Missionary Update: Mike & Beverly Creiglow in Brazil [November 2014]

Mike and Beverly Creiglow have served the Lord in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil together since 1971. In addition to pastoring First Baptist of Cruzeiro do Sul, Mike builds his own boats and frequently travels up and down rivers to share the Gospel with those who have never heard.

November 20, 2014

Dear Brethren,

Hello from under water Cruzeiro do Sul. We have had more rain in November than I can ever remember. The Tarauacá River is already out of its banks with hundreds of people driven from their homes. Even the Juruá River, which is much bigger, is almost to the top of the bank.

Speaking of under water and banks, let’s use the same words for different things. Brazil’s banks are making record amounts of money, but Brazil is “under water”. We are officially in a recession. Cruzeiro do Sul is really in trouble. Our inflation is always 3 times higher than the rest of the country. Last month our church was over $4,000.00 in the red in a budget of $20,000.00. We have 9 missionary families to support besides a few other staff members. Since my return to Brazil after a month’s vacation in the US, we have been able to recover much of the loss. We have 2 new missionaries to send though. I know many of you are going through much the same thing, so that will help you as you pray for us.

We are also having some tough times in our struggles with sin. The wife of one of our chapel pastors fell into adultery and she has not told him yet. One of our single missionaries has fallen into fornication with a lost friend who is now pregnant. We are dealing with other similar cases inside the home church. This has hit us as a wave. I could go on, but you get the picture.

Our missionary at Foz do Breu has decided to resign and become the associate pastor at Thaumaturgo. Pray for a replacement. This is a strategic, very important field right on the border with Peru. One of our Brazilian missionaries, José Maia, who we sent to Peru had his work visa cancelled and is in a huge battle to try to get a permanent visa.

Now, after all the gloom and doom, let me finish with some good news. This month I visited Cruzeirinho. They are growing steadily. They have moved their old wooden building up on the hillside and are building a new brick one. They already have the foundations, slab and some of the walls up. I started this building just before vacation. Porto Walter has finished their foundations and they are gearing up to pour the slab. I started this building program in late August. The work there is also growing. They have been caring for one of our congregations further up river at Vitória. They had been meeting in the school. They just put up a big wooden building and it is already under roof. I was supposed to raise the money for the roofing, but they did it on their own!

Last week we held a Family Workshop and couple’s retreat. At one stretch during those 5 days we had 48 hours of nonstop torrential rain. We still had good turnout. Besides the camp team, there were 42 couples at Salém (our camp).

Then a couple of weeks ago I presented and dedicated my youngest grandson at church. Devin is Andrew and Eline’s fourth child. He is 3 months old today.

Then to cap off the good news I got a call a few days ago from a brother in Rio Branco who decided to donate a brand new state of the art sound system to the church. He bought it at Brazil’s biggest technology fair in São Paulo. It is the most modern system in the world. He put the pile of boxes on a truck and sent a technician by plane to help us do the install. The tech, a half dozen of my guys and I took all day Friday and Saturday to tear out all of the old system and do a complete install from the ground up. I was skeptical about all they said it would do, but it works as billed!

Thanks for all of your prayers and support. Please take some extra time to pray for me as I deal with the huge problems and challenges we are facing. God bless you as much as He has us.

In Christ,

Mike and Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil 69980
mdcreig [at] hotmail.com

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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [November 2014]

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.

Dear friends and family,

What a wonderful month it has been— yes there are problems that need solutions; yes there are needs that have to be met, but in all, God is so —so AWESOME!

The past two months we had the awesome privilege of doing another wedding. This one, for Barb and I, was somewhat special. This couple has been attending Church from the beginning of this new work. They have two beautiful girls and I had the privilege of baptizing one of these girls several months ago. To cut the story short, behind many hours of discipleship, counseling, and praying -the couple decided to get their life right with the Lord. After years of living together they decided to get MARRIED. How AWESOME is the Lord we serve. This is not an easy decision for most couples here in Brasil. Their wedding was beautiful, and now the rest of the story- they have asked to be baptized. They will need to have much prayer for them as they have chosen to obey the Lord in the two things in their lives. Satan will not be happy and try to destroy their relationship.

Other events that are helping to mark our Churches ministry:

1. The youth prison in our area. They house young men of 13 to 17 years of age. In the past two months we have had 10 more youth accept Christ as their Savior. What a field that is ripe for harvest. Would you like to come and be a part of this ministry, taking the gospel to these young men? On our last visit we were able to take Bibles to each of these young men. They are not allowed to have personal items in their cells but the one thing that they can have is a Bible. And thanks to many of you, we were able to purchase and deliver these Bibles this week. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

2. The Seminary. This ministry is helping to lay good foundations for the Churches that are to come. As a new Church start, we know the need for a good foundation for our Churches. And we know that this foundation is laid with Bible truths, so for the last year we have had two semesters of Seminary training. With this we have seen good results in respect to the spiritual walk of the members of our Church and this is a result of the training in the Seminary. Thanks to Gardenside Baptist Church and Pastor Derick in Lexington, Kentucky, who are sponsoring the Seminary and doing the teaching .

AJ & Barb Hensley in Brazil November 2014We are ready now to expand. Not only have there been classes in Caraguatatuba, there also were classes in Garca, Sao Paulo and Orlanda, Sao Paulo this year. In the three areas of classes this year we have had around 150 students and more than half are pastors. We see this as a great tool to reach our State and our Country, Brasil for the Lord. So we are expanding our vision of reaching more people for Christ. So maybe your question is “How do we reach more people for Christ?” behind a seminary. The answer is —Training pastors from various regions and sending them back to their Churches to train others.

This coming year we are planning 2 more semesters of seminary in 4 regions of Sao Paulo. The last of April and the first Week of May are the planned months for the first part of the year and then a fall semester hopefully in September. There will be an added city, the city of Sao Paulo, one of the largest cities in the world. It is over 54 miles across. This will add many new students to the Seminary. And these new students will spread the gospel even further and this is our goal for the Seminary.

The two cities outside of our city are both around 8 hours away from Caragua. So this means many hours of travel and much wear and tear on our vehicles. As you have heard in other letters our vehicles are old and giving us much trouble in repair work. But thanks to several Churches there in the States, we are being able to keep our heads above water in the payment of the repairs. Thanks to all who are helping.

We have had to sell our oldest vehicle as it was costing more to keep it running than it was worth. We have managed to purchase a semi-new vehicle with a loan from the States and are hoping to get many years of use out of this one. The bus continues to have problems but that is to be expected because of the age. But we will hold firm as the bus is a large part of our ministry. We bring many children to Church with this bus. So pray for our vehicles as the roads are better than they used to be but they remain the worst enemy.

Through it all, God is AWESOME!! We may have problems but we know that we serve an AWESOME God. With your prayers and financial help we can be successful.

Keep us in your prayers and THANKS one more time for your continued financial help.

We are gearing up for the summer season here and are anxiously awaiting your visit next year. There are many things to do for the Lord here, so come on down and help us. Your bed is made and the light is on on the porch.

In His service,
Aj and Barb

Aj and Barbara Hensley

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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher on Furlough from Brazil [November 2014]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

October 29, 2014

Dear Brothers and Partners,

Days and months pass quickly. At the age of eighty-nine we have discovered that life passes more quickly than we could have imagined. Another wonderful truth we have discovered is: God never fails! He is with us and brings joys into our lives at every stage and age. Our address is: 15905 Mercott Court, Clermont, FL 34714; our phone is : 229-529-8497.

The present joy and blessing is: Our son Paul and wife, Wanda, have purchased a home in Florida and invited us to live with them. Willa, Wanda’s mother also lives with them. We thank God for their love and kindness. I do not drive any longer, and they have been more than a right arm to us. Needless to say, after being separated in our work for so long, we are enjoying the sweetness of their fellowship.

Paul and I have been working on the re-editing and printing of my book “Meet the Holy Spirit”. On Saturday, we will go with him to Arcadia, to the Temple Baptist Church where Brother Doug King is pastor. In November we will be going to Dearborn, Michigan to the Annual Mission Conference at New Hope Baptist Church where Terry Adkins is the pastor. On this trip, the Lord willing, we will make stops in Georgia and Lexington, KY.

The works in Brazil are going well. Pray for our son, David. He is in Brazil disposing and caring for all the things and house and two old cars we had there. He is being a great blessing to us.

May God bless each of you. We thank you for your love and support you have given for many years.

Sincerely in the Name of our Lord Jesus,
John A. and Alta Hatcher

John A. and Alta Hatcher
15905 Mercott Court
Clermont FL 34714

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Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher in Brazil [November 2014]

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil since 1974. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil since 1974. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.

November 01, 2014

Dear Friends,

Blessed be the one and only true God and Father, our Lord Jesus Christ. The Scripture says, “Rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice;” and certainly, this is a great way to start each new day granted to us by our loving and gracious Heavenly Father. God’s provision is always good and appropriate for each situation that comes our way – great reason to praise and rejoice in our Lord Jesus Christ.

I enjoyed a great trip to Brazil! Last letter, I was seated in the airport in Panama waiting for my fight connection to Manaus. About six hours later that night I debarked at the Manaus airport. Our son, missionary Judson, along with his wife, Raquel, and four children were there to receive me. I stayed at their house the first half of my stay. On arriving at their house, our son-in–law, Pastor Michael, and wife, Leigh Anne, and two children were waiting. Many hugs and kisses – wonderful to be with each of them – short visit – as it was late and the children had school early the next morning. I saw our daughter, Michelle, after her shift at the children’s hospital, and her son after school. The last days, I stayed at Michael and Leigh Anne’s house. Both Judson and Michael were great hosts. It was certainly great to see them all and hear and see how God is working in each of their lives.

The churches in north and northeastern Brazil are doing well. Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus has been doing remodeling of the Sunday school rooms. The church is hoping to complete the project by the end of October. It’s looking very nice and will be more usable and energy efficient. Energy cost in all Brazil is very high but especially expensive in Manaus. Pastor Michael Samples, our son-in-law, is doing the teaching and leading the church in our absence and is doing a great job.

Pastor Ivanildo Ross is visiting the new churches in the northeast to encourage them and help them with various issues. Some have not been able to complete their incorporation process in order to transfer the church facilities to each organized church. The legislation is complex, and often confusing, making it a challenge and, sometimes, reason for discouragement. The churches are doing well and growing despite the challenges. Pastor Ivanildo has been encouraged by the commitment and love the pastors have for the work of the Lord. The time in Brazil was productive and encouraging. I thank each of you who pray for God’s work in Brazil. Thank you indeed. God is answering the prayers.

Therefore, as recorded in the Scriptures, “I encourage first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings, presidents and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. There is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, for which I was appointed a preacher.”

Thanks again for your prayers and generous support to the work of missions in Brazil; may God be your great reward. We pray for you that your remembrance and knowledge of our Lord, the only true God, may abundantly increase in wisdom and discernment, that your trust and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ may be steadfast always, and that the love of his Holy Spirit may fill and overflow in your every word and action, with thanksgiving to God though Jesus Christ our only Lord and Life.

Paul and Wanda

Paul and Wanda Hatcher
15905 Mercott Court
Clermont, FL 34714
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Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher in Brazil [October 2014]

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil since 1974. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil since 1974. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.

October 02, 2014

Dear Friends,

Blessed be the one and only true God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Each new day we are richly blessed in Christ, therefore we rejoice and are glad in Him. Certainly the Lord has provided each and every need and that with much abundance.

I’m writing this letter seated in the airport in Panama, waiting for my flight connection to Manaus. The time in Manaus will be busy, speaking and encouraging the church and planning with the church leadership. Less exciting, but very necessary, will be looking after and caring for the legal responsibilities. God is always good and gracious, His mercies endure forever; so, I am expecting a very productive and encouraging time in Manaus.

On the third Sunday of September, we all – Dad, Mom, Willa, Wanda and I – were privileged to be back at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Mims, Fl – Pastor David Humphreys. I am thankful for the opportunity I had to minister the word in the morning and evening worship times, filling in for Pastor David who was on a much needed and deserved vacation. We had dinner with several of the church families. The food was delicious and the fellowship wonderful. It is always a treat to be with God’s people and hear and talk about the wonderful blessings our Heavenly Father graciously grants each day.

In Manaus, I am looking forward to seeing and spending some time with our children and their wonderful families. We certainly have missed being with them and enjoying all that God is doing in their lives. I guess you could say it will be catch-up time.

God bless each of you. Thanks for your prayers and generous support to the work of missions in Brazil; may God be your great reward. We pray for you that your remembrance and knowledge of our Lord, the only true God, may abundantly increase in wisdom and discernment, that your trust and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ may be steadfast always, and that the love of his Holy Spirit may fill and overflow in your every word and action, with thanksgiving to God through Jesus Christ our only Lord and Life.

Paul and Wanda

Paul and Wanda Hatcher
15905 Mercott Court
Clermont, FL 34714
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Missionary Update: The Wacasers in Brazil [October 2014]

Bobby, Charlene, Jessie, and Brennen Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.

October 3, 2014

Dear Friends,

I missed giving you a report last month on what’s going on, so I’ll try to get you caught up without making this letter too long.

In my last report, I mentioned that we were sending one of our young evangelists out into the jungle region where Brazil and French Guyana share a border. Alysson, our volunteer has now returned from that trip and has shared the experiences and results that he had while working there. In the course of one month the group went to several villages of Indian tribes and a few towns of small population. They were able to share the gospel in hospitals, public schools, public squares and in 67 homes. In all, they spoke to over 3390 persons and, of these, 750 made a profession of faith in Jesus. Alysson was so encouraged that now he wants to prepare to go to other regions as a missionary.

Our motorhomes are all running again and we have 3 teams out sharing the gospel as I write. During the last two months we took two of our teams to some neighboring towns to evangelize in the public schools and parks, as well as assisting some local churches with their missions training. Projeto Vida has gone through some very trying times, both financially and some health issues. Our leader of this ministry, Paulo Novaes, received a doctor’s report that he has cirrhosis of the liver. He, of course, is concerned and is having to change his diet, his exercise program and was advised that he’d have to stop stressing. It is this last item that is the most difficult. There are over 50 volunteers involved in this ministry and their well-being is a constant concern. Also, there are all the issues involved in maintaining 4 motorhomes equipped, fueled and running properly. Add to that, the relational issues between 12 people per motorhome living together in a small space for 3 weeks per month, 9 months per year. These are stress-generating issues, to say the least. Please pray for Paulo that he may know how to fully surrender these issues to the Lord and not let them destroy his health.

We just went through a rough period with the death of my co-pastor’s aunt. Glenda fought with breast cancer for nearly one year. She maintained a strong testimony to God’s grace and love throughout the ordeal, but the Lord saw fit to take her home last Sunday. Many of you have had to suffer a similar battle, either from having cancer yourself, or accompanying a loved one who had it. You know how hard this battle can be. My co-pastor’s family was strengthened by God’s grace as a result of this battle and we have seen in many ways how trials truly serve for our growth and spiritual well-being. We rejoice that Glenda no longer suffers the pain and uncertainty of how to please the Lord in sickness, but we are saddened by the family’s loss of their loved one.

Our church is experiencing encouraging growth, especially among our youth and children’s ministries. I am amazed every week while I’m preaching to look out upon the congregation and see so many new faces of folks that I’ve never met. Even more exciting than this is that they return week after week and several have come seeking to be baptized as followers of Christ. Next week we will be scheduling a baptismal service for 6-7 converts. We are so thankful to the Lord for using us and blessing us with these signs of His power at work around us.

Thank you for your continued prayer and faithful giving so that we may continue to serve the Lord here in southern Brazil.

In Christ’s love,

Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Sobrado 1, Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR Brasil

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Missionary Update: Mike & Beverly Creiglow in Brazil [September 2014]

Mike and Beverly Creiglow have served the Lord in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil together since 1971. In addition to pastoring First Baptist of Cruzeiro do Sul, Mike builds his own boats and frequently travels up and down rivers to share the Gospel with those who have never heard.

September 12, 2014

Dear Brethren,

Hello from the…….States! Right now Bev and I are on a short vacation in the States. So I am writing this from the mission house in Lexington, Kentucky. But before this could happen we had a lot to happen in Brazil.

The week before we left home I had several short mission trips to make.

The river is very low and the summer (dry season) is in full swing. Manuel and I headed 100 miles up river to Porto Walter to visit our congregation there and start the construction of their new building. It took us 9 hours in one of our aluminum canoes. Not bad for as low as the river is. We started laying out the position of the foundations and doing some digging the same day and worked into the night. The next day we managed to get a backhoe to do the biggest job on the lot. We managed to square up and level everything to begin the actual foundations. I just talked to Hudson and Manuel and they are up there, as I write, working on the footers.

Creiglows Brazil September 2014The same week we went across river to Miritizal to build the first truss for that new work. We had plenty of help from the members so it went pretty quickly. Just yesterday they sent me a picture of what they have done. They have the building under roof. This is the way I like to see things happen. I gave them a little help, instructed them on how to proceed and the task is finished while I rest up here in the US!

The weekend before leaving Cruzeiro do Sul I was able to visit our missionary Rivaldo at Nova Cintra. Most of the year I would go there by river, but in the dry season it can be reached by a narrow dirt road. They are in a brand new building and had over 200 people inside and almost that many that couldn’t get in. They are doing really great. One woman made a profession of faith on Saturday night.

P8192330On Tuesday, August 26th, Bev and I went to Manaus for our conference at Nova Igreja Batista. David Hatcher is pastor and has done a super job with this training/fellowship conference that happens every 2 years. There were pastors and leaders from 13 states, 5 countries and 39 different cities. We had over 30 from our home town. Unfortunately for me I took the flu along for the ride. I was able to go to the opening banquet and the last service. By Saturday night I was able to preach. There were over 3000 present. Bev and I went from church straight to the airport to catch our flight to the States.

Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.

In Christ,

Mike and Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil 69980
mdcreig [at] hotmail.com

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Missionary Update: Odali & Kathy Barros in Brazil [September 2014]

Odali and Kathy Barros served the Lord in Sao Paulo, Brazil together from 1987-2013. In late 2013, they transitioned to Manaus in Northern Brazil to start sharing the Gospel and planting churches in villages along the river.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We praise God for all he has done in our life and ministry. We thank Him for His watch care and guidance each day.

The work is coming along and growing each day in the community of Ubim. The children are so receptive. The come every week and don’t miss and have been bringing their friends. My brother’s church was going with us to the services, but as of the beginning of the month, they started a mission point in another village. We praise God for this. We have plans to start in 2 other places. We are looking at the city of Iranduba. It has a population of around 70,000 and apparently only one Baptist church that looks closed. We saw a building this week that would be perfect. It has a nice size auditorium, 4 room and bathrooms. Pray that if this is the place that God will help us be able to rent it.

barros sept1barros sept3We have people working with us to learn how to start a new work and also learning how to work with the children.

The church my brother pastors moved in to the new church building the last Sunday of July. We pray that they will continue to be excited and will reach out to the people around them.

barros sept2

We thank God that He allowed Kathy to go see her parents in the US. She got to stay there 2 weeks. She had a great time and was also able to see our 3 children that live in the US.

Pray for us as we make plans for each community we work in. We are looking at possibly renting a place in Ubim so we can have services on Sunday. The family that has opened their house for us to use have been wonderful. But, needless to say, this limits us. Pray with us that God would show us just the right place.

We thank each of your for your prayers and your support. May God bless each of you tremendously!

Odali and Kathy
Titus, Jonas and Gabriel

Odali & Kathy Barros
Caixa Postal 1
Iranduba, Amazonas 69.415.000
Brasil, S.A.

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