Thanking the Lord for His Awesome Blessings
Posted on 6Aug CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barbara Hensley, cancer on the mission field, Caragua Baptist Seminary, seminary fundraisers, Singspiration

The Hensleys have spent nearly 20 years serving in Brazil. They have established a church in Caraguatatuba and mission points throughout the city. They have also recently started a seminary to train pastors.
August 6, 2018
Dear friends and family,
To say that we have an AWESOME God is an understatement. I went to the cancer doctor Friday and the first to come in the room was the nurse. She took blood and my blood pressure and left me with a big ice bag. This was for me to put on my stomach where they give me the shot for the cancer treatment. This injection by far is the is the most painful injection I have ever taken. I am thinking, “Shucks looks like I am going to have to take the meds after all.” It is not that I am against the cancer treatment, but I was looking forward to a vacation from these treatments. The doctor comes in the room at this time and says that the results of the blood test have come back and, after some discussion, he tells me that if I would like, I can take that vacation from the meds because the PSA numbers are undetectable.
Well, for me and others who are in cancer treatment, this is (after almost 2 years enduring surgery, 38 radiation treatments, and follow-up meds) an indication that things are improving. God is AWESOME!!!! And that night I had the best night of sleep that I have had in about 2 years. I even overslept. (ha ha)
Now to talk a little about the ministry: this past week Gardenside Baptist Church sponsored a Singspiration to help with the finances of the Caragua Baptist Seminary. There were lots of great local talent in singers and musicians and God was glorified in song.
We are in the planning phase for our classes in October this year and for the classes in 2019 with several of our new professors. I am still in amazement at the success the seminary is having, reaching many national pastors who would otherwise be unable to participate in an accredited seminary, for them to improve their biblical understanding and reinforce their skills to better reach their people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. With this Seminary to date we have had approximately 250 students from 83 different churches. These represented churches have a total of around 9,180 people in their congregations, so Caragua Baptist Seminary has impacted that total of people in Brasil. How AWESOME is the God we serve!!!
Barbara is going to Brasil August 6th and then in September, I will have to go for some personal business and to do some planning with the national pastors for the upcoming classes in October in the city of São Paulo. Lots of back and forth traveling right now. I will be meeting with 3 pastors in São Paulo, so I covet your prayers for these meetings and these pastors as they are an integral part of the seminary. Without their help along with many others this ministry would be impossible. So again, AWESOME, the message gets out and our God is glorified.
So, in all this I can only say, “Thank you Lord for your AWESOME blessings both physically and spiritually.” And I ask of everyone—Don’t stop praying because It is working.
In His service,
Aj and Barb
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online
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Two Wonderful Weeks of Seminary Classes
Posted on 18May CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist Seminary in Brazil, Baptist seminary in Sao Paulo, Barbara Hensley, Caragua Baptist Seminary, Ricardo Posca, seminary classes in Brazil

The Hensleys have spent nearly 20 years serving in Brazil. They have established a church in Caraguatatuba and mission points throughout the city. They have also recently started a seminary to train pastors.
May 16, 2018
Dear friends and family,
These weeks have been some real AWESOME ones. Weeks and months of preparation have come to fruition. We have completed two wonderful weeks of seminary classes. These perhaps have been two of our most fulfilling up to this point.
The first class taught by Dr. Derek Colman of Gardenside Baptist Church in Lexington, Ky, was Systematic Theology. This class started opening the eyes of the students and created an atmosphere of excitement about Biblical learning.
This was our introduction to São Paulo City. I have been somewhat reluctant to go to this city because of its enormity. It is a challenge just to get from point A to point B. You see, the city itself is only 57 miles across. Yes, I said 57 miles. So, the challenges that the students had was not only studying, they had the challenge to get to class and—on time. The students have regular daytime jobs, so they had to face getting to the classes from their job sites, to face the congestion at quitting time, and all the other difficulties that Satan could throw at them. This alone made these students very special. Even facing these challenges their desire to learn has been AWESOME!!! Their questions have been great.
Then came Dr. Edge from 1st Baptist Church in Texas—he taught the Old Testament Survey class and just mesmerized the students.
Let me tell you about some of the students. There was this one very special lady in the class (among many others) and her story caught our attention. She was in her late 60s, still working—she is a medical doctor in São Paulo City. What brought her to our attention was her statement about our Seminary. She told us that she had been praying over 40 years for a Baptist Seminary where she could attend and learn more. Her desire is to know the Scriptures better so that she could be a more effective witness for Him. We all need more of her enthusiasm and dedication for learning more about our Lord and Savior.
Another student said that he was helping in a mission Church and had studied the Old Testament very little but after the class on the Old Testament Survey he was very enthusiastic to learn more and more.
As we were preparing for the class I was praying for 20 to 25 students. We had 23 pre-registered students, but come the night of the first class, we had 44 students. Oh me of little faith! I simply forget what an AWESOME God we serve. Sixteen of these students are Pastors. This fits right in with our desire to train Pastors and church workers to be more effective and better prepared to take the Word to their respective areas.
As we have shared with you in previous letters we are keeping our eye out for that one that God would have us help in their endeavor to start a church. Well I am happy to tell you that we have selected one from this class. He is a young man that is trying to start a mission in a needy area. His Pastor who is also in this class has high regards for this young man. We will be gifting him his books and seminary costs and will help him monthly. This help will be for one year to give him time to build God’s work in this area. He says that he has around 20 in his mission at this time and all are needy. Not only physically (very poor) but also spiritually. His name is Ricardo Posca he is married and has a little girl. Please keep them in your prayers. If you would like to be a part of his ministry, please send donations to BFM marked in his name in care of Aj Hensley.
Continue to pray for the Seminary, the professors and the continuing students and the future students. I will be returning in June or July to look into more sites for the seminary, but when I find them we will need God to send more qualified professors. Please put this on your prayer list.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara Hensley
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online
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Training Pastors to Reach Brazil
Posted on 24Feb CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist Seminary in Brazil, Barb Hensley, Barbara Hensley, Caragua Baptist Seminary, Caraguatatuba Baptist Seminary

The Hensleys have spent nearly 20 years serving in Brazil. They have established a church in Caraguatatuba and mission points throughout the city. They have also recently started a seminary to train pastors.
February 16, 2018
Friends and family,
When I was diagnosed with cancer, I started praying and searching for a way that I could continue to serve my Lord in Brasil because I did not feel that God was finished with me and my service in Brasil, knowing that the main emphasis for Baptist Faith Missions is to open new churches—so I began to think in that area. You know that sometimes the answer to your question is right in front of you and you just have to open your heart and eyes.
For several years now, we have been working with seminary training for local pastors. This Seminary training began in Caragua because we saw the need for the local pastors to have more Bible training. So, we began in our church and invited some of our sister churches to join with us for the first of many seminary classes. Before we knew it, other Pastors were calling us to see if we could do the same in their areas. With Dr. Coleman, myself and Pr. Jason, we organized the Caragua Baptist Seminary. Our first distant classes were in Orlandia, São Paulo, with 35 students. Although our goal was to train Pastors, we also included church workers in the classes. We did a lot of trial and error at first, making the occasional mistakes, but with the Lord’s leadership we have evolved. This year not only is Caragua Baptist Seminary accredited, we have also added a Master’s Program.
Although our objective is to train Pastors, it has grown even beyond our dreams and expectations. Training pastors is an AWESOME way to reach Brasil.
The way God revealed to me that I can continue to serve Him in Brasil is to continue to work with the Seminary training Pastors and sending them out to begin new works all over Brasil. You see, it was right under my nose—it just took God to reveal it to me.
So, I will continue to work in the Seminary, just from a distance. Each year I will go to Brasil 3 or 4 times for the classes to help with them and also to seek out other areas that need our Seminary.
As we teach these Pastors I am keeping my eyes out to see those Pastors who show a desire to begin new works. I meet with them and listen to their hunger to serve the Lord. Then I will encourage them during the time that we spend together to follow God in whatever they do. At this time, we have begun to help three pastors in their endeavors to start new Churches. One is in another country: Paraguay. His church start is in a rural area where there is no electricity. They have around 7 to 9 in attendance. The next two are in the state of São Paulo. The first of these two is having their services in the garage of their home with about 7 adults and 12 children. The other has a foundation dug for the Church building and they are having services in their home. To be able to get started they stepped out on faith and borrowed the money for the land and are building as God provides. How AWESOME! The Pastors we select to help start a church, we will give them an offering for the first year. We also pay for their seminary classes at Caragua Baptist Seminary.

The foundation for the third work
Talking about this calls back memories of how we started our last work. It began on the front porch of a widow’s home. After four years that work now has its building and a Brazilian pastor. What a blessing. AWESOME is the God we serve.
So, this is what God has laid before me as my way to serve Him in Brasil as I live in Lexington, Kentucky. This is so I can be close to the doctors. I have been to the doctor this month and the blood test that they did showed undetectable counts for cancer. Praise Him! The doctor said that if everything continued the same that I might be able to take a vacation from the injection that I am taking every 6 months.
So please pray for the Seminary as we are expanding into other cities and continue to pray for my health to continue to improve. HOW AWESOME IS HE WHO WE SERVE!!!
In His service,
Aj and Barbara
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online
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Serving God in Brazil from Afar
Posted on 12Dec CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barbara Hensley, Caraguatatuba Baptist Seminary, guidance, serving God, the Lord has other plans

The Hensleys have spent nearly 20 years serving in Brazil. They have established a church in Caraguatatuba and mission points throughout the city. They have also recently started a seminary to train pastors.
December 12, 2017
Friends and family,
Since the day I discovered that I have cancer I have been in a quandary as to how I can continue effectively serving our Lord and Savior as a missionary. In these times you can get down to a lot of soul searching. I am saying this to let everyone know that when I surrendered to missions and my wife Barbara agreed to the prospect also, our plans were to be missionaries for the rest of our lives. Plans were to serve God in Brasil and be buried there. However; the Lord had other plans for our lives.
Planting churches and working with the wonderful people of Brasil has been one of my most AWESOME experiences. And to think that He (Our Lord) would allow me to do that in retirement. The only thing I can say is AWESOME.
Now we are at another crossroad in our lives. How can I continue to serve him in a meaningful and effective way? For the past three years we have been doing a Seminary to help the national pastors more effectively share the gospel. It started just to be a training tool for the people of our church in Caraguatatuba then grew to helping the local Pastors and church workers around our city.
Boy has it “sprawled out”. We have taken the Seminary to various cities and this year we have had three graduating classes out of Caragua Baptist Seminary.
Just to give you a little background, Caragua Baptist Seminary began from an idea between two pastors. We had a group from Gardenside Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky, visiting and the pastor asked what we needed in our work here in Brasil. Having been an educator (teacher), my reply was “a seminary”. And from that conversation was born Caragua Baptist Seminary and with Dr. Coleman’s help we have watched it grow tremendously.
Thanks, Lord, for your guidance. Sometimes we do not even realize that we are being directed to another way to serve Him.
The seminary is blessed to be in its fourth year of operation training Brasilian pastors. We have had 18 classes taught and 184 students, having 35 cities represented and 68 different churches participating. So, the number of people impacted from this seminary training has been 7,346 people. These numbers do not include the present year of 2017. This year we have had two more classes and 3 graduations. What a way to reach Brasilians for Christ. Now for the AWESOME part: from these graduating classes, we have selected 2 pastors that we will help with new church starts. One is in another state and their building does not have electricity. The other has been started in the garage of the pastor, he is having 8 adults and 11 children in attendance.
So God has opened this door for us to continue our missionary work in Brasil though we are living in the States. We will be traveling to Brasil 3 to 4 times per year for the seminary classes and the setting up for the next classes. How AWESOME is the God we serve!!!
The need for us to be in the States is that I am continuing my cancer treatments and there is a need for me to be close to my doctors. I have another consult in February and should have some more answers about my cancer. Continue to pray for God’s will in our lives as we endeavor to serve the Lord in Brasil from afar.
Thanks to all who support BFM and us through them. Our mission work could not happen without your support. Continue to pray for us and for BFM. Also pray for the seminary and the professors as they come from the States to teach the Brasilian pastors.
We would like wish all of you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online
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Celebrating Children’s Day and Seminary Graduates
Posted on 13Nov CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist church in Caraguatatuba, Baptist Seminary in Brazil, Barbara Hensley, Caraguatatuba Baptist Seminary, Children's Day

The Hensleys have spent nearly 20 years serving in Brazil. They have established a church in Caraguatatuba and mission points throughout the city. They have also recently started a seminary to train pastors.
November 9, 2017
Friends and family,
Well I am sitting here in Lexington, Ky, being somewhat cold. It’s just amazing how different the temperature is here and in Caraguatatuba.
While in Caragua we were very busy working on the Church building trying to complete many small projects that needed to be completed. As it is with all buildings, you fix one thing and there are many more that come up.
We arrived there in time to help in the Children’s Day activities. We had around 90 children on Children’s Day and it was AWESOME!!!! There were almost too many children in attendance, but that is an AWESOME problem to have. Children’s Day in Brasil is similar to Christmas Day here in the States. They don’t celebrate Christmas in Brasil like we do in the States. We had sandwiches, pop, and cake for them to eat for breakfast. Then we had games and popcorn and cotton candy. They received beanbag animals and a small bag of candy. Then we sent them home on a sugar high to their parents. These children are all underprivileged children, so whatever they receive is a blessing in their lives. But what they need more than food is love. A smile and a hug does better for them than anything else. So, we spent the day hugging them and playing with them. We are sending some photos so that you can see some of the activities.

All enjoying the food on Children’s Day

The children praising the Lord

Serving the kids on Children’s Day

The graduating class in Orlandia
Our bus is a very needed part of the children’s ministry there and the last few months there have been various problems with it—leaking oil and water pump problems to name a few. We were able to get the things fixed but the next problem is to pay for the work. Thank you to those who have sent money for the work on the bus—and if you would like to help financially, that would be greatly appreciated. As I said earlier, this bus is a needed part of the children’s ministry, so your precious prayers are needed. The bus is a 24-passenger bus that most of the time carries up to 50 children. And with that many on the bus, we still are making two trips to pick up and to return them home. As you can guess, that brings with it a big gas bill per month. This is also becoming a concern. Prayers please.
Well the Seminary we began in Caragua has just grown beyond belief. Just this year we have had three graduations: Caragua, Nativity da Serra, and Orlandia. All of these locations are in the state of São Paulo, but they are not close together. There are more than 7 hours travel time between them.
The last graduation class was in Orlandia and there were 24 who participated in the graduation process. It is hard to describe the appreciation these pastors and church workers have for the training and instruction the are receiving at Caragua Baptist Seminary. This year there have been 55 people graduated from the seminary.
While in the States, we are working on getting a Masters of Divinity added to our program. What this amounts to is that we are having to jump through a lot of hoops. I never realized the amount of red tape that can be involved in seminary accreditation. Now I have an even greater appreciation for Lexington Baptist College that we had here in Lexington. As

Mary & Walmir graduated
of now all things are going AWESOME!! However, when we get one requirement met there seems to one more and then one more. Please keep Caragua Baptist Seminary in your prayers as we are reaching many Brasillians through the pastors that are attending this Seminary.
Here is just one of the many stories that have come out to these classes: one of the Pastors who has attended the Seminary is also a long-haul trucker and he has begun using his trips to get to know the other drivers. When he empties the trailer, he then puts chairs and a pulpit inside and when he goes back to the truck stops, he opens the back doors of the trailer, sets up the chairs, and invites the other truckers in and preaches to them. This has been a blessing and he is reaching many that would never come to a church. Pray for God to go before him in this labor of love.
Continue to pray for my health that God can continue to use me in Brasil as we continue taking the Seminary to the Brasilian pastors all over Brasil.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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God is at Work—Even when the Devil Sticks His Nose in Our Plans
Posted on 18Jul CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barbara Hensley, blue and yellow guitar, bus ministry, challenges in ministry, guitar, Indian chief, Indian Village, mission to Indians, mission trip

The Hensleys have spent nearly 20 years serving in Brazil. They have established a church in Caraguatatuba and mission points throughout the city. They have also recently started a seminary to train pastors.
July 17, 2017
Dear friends and family,
Most of the time all I have to say is how AWESOME is the God we serve—the same still applies for this month. However, it has been a month in which the devil stuck his nose into our plans. So, where do I start?
1st—BUS: We have a great bus and it is an awesome tool for our church to “reach-out” to our members and the community. You name it and we have had a problem with it. The problem with the brakes is solved. Then there was the problem with the suspension, springs and bushings (riding like a wagon). While fixing the springs, etc., we discovered that we need shocks. We are managing to pay this on our credit card. During all this we missed having the bus for another week but the Lord provides with our two cars and several trips to pick up the people. If anyone would like to contribute to the Bus Ministry, start with prayers and then let the Lord lead you in what He wants you to do.
2nd—School Project: Our plans were to go to a public school and do some painting and do a Bible School with our visitors from Central Baptist Church in Paris, Kentucky, and Pastor Steven heading the group. When we got there, there was a contractor that the city had hired to do some much-needed work. So, we pitched in and started to pressure wash the walls that we had planned to paint. But the contractor came and informed us that the cleaning and painting was in his contract so we put up the pressure washer. The principal of the school came to us and told us that the caretaker’s house in the back of the school property needed painting and asked if we would consider painting it. The devil tried to take away our pleasure in helping and God gave us another avenue to help. During this time, the others were having Bible School with the students. It was a great success and the children were able to hear God’s Word from someone other than us. The ways of God are AWESOME and we just have to be still and listen.
3rd—Member’s House: Central Baptist came prepared to put a roof on Martha’s front porch and there we encountered some minor problems with family trying to delay the project (her husband). We eventually overcame the problems and got the roof completed and in the end, we were able to get her husband to attend church. Pray for Jose as he needs salvation.
Our visit to the Indian tribe was our best ever. Another Bible School success!! While there I was summoned to the house of the Chief, and I did not know what to expect. It turned out that the Chief wanted to give me his testimony regarding his salvation. Absolutely wonderful, AWESOME, hearing a 116 year-old Indian Chief talking about his faith. This tribe believes in many gods but this Chief believes in the REAL GOD. Sometimes words are not enough to express or tell about how Lord and Savior is working in Brasil. Before we left, some of the tribe’s younger adults sang several songs for us. The Chief asked or told me that he needed a new guitar for the group. The guitar that they were using was held together with wire and string. He asked specifically for a guitar and the colors needed to be blue and yellow. How many guitars have you seen that are blue and yellow? Central Baptist Church has solved the problem when they returned to the States, one of the members bought a guitar and took it to a body shop and had it painted! You guessed it—Blue and Yellow. How AWESOME is the God we serve. This week we will receive another group from Durbin Baptist Church and they will bring the guitar. We will be able to present the guitar to the tribe and the Chief. We will send pictures.
We were also able to work at the Church building one day with some needed carpentry work. Sometimes I stand amazed at how things get done, people get used, and the Lord gets glorified. AMEN!!!
Come see what God is doing with your missionary dollars.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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Full Month of Remodeling; Pray for Bus Ministry
Posted on 20Jun CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barbara Hensley, bus ministry, remodeling, seminary classes in Brazil

The Hensleys have spent nearly 20 years serving in Brazil. They have established a church in Caraguatatuba and mission points throughout the city. They have also recently started a seminary to train pastors.
June 20, 2017
Friends and family,
This month has been very, very full. We have been working on the house, remodeling and cleaning it for the visitors. I guess all of you know how amazing it is the STUFF you can accumulate over 20 years. Well we have removed several years and have some more to go.
Speaking of the house, we have taken out our wooded windows and replaced them with new ones. What a mess!! We are not talking about wooden walls, etc., but masonry. Can you imagine the mess when the windows you bought are not the same size as those you are taking out? What a mess I have created!! After the replacement, I have created much more work—patch, sand and paint. I painted around the windows and, guess what, need to paint the house. Now the walls are beautiful but the soffit is ugly, so I put vinyl siding around the soffit. It is amazing how things snowball when you get into remodeling. There seems to be no end. But the house now looks great and the outside is beautiful. AWESOME!!!
As most of you know, when there is a transition of pastors some of the people do not stay. We are now in the rebuilding phase and things are going good. We are having visitors each service and many of them are looking for a home church. God is AWESOME.
My health is holding its own. Good days and some days not so good; however, the AWESOME thing is that God is in control and I have a good prognosis. My treatments will continue until February 2018 so continue to pray for my health and for all those that are in a battle with cancer.
Seminary is an AWESOME endeavor. The last class we had 28 people and 18 of them were active pastors. Continue to pray for the Seminary as we endeavor to expand the reach of the present work. We have had the blessing of being taken under the wing of New Orleans Baptist Seminary so that we can offer a greater range of classes here in Brasil. As of this year we are working on offering a Master’s program. We are also working on offering classes in Manaus and Sao Paulo, and returning to Orlandia.
Last month we told you of the many things that had to be fixed on the bus—this month is much better. It only needs 2 new tires. This bus is a necessary tool for us here in Caraguatatuba. Pray for our bus ministry because part of it is children. These children come to Sunday School and this is where they learn of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is an AWESOME ministry. We are reaching the children to be able to reach the parents. We have various examples of children that we have worked with who are now teenagers and are faithful in church now.
It is always great to hear that people are praying for you. So Barb and I request your prayers. And we thank you soooo much for your financial support—without you our work could not happen.
We are looking forward to the visits that we will have here in Brasil this year. You are always welcome!!!!! The lights are on and the bed is turned down, so come on down.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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Children’s Ministry Growing; Running Out of Space
Posted on 6Feb CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist church in Caraguatatuba, Barbara Hensley, Brazilian childrens ministry, childrens ministry in Caraguatatuba, mission trip, mission trip to Brazil, Mt Eden Baptist Church

The Hensleys have spent nearly 20 years serving in Brazil. They have established a church in Caraguatatuba and mission points throughout the city. They have also recently started a seminary to train pastors.
February 4, 2017
Friends and family,
Well January has been a very active month. We have been trying to complete needed construction for Sunday School space upstairs. We had a group from Mt. Eden Baptist Church that came to celebrate the New Year with us. While with us, they helped us with this construction. They helped with painting, electric problems, doors, fans, closets, shelving, and they provided the financing for these projects. Also this church, under the leadership of my longtime friend Pastor Foy, helped the missionary to the Indians in Rio de Janeiro with their home.
We continually live and worship around and in construction projects. The upside of dust, walking around materials and lots of cleaning in the kitchen when we feed the children on Sunday mornings is that we are a growing Church and our members are very understanding. HOW AWESOME is the Lord we serve!!!!
Speaking of children, what a blessing. Pastor Walmir has been talking with a couple in our area who also work with children about bringing those children to worship with us. They were very happy to find a Church that would welcome them as they had been rejected by various other Churches as they had been told that to many children would disrupt their services. These children, about 20 to 25, live around our neighborhood so we were a great match. With this joining of work, our Sunday school grew about 30%.
Well, while this mission group was here we had planned to have a Vacation Bible School. So we planned to have the children to come in the afternoon and stay through the church service on Wednesday night. We visited the neighborhood nearby and was expecting around 40-60 kids. But oh me of little faith. As the Bible School was beginning, I was taking care of a transportation problem, so when I finally got upstairs, WHAT A SURPRISE. We did not have enough chairs, much less enough space nor enough teachers nor materials. While we were expecting 40-60 children, imagine my surprise when I saw that there were 108 children packed in our upstairs.
Well we began to divide and conquer—we put some downstairs and left some upstairs, ran out and bought more hot dogs and drinks, and an AWESOME time was had by all. GOD is so AWESOME!!
Now Sunday school is more challenged and with one class offsite already, we are out of space again even before the building is finished. These are good problems to have, don’t you think? Just so you know, we have a lot behind our building that would solve these problems (hint, hint, hint). Pray with us for the Lord to supply.
I will be in the States for the next shot (which I thought was to be the last) in February, but I had to come home sooner as I was having some severe pain, not necessarily related to my cancer problem. Because of this pain I had to have lots of tests. Though they did not find the cause of the pain they have been able to tell me that they see no cancer in these tests. God is so good!!!
Plan a mission trip, see the work, have fellowship, make friends that could change your life and get out of your comfort zone as Barb always says. Come on down to Caraguatuba. The light is on and we will turn your bed down. Come see what your mission dollars are doing.
In His service,
Aj and Barb
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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