Teaching How to Study & Tackle Difficult Passages of Scripture

November 11, 2024
Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ,
We are nearing the end of our first term of this academic year and things are progressing well, although we are tired and a little worn out. The Christmas season is just around the corner, and I am looking forward to it, although the Christmas season in Kenya is nothing like the Christmas season in the States.
I am teaching three classes this term – 1) General Principles of Interpretation, 2) The Pentateuch, and 3) Hebrews and General Epistles. I would like to focus this month on just the third one – Hebrews and General Epistles. This has been an excellent class so far and I have had good opportunities to have many great discussions and learning moments with my beloved students. If you have ever read through Hebrews and the General Epistles, and I know you have, I’m sure that you noticed there are a lot of difficult and challenging passages in these books. There have been lots of disputes about some of these passages over the last two thousand years and challenges about some of these passages have been presented from both unbelievers and those within Christianity. My students will soon be in churches preaching and teaching from these passages and they not only need to know what they are talking about and teaching, but they also need to know how to defend their teaching from possibly obstinate and even hostile opposition. I want to give them experience on studying and teaching these challenging passages and experience in facing “hostile” opposition. (In case you were wondering what kinds of challenging passages I have in mind, consider 1) How can Jesus be made perfect through suffering in Hebrews 2:10? 2) Is it possible to lose your salvation according to Hebrews 6:4-6? 3) Are people saved through faith or action and is James 2:14-25 in opposition to Paul’s teaching of faith alone? 4) Does the prayer of faith in James 5:13-15 always heal the sick and if the sick person is not healed does that mean someone is lacking faith? 5) Does baptism save us according to 1 Peter 3:21? 6) In what way has the Lord “bought” the false prophets of Peter 2:1? 7) Do believers reach a state of sinlessness according to 1 John 3:5-6 and 5:18? 8) Who are the angels who did not keep their positions of authority in Jude 6 and what exactly happened to them? 9) Why does Jude quote from Apocryphal books? And others). So, each student is going to get an opportunity to teach in class on one of these or other challenging passages and then field tough questions from the “hostile” and “opposing” members of the audience (meaning myself and the other students who are being tasked with being “obstinate opposers and schismatics”).
There is a definite purpose for this assignment. Not everyone that they will be speaking to in their churches, or in seminars, or even in people’s homes will agree with them. Some will oppose them vehemently, and my beloved students need to know how to deal with such situations and scenarios. Here is what I want them to learn. 1) I want them to learn how to deeply study the Scriptures and to be able to tackle and understand difficult and challenging passages. Not every passage of Scripture is easy to understand, and a good interpretation doesn’t always pop out at you when you first read it. Sometimes it takes a lot of work and sweat to understand a text. 2) I want them to be able to logically organize the defense of their position and to understand other people’s positions on those passages as well. 3) I want them to experience teaching through a passage that might make them feel a little uncomfortable. 4) I want them to experience opposition and hostility in a friendly environment and to learn how to lovingly and Biblically present and defend their position on the Word of God in a Christ-like way. Not every environment they encounter will be friendly and resistance can be hard to face. Better to learn how to face it amongst peers than amongst true enemies. 5) I want them to learn and then defend the truths of Scripture. 6) I want them to learn that they are not perfect followers of Christ, perfect Bible students, or perfect interpreters of Scripture. They could end up being wrong in their interpretation and presentation of their teaching and if they are wrong, I want them to learn to be open to the truth of Scripture and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, bless my beloved students and teach them the truths of Your Word and how to present and defend this truth to Your people and to the world.
Blessings to all,
Roger, Julie & Chloe
Roger & Julie Tate
Moffat Bible College
P.O. Box 70
Kijabe, Kenya 00220
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Evangelism, Shepherding, & Training Across Southern France

October 17, 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you for serving with us. God is changing lives in wonderful ways. Our ministry is quite broad, challenging and encouraging. It is a mixture of evangelism, shepherding and training. Judy and I spend time in personal counseling of individuals on a regular basis. We are driven to pray for wisdom, patience and the work of God in people’s heart. So, in the process, we grow in our relationship with our Father and Savior as well.
There is a new regular participant in our Bible study in the city of Mazeres. This young man is a carrier sub-officer in the army. This Bible study is made up of individuals who have already placed their faith in Christ. We are presently studying the Gospel of Luke.
We are starting a new Bible Study in the city of Auterive. A family from our church moved there a couple of years ago and are excited to host this Bible Study.
The Bible study in the city of L’Union is going very well. It is exciting to see the way God is touching the lives of the seekers who participate without missing. One lady seems to have trusted Christ though she has not made public profession of faith. The husband of the Iranian couple who fled their country years ago always thanks me with a great smile at the conclusion of each study.
Our three other studies are going well, and we are very encouraged by the way God is working in the lives of the participants. The regular Sunday meetings here in Plaisance du Touch are also going well. Philip is now doing the teaching as we study through the book of Acts. One young lady who trusted the Lord about a year ago is very involved in the study of the Word and church activities in addition to her Engineering Studies and job. She is the only believer in her family.
Philip and Amanda are self-supporting missionaries who work with us. A number of believers are passionately involved in serving the Lord and this is very encouraging to us.
May you enjoy God’s richest blessings,
John and Judy

Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
2 T Impasse de la Picardie
31830 Plaisance du Touch
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Disciples Making Disciples in France!

July 15, 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Thank you for your faithful support and prayers. Judy and I hope that your summer is going well. Shortly after I wrote the last letter, two of our Bible study groups met together for a picnic at a park that is home to many unusual birds. It is interesting to see this delightful part of God’s creation.
Even more delightful is a conversation that I had during this picnic with a young lady. She is the granddaughter of Marinette, the oldest participant in the Group that meets at Mazere. The granddaughter is in her early twenties and it had been a dozen or so years since we had last seen her. She was very interested in the fact that I had been a biology and chemistry teacher. She informed me that she used to be an atheist but now believed in a God that she described as “unknown”. This opened an excellent opportunity to discuss the one “I Am” God who is Spirit, but Who came to reveal Himself to us and save us.
Another blessing is the news shared by a young lady, Roxanne, who trusted the Lord and followed the Lord in baptism about a year ago. She is the only believer in her family. She faithfully participates in our church fellowship and has already read a good part of the Bible. She meets with two other young ladies, our granddaughters, for Bible studies on a regular basis. They are all college students. A couple of weeks ago, Roxanne, shared the blessing that she had just started having Bible studies with two of her friends who were interested in knowing about her faith. They are studying through the book of Romans. Disciples making disciples just as Jesus commanded.
It delights us to see our Savior at work in those who participate in church and Bible studies as well as stirring the hearts of those who are lost and drawing them to Himself.
Your fellow servants in France,
John and Judy Hatcher
Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
2 T Impasse de la Picardie
31830 Plaisance du Touch
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Unexpected Gifts from the God Who Never Changes
September 17, 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We are thankful for the many different ways God showers us with blessings. Some can be put in the category of “never changing” and others in the category of “surprise, surprise, surprise”. Don’t you like them both; the reliability of our eternal Father who never changes and the unexpected gifts of His amazing creativity?
About three days ago my phone rang and I was surprised to see the name of a pastor friend on the screen. We had not spoken to each directly by phone in a long time. That was a surprise, but the best was yet to come. He proceeded to tell me that he had been contacted by a couple who had seen his church’s service on the internet. They wanted to get involved in a Bible study. Vincent, the pastor friend, thought that they would profit from a Bible study with us. He knows several people who have grown in the Lord through the Bible studies we lead. He wanted to contact me before putting them in contact with us.
The couple, longtime “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, had recently concluded that the JW religion was not biblical. We got in contact with them and are beginning to have weekly interactive online Bible studies. Our first meeting lasted three hours. Over the years they had begun to have questions about the “Watch Tower Society” and its teachings. When they could not go to the meetings because of COVID, they began searching the Bible on their own and the Holy Spirit certainly used the Word of God to speak to their hearts. They live nearly two hours by car from us. We hope to be able to meet them face to face soon. Your prayers for this couple (S and T) and their two children would be greatly appreciated.
Here is a glimpse at our schedule this week. Sunday: weekly church service; Monday: internet Bible study of Jeremiah; Tuesday: Bible study with believers in the city of Mazere (about 1 ½ hours from our home); Wednesday: meeting to speak English with folks with whom we have been able to share the Gospel; Thursday: Judy and I meet with a disciple for family and spiritual growth counseling; Friday: Bible study with new couple mentioned about; Saturday: Bible study and children’s Bible class in Campagne sur Arize (about 1 ½ from our home); and Youth meeting back in our town. We are delighted for the opportunities the Lord gives us to serve Him and those who serve with us. Above all, we are grateful for the wisdom and strength He gives us to do so.
And, we are very thankful that you are “in the ship with us”!
May God’s richest blessings be evident to each of you,
John and Judy
Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
2 T Impasse de la Picardie
31830 Plaisance du Touch
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Teaching Students to Be Better Ministers of Jesus

September 9, 2023
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ,
If you are reading this report, thank you. Thank you for taking an interest in what we are doing for the Lord in Kenya and for partnering with us for the glory of Jesus and for the spread of His kingdom. I really do appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and support and do not take it for granted, especially today as I not only am struggling with what to write in my report but I’m also struggling in my spirit. There is an anxiousness and strain in my spirit that I cannot explain and a very heavy spiritual and emotional weight that I am carrying today. Because of the inexplicable heaviness in my spirit today, I will remind myself what I am teaching my students in my Pentateuch class and see if it helps me. (An aside here: I had a number of students come to me before classes opened and told me that they were very excited to be in my Pentateuch class. Then they said, “What is the Pentateuch, anyway?” I had to laugh). I have been teaching my students that the Old Testament is the foundation of the New Testament and that it is difficult to comprehend what the New Testament is teaching without the revelation of the Old Testament. The Pentateuch is the foundation of the Old Testament and without it you would have a hard time understanding the rest of the Old Testament. Genesis is the foundation of the Pentateuch and gives us the origins and beginnings of the world, humanity, and God’s relations with humanity. Without Genesis you would have a hard time making sense of the Bible. The Abrahamic Covenant is the engine that drives the book of Genesis and thus, in turn, the Pentateuch, the Old Testament, and the New Testament. And the Abrahamic Covenant reveals the beginning of God’s plan to redeem the nations, to fix the universal problem of sin and rebellion, and to bring eternal blessings to his people. God has a plan – to redeem the nations. God has inaugurated his plan – in the Abrahamic Covenant. God has brought his plan to fruition – through his Messiah and Son, Jesus Christ. God has made his plan effectual in the lives of His people – you, me, and my beloved Kenyan students. Now, I have finished reviewing my initial lessons that I taught my students in my Pentateuch class, but I still am carrying the heavy spiritual weight in my soul. I must now try and have a spirit of thankfulness and gratitude today, in spite of the weight and struggle in my spirit. I know I must not be the only one with such a weight today and so I encourage each of you to also strive for a spirit of thankfulness and gratitude in all the struggles you also are facing today.
The new school year opened last week, and it was good to have all our returning students back on campus. It was also good to see a large batch of fresh, new faces on the brand-new students. Some were fearful, being so young and away from home for the first time in their lives. Others were older, experienced and married, and not as anxious and nervous about their new surroundings. But all are eager to learn the Bible and to love Jesus. In my orientation session for new students, I stressed that while academics is important, gaining knowledge is vital, and they all want good grades, that the real reason they are at our school is to grow in their love and service of Jesus and to learn to become better ministers for God’s people. I told them that our goal at Moffat was that at the end of their tenure at our school that they would be better ministers of Jesus: better at ministering God’s Word, better at serving and loving God’s people, better at pointing people to Jesus, and better at ministering to people’s souls through the Word of God and love of Jesus.
Please be in prayer for the Kenyan people. I don’t really know what the economic situation for all the nations around the world is, but I do know that in Kenya the situation is not good right now. Many people are striving financially, and many families are struggling. I know this is a common and repeated prayer request that I include in my newsletters, and you may be tired of hearing it. But the situation is still one of constant struggle for many families, and I wish that you would fervently pray for the people of Kenya, not just that economic struggles would be relieved but especially that they would know and love Jesus as their Savior.
Blessings to all,
Roger, Julie & Chloe
Roger & Julie Tate
Moffat Bible College
P.O. Box 70
Kijabe, Kenya 00220
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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A Baptism, A Wedding, & New Bible Study

August 8, 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The past few weeks have been very busy and wonderful. Judy and I have driven hundreds of miles, have seen God at work in many different ways and have had wonderful moments with our family.
Early in the month was our neighborhood dinner. It was at the very first of these that we met the first person who started coming to our first Bible study and who later trusted Christ as Savior. This year we met four new families with children who have moved into our neighborhood. All of these are in homes within 100 feet of ours. I was able to speak briefly with two of these couples about what we do here. They informed me that they respected the beliefs of others but were themselves atheist. This is an answer we hear often.

On July 24 we drove north about 200 miles to baptize an 80-year-old lady, Michelle Pascale. We met her for the first time 15 years ago and she trusted Christ 7 years ago. She asked me to preach from John 4 about the Samaritan woman Jesus met at the well. “I am that woman,” she said. This lady has 6 children and all but one were at the baptism along with their spouses and children. This weekend was also Michele’s birthday. She invited her children to celebrate her party hoping that they would also attend her baptism and hear the Gospel. Some said that they would not attend the baptism. However, God allowed us to befriend most of them before the baptism and I invited them to attend. ALL of them attended and in later conversations with me and other believers, they expressed how they were touched by the message. Please pray for Michelle’s family.
Our daughter, Lydia, and son-in-law, Adam, and their four children (our grandchildren) arrived from Chicago on the Tuesday after the baptism. They came to attend Nathalie’s marriage. Nathalie, our second grandchild and Philip and Amanda’s second child was married to Brice Arlot on August 5. Brice is a fine Christian young man from the city of Briançon, the highest European city in the Alps. Philip and Amanda are not only family, we have been working together in the mission work here for 21 years. We cannot begin to describe the central place they and their daughters have had in the service of the Lord in Tournefeuille and surrounding cities. I was honored to be asked by Nathalie and Brice to celebrate their wedding. What a joy it has been to see her come to Christ and herself serve as a missionary to refugees in Austria.
The trip to the Alps was about 400 miles each way around, up and down mountains. It was well worth it to be able to enjoy the outdoor wedding in a beautiful setting in the Alps. We met many believers and many who need Christ who are members of Brice’s family and friends.
Philip bringing in Nathalie to be married to Brice. Philip and Amanda Hatcher. Parents of the bride. (Our son and daughter-in-law and co-workers.) Marriage setting
Judy and I are delighted to be starting a new Bible study in the city of L’Union in the home of a family to which we have ministered for many years. Several people, seekers that we have never met are planning to attend this Bible study. Thank you for your prayers for this new opportunity.
We are continuing to enjoy Adam, Lydia and their children as I write.
May God’s riches blessings be enjoyed by you. We are delighted to be in the Lord’s service with your help.
Your brother and sister,
John and Judy Hatcher
Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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