leads the small group that Bev and I participate in. This is a couples group, so there are supposed to be no more than 7 couples. Last week we had 17 couples! We had a first time couple: the former governor and his wife. He has 2 kinds of cancer, just had some major surgery and is having chemo. He is a staunch Catholic. I have witnessed to him before. He is in São Paulo right now having another treatment, but he will be coming to our house when he gets back for us to have a serious talk about his soul. A few weeks ago, while he was in SP recovering from surgery, I gave him a call to let him know that the church was praying for him. Later I found out that he mentioned that call during an interview for a radio program. It must have made an impression. So pray for him, for his health and that I will be used to win him to Christ. One of his boys is already saved and baptized at our church. His youngest son is now attending church regularly and is part of our small group. The 2 boys’ wives are already saved and baptized, too.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike and Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil 69980
mdcreig [at] hotmail.com
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Missionary Update: Harold Bratcher in Brazil [December 2012]
Dear Brothers of the Blessed Lord and Sisters of the Savior:
Once again we greet you from the Amazon Valley of Brazil, South America. The 1 million 832 thousand and 423 residents of Manaus, the capital of the state of Amazonas are enjoying the pleasant weather of not-quite-so-hot, due to the frequent rains. The rainy season is in full force, with windstorms, flooding, blackouts, and even whole roofs being blown away.
During these last two months, each Sunday morning and evening, Wednesday evening, and some Saturdays, I have left my house and home and gone by the taxi of one of our members, Bro. Raimundo, or the car of Bro. Mario Jorge, to the 24th of March Baptist Church, where I either preached or heard a sermon by another preacher. My assistant pastor, Bro. Williams Mendes, was ordained to the gospel ministry on Saturday, November 10th. After the ordination sermon on: “The True Man of God”, I led the ordination prayer and over 20 pastors participated with an overflow crowd. Also, two Saturdays before, I attended in the wedding ceremony of dear Bro. Raimundo and Maria de Nazare Braz. It was a joy to witness this event after 25 years of living together. It was also Bro. Raimundo’s birthday. Continue to pray for them and for us.
This Mission Sheets month began October 5th and finishes today. During this period I preached 12 sermons, all at the 24th of March Baptist Church where I serve as pastor.
During this period I heard a total of 4 sermons preached at 3 different places. One was at the Second Baptist Church of Manaus where the pastors of the Amazonas chapter of the Brazilian Baptist pastors were offering a service of honor and celebration for my 53 and a half years of ministry here in the Amazon Valley. Pastor Norton Riker Lajes of the First Baptist Church of Manaus brought a most appropriate and inspiring message. Then we enjoyed the fellowship afterwards. The other 2 were at the Communion Baptist Church on November 17th, and 18th. On those nights, we were celebrating the ordination to the gospel ministry of Bro. Arao Alves Damasceno dos Santos. On Saturday night, I led the ordination prayer and over 30 pastors participated with many standing. On Sunday night, Bro. Arao was installed as pastor of the Communion Baptist Church in Manaus. Also, I was able to pray at Marie’s and Joel’s grave, on November 2nd, the “Day of the Dead” here in Brasil and hear Bro. Aurindo Folha preach at the grave site of E.A. Nelson, the Apostle of the Amazonia.
I conclude this letter asking that you pray for our future plans. At this time, we are seeking to purchase a house and car in the States. Our home of 47 years has sold, but I haven’t received the money yet due to many complications transacting the legal documents here. We appreciate the help of Bro. Paul Hatcher and Dave Parks in this matter and hope everything will be concluded by next week.
May we all continue to heed the pleas of Pastor Dave Parks for more offerings for the Baptist Faith Missions General Fund. I am thankful that during the remainder of this year of 2012 so far, he has not had to reduce the benefits and salaries that the missionaries of Baptist Faith Missions receive, and also for the good news of the raise, given and received by faith!
The Bratchers in Brasil need the prayers of those we love, as well as those that love us. I am doing well, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I am looking to conclude my mission here, and continue it in my new Nineveh, as He sees fit. To God and Him only, be the Glory, for what He has done, is doing, and will still do through His humble servants.
Until next month, I am yours in the Service of the Savior,
Harold Bratcher
Rua Francisco Jose Furtado No. 2
Bairro de Sao Francisco
69.079-200 Manaus, Amazonas
Brasil, S.A.
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Missionary Update: Jud & Raquel Hatcher in Brazil [December 2012]
We’ve had a great month with the family. Just two weeks ago Melissa gave her first steps on her own. It was a tremendous joy to see her walk and watch her excitement in response to our enthused reaction. We celebrated her 1st birthday on December 1st. Sarah, Laura and Benjamin are on school break and are gearing up their bikes to go to the park whenever they get a chance.
Evangelistic Cookout
This last month we had an Evangelistic cookout with 72 guests on a holiday called “day of the deceased.” We had fantastic opportunities to share the Gospel. Before eating I preached concerning the resurrection of Christ and our new life in Him. Secondly, we shared individually as we ate with our friends. One man came to Christ. I’ve also had the chance to meet weekly with a couple as a result of the connection made that day.
Christmas Evangelism Camp
We scheduled a Christmas camp on December 15 & 16. We already have several families signed-up and look forward to an exciting and fun time with our unsaved and unchurched friends. Please, pray as we make preparations for the camp and for the hearts of those who will hear the Word.
Christmas Gift Baskets
This week we begin making our Christmas gift baskets and visiting peoples’ homes to present them with a basket and the Christmas message. It’s much easier to visit people with whom a previous contact has already been made, as opposed to “cold turkey” visits. We’ve made many new contacts through cookouts and other gatherings. We hope to make a lasting impact through this simple gesture of love.
Mens’ Fishing Trip
In January we will have a men’s fishing trip. We will leave on a Friday and return on Saturday. We will spend the night at a local lodge. Many of our unchurched friends are already inviting their friends to join us. The Gospel message is always clearly announced at everything we do together. Pray for salvation decisions during this fishing trip.
Thank you for you prayer and support. Please, continue to invest and pray as we work together until Christ’s second coming.
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
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Missionary Update: The Radfords in Kenya [December 2012]
Dear praying friends,
Another month has come and passed, and we are now very near the end of 2012. During this holiday season, may we never forget the true reason and meaning for Christmas, the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. One of my favorite verses concerning the Christmas season is Isaiah 7:14, which says “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” I pray that we would be thankful during this season and remember the birth of our Savior.
I wanted to send a recent photo of our family (above), as we have not sent once in several months. It is hard to believe that McKenna will be five years old soon and starting school next year. Camille is continuing to grow and develop, and Lord willing, will be two next February. A challenging verse to me as a father is Ephesians 6:4, which says “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Please pray for our family, for us as parents, and also for our children as they grow and develop.
The church plant in Shangalamwe is continuing along, but a prayer request that I have now for this church is for the dependency issues. The dependency has seemed to have increased in the past few weeks, and I ask for prayers specifically for my friend Roger Tate and I, that we would patiently teach the people the truth from the Word of God and that the Lord would work in hearts. Please also pray for the elder of the church, that the church chose, as he eventually will be stepping into more responsibility for leading the church. We have covered the main teachings to the church, have been modeling for the church over the past few months, and are continuing to progress along well. Again, if prayers could be made for the church to really lean upon the Lord and not anyone or anything else, that would be much appreciated. Psalm 118:8 states “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.” We will keep you updated of this ministry.
The Annex prison is continuing along well. We are continuing along well in the course “Firm Foundations – From Creation to Christ.” The men have been coming faithfully and seem to have a real desire to learn from the Word of God and follow and obey it. Please pray for each of the men, that they would be doers of the Word. One of my favorite verses is James 1:22, which says “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” What a challenging verse for all of us. We will be sure to keep you updated of the Annex prison ministry.
As for how to pray for us specifically, the holiday season here is always difficult. It is hard to be separated by thousands of miles from friends, family, culture, etc. We are doing the best we can, but there are definitely difficult times. I am so thankful for the Lord and for the strength He provides. His strength is perfect when our strength is gone. We wish you all a wonderful holiday season. Also, a great 2013.
May the Lord bless each of you.
Nathan and Carrie Radford
P.O. Box 4150
Kitale, Kenya
East Africa 30200
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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher [December 2012]
November 30, 2012
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Vacation Bible School in Tournefeuille held the first week of November went wonderfully well. The teachers were all well prepared and worked together flawlessly. The theme was reaching children around the world. We had special emphasis on Latin America, Asia, India and Africa. This included information on people groups and stories about missionaries to each of these continents, Bible stories, memory verses and a number of other activities. The gospel was clearly presented through the spoken and sung Word. It is really encouraging to observe the diligent and joyful service of the believers. Our oldest granddaughter, Abigail, participated for the first time as a leader. The primary purpose of this effort is to proclaim the Gospel. So, everyone involved was delighted that we had a good number of children participate who were from families outside the church. This underscores the importance of faithfully sowing and living the Word. Most of these who came were from ongoing contacts of many years.
On November 15 Judy and I left France to spend 6 weeks with our daughter Lydia to help her and her family after the birth of her and Adam’s 3rd child. Elias James Reece was born as we traveled. Mother and child are doing well. We are enjoying the visit with them and have also been able to spend time with our daughter Laura, son David and family, and a number of fellow believers. The Lord willing, we will return to Tournefeuille, France on January 1.
This trip to the US made it possible to attend the Thanksgiving Conference sponsored by New Hope Baptist Church in Dearborn Heights, MI. Thanks to all from this church and Grace Baptist Church, Wyandotte, MI for making the Conference a blessing to us and all who attended. We were able to fellowship with many brothers and sisters in Christ from Michigan whom we had not seen for many years. This was only our second time attending this conference since going to France in 1999. It was also delightful to visit with Sheridan and Anita Stanton, my aunt Neree, cousin Bob and wife Sharon and the Gerig Family who drove from Columbus, OH to see us.*
The time spent with the directors was fruitful. We thank God for each of these who serve us and our supporters faithfully. Their continuous labor, your support and the prayers of many are being used by God to enable us and the other missionaries associated with Baptist Faith Missions to proclaim the Good News, disciple believers and establish churches in France in and many other parts of the World.
The news from France is encouraging. Some of our Bible studies and activities must be put on hold while we are away, but the Church at Tournefeuille and many of its activities continue because of those that are faithfully serving there. It is truly a team effort.
May each of you enjoy God’s blessings and be fruitful in the service of the Lord.
Serving the Lord in France,
John and Judy
John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
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*Editor’s Addendum: You can listen to Bro. John Mark & Bro. Sheridan Stanton sing “I Love to Tell the Story” together at the Thanksgiving Conference on the BFM Youtube Channel.
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