Dedicated Students in Seminary Classes

The Hensleys have served the Lord in Brazil, South America since 1996. They have worked with orphanages, started mission points, established churches, and are presently conducting a seminary to train Brazilian pastors.

Dear friends and family,

What an AWESOME God we serve! I have so much to tell about the problems and blessings and answered prayers it is almost impossible to tell it all in a short letter. But here goes—in April we have completed two virtual Seminary classes. There were two different locations participating: São Paulo and Campins. These cities joined together to take these classes. Normally in São Paulo we have 32 students and in Campins we have 14 students. The virtual classes for April we had 29 students combined. This is an AWESOME blessing considering the problems with COVID—lack of work and lockdowns going on there in Brasil.

We all know that when God is at work the devil will pop up his ugly head when and where he can. To begin with, one of our primary Brasilian leaders and supporters, Pastor Marco de Silva and his wife both contracted COVID. His symptoms were milder than hers, so she has been hospitalized and has been intubated. So please pray for them (more on their conditions after the classes). He, however, took the classes. How AWESOME is that type of dedication.

Another student was still in the hospital yet he took the classes from his hospital bed. Many others have similar stories showing their determination to improve their Pastoral leadership. They are simply amazing, not only overcoming COVID problems, but many others, one of those major problems being financial with job losses and many places being shut down temporarily and others being completely closed.

Through it all God answered prayers. We reached out to various churches and individuals and many donations for these classes came in. We were able, with your help, to grant scholarships to every student in these classes. It is always AWESOME to see God work in these matters.

So let me now give you the testimony of a new student to Bluegrass Baptist Seminary: Matheus Godoy, a new student to BBS who attended the virtual courses offered April 19-23 and 26-30. Previously Matheus attended a Bible College in the town where he lived. He had only taken one course when the COVID pandemic occurred and, due to the pandemic, he lost his job and could no longer pay for any more courses at the Bible College. After several months of waiting and struggling, he was forced to move back home to live with his parents. Discouragement overtook him as he lost faith of fulfilling God’s calling until one of our students and translators, Maycon Ribeiro, shared with him about BBS. Maycon invited Matheus to attend the virtual class being offered in April. Matheus’ discouragement turned into joy, especially when he found out that he had been given a scholarship for not just one course but for BOTH courses due to the donations to support the students in the Seminary. Just when Matheus thought his calling would go unanswered, God provided a way through YOU for that calling to continue.

So let us all give thanks for the contributions given by Churches, Pastors, BFM conference and many others to sponsor these seminary students during their very trying times. AWESOME is the God we serve. Two classes completed, all passed, all received scholarships—that makes for an AWESOME month.

Pastor Marcos is recovering very well and his wife who was 6 weeks hospitalized, intubated, and later tracked, is now home recovering—PRAYER WORKS!!!

We have scheduled 2 more virtual classes in June and will need help for some more scholarships for these students. Barbara and I will be leaving for Brasil on the 3rd of June to prepare for the next in country fall classes. Please pray for us and our protection from COVID as we travel internationally.

Once again THANKS for your financial support as we continue to follow God’s calling in our lives.

In His service,
Aj and Barbara


AJ & Barbara Hensley
592 Emery Court
Lexington, KY 40505
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424

Click here to give online.

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Virtual Seminary Classes Scheduled Through Second Wave of COVID

The Hensleys have served the Lord in Brazil, South America since 1996. They have worked with orphanages, started mission points, established churches, and are presently conducting a seminary to train Brazilian pastors.

April 13, 2021

Dear friends and family,

I am sitting here thinking how I sound like a broken record. We have moved our tickets from tomorrow to June because of the intensity of the COVID-19 in São Paulo. This is the city where our Seminary classes are scheduled in April.

We were supposed to travel on the 14th before the scheduled classes so that we could visit with the granddaughters and Mary and Walmir. Barb and I are really miss our grandbabies.

All for April is not lost as we are very committed to providing ministry training through our Seminary classes. The classes for April 2021 in São Paulo will be held virtually via zoom.

As this second wave of COVID has been very severe, we ask all to pray for our Brazilian Pastors and Seminary students. In São Paulo where the classes are being held, Templo Batista de Indianapolis where pastor Marcos is the main pastor, both he and his wife have COVID. Pastor Marcus is at home taking medicine but his wife is in the hospital on a ventilator. At this time, they both are showing improvement. Today they are beginning to wean her of the machine.

Brazil as a country seems to be having a problem with their COVID vaccines. Maybe it is because of the social medicine that they have in that country. This makes it so evident how blessed we are as Americans to have the easy access to the medication that we need when we need it. All I can think of is that some here want that kind of socialized medicine here. Forgive me for getting a little political but I have lived it and there is no upside to it.

As we are stuck here in the States, we have been busy contacting our students to keep them informed of the changing of the schedule and how they can participate on-line. But we sometimes forget that the pastors and other students do not have all the advantages that we have so it has been hard to get some of them access to a zoom class. But we are diligently working from here to see if we can make that happen. Each of them are anxious about continuing their studies, so keep them in your prayers as you keep Brazil also in your prayers.

We want to thank each and every one of you who stand beside us as the work in Brazil goes on even if it is long distance. None of this work could continue without the strong prayer warriors and the contributions to BFM. We are looking forward to face-to-face training but until that can happen we will continue the way we are with telephoning and zoom. Just know that we never forget that our Lord and Savior is in complete control and He is doing an AWESOME job.

In His service,
Aj and Barb


AJ & Barbara Hensley
592 Emery Court
Lexington, KY 40505
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424

Click here to give online.

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Following God’s Will

The Hensleys have served the Lord in Brazil, South America since 1996. They have worked with orphanages, started mission points, established churches, and are presently conducting a seminary to train Brazilian pastors.

April 16, 2021

Friends and family,

It is getting close to the time to recognize the mothers and the women who have followed God’s will in following their husbands to the mission field. For those of you who know me, you know that I was a reluctant follower. And for those of you who are getting to know me, it was not that I did not want to follow God’s will, I just wanted to rearrange His will. You see, we were traveling to the mission field every year carrying things that the missionaries needed and also taking people to introduce them to mission works. This is what I was trying to tell God and my husband that this was His will for our lives. But as you know, after four years I came to the realization that there was much more to do for Him.

So, we spent 21 years in Brasil and I loved every minute of it. Then AJ got cancer and we had to come back to the States for his treatments, and the decision was made that the treatment would be a long and arduous one, and we needed to stay here, so we helped the church call a new pastor and we moved home to Kentucky.

Now as I told you, the moving to Brasil was a difficult decision—the moving back to the States was a million times harder. You see, we had made Brasil our home and were planning to live there until God called us home to our heavenly home. This time we had decided God’s will for our lives without consulting Him. He had other plans for our future and we are following them now.

God had prepared a job we could do for Him and stay in the States. AJ, with the help of others, had started a Seminary in our town of Caragua and God expanded the reach of this Seminary farther than we could have ever imagined. We are now in five states and seven cities and almost four hundred students enrolled. We travel to Brasil four times per year and teach for two weeks the intensified version. Then we leave the students with lots of homework. When we come back to Brasil, we repeat this again in another city. You see, we are a traveling Seminary because the students do not have the resources to travel to us.

Now you ask what do I do during this time in Brasil? Glad you asked—I get to visit the church we left in the hands of our son-in-law and daughter. And, OH YES, my granddaughters.

So now let me tell you about the last year and a half—I have packed our suitcases four times and unpacked them once. You see, we have not been able to travel because of the virus. I began to get smarter each time, so I just left them packed and in the middle of the floor waiting for the GO signal. We have had four tickets to travel to Brasil and lost the first tickets, but I also got smarter with each passing time and began paying for the insurance. My grandbabies have outgrown over half of the clothes that were in the first suitcases. The chocolate has gotten that white color on it and—oh well—you can imagine the rest.

We were all set for the April trip, but we had not told the grands because they have been disappointed enough. It was good that we did not tell them because you see Brasil got its second wave and we had to cancel again.

The seclusion, the fear and all that has gone with this COVID-19 cannot stop our God! He is on the throne and He is in charge so we will wait on Him and His infinite wisdom.

For He knows the plans He has for us, plans to prosper and not for evil to give us a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

In His service,
Barbara Hensley


AJ & Barbara Hensley
592 Emery Court
Lexington, KY 40505
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424

Click here to give online.

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Praying for Brazilian Pastors & Brothers

The Hensleys have served the Lord in Brazil, South America since 1996. They have worked with orphanages, started mission points, established churches, and are presently conducting a seminary to train Brazilian pastors.

Friends and family,

I cannot say it has been a very busy month but I have had the privilege of getting to pray more for our Brazilian Pastors and brothers. There is one in particular and his name is Daniel. I made his acquaintance in Campinas, São Paulo in our Seminary class. He is a very active pastor and is working in three missions—quite an active pastor. He has been in the hospital with COVID for the past four weeks. He is now off the ventilator and is showing marked improvement. We have been able to follow his recovery through family and other Pastors. God is AWESOME.

Sometimes I feel a little guilty in that here in America we are getting the vaccine for COVID and other countries are so slow in gaining access to the same medicine.

We have been able to visit Virginia Beach where we have supporters. In the past we have had many visitors from the churches there. They have helped with the missions there and the ministry to the people. It still amazes the people in Brasil that people from America would use their vacation to come to work with them. What an AWESOME God we serve.

We have our tickets for our trip to Brasil for seminary classes in São Paulo. However, we are hearing that there is no improvement in the pandemic. But we all know who is in control and He will let us return at the appropriate time.

Please keep us in your prayers as we are on hold with our plans for Seminary and ministry to Brasil.

Many thanks to all who keep us in your prayers. Please continue to pray for the Seminary, the teachers, the students, and for Brasil.

Thanks to all of you who contribute to BFM and all the missionaries that are supported by those contributions.

In His service,
Aj and Barbara


AJ & Barbara Hensley
592 Emery Court
Lexington, KY 40505
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424

Click here to give online.

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Plans: Subject to Christ’s Will

The Hensleys have served the Lord in Brazil, South America since 1996. They have worked with orphanages, started mission points, established churches, and are presently conducting a seminary to train Brazilian pastors.

February 13, 2021

Dear friends and family,

Our hope and prayer for all of you is that you are healthy and doing AWESOME at home, in school, at work, and in Church and ministry.

While we had to cancel our courses for 2020, we are carefully pushing ahead and prayerfully limiting our schedule for 2021. We have had to cancel our plans for Amazonas for the 2021 classes there. However, after contacting our pastors and helpers in the region, we are prayerfully confident that we will be able to start our courses for the Seminary in Manaus and Rondonia and 2022.

In the meantime we have scheduled or should I say rescheduled our classes for 2021 in São Paulo for April and June. These classes will complete their studies and we can begin the planning for our first graduation. We serve a gratuitous and AWESOME God.

Our plans are to have four more courses in another town, Ribeiro Preto, this year. These classes are tentatively scheduled for July and September.

All our plans are totally subjected to the will of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We covet your prayers for these plans and for Barb and I as we have again purchased our tickets for April. We will get our second vaccine for COVID 19 next Tuesday so we will be ready for the trip.

Please continue your prayers for the Pastors and the people of Brasil (especially Walmire and Mary, Chelsea and Ashley, our immediate family) as Brasil has been very hard hit with this  pandemic.

Your prayers and financial support has been AWESOME in these very trying times and we continue to request your prayers as we endeavor to do His will.

We also want to say how much we appreciate and love the supporters of Baptist Faith Missions. Without you and your prayers and financial help we would not be able to continue seeking to do God’s will in Brasil. As you pray for us, we pray for you and God’s protection from whatever the devil throws at you.

In His service,
Aj and Barbara


AJ & Barbara Hensley
592 Emery Court
Lexington, KY 40505
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424

Click here to give online.

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Desiring to Be Back in Brazil

The Hensleys have served the Lord in Brazil, South America since 1996. They have worked with orphanages, started mission points, established churches, and are presently conducting a seminary to train Brazilian pastors.

Friends and family,
Well, things are still on hold. We have been trying to keep our students excited about the Seminary and learning about God’s Word. So, we have tried the virtual learning and the first one was a make-up class for a couple that missed the first class that we taught in São Paulo.

Our desire is to be back in Brazil teaching those who want to be studying to teach their church members. But it seems that every time we think we are about to go we have another roadblock put in our way. Our plans seem to change daily. We are thinking that if we can get the vaccine, we could possibly be there around the first of the year. With our inability to be in Brazil, we are setting our tentative schedules for 2021 and putting it in the Lord’s hands because He is in control. So, our new schedule is for 4 classes in April which will be in Manaus and Porto Velho (jungle region). Then 4 classes in June conducted in São Paulo and Campinis. Then an undetermined number of virtual classes after the on-site classes. Then we are planning approximately 8 classes for September, October, and November and will be in 5 different cities. These are our schedules with the availability of our professors.

Please pray for our travel plans and for our professors and our protection from this virus. Thanks to each of our prayer warriors for your continued prayers for these classes.

I am going very slow with the healing of my ankle. Each day is a victory and I am still guarding the injury as I try to get back to normal.

We want to wish you all a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

In His service,
Aj and Barbara


AJ & Barbara Hensley
592 Emery Court
Lexington, KY 40505
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424

Click here to give online.

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Wisdom and Discernment Needed to Plan

The Hensleys have served the Lord in Brazil, South America since 1996. They have worked with orphanages, started mission points, established churches, and are presently conducting a seminary to train Brazilian pastors.

November 16, 2020

Dear friends and family,

It is totally amazing how fast time is passing. It seems only yesterday I weighed 187 pounds and here three months later, I am 204. I don’t understand what has happened. Well, I guess it is Barb’s AWESOME cooking and my immobility with the broken ankle. However, things are starting to heal. I am out of the boot that I had to wear for six weeks and off the knee buggy and am able to walk with a cane with a wrap on the ankle. I am ready for the healing to be completed and COVID to be over. But through it all God is AWESOME.

Sometimes we get impatient when our missions, our dreams, our visions get put on hold or what we think is a delay (oh me of little faith). Then I think of the Bible heroes and how some of them never got to realize their dreams and I remember what faith really is: Trusting in God even when we don’t see  an answer or do not get the answer that we want when we want it. Just hold on, God is not finished yet and yes, through it all, God is AWESOME.

We are continuing with our plans although it seems to change almost weekly. Today it looks like we will have four virtual classes in November and early December. Our students are chomping at the bits to get back to classes even if it has to be virtual. The students really want their classes to be face-to-face; however, we all understand our present situation with the restraints of travel with COVID.

Barb and I have been hoping to travel in late December ‘til mid-January to be with family and get some things settled for the Seminary. Our hope is to know by the first of December if this will be possible. So we’re praying for wisdom and discernment as we learn to trust Him more and walk by faith. Pray with us as we are very anxious to be about the Lord’s work that we are called to do. So, continue to pray for Bluegrass Baptist Seminary and Baptist Faith Missions and we will continue to pray for all of you who make this possible by your generosity and faithfulness.

In His service,
Aj and Barbara


AJ & Barbara Hensley
592 Emery Court
Lexington, KY 40505
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424

Click here to give online.

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A Challenging Month Prepping for Classes

The Hensleys have served the Lord in Brazil, South America since 1996. They have worked with orphanages, started mission points, established churches, and are presently conducting a seminary to train Brazilian pastors.

Dear friends and family,

Some months are what we consider more productive than others. This is one that has been a challenge. Limited mobility (broken ankle) and the China virus, of which our country and all the world is being challenged. So, we are working to establish another virtual class for our seminary group in São Paulo. This is the group that is closer to completing the 12 classes for a degree or a certification in Pastoral Ministries. These students, Pastors, missionaries, and church workers are also challenged as we are challenged. We, trying to get the class set up, and they, trying to be able to have the funds and the time to participate.

One of the classes from 2019

We are now permitted to have a certain number of virtual classes because of the China virus. So our proposal is to have five classes set up by the end of the 2021 summer. We have completed one class: Systematic Theology, book by Wayne Grudem. The professor was Dr. Coleman and the class was given in São Paulo and in Africa. The virtual classes are going to increase our outreach immensely. How AWESOME is our Lord, taking bad things and converting them into something good. We cannot brag on Him enough! Even though we have a few problems to overcome, all things are possible. Here is a good time to interject a particular prayer request: pray for the setting up, organization, and preparation by our pastors and other technologies we will encounter for these classes.

The book they are using

We are somewhat hesitant to purchase our tickets for Brasil as of yet since we are in doubt as to when we can travel in-country. We were hoping for the end of the year; however, that has been delayed until April 2021 now. Our plans now are to purchase our tickets for the spring of 2021 and praying that we do not have to cancel and reschedule again. We are still waiting to get reimbursed for the tickets in March. Please make this one of your prayer requests.

As I am traveling in Brasil it gives me opportunities to reacquaint myself with the Pastors and to know the problems that they are encountering and the struggles they have to overcome. Before and after classes and during our break time I am discussing all these things and getting their ideas as to how we can overcome these problems. I also use this time to encourage them and to pray with them. I don’t have all the answers but I can work with them in these areas. So I am asking you for your prayers for the Brasilian pastors and church workers to keep on keeping on in the vocation they have been called to accomplish: His mission —Go—Teach—Reach. This is going to be and is accomplished because of you. Your prayerful support and financial help is more than AWESOME!!!!

Continue to pray for us as we were chomping at the bits to get back to Brasil to carry on with God’s work there.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara


AJ & Barbara Hensley
592 Emery Court
Lexington, KY 40505
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424

Click here to give online.

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