Missionary Update: Mike & Beverly Creiglow in Brazil [August 2014]

Mike and Beverly Creiglow have served the Lord in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil together since 1971. In addition to pastoring First Baptist of Cruzeiro do Sul, Mike builds his own boats and frequently travels up and down rivers to share the Gospel with those who have never heard.
August 13, 2014
Dear Brethren,
This month I spent 2 weeks on a motorcycle trip leaving Brazil and visiting Peru, Bolivia and Chile. This was for adventure, but the Kingdom is ever present. One of the things I wanted to do in Chile was buy a new computer at the Free Zone in Iquiqui. Baptist churches are not as prevalent or visible as in Brazil. The Andean culture is ancient and dominant. Very different from what I am used to here in Brazil. Nevertheless, while in Puno (city on the shores of Lake Titicaca) I met a great Baptist named Henry. He was saved at age 20 and is a member of a Baptist church of about 200 members. He teaches a Bible class 3 times a week. He went to Copacabana, Bolivia with us. There are no more American missionaries in Bolivia, or so I was told. The president there hates all Americans. Henry says that many Bolivians are being saved in spite of the persecution by the president who he described as “tonto” or CRAZY! My good friend Sherman Smith was along for this trip and we almost got caught in “no man’s land” for Americans on the border between Bolivia and Peru. It was tense. I won’t be going back to Bolivia any time soon. Anyway we traveled 3500 miles through the Andes. Much of the trip was at 15,000 feet. One mountain pass was 16,000 feet. The winds were violent. We were in temps at or below 0º much of the time. We stayed one night at a little town called Macusani which is almost 16,000 feet. There was no heat in the rooms and no water in the communal bathroom. Most of our guys were fainting, vomiting, dizzy and out of breath. I was fine. Like I said: adventure!
We had a good month here at church. There was another baptism with 26 new members. Last weekend we had 3 days of special services. The main feature was the tenth anniversary of our theatre group. Each night they presented a play which they created around a pirate theme. The message was about the true treasure of salvation in Christ. There were 9 people saved just this weekend and 5 more requests for baptism.
The five pastors of First Baptist Church have been busy working with our chapels and chapel pastors. At the beginning of this year we allowed our chapels to have Sunday evening services. For a short time this put a dent in our attendance at the mother church. Now it looks like we have already grown back the ones who now attend the chapel services. Sunday night we were at capacity again. This past weekend the Catholic church had their biggest festivity of the year, but had no impact on our attendance.
Zico, our missions director, took Idevaldo and wife to visit the town of Jordão on the upper reaches of the Tarauacá River. They are our newest missionary couple and we will be sending them to the field later this year. The church has already approved them and put them on full time salary.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike and Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil 69980
mdcreig [at] hotmail.com
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Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher on Furlough from Brazil [August 2014]

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil since 1974. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.
July 30, 2014
Dear Friends,
Praise God for all His wonderful blessings. We are half way through this year; and, God has been so marvelous in providing each need. First, He has given us hope of eternal life by His side, and even now, the presence of His indwelling spirit. He also provides the very smallest needs of each day as well as the monumental ones. God is awesome – always good, just, and true.
At the beginning of the month, I was in Brazil for ten days meeting with pastors and staff concerning the planning and follow-up of projects underway. One of the special moments was Tabernacle Baptist Church’s celebration of our 66th homecoming. The church was organized July 4, 1948, under the leadership of Pastor Francisco Santiago (who also performed my baptism when I was a child). The church beginnings were very simple, in a small rented house, with backless, board benches, in a short alley called Beco Vila Mamão. The mother church was First Baptist Church of Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, that had been started by BFM’s first missionary to the Amazon, Joe Brandon. Pastor Santiago had been the first convert and baptized believer under Bro. Brandon’s ministry in Cruzeiro do Sul. By the way, Francisco Santiago’s intent when he went to Bro. Brandon’s street meeting was to interrupt and run him out of town. Upon hearing the word, he became motionless in his hiding place behind a bush and commented to a friend who had come along to help him, “This is not of the devil.” The next night they came back to hear more and were saved! A few months later, a statue in the local catholic church fell and broke and the believers were blamed for it; an intense persecution began. Francisco Santiago, along with his family, fled for his life. That’s how he wound up in Manaus, almost a thousand miles down river. Praise God; how marvelous indeed is our God. Sixty-six years later, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren churches have spread in more than half of the states of Brazil. Aren’t you glad to be a part of the great things God is doing through your giving and prayers? God is awesome!
God bless each of you. Thanks for your prayer and faithful support to the work of missions; may God be your great reward. We pray for you that your remembrance and knowledge of our Lord, the only true God, may abundantly increase, that your trust and faith in him may be steadfast in all things, and that the love of the Spirit may fill and overflow in your every word and action, with thanksgiving to God though Jesus Christ our only Lord and Life.
Paul and Wanda
Paul and Wanda Hatcher
615 Key West Avenue
Davenport, Fl 33897-6300
Click here to give.
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Missionary Update: Mike & Beverly Creiglow in Brazil [July 2014]

Mike and Beverly Creiglow have served the Lord in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil together since 1971. In addition to pastoring First Baptist of Cruzeiro do Sul, Mike builds his own boats and frequently travels up and down rivers to share the Gospel with those who have never heard.
July 10, 2014
Dear Brethren,
Bev and I went back to Pé da Terra for a few days of training with the church there. We are trying to help them with their financial teaching and management. There were over 50 members present for the 4 lessons I taught during 4 nights.
We had another baptism at First Baptist this month. I baptized another 32 new members. That has been right at the average all this year. Attendance has been a little below average for the month. That is to be expected during the World Cup. The consolation game is coming up on Saturday. Brazil will be playing after being humiliated by Germany in the worst match in World Cup history. All that to say that spirits are generally at a low ebb in Brazil, but we still have a lot of good news about the Good News.
Our annual missions conference was a huge success. We had very big crowds for all meetings. We even had 3 more professions of faith and 2 more requests for baptism, even though no invitation was given. Five more were baptized, too. We had the usual 100+ present for the annual pastors and missionaries’ meeting. Also during the conference we had a special business meeting to approve Idevaldo and family as our newest missionaries and to approve his being put on payroll, full time beginning August 1st. Zico will be taking them to visit the field at Jordão on July 21st. We hope to move them there by October or November.
It was my privilege to participate in the organization of our newest Baptist church. Three of our churches in the western region past Cruzeiro do Sul started a work at Japãozinho. The name of the place is “Little Japan” although there are no Japanese within several thousand miles! The churches at Mourapiranga, Pentecostes and Assis Brasil cooperated to begin the preaching point 16 years ago. The new church adopted the name Igreja Batista Elohim and starts out with 25 charter members. They already have a beautiful new building. Their pastor, who has already been working with them for 12 years is Pedro Mariano. Most importantly they are already participating in mission projects. Authority was granted by First Baptist Church of Assis Brasil.
I visited our chapels at Cruzeirinho and Centrinho. Centrinho has just finished putting up a little wood frame building. Cruzeirinho has moved their wooden building to the back of the lot and is getting ready to build a nice big brick building on the front of the lot. All of our chapels are growing at a steady pace. We now have 7 chapels placed strategically around town. Last year we had only 4. Our youngest is Cruzeirão and is meeting on a rented lot, but we are looking for property. One more is to open soon out near our house on the north side of town. We have property and 2 workers being prepared right now.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike and Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil 69980
mdcreig [at] hotmail.com
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Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher on Furlough from Brazil [July 2014]

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil since 1974. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.
Dear Friends, June 30, 2014
Thanks to our good Lord for all His provisions. We are all doing well; we had a blessed month. We visited the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Mims, Florida, and had a great time of fellowship with Pastor David Humphries. Dad shared about the mission work in Brazil during the Sunday School hour, and, I preached in the morning service. After the service, there was a fellowship meal; we had a great time talking to the brethren, and the food was delicious. We are thankful for those who lift us up in prayer and faithfully contribute to missions.
The Lord gave us the opportunity to receive visits from family from Brazil – my brother, David, and his wife, Pennie; my sister, Kathy; our daughter, Michelle, and our grandson, Luke. It is great to have special time with family. We always have a good time of joy and celebration for all God is doing.
We also received a visit from a couple of families from the church in Manaus who were in the Orlando area for few days. It’s good to hear and to talk about the stories of God’s interaction in our lives and in the lives of our friends.
During June and July the world soccer cup has all Brazil in a state of high emotions and, of course, the expectation of winning. Several of the soccer games were hosted in Manaus. Everything comes to a standstill on game days. Several of the churches had special rallies and evangelistic outreach for the sports enthusiasts. Pray for all those who professed their faith in Christ during this season, that they may grow in the Lord and be steadfast.
Concerning our prayer request last month, Pastor Adolfo Escote, pastor of the Second Baptist Church of Santa Etelvina, in Manaus, who had retina displacement in both eyes, is much improved; there is still a minor displacement, however, the doctors have let him return to work. We thank our father for His goodness so richly and abundantly supplied to Pastor Adolfo and his family.
God bless each of you. Thanks for your prayer and faithful support to the work of missions; may God be your great reward. We pray for you that your remembrance and knowledge of our Lord, the only true God, may abundantly increase, that your trust and faith in him may be steadfast in all things, and that the love of the Spirit may fill and overflow in your every word and action with thanksgiving to God through Jesus Christ our only Lord and Life.
Love, Paul and Wanda
Paul and Wanda Hatcher
615 Key West Avenue
Davenport, Fl 33897-6300
Click here to give.
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Missionary Update: Mike & Beverly Creiglow in Brazil [June 2014]

Mike and Beverly Creiglow have served the Lord in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil together since 1971. In addition to pastoring First Baptist of Cruzeiro do Sul, Mike builds his own boats and frequently travels up and down rivers to share the Gospel with those who have never heard.
June 12, 2014
Today is a big deal any way you look at it. Today is “Valentines Day” in Brazil. Today is the opening game of the World Cup soccer tournament, which is being held in Brazil. The tournament returns to Brazil after our loss in the final match in 1950. The really big deal today though, is that Bev and I have now been married for 44 years! Time flies when you are having fun and boy are we having fun.
Last month I made 2 river trips and 2 road trips visiting our works in the interior. The first trip was to preach a couple of times at Pé da Terra. The church there has really picked up since Aésio took over as pastor. This church is on the road to Mâncio Lima. They are having an attendance over 100 in a very rural setting.

Bro. Creiglow and Pastor Alexandre with floor plans for the new building at Port Walter on the upper Juruá River.
The next trip was up the Juruá River to work with the congregation there on their plans to build a new building. Their old wooden building is shot. They have such crowds that the floor is starting to sag. Even so they are going to shore it up and add another 12 feet to the length of it until they can get the ball rolling on their new facilities. We came to the consensus that they should build a 2 story brick building with 8 classrooms and other rooms on the lower floor and the second floor will be their new auditorium. They will have access to the auditorium directly from street level via a ramp, since the property is on a slope. Upon my return home I drew up the floor plans and virtual views. Last week I took those up to present and explain to the congregation. I have included a picture with Pastor Alexandre and me holding up one of the sets of drawings. They don’t have much money, but they are excited.
PMy next visit was to Santa Rosa. They called one of our guys from First Baptist to be their new pastor. They had been without a pastor for a few months and we had been helping them by sending someone every weekend and sometimes during the week, too. They called Alquimar, nicknamed “Guima”. He and his wife, Isabel, have a little boy called Douglas. Their building is very nice and even has AC! It was packed for the Sunday night service when we officially “installed” him in the pulpit.
Somewhere in there Hudson and I made it back to the mountains on the Moa River. There was still quite a bit of water in the river, so the trip was long but a breeze. We didn’t even get rained on! We had the congregations from República and Serra together for the weekend. On Sunday morning we held a baptism and 14 were baptized.
Last week Hudson and I went all the way back up the Juruá River to the Peruvian border where we gathered 4 of our missionaries and had a 3 day visit with our congregation, too. The river is now very low. We went in my 16’ shallow water boat with 25HP outboard. We managed to get there with the prop drive. However I took the jet drive, just in case. Well it was the case. The river went down another 12 to 18 inches during the days we were there. On Sunday afternoon it took us a couple of hours to switch out the prop drive for the jet pump. We got it all checked out and tested before the last service that evening. We got up at 4 something in the morning and were already on the river by 5:00AM. It was still pitch dark, but that is not a problem for the jet drive as long as you can keep the boat between the river banks. It took us 15 hours to come down stream. It is over 455Km (284 miles) from the border to Cruzeiro do Sul. After we got past the last set of rapids we stopped and switched back to the prop drive. It took us only 28 minutes to make the swap. Otherwise we would have been on the river for 18 hours. By 8:00PM I had the boat out of the water. That was an ordeal, which I am trying to forget. We still have no boat ramp in the largest city on the Juruá River! Beverly was waiting to make me some supper after the 24 hour fast.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike and Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil 69980
mdcreig [at] hotmail.com
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